function createGFCTournament($mynodeidparent)
    // /********************************************************************************
    // //CREATE A TOURNAMENT and Update Drupal Tournaments Node with Challonge tourney ID
    // Include the Challonge API Class
    include '/opt/bitnami/apps/drupal/htdocs/includes/challonge.class.php';
    $c = new ChallongeAPI('XqrMnBPs15MvmX0izddB4zyIHKswRCoaIAyq4cTt');
    // get the GFC data needed to create tourney in Challonge
    //$mynodeidparent = 18; //test id for debugging
    $node = node_load($mynodeidparent);
    $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
    // retreive param values needed from GFC data
    // get tourney name
    $tourney_name = $wrapper->field_tournament_name->value();
    // get type of play
    $term = taxonomy_term_load($wrapper->field_tournament_type->raw());
    $wrapper2 = entity_metadata_wrapper('taxonomy_term', $term);
    $tourney_type = $term->name;
    // get description
    $tourney_descriptions = $wrapper->field_tournament_description->value();
    //get url value
    $tourney_url = (string) uniqid();
    //str_replace ( ' ', '', $tourney_name ); // TODO: invent good url scheme
    // set paramater values for challonge from GFC values
    $params = array("tournament[name]" => $tourney_name, "tournament[tournament_type]" => $tourney_type, "tournament[url]" => $tourney_url, "tournament[description]" => $tourney_descriptions);
    // call to challonge to create tournament
    $tournament = $c->makeCall("tournaments", $params, "post");
    $tournament = $c->createTournament($params);
    //Save new URL value to GFC
    // save value
    // *************************
    // update GFC with returned tournament ID
    // *************************
    //****************NOTE: Need to reload by URL value from CHALLONGE due to bug
    $tournament_id = $tourney_url;
    $params = array("include_matches " => 0);
    $tournament = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}", $params, "get");
    $tournament = $c->getTournament($tournament_id, $params);
    // retreive new tournament id and set to variable
    $challonge_id = (int) $tournament->id;
    // id set value
    //set url value
    // save value
    return $c->result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function updateMatchesFromChallonge()
     $c = new ChallongeAPI(Yii::app()->params['challonge_api']);
     $params = array();
     $matches = $c->getMatches($this->challonge_id, $params);
     foreach ($matches as $k => $match) {
         $_match = Match::model()->findByAttributes(array('tournament_id' => $this->id, 'challonge_match_id' => $match->match->id));
         if ($_match) {
             $_match->team_1 = strlen($match->match->player1_id) ? $match->match->player1_id : '';
             $_match->team_2 = strlen($match->match->player2_id) ? $match->match->player2_id : '';
             $_match->identifier = $match->match->identifier;
             $_match->round = $match->match->round;
             $_match->state = $match->match->state;
             $_match->winner = $match->match->winner_id;
             $_match->loser = $match->match->loser_id;
Ejemplo n.º 3

//header('Content-type: application/xml');
// Include the class on your page somewhere
require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/modules/tournamentManagement/challonge.class.php';
// Create a new instance of the API wrapper. Pass your API key into the constructor
// You can view/generate your API key on the 'Password / API Key' tab of your account settings page.
$c = new ChallongeAPI('vbAqvSEkokYx74ZIIMP7wUgVZLOzq7VzgF2CBetW');
  For whatever reason (example: developing locally) if you get a SSL validation error from CURL,
  you can set the verify_ssl attribute of the class to false (defualts to true). It is highly recommended that you
  **NOT** do this on a production server.
$c->verify_ssl = true;
$tournament_id = 'testtournamentlanops';
$params = array("include_matches " => 0);
$tournament = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}", $params, "get");
$tournament = $c->getTournament($tournament_id, $params);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// ************************
// Get all matches for a tournament
$matches = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}/matches", $params);
$matches = $c->getMatches($tournament_id, $params);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$participants = $c->makeCall("tournaments/{$tournament_id}/participants");
 public function actionFinalizeTournament($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     $c = new ChallongeAPI(Yii::app()->params['challonge_api']);
     $params = array('include_matches' => 1, 'include_participants' => 1);
     $tournament_id = $model->challonge_id;
     $tournament = $c->publishTournament($tournament_id, $params)->tournament;
     $model->finished = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$c->verify_ssl = false;
// ************************
// Get all tournaments you created
$tournaments = $c->makeCall('tournaments');
$tournaments = $c->getTournaments();
// /********************************************************************************
// //CREATE A TOURNAMENT and Update Drupal Tournaments Node with Challonge tourney ID
// Include the class on your page somewhere
include '/opt/bitnami/apps/drupal/htdocs/includes/challonge.class.php';
$c = new ChallongeAPI('XqrMnBPs15MvmX0izddB4zyIHKswRCoaIAyq4cTt');
// get the GFC data needed to create tourney in Challonge
$mynodeidparent = 17;
$node = node_load($mynodeidparent);
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node);
// retreive param values needed from GFC data
// get tourney name
$tourney_name = $wrapper->field_tournament_name->value();
// get type of play
$term = taxonomy_term_load($wrapper->field_tournament_type->raw());
$wrapper2 = entity_metadata_wrapper('taxonomy_term', $term);
$tourney_type = $term->name;
// get description
$tourney_descriptions = $wrapper->field_tournament_description->value();
//get url value
$tourney_url = str_replace(' ', '', $tourney_name);
Ejemplo n.º 6

/*LanOps Manager - Tournament Management*/
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/includes/libs/std.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/modules/tournamentManagement/challonge.class.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/modules/tournamentManagement/raffle.php';
//Tournament API
$challonge = new ChallongeAPI('vbAqvSEkokYx74ZIIMP7wUgVZLOzq7VzgF2CBetW');
function singleElimination($participants)
function getMatch($tournament_id, $params)
    return $challonge->getMatches($tournament_id, $params);
function getGame($gameID, $section = 'all')
    $thisGame = Game::find_by_gameid($gameID);
    switch ($section) {
        case 'all':
            return $thisGame;
        case 'name':
            return $thisGame->name;
//Add new tournament
if ($_POST['action'] == 'add') {
    //Setup URL