Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function loadRoleOptions()
     if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet('SelectOptions')) {
     $this->set('roleOptions', $this->Roles->find('list', array('fields' => array('Roles.role_name', 'Roles.role_name'))));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Add for problem.
  * @param string $foreignKey, Book id 
 public function add($objectType, $foreignKey)
     try {
         $model = Inflector::classify($objectType);
         if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($model)) {
             $this->{$model} = ClassRegistry::init(Configure::read('Problems.Models.' . $model));
         } else {
             $this->{$model} = ClassRegistry::getObject($model);
         if (get_class($this->{$model}) === 'AppModel') {
             throw new Exception(__d('problems', 'Could not save the Problem of unallowed type.'));
         $result = $this->{$model}->report($foreignKey, $this->Auth->user('id'), $this->request->data);
         if ($result === true) {
             $this->_setFlash(__d('problems', 'The problem has been saved'), 'success');
     } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
         $this->_setFlash($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     } catch (LogicException $e) {
         $this->_setFlash($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->_setFlash($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     $types = $this->{$model}->Problem->types;
     $this->set(compact('foreignKey', 'types', 'objectType'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * コンストラクタ
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function __construct()
     $this->_view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
     if (isInstalled()) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('Permission')) {
             $this->Permission = ClassRegistry::getObject('Permission');
         } else {
             $this->Permission = ClassRegistry::init('Permission');
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('Page')) {
             $this->Page = ClassRegistry::getObject('Page');
         } else {
             $this->Page = ClassRegistry::init('Page');
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('PageCategory')) {
             $this->PageCategory = ClassRegistry::getObject('PageCategory');
         } else {
             $this->PageCategory = ClassRegistry::init('PageCategory');
         if (isset($this->_view->viewVars['siteConfig'])) {
             $this->siteConfig = $this->_view->viewVars['siteConfig'];
         // プラグインのBaserヘルパを初期化
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function input($fieldName, $options = array())
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->model())) {
         $model =& ClassRegistry::getObject($this->model());
         if ($model->isOrigamiColumn($fieldName)) {
             $type = $model->getOrigamiColumnType($fieldName);
             if (method_exists($this, $type)) {
                 // We are specifying the type, so we need to remove any user specified types
                 $out = $this->{$type}($fieldName, $options);
                 // The code is this section is mostly copied from the cake php
                 // FormHelper input method
                 $div = true;
                 $divOptions = array();
                 if (array_key_exists('div', $options)) {
                     $div = $options['div'];
                 if (!empty($div)) {
                     $divOptions['class'] = 'input';
                     $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, $type);
                     if (is_string($div)) {
                         $divOptions['class'] = $div;
                     } elseif (is_array($div)) {
                         $divOptions = array_merge($divOptions, $div);
                     if (in_array($this->field(), $this->fieldset['validates'])) {
                         $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'required');
                     if (!isset($divOptions['tag'])) {
                         $divOptions['tag'] = 'div';
                 if ($type != 'hidden') {
                     $error = null;
                     if (isset($options['error'])) {
                         $error = $options['error'];
                     if ($error !== false) {
                         $errMsg = $this->error($fieldName, $error);
                         if ($errMsg) {
                             $out .= $errMsg;
                             $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'error');
                 if (isset($divOptions) && isset($divOptions['tag'])) {
                     $tag = $divOptions['tag'];
                     $out = $this->Html->tag($tag, $out, $divOptions);
                 // end cake php inputs copy
                 return $out;
     return parent::input($fieldName, $options);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * KeywordConfig モデルを準備する
 private function setUpModel()
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->plugin . '.KeywordConfig')) {
         $this->KeywordConfigModel = ClassRegistry::getObject($this->plugin . '.KeywordConfig');
     } else {
         $this->KeywordConfigModel = ClassRegistry::init($this->plugin . '.KeywordConfig');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * construct
  * @param View $View
 public function __construct(View $View)
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('Page')) {
         $this->Page = ClassRegistry::getObject('Page');
     } else {
         $this->Page = ClassRegistry::init('Page', 'Model');
  * Setup the behaviour and merge in the settings. Check that the model has the
  * required fields
  * @param Model $model
  * @param array $config
 public function setup(Model $model, $config = array())
     parent::setup($model, $config);
     $this->settings[$model->alias] = array_merge($this->defaults, $config);
     $this->modelAlias = $model->alias;
     if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->settings[$model->alias]['statusModel'])) {
         $this->Status = ClassRegistry::init($this->settings[$model->alias]['statusModel']);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function beforeRender()
     $models = ClassRegistry::keys();
     foreach ($models as $currentModel) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($currentModel)) {
             $currentObject =& ClassRegistry::getObject($currentModel);
             if (is_a($currentObject, 'Model') && !empty($currentObject->validationErrors)) {
                 $this->validationErrors[Inflector::camelize($currentModel)] =& $currentObject->validationErrors;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Get log instance.
