  * google+ oauth 2 redirect_uri call
  * If you get an error like: Unable to Connect to ssl://www.google.com:443
  * ensure open_ssl extension is enabled in your php.ini, then restart apache
 public function googlepluscallbackAction()
     $rawCode = $this->_request->getParam('code', null);
     $stateParameter = $this->_request->getParam('state', null);
     $errorReason = $this->_request->getParam('error_reason', null);
     $oauthSessionNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('oauthSessionNamespace');
     //Zend_Debug::dump($stateParameter, '$stateParameter');
     //Zend_Debug::dump($oauthSessionNamespace->state, '$oauthSessionNamespace->state');
     if (is_null($stateParameter)) {
         // user refused to grant permission(s)
         Zend_Debug::dump('dialog no valid state found');
     } else {
         if ($stateParameter !== $oauthSessionNamespace->state) {
             Zend_Debug::dump('dialog state values don\'t match');
     if (!is_null($errorReason)) {
         // user refused to grant permission(s)
         Zend_Debug::dump('user refused to grant permission(s): ' . $errorReason);
     $filterChain = $this->getFilterChain();
     $verificationCode = $filterChain->filter($rawCode);
     $googlePlusOAuth2Configuration = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/google_plus_api.ini');
     $chriswebOauth2 = new Chrisweb_Oauth2($googlePlusOAuth2Configuration);
     $oauthResponse = null;
     try {
          * if you try to exchange an expired or invalid token, google will
          * reply "invalid_grant"
         $oauthResponse = $chriswebOauth2->requestAccessToken($verificationCode);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Zend_Debug::dump($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     if (is_array($oauthResponse)) {
         Zend_Debug::dump($oauthResponse, '$oauthResponse: ');
         // save OAuth Response
         $oauthSessionNamespace->oauthResponse = $oauthResponse;
  * jamendo oauth 2 redirect_uri call
  * If you get an error like: Unable to Connect to ssl://www.jamendo.com:443
  * ensure open_ssl extension is enabled in your php.ini, then restart apache
 public function jamendocallbackAction()
     $rawCode = $this->_request->getParam('code', null);
     $stateParameter = $this->_request->getParam('state', null);
     $errorReason = $this->_request->getParam('error_reason', null);
     $oauthSessionNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('oauthSessionNamespace');
     if (is_null($stateParameter)) {
         // user refused to grant permission(s)
         Zend_Debug::dump('no valid state found');
     } else {
         if ($stateParameter !== $oauthSessionNamespace->state) {
             Zend_Debug::dump('state values don\'t match');
     if (!is_null($errorReason)) {
         // user refused to grant permission(s)
         Zend_Debug::dump('user refused to grant permission(s): ' . $errorReason);
     $filterChain = $this->getFilterChain();
     $verificationCode = $filterChain->filter($rawCode);
     $jamendoOAuth2Configuration = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/jamendo_api.ini');
     $chriswebOauth2 = new Chrisweb_Oauth2($jamendoOAuth2Configuration);
     $oauthResponse = null;
     try {
         $oauthResponse = $chriswebOauth2->requestAccessToken($verificationCode);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Zend_Debug::dump($e->getMessage(), 'error: ');
     if (is_array($oauthResponse)) {
         Zend_Debug::dump($oauthResponse, '$oauthResponse: ');
         // save OAuth Response
         $oauthSessionNamespace->oauthResponse = $oauthResponse;