Ejemplo n.º 1
  * The Autoloader initialisation
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // is the profiler enabled?
     if (!(static::$_enabled = ClanCats::$config->get('profiler.enabled'))) {
     // enable profiling only in development mode
     if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the resposne so that we can
         // append a table with the profiler data to the body
         CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-profiler'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'message', 'memory', 'time'));
             foreach (\CCProfiler::data() as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item[0], $item[1], $item[2]));
             // add the table before the body end
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
         // also add an error inspector hook so that we can access the
         // profiler data in the error handler
         CCError_Inspector::info_callback('Profiler', function () {
             $table = array();
             foreach (\CCProfiler::data() as $key => $check) {
                 $table['#' . ($key + 1) . ': ' . $check[2]] = $check[0];
             return $table;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * trigger the handler
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     // when not in development we respond using a route
     if (!ClanCats::in_development() && !ClanCats::is_cli()) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * initialize the ship
  * @return void
 public function wake()
     if (!\ClanCats::in_development()) {
     // get all controllers in the dev namespace
     foreach (\CCFile::ls(\CCPath::controllers('Dev::*Controller' . EXT)) as $path) {
         $name = \CCStr::cut(basename($path), 'Controller' . EXT);
         \CCRouter::on('dev/' . \CCStr::lower($name), 'Dev::' . $name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * error class init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // we capture non fatal errors only in dev environments
     if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
         // add a hook to the main resposne
         CCEvent::mind('response.output', function ($output) {
             if (strpos($output, '</body>') === false) {
                 return $output;
             $table = \UI\Table::create(array('style' => array('width' => '100%'), 'cellpadding' => '5', 'class' => 'table debug-table debug-table-errors'));
             $table->header(array('#', 'message', 'file'));
             foreach (\CCError::$non_fatals as $key => $item) {
                 $table->row(array($key + 1, $item->getMessage(), CCStr::strip($item->getFile(), CCROOT) . ':' . $item->getLine()));
             return str_replace('</body>', $table . "\n</body>", $output);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * print information about this application
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_info($params)
     $app = \ClanCats::runtime();
     // print the app name
     $this->line(\CCForge_Php::make('comment', $app::$name . PHP_EOL . "*" . PHP_EOL . "Running on ClanCatsFramework " . \ClanCats::VERSION . PHP_EOL . "© 2010 - " . date('Y') . " ClanCats GmbH" . PHP_EOL), 'cyan');
     // list printer
     $list = function ($array) {
         foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
             $this->line($key . ': ' . CCCli::color($value, 'green'));
     // print info
     $list(array('Runtime Class' => $app, 'CCF Version' => \ClanCats::version(), 'CCF Environment' => \ClanCats::environment(), 'Development env' => var_export(\ClanCats::in_development(), true), 'File extention' => EXT, 'Core namespace' => CCCORE_NAMESPACE));
     // paths
     $this->line(PHP_EOL . "Paths", 'cyan');
     // paths
     $this->line(PHP_EOL . "Directories", 'cyan');
     // autoloader
     $this->line(PHP_EOL . "Autoloader - namespaces", 'cyan');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Test CC development
 public function testIn_development()
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * start the ccf lifecycle
  * this method sets the current environment, loads the configuration
  * and wakes the application
  * @param string			$environment
  * @return void
 public static function wake($environment)
     if (!is_null(static::$environment)) {
         throw new CCException("ClanCats::wake - you cannot wake the application twice.");
     // set environment
     static::$environment = $environment;
     // load the main configuration
     static::$config = CCConfig::create('main');
     // setup the application error tables
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('ClanCatsFramework', function () {
         return array('Runtime Class' => \ClanCats::runtime(), 'CCF Version' => \ClanCats::version(), 'CCF Environment' => \ClanCats::environment(), 'Development env' => var_export(\ClanCats::in_development(), true), 'File extention' => EXT, 'Core namespace' => CCCORE_NAMESPACE);
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('CCF Paths', array('ClanCats', 'paths'));
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('CCF Directories', array('ClanCats', 'directories'));
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('Namespaces', function () {
         return \CCFinder::$namespaces;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    echo to('@auth.sign_in');
">Sign In</a>
						<a href="<?php 
    echo to('@auth.sign_up');
">Sign Up</a>
if (ClanCats::in_development()) {
					<li class="dropdown">
						<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Dev Toolbox <b class="caret"></b></a>
						<ul class="dropdown-menu">
							<li><a href="<?php 
    echo to('dev/session/');
">Session Sandbox</a></li>
							<li><a href="<?php 
    echo to('dev/mail/');
">Mail Sandbox</a></li>
							<li><a href="<?php 
    echo to('dev/common/phpinfo');
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Run the query and return the PDO statement
  * @param string			$query
  * @param array 			$params
  * @return array
 public function statement($query, $params = array())
     // we alway prepare the query even if we dont have parameters
     $sth = $this->driver()->connection()->prepare($query);
     // because we set pdo the throw exception on db errors
     // we catch them here to throw our own exception.
     try {
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         throw new Exception("DB\\Handler - PDOException: {$e->getMessage()} \n Query: {$query}");
     // In development we alway log the query into an array.
     if (\ClanCats::in_development()) {
         $keys = array();
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if (is_string($key)) {
                 $keys[] = '/:' . $key . '/';
             } else {
                 $keys[] = '/[?]/';
         static::$_query_log[] = preg_replace($keys, $params, $query, 1);
     return $sth;