  * @param [type] $className [description]
  * @return CakeLog instance.
 public static function getLog($className = null)
     if (empty($className)) {
         $className = Common::read('Log.classname', 'CakeLog');
     list($plugin, $className) = pluginSplit($className, true);
     $key = 'CommonLog';
     if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet('CommonLog')) {
         App::uses($className, $plugin . 'Log');
         ClassRegistry::addObject('CommonLog', new $className());
     $Log = ClassRegistry::getObject('CommonLog');
     return $Log;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function getEnumValues($ModelField)
     // split input into Model and Fieldname
     $m = explode('.', $ModelField);
     if ($m[0] == $ModelField) {
         return false;
     } else {
         !ClassRegistry::isKeySet($m[0]) ? $this->loadModel($m[0]) : false;
         $type = $this->{$m}[0]->getColumnType($m[1]);
         preg_match_all("/'(.*?)'/", $type, $enums);
         foreach ($enums[1] as $value) {
             $enumList[$value] = $value;
         return $enumList;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Sets up the configuation for the model, and loads ACL models if they haven't been already
  * @param mixed $config
 function setup(&$model, $config = array())
     if (is_string($config)) {
         $config = array('type' => $config);
     $this->settings[$model->alias] = array_merge(array('type' => 'requester'), (array) $config);
     $type = $this->__typeMaps[$this->settings[$model->alias]['type']];
     if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($type)) {
         uses('model' . DS . 'db_acl');
         $object =& new $type();
     } else {
         $object =& ClassRegistry::getObject($type);
     $model->{$type} =& $object;
     if (!method_exists($model, 'parentNode')) {
         trigger_error("Callback parentNode() not defined in {$model->alias}", E_USER_WARNING);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function __debug()
     $argc = func_num_args();
     $args = func_get_args();
     if ($argc == 0) {
         return false;
     global $__session;
     if (Configure::read() == 0) {
         return false;
     $class = 'CakeSession';
     if ($__session === null) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($class)) {
             $__session =& ClassRegistry::getObject($class);
         } else {
             if (!class_exists($class)) {
                 App::import('Core', $class);
             $__session =& new $class();
             ClassRegistry::addObject($class, $__session);
     $session =& $__session;
     if (!$session->started()) {
     $debugs = array();
     if ($session->check('debug.printable')) {
         $debugs = $session->read('debug.printable');
     $debugger =& Debugger::getInstance();
     $trace = $debugger->trace(aa('start', 2, 'format', 'array'));
     while ($trace[0]['function'] === __FUNCTION__ || false !== strpos($trace[0]['function'], 'call_user_func')) {
     $debug = compact('args', 'trace');
     $debugs = array_merge($debugs, array($debug));
     // debug(compact('prints','args'));
     $session->write('debug.printable', $debugs);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * undocumented
  * @access public
 function &getComponent($component)
     $componentKey = 'Component.' . $component;
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($componentKey)) {
         $Component =& ClassRegistry::getObject($componentKey);
     } else {
         Assert::true(App::import('Component', $component));
         $class = $component . 'Component';
         $Component = new $class();
         $Controller = new Controller();
         if (method_exists($Component, 'initialize')) {
             $Component->initialize($Controller, array());
         if (method_exists($Component, 'startup')) {
     return $Component;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Sets up the configuation for the model, and loads ACL models if they haven't been already
  * @param mixed $config
 function setup(&$model, $config = array())
     if (empty($config)) {
         $config = array('Aro');
     } elseif (is_string($config)) {
         $config = array($config);
     $this->settings[$model->name]['types'] = $config;
     foreach ($this->settings[$model->name]['types'] as $type) {
         if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($type)) {
             uses('model' . DS . 'db_acl');
             $object =& new $type();
         } else {
             $object =& ClassRegistry::getObject($type);
         $model->{$type} =& $object;
     if (!method_exists($model, 'parentNode')) {
         trigger_error("Callback parentNode() not defined in {$model->name}", E_USER_WARNING);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function __construct(&$controller)
     if (is_object($controller)) {
         $this->viewVars = $controller->viewVars;
         if (isset($controller->compress)) {
             $this->compress = $controller->compress;
         if ($this->compress === true) {
             $this->compress = 30100;
         $dispatcher = AmfDispatcher::getInstance();
