public static function load_item($id, $vista) { $settings = unserialize(get_option("chronosly-settings")); if ($settings["disable_cache"]) { return false; } if (isset($_REQUEST["small"])) { $vista .= "_small"; } if (function_exists("qtrans_getLanguage")) { $vista .= qtrans_getLanguage(); } $html = get_option("chronosly_template_{$id}_{$vista}"); if (!Chronosly_Utils::validate_closure($html)) { return false; } return $html; }
public function update_code($type, $url, $addon = "") { global $Chronosly_Settings; switch ($type) { case "core": $path = CHRONOSLY_PATH; break; case "addons": $path = CHRONOSLY_ADDONS_PATH; break; case "templates": $path = CHRONOSLY_TEMPLATES_PATH; break; } $cont = $this->get_external_content($url); // return; //save the zip temporaly if ($cont["error"]) { return 0; } $zip = $cont["content"]; $fp = fopen(CHRONOSLY_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "", "w"); fwrite($fp, $zip); fclose($fp); require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; WP_Filesystem(); if (stripos($addon, "organizers_and_places") !== FALSE or stripos($addon, "extended_marketplace") !== FALSE) { $path = CHRONOSLY_PATH; } $unzipfile = unzip_file(CHRONOSLY_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "", $path); @unlink(CHRONOSLY_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ""); $utils = new Chronosly_Utils(); if (stripos($addon, "organizers_and_places") !== FALSE and $unzipfile === true) { $files = scandir($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "organizers_and_places"); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $utils->rcopy($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "organizers_and_places/{$file}", $destination_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "{$file}"); } } } else { if (stripos($addon, "extended_marketplace") !== FALSE and $unzipfile === true) { $files = scandir($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "extended_marketplace"); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $utils->rcopy($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "extended_marketplace/{$file}", $destination_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "{$file}"); } } } } if ($unzipfile === true) { return 1; } return 0; }
} $ext = new Chronosly_Extend(); echo $ext->update_addons($_REQUEST['addon']); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["delete"])) { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); } if (has_filter("chronosly_update_template_" . $_REQUEST["delete"])) { $Post_Type_Chronosly->template->full_update_templates_by_addon($_REQUEST["delete"], array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), "remove"); } if (has_action("chronosly_remove_" . $_REQUEST["delete"])) { do_action("chronosly_remove_" . $_REQUEST["delete"]); } //remove files and reload page $utils = new Chronosly_Utils(); $utils->rrmdir(CHRONOSLY_ADDONS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_REQUEST["delete"]); // wp_redirect("admin.php?page=chronosly_addons_configs&deleted=1"); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> document.location.href= '" . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] . "?page=chronosly_addons_configs&deleted=1'; </script>"; die; } } } // ?> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['installed'])) { echo "<div class='bubblegreen'>" . __('Addon successfully installed!', "chronosly") . "</div>"; $Post_Type_Chronosly->template->full_update_templates_by_addon($_REQUEST['installed'], array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), "update");