Ejemplo n.º 1
 function b_header(Cezpdf &$pdf, $partner_typ, $partner_id, $orientation = 'portrait', $font_file, $f_size, $logo_file = '')
     $diff = array(196 => 'Adieresis', 228 => 'adieresis', 214 => 'Odieresis', 246 => 'odieresis', 220 => 'Udieresis', 252 => 'udieresis', 223 => 'germandbls');
     $pdf->selectFont('Helvetica', array('encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding', 'differences' => $diff));
     $all = $pdf->openObject();
     $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
     if ($orientation == 'portrait') {
         $pdf->ezSetMargins(135, 70, 50, 50);
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['no_logo'])) {
             if ($logo_file == '') {
                 $logo_file = BERLUS_PATH . "/print_css/{$partner_typ}/{$partner_id}" . "_logo.png";
             if (file_exists("{$logo_file}")) {
                 $pdf->addPngFromFile("{$logo_file}", 200, 730, 200, 80);
                 $pdf->line(43, 725, 545, 725);
                 $pdf->line(42, 50, 550, 50);
         } else {
             $logo_file = BERLUS_PATH . "/print_css/{$partner_typ}/{$partner_id}" . "_logo.png";
         $this->footer_info($partner_typ, $partner_id);
         $pdf->addText(43, 718, $f_size, "{$this->header_zeile}");
         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(545, 715, $f_size, '', 'Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['no_logo'])) {
             $pdf->addText($pdf->ez['pageWidth'] / 2, 42, $f_size, "{$this->zeile1}", 0, 'center');
             $pdf->addText($pdf->ez['pageWidth'] / 2, 35, $f_size, "{$this->zeile2}", 0, 'center');
     } else {
         $pdf->ezSetMargins(120, 40, 30, 30);
         $logo_file = BERLUS_PATH . "/print_css/{$partner_typ}/{$partner_id}" . "_logo.png";
         if (file_exists("{$logo_file}")) {
             $pdf->addPngFromFile("{$logo_file}", 320, 505, 200, 80);
         } else {
             $pdf->addText(370, 505, $f_size, "Vorschau / Druckansicht ");
         $this->footer_info($partner_typ, $partner_id);
         $pdf->line(43, 500, 785, 500);
         $pdf->addText(43, 493, $f_size, "{$this->header_zeile}");
         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(783, 493, $f_size, '', 'Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
         $pdf->line(42, 30, 785, 30);
         $pdf->addText($pdf->ez['pageWidth'] / 2, 23, $f_size, "{$this->zeile1}", 0, 'center');
         $pdf->addText($pdf->ez['pageWidth'] / 2, 16, $f_size, "{$this->zeile2}", 0, 'center');
     $pdf->addObject($all, 'all');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function pdf_header($partner_id)
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4.5, 1, 1, 1);
     $berlus_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Times-Roman.afm';
     $text_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Arial.afm';
     $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/logo_hv_sw.jpg', 220, 750, 175, 100);
     // $pdf->addJpgFromFile('pdfclass/logo_262_150_sw1.jpg', 300, 500, 250, 150);
     $pdf->addText(42, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG - Fontanestr. 1 - 14193 Berlin");
     $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
     $pdf->line(42, 50, 550, 50);
     $pdf->addText(170, 42, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG |  Fontanestr. 1 | 14193 Berlin | Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim");
     $pdf->addText(150, 35, 6, "Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank Berlin | BLZ: 100  800  00 | Konto-Nr.: 05 804 000 00 | Steuernummer: 24/582/61188");
     return $pdf;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function termine_anzeigen_pdf($benutzer_id, $plan_id, $ab, $bis)
     $termine_arr = $this->terminkalender_arr($benutzer_id, $plan_id, $ab, $bis);
     $anz = count($termine_arr);
     if ($anz) {
         // ausgabepuffer leeren
         $ab_a = date_mysql2german($ab);
         $bis_a = date_mysql2german($bis);
         $z = new zeiterfassung();
         //include_once ('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
         include_once 'classes/class_bpdf.php';
         $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
         $bpdf = new b_pdf();
         if ($benutzer_id != '') {
             $this->bp_partner_id = $z->get_partner_id_benutzer($benutzer_id);
             $bpdf->b_header($pdf, 'Partner', $this->bp_partner_id, 'portrait', 'Helvetica.afm', 6);
         } else {
             $bpdf->b_header($pdf, 'Partner', $_SESSION[partner_id], 'portrait', 'Helvetica.afm', 6);
         $pdf->ezText("{$benutzer_name}", 10);
         $pdf->ezText("{$this->plan_bez}", 10);
         $pdf->ezText("Terminansicht von {$ab_a} bis {$bis_a}", 10);
         // abstand
         for ($a = 0; $a < $anz; $a++) {
             // abstand
             $pdf->line(50, $pdf->y, 550, $pdf->y);
             $benutzer_id = $termine_arr[$a]['BENUTZER_ID'];
             $benutzer_name = $z->get_benutzer_name($benutzer_id);
             $termin = $termine_arr[$a]['TERMIN'];
             $datum = $termine_arr[$a]['DATUM'];
             $zeit = $termine_arr[$a]['ZEIT'];
             $dauer = $termine_arr[$a]['DAUER'];
             $geraete_id = $termine_arr[$a]['GERAETE_ID'];
             $abgesagt = $termine_arr[$a]['ABGESAGT'];
             $abgesagt_r = $termine_arr[$a]['ABGESAGT_RECHTZEITIG'];
             $abgesagt_von = $termine_arr[$a]['ABGESAGT_VON'];
             if ($abgesagt == 0) {
                 $status = 'aktuell';
             if ($abgesagt == 1) {
                 $status = 'abgesagt';
             $this->geraete_infos($plan_id, $geraete_id);
             $pdf->ezText("Mitarbeiter:  {$benutzer_name}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Datum:  {$datum}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Uhrzeit: {$zeit} Uhr", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Status:  {$status} {$abgesagt_von}", 8);
             // abstand
             $pdf->rectangle(250, $pdf->y, 10, 10);
             $pdf->addText(263, $pdf->y + 2, 8, 'Abgesagt am ______________ von ___________________________________');