         $vars = array('binaryType', 'binaryLength', 'bigEndian', 'references', 'stored', 'types', 'requests', 'request', 'header', 'body', 'encoding');
         foreach ($vars as $var) {
             $this->{$var} = $dispatcher->{$var};
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('amfview')) {
         $amf = ClassRegistry::getObject('amfview');
         $this->stream = $amf->stream;
         $this->__hasRendered = $amf->__hasRendered;
     ClassRegistry::addObject('amfview', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function establishBindings(&$Model, $modelName = false)
     if (!$modelName) {
         $modelName = $this->settings[$Model->name]['with'];
     if (!isset($Model->hasMany[$modelName])) {
         // if the model is not already in the class registry create it
         if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet(Inflector::tableize($modelName))) {
             // if the calling model is 'User' creates a 'UserData' model using the eav_data table
             $EavModel =& ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'AppModel', 'name' => $modelName, 'alias' => $modelName, 'table' => 'eav_data'));
         // bind the data to the model
         $Model->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array($modelName => array('foreignKey' => 'entity_id'))), false);
     if (!isset($Model->{$modelName}->belongsTo['Attribute'])) {
         // Attribute and Datatype helper tables store the meaningful data
         $Model->{$modelName}->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Attribute')), false);
     if (!isset($Model->{$modelName}->Attribute->belongsTo['Datatype'])) {
         $Model->{$modelName}->Attribute->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Datatype')), false);
     if (isset($Model->{$modelName}->Attribute->belongsTo['Datatype'])) {
         $eav_tables = $Model->{$modelName}->Attribute->Datatype->getEnumValues('table');
          * leetness .. add new data storage tables by creating
          * eav_{$datatypes} and extend the 'table' enum in the
          * 'datatypes' table.  Models will be created on the fly.
         foreach ($eav_tables as $eav_table) {
             $eavModelName = 'Eav' . Inflector::camelize(strtolower($eav_table));
             if (!isset($Model->{$modelName}->belongsTo[$eavModelName])) {
                 $eavTableArray = array($eavModelName => array('foreignKey' => 'value_id'));
                 $Model->{$modelName}->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => $eavTableArray), false);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Handles the lazy loading of model associations by looking in the association arrays for the requested variable
  * @param string $name variable tested for existence in class
  * @return boolean true if the variable exists (if is a not loaded model association it will be created), false otherwise
 public function __isset($name)
     $className = false;
     foreach ($this->_associations as $type) {
         if (isset($name, $this->{$type}[$name])) {
             $className = empty($this->{$type}[$name]['className']) ? $name : $this->{$type}[$name]['className'];
         } elseif (isset($name, $this->__backAssociation[$type][$name])) {
             $className = empty($this->__backAssociation[$type][$name]['className']) ? $name : $this->__backAssociation[$type][$name]['className'];
         } else {
             if ($type == 'hasAndBelongsToMany') {
                 foreach ($this->{$type} as $k => $relation) {
                     if (empty($relation['with'])) {
                     if (is_array($relation['with'])) {
                         if (key($relation['with']) === $name) {
                             $className = $name;
                     } else {
                         list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($relation['with']);
                         if ($class === $name) {
                             $className = $relation['with'];
                     if ($className) {
                         $assocKey = $k;
                         $dynamic = !empty($relation['dynamicWith']);
                         break 2;
     if (!$className) {
         return false;
     list($plugin, $className) = pluginSplit($className);
     if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($className) && !empty($dynamic)) {
         $this->{$className} = new AppModel(array('name' => $className, 'table' => $this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assocKey]['joinTable'], 'ds' => $this->useDbConfig));
     } else {
         $this->_constructLinkedModel($name, $className, $plugin);
     if (!empty($assocKey)) {
         $this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assocKey]['joinTable'] = $this->{$name}->table;
         if (count($this->{$name}->schema()) <= 2 && $this->{$name}->primaryKey !== false) {
             $this->{$name}->primaryKey = $this->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assocKey]['foreignKey'];
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Build an array-based association from string.
  * @param string $type 'belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany'
  * @return void
  * @access private
 function __generateAssociation($type)
     foreach ($this->{$type} as $assocKey => $assocData) {
         $class = $assocKey;
         $dynamicWith = false;
         foreach ($this->__associationKeys[$type] as $key) {
             if (!isset($this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key]) || $this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key] === null) {
                 $data = '';
                 switch ($key) {
                     case 'fields':
                         $data = '';
                     case 'foreignKey':
                         $data = ($type == 'belongsTo' ? Inflector::underscore($assocKey) : Inflector::singularize($this->table)) . '_id';
                     case 'associationForeignKey':
                         $data = Inflector::singularize($this->{$class}->table) . '_id';
                     case 'with':
                         $data = Inflector::camelize(Inflector::singularize($this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable']));
                         $dynamicWith = true;
                     case 'joinTable':
                         $tables = array($this->table, $this->{$class}->table);
                         $data = $tables[0] . '_' . $tables[1];
                     case 'className':
                         $data = $class;
                     case 'unique':
                         $data = true;
                 $this->{$type}[$assocKey][$key] = $data;
         if (!empty($this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'])) {
             $joinClass = $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'];
             if (is_array($joinClass)) {
                 $joinClass = key($joinClass);
             $plugin = null;
             if (strpos($joinClass, '.') !== false) {
                 list($plugin, $joinClass) = explode('.', $joinClass);
                 $plugin = $plugin . '.';
                 $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['with'] = $joinClass;
             if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($joinClass) && $dynamicWith === true) {
                 $this->{$joinClass} = new AppModel(array('name' => $joinClass, 'table' => $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable'], 'ds' => $this->useDbConfig));
             } else {
                 $this->__constructLinkedModel($joinClass, $plugin . $joinClass);
                 $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['joinTable'] = $this->{$joinClass}->table;
             if (count($this->{$joinClass}->schema()) <= 2 && $this->{$joinClass}->primaryKey !== false) {
                 $this->{$joinClass}->primaryKey = $this->{$type}[$assocKey]['foreignKey'];
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Returns an HTML FORM element.
  * ### Options:
  * - `type` Form method defaults to POST
  * - `action`  The controller action the form submits to, (optional).
  * - `url`  The url the form submits to. Can be a string or a url array.  If you use 'url'
  *    you should leave 'action' undefined.
  * - `default`  Allows for the creation of Ajax forms.
  * - `onsubmit` Used in conjunction with 'default' to create ajax forms.
  * - `inputDefaults` set the default $options for FormHelper::input(). Any options that would
  *	be set when using FormHelper::input() can be set here.  Options set with `inputDefaults`
  *	can be overridden when calling input()
  * - `encoding` Set the accept-charset encoding for the form.  Defaults to `Configure::read('App.encoding')`
  * @access public
  * @param string $model The model object which the form is being defined for
  * @param array $options An array of html attributes and options.