             // abstand
             $pdf->addText(263, $pdf->y + 2, 8, 'Absagegrund:_____________________________________________________');
             // abstand
             $pdf->rectangle(250, $pdf->y, 10, 10);
             $pdf->addText(263, $pdf->y + 2, 8, 'Erledigt');
             // abstand
             $pdf->addText(260, $pdf->y + 2, 8, 'Bemerkungen / Hinweise');
             $pdf->rectangle(250, $pdf->y - 107, 300, 107);
             // abstand
             $pdf->ezText("Kostenträger: {$this->kostentraeger_typ} {$this->kostentraeger_bez}", 8);
             if ($this->kostentraeger_typ == 'Einheit') {
                 $e = new einheit();
                 $mv_id = $e->get_mietvertrag_id($this->kostentraeger_id);
                 $mv = new mietvertraege();
                 $e = new einheit();
                 $mv_id = $e->get_mietvertrag_id($this->kostentraeger_id);
                 $mv = new mietvertraege();
                 $pdf->ezText("Anschrift: {$e->haus_strasse} {$e->haus_nummer} Lage: {$e->einheit_lage}", 8);
                 $pdf->ezText("Mieter: {$mv->personen_name_string}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Gerät: {$this->bezeichnung}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Hersteller: {$this->hersteller}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Im Einsatz: {$this->im_einsatz}", 8);
             if ($this->wartungsdatum) {
                 $this->wartungsdatum_a = date_mysql2german($this->wartungsdatum);
             } else {
                 $this->wartungsdatum_a = 'k. A.';
             $this->n_wartung_a = date_mysql2german($this->n_wartung);
             $pdf->ezText("Wartung fällig: {$this->n_wartung_a}", 8);
             $pdf->ezText("Letzte Wartung: {$this->wartungsdatum_a}  {$this->gewartet_von}", 8);
             if ($this->gewartet_von) {
                 $pdf->ezText("Bemerkungen von {$this->gewartet_von}:", 7);
                 $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(0, 0, 1.78, 12.5);
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>{$this->bemerkung}</b>", 7);
                 $pdf->ezSetMargins(135, 70, 50, 50);
             // abstand
             // abstand
             // abstand
             // $pdf->line(50,$pdf->y,550,$pdf->y);
     } else {
         echo "Keine Termine von {$ab} bis {$bis}";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function get_printable_file($_FORM = array())
     global $TPL;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $TPL["companyName"] = config::get_config_item("companyName");
     $TPL["companyNos1"] = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
     $TPL["companyNos2"] = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
     $TPL["img"] = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
     $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
     $email and $TPL["companyContactEmail"] = "Email: " . $email;
     $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
     $web and $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] = "Web: " . $web;
     $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
     $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
     $phone and $TPL["phone"] = "Ph: " . $phone;
     $fax and $TPL["fax"] = "Fax: " . $fax;
     $taskPriorities = config::get_config_item("taskPriorities");
     $projectPriorities = config::get_config_item("projectPriorities");
     // Add requested fields to pdf
     $_FORM["showEdit"] = false;
     $fields["taskID"] = "ID";
     $fields["taskName"] = "Task";
     $_FORM["showProject"] and $fields["projectName"] = "Project";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] || $_FORM["showPriorityFactor"] and $fields["priorityFactor"] = "Pri";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] and $fields["taskPriority"] = "Task Pri";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] and $fields["projectPriority"] = "Proj Pri";
     $_FORM["showCreator"] and $fields["creator_name"] = "Creator";
     $_FORM["showManager"] and $fields["manager_name"] = "Manager";
     $_FORM["showAssigned"] and $fields["assignee_name"] = "Assigned To";
     $_FORM["showDate1"] and $fields["dateTargetStart"] = "Targ Start";
     $_FORM["showDate2"] and $fields["dateTargetCompletion"] = "Targ Compl";
     $_FORM["showDate3"] and $fields["dateActualStart"] = "Start";
     $_FORM["showDate4"] and $fields["dateActualCompletion"] = "Compl";
     $_FORM["showDate5"] and $fields["dateCreated"] = "Created";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeBestLabel"] = "Best";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeExpectedLabel"] = "Likely";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeWorstLabel"] = "Worst";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeActualLabel"] = "Actual";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeLimitLabel"] = "Limit";
     $_FORM["showPercent"] and $fields["percentComplete"] = "%";
     $_FORM["showStatus"] and $fields["taskStatusLabel"] = "Status";
     $rows = task::get_list($_FORM);
     $taskListRows = array();
     foreach ((array) $rows as $row) {
         $row["taskPriority"] = $taskPriorities[$row["priority"]]["label"];
         $row["projectPriority"] = $projectPriorities[$row["projectPriority"]]["label"];
         $row["taskDateStatus"] = strip_tags($row["taskDateStatus"]);
         $row["percentComplete"] = strip_tags($row["percentComplete"]);
         $taskListRows[] = $row;
     if ($_FORM["format"] != "html" && $_FORM["format"] != "html_plus") {
         // Build PDF document
         $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm";
         $font2 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica-Oblique.afm";
         $pdf_table_options = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "xPos" => "left", "xOrientation" => "right", "fontSize" => 10, "rowGap" => 0, "fontSize" => 10);
         $pdf_table_options3 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 750, "xPos" => "center", "fontSize" => 10, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), "splitRows" => 1, "protectRows