  * @return string An formatted opening FORM tag.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1384/Creating-Forms
 function create($model = null, $options = array())
     $created = $id = false;
     $append = '';
     if (is_array($model) && empty($options)) {
         $options = $model;
         $model = null;
     if (empty($model) && $model !== false && !empty($this->request['models'])) {
         $model = $this->request['models'][0];
         $this->defaultModel = $this->request['models'][0];
     } elseif (empty($model) && empty($this->request['models'])) {
         $model = false;
     $models = ClassRegistry::keys();
     foreach ($models as $currentModel) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($currentModel)) {
             $currentObject =& ClassRegistry::getObject($currentModel);
             if (is_a($currentObject, 'Model') && !empty($currentObject->validationErrors)) {
                 $this->validationErrors[Inflector::camelize($currentModel)] =& $currentObject->validationErrors;
     if ($model !== false) {
         $object = $this->_introspectModel($model);
         $this->setEntity($model . '.', true);
     $modelEntity = $this->model();
     if ($model !== false && isset($this->fieldset[$modelEntity]['key'])) {
         $data = $this->fieldset[$modelEntity];
         $recordExists = isset($this->request->data[$model]) && !empty($this->request->data[$model][$data['key']]) && !is_array($this->request->data[$model][$data['key']]);
         if ($recordExists) {
             $created = true;
             $id = $this->request->data[$model][$data['key']];
     $options = array_merge(array('type' => $created && empty($options['action']) ? 'put' : 'post', 'action' => null, 'url' => null, 'default' => true, 'encoding' => strtolower(Configure::read('App.encoding')), 'inputDefaults' => array()), $options);
     $this->_inputDefaults = $options['inputDefaults'];
     if (!isset($options['id'])) {
         $domId = isset($options['action']) ? $options['action'] : $this->request['action'];
         $options['id'] = $this->domId($domId . 'Form');
     if ($options['action'] === null && $options['url'] === null) {
         $options['action'] = $this->request->here(false);
     } elseif (empty($options['url']) || is_array($options['url'])) {
         if (empty($options['url']['controller'])) {
             if (!empty($model) && $model != $this->defaultModel) {
                 $options['url']['controller'] = Inflector::underscore(Inflector::pluralize($model));
             } elseif (!empty($this->request->params['controller'])) {
                 $options['url']['controller'] = Inflector::underscore($this->request->params['controller']);
         if (empty($options['action'])) {
             $options['action'] = $this->request->params['action'];
         $actionDefaults = array('plugin' => $this->plugin, 'controller' => $this->_View->viewPath, 'action' => $options['action']);
         $options['action'] = array_merge($actionDefaults, (array) $options['url']);
         if (empty($options['action'][0]) && !empty($id)) {
             $options['action'][0] = $id;
     } elseif (is_string($options['url'])) {
         $options['action'] = $options['url'];
     switch (strtolower($options['type'])) {
         case 'get':
             $htmlAttributes['method'] = 'get';
         case 'file':
             $htmlAttributes['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
             $options['type'] = $created ? 'put' : 'post';
         case 'post':
         case 'put':
         case 'delete':
             $append .= $this->hidden('_method', array('name' => '_method', 'value' => strtoupper($options['type']), 'id' => null));
             $htmlAttributes['method'] = 'post';
     $this->requestType = strtolower($options['type']);
     $htmlAttributes['action'] = $this->url($options['action']);
     unset($options['type'], $options['action']);
     if ($options['default'] == false) {
         if (isset($htmlAttributes['onSubmit']) || isset($htmlAttributes['onsubmit'])) {
             $htmlAttributes['onsubmit'] .= ' event.returnValue = false; return false;';
         } else {
             $htmlAttributes['onsubmit'] = 'event.returnValue = false; return false;';
     if (!empty($options['encoding'])) {
         $htmlAttributes['accept-charset'] = $options['encoding'];
     $htmlAttributes = array_merge($options, $htmlAttributes);
     $this->fields = array();
     if (isset($this->request->params['_Token']) && !empty($this->request->params['_Token'])) {
         $append .= $this->hidden('_Token.key', array('value' => $this->request->params['_Token']['key'], 'id' => 'Token' . mt_rand()));
     if (!empty($append)) {
         $append = $this->Html->useTag('block', ' style="display:none;"', $append);
     $this->setEntity($model . '.', true);
     return $this->Html->useTag('form', $htmlAttributes) . $append;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Private helper method to create associated models of given class.
  * @param string $assoc
  * @param string $className Class name
  * @param string $type Type of assocation
  * @access private
 function __constructLinkedModel($assoc, $className)
     $colKey = Inflector::underscore($className);
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($colKey)) {
         $this->{$assoc} =& ClassRegistry::getObject($colKey);
         $this->{$className} =& $this->{$assoc};
     } else {
         $this->{$assoc} =& new $className();
         $this->{$className} =& $this->{$assoc};
     $this->alias[$assoc] = $this->{$assoc}->table;
     $this->tableToModel[$this->{$assoc}->table] = $className;
     $this->modelToTable[$assoc] = $this->{$assoc}->table;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Tests that a model can be loaded from the model names passed in the request object
  * @return void
 public function testIntrospectModelFromRequest()
     App::build(array('Plugin' => array(CAKE . 'Test' . DS . 'test_app' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS)));
     $this->Form->request['models'] = array('TestPluginPost' => array('plugin' => 'TestPlugin', 'className' => 'TestPluginPost'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('TestPluginPost', ClassRegistry::getObject('TestPluginPost'));
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * 公開状態を取得する
  * @param array $data ブログ記事
  * @return boolean 公開状態
 public function allowPublish($data)
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('BlogPost')) {
         $BlogPost = ClassRegistry::getObject('BlogPost');
     } else {
         $BlogPost = ClassRegistry::init('BlogPost');
     return $BlogPost->allowPublish($data);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Gets the data for the current tag
  * @param mixed $options If an array, should be an array of attributes that $key needs to be added to.
  *   If a string or null, will be used as the View entity.
  * @param string $field
  * @param string $key The name of the attribute to be set, defaults to 'value'
  * @return mixed If an array was given for $options, an array with $key set will be returned.
  *   If a string was supplied a string will be returned.
  * @todo Refactor this method to not have as many input/output options.
 public function value($options = array(), $field = null, $key = 'value')
     if ($options === null) {
         $options = array();
     } elseif (is_string($options)) {
         $field = $options;
         $options = 0;
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options[$key])) {
         return $options;
     if (!empty($field)) {
     $result = null;
     $data = $this->request->data;
     $entity = $this->entity();
     if (!empty($data) && !empty($entity)) {
         $result = Set::extract(implode('.', $entity), $data);
     $habtmKey = $this->field();
     if (empty($result) && isset($data[$habtmKey][$habtmKey]) && is_array($data[$habtmKey])) {
         $result = $data[$habtmKey][$habtmKey];
     } elseif (empty($result) && isset($data[$habtmKey]) && is_array($data[$habtmKey])) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($habtmKey)) {
             $model = ClassRegistry::getObject($habtmKey);
             $result = $this->_selectedArray($data[$habtmKey], $model->primaryKey);
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if ($result === null && isset($options['default'])) {
             $result = $options['default'];
     if (is_array($options)) {
         $options[$key] = $result;
         return $options;
     } else {
         return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * Guess the location for a model based on its name and tries to create a new instance
 * or get an already created instance of the model
 * @param string $model
 * @return Model model instance
	protected function _getModel($model) {
		$object = null;
		if (!$model || $model === 'Model') {
			return $object;

		if (array_key_exists($model, $this->_models)) {
			return $this->_models[$model];

		if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($model)) {
			$object = ClassRegistry::getObject($model);
		} elseif (isset($this->request->params['models'][$model])) {
			$plugin = $this->request->params['models'][$model]['plugin'];
			$plugin .= ($plugin) ? '.' : null;
			$object = ClassRegistry::init(array(
				'class' => $plugin . $this->request->params['models'][$model]['className'],
				'alias' => $model
		} elseif (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->defaultModel)) {
			$defaultObject = ClassRegistry::getObject($this->defaultModel);
			if ($defaultObject && in_array($model, array_keys($defaultObject->getAssociated()), true) && isset($defaultObject->{$model})) {
				$object = $defaultObject->{$model};
		} else {
			$object = ClassRegistry::init($model, true);

		$this->_models[$model] = $object;
		if (!$object) {
			return null;

		$this->fieldset[$model] = array('fields' => null, 'key' => $object->primaryKey, 'validates' => null);
		return $object;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Modifies $result array to place virtual fields in model entry where they belongs to
  * @param array $resut REference to the fetched row
  * @return void
 function fetchVirtualField(&$result)
     if (isset($result[0]) && is_array($result[0])) {
         foreach ($result[0] as $field => $value) {
             if (strpos($field, $this->virtualFieldSeparator) === false) {
             list($alias, $virtual) = explode($this->virtualFieldSeparator, $field);
             if (!ClassRegistry::isKeySet($alias)) {
             $model = ClassRegistry::getObject($alias);
             if ($model->isVirtualField($virtual)) {
                 $result[$alias][$virtual] = $value;
         if (empty($result[0])) {
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Gets the data for the current tag
  * @param array $options
  * @param string $key
  * @return array
  * @access public
 function value($options = array(), $field = null, $key = 'value')
     if ($options === null) {
         $options = array();
     } elseif (is_string($options)) {
         $field = $options;
         $options = 0;
     if (!empty($field)) {
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options[$key])) {
         return $options;
     $result = null;
     if (isset($this->data[$this->model()][$this->field()])) {
         $result = $this->data[$this->model()][$this->field()];
     } elseif (isset($this->data[$this->field()]) && is_array($this->data[$this->field()])) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->field())) {
             $model =& ClassRegistry::getObject($this->field());
             $result = $this->__selectedArray($this->data[$this->field()], $model->primaryKey);
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (empty($result) && isset($options['default'])) {
             $result = $options['default'];
     if (is_array($options)) {
         $options[$key] = $result;
         return $options;
     } else {
         return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * testPluginAppModel method
  * @return void
 public function testPluginAppModel()
     $TestRegistryPluginModel = ClassRegistry::isKeySet('TestRegistryPluginModel');
     //Faking a plugin
     CakePlugin::load('RegistryPlugin', array('path' => '/fake/path'));
     $TestRegistryPluginModel = ClassRegistry::init('RegistryPlugin.TestRegistryPluginModel');
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($TestRegistryPluginModel, 'TestRegistryPluginModel'));
     $this->assertEquals($TestRegistryPluginModel->tablePrefix, 'something_');
     $PluginUser = ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'RegistryPlugin.RegisterUser', 'alias' => 'RegistryPluginUser', 'table' => false));
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($PluginUser, 'RegistryPluginAppModel'));
     $PluginUserCopy = ClassRegistry::getObject('RegistryPluginUser');
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($PluginUserCopy, 'RegistryPluginAppModel'));
     $this->assertSame($PluginUser, $PluginUserCopy);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * プラグイン管理のリンクを指定したユーザーのお気に入りに追加
  * @param string $pluginName プラグイン名
  * @param array $user ユーザーデータの配列
  * @return void
 public function addFavoriteAdminLink($pluginName, $user)
     $plugin = $this->findByName($pluginName);
     $dirPath = $this->getDirectoryPath($pluginName);
     $pluginInfo = $this->getPluginInfo(array($plugin), $dirPath);
     if (empty($pluginInfo['Plugin']['admin_link'])) {
     if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet('Favorite')) {
         $this->Favorite = ClassRegistry::getObject('Favorite');
     } else {
         $this->Favorite = ClassRegistry::init('Favorite');
     $adminLinkUrl = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(Configure::read('App.baseUrl'), '/') . '/', '', Router::url($pluginInfo['Plugin']['admin_link']));
     if ($this->Favorite->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Favorite.url' => $adminLinkUrl, 'Favorite.user_id' => $user['id']))) > 0) {
     $favorite = array('name' => $pluginInfo['Plugin']['title'] . '管理', 'url' => $adminLinkUrl, 'sort' => $this->Favorite->getMax('sort') + 1, 'user_id' => $user['id']);
  * Loads a behavior into the collection. You can use use `$config['enabled'] = false`
  * to load a behavior with callbacks disabled. By default callbacks are enabled. Disable behaviors
  * can still be used as normal.
  * You can alias your behavior as an existing behavior by setting the 'className' key, i.e.,
  * {{{
  * public $actsAs = array(
  *   'Tree' => array(
  *     'className' => 'AliasedTree'
  *   );
  * );
  * }}}
  * All calls to the `Tree` behavior would use `AliasedTree` instead.
  * @param string $behavior CamelCased name of the behavior to load
  * @param array $config Behavior configuration parameters
  * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
  * @throws MissingBehaviorException when a behavior could not be found.
 public function load($behavior, $config = array())
     if (is_array($config) && isset($config['className'])) {
         $alias = $behavior;
         $behavior = $config['className'];
     $configDisabled = isset($config['enabled']) && $config['enabled'] === false;
     unset($config['enabled'], $config['className']);
     list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($behavior, true);
     if (!isset($alias)) {
         $alias = $name;
     $class = $name . 'Behavior';
     App::uses($class, $plugin . 'Model/Behavior');
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         throw new MissingBehaviorException(array('class' => $class, 'plugin' => substr($plugin, 0, -1)));
     if (!isset($this->{$alias})) {
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($class)) {
             $this->_loaded[$alias] = ClassRegistry::getObject($class);
         } else {
             $this->_loaded[$alias] = new $class();
             ClassRegistry::addObject($class, $this->_loaded[$alias]);
             if (!empty($plugin)) {
                 ClassRegistry::addObject($plugin . '.' . $class, $this->_loaded[$alias]);
     } elseif (isset($this->_loaded[$alias]->settings) && isset($this->_loaded[$alias]->settings[$this->modelName])) {
         if ($config !== null && $config !== false) {
             $config = array_merge($this->_loaded[$alias]->settings[$this->modelName], $config);
         } else {
             $config = array();
     if (empty($config)) {
         $config = array();
     $this->_loaded[$alias]->setup(ClassRegistry::getObject($this->modelName), $config);
     foreach ($this->_loaded[$alias]->mapMethods as $method => $methodAlias) {
         $this->_mappedMethods[$method] = array($alias, $methodAlias);
     $methods = get_class_methods($this->_loaded[$alias]);
     $parentMethods = array_flip(get_class_methods('ModelBehavior'));
     $callbacks = array('setup', 'cleanup', 'beforeFind', 'afterFind', 'beforeSave', 'afterSave', 'beforeDelete', 'afterDelete', 'onError');
     foreach ($methods as $m) {
         if (!isset($parentMethods[$m])) {
             $methodAllowed = $m[0] != '_' && !array_key_exists($m, $this->_methods) && !in_array($m, $callbacks);
             if ($methodAllowed) {
                 $this->_methods[$m] = array($alias, $m);
     if (!in_array($alias, $this->_enabled) && !$configDisabled) {
     } elseif ($configDisabled) {
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Loads tasks defined in var $tasks
  * @return bool
  * @access public
 function loadTasks()
     if ($this->tasks === null || $this->tasks === false || $this->tasks === true || empty($this->tasks)) {
         return true;
     $tasks = $this->tasks;
     if (!is_array($tasks)) {
         $tasks = array($tasks);
     foreach ($tasks as $taskName) {
         $task = Inflector::underscore($taskName);
         $taskClass = Inflector::camelize($taskName . 'Task');
         if (!class_exists($taskClass)) {
             foreach ($this->Dispatch->shellPaths as $path) {
                 $taskPath = $path . 'tasks' . DS . $task . '.php';
                 if (file_exists($taskPath)) {
                     require_once $taskPath;
         $taskClassCheck = $taskClass;
         if (!PHP5) {
             $taskClassCheck = strtolower($taskClass);
         if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($taskClassCheck)) {
             $this->taskNames[] = $taskName;
             if (!PHP5) {
                 $this->{$taskName} =& ClassRegistry::getObject($taskClassCheck);
             } else {
                 $this->{$taskName} = ClassRegistry::getObject($taskClassCheck);
         } else {
             $this->taskNames[] = $taskName;
             if (!PHP5) {
                 $this->{$taskName} =& new $taskClass($this->Dispatch);
             } else {
                 $this->{$taskName} = new $taskClass($this->Dispatch);
         if (!isset($this->{$taskName})) {
             $this->err("Task `{$taskName}` could not be loaded");
     return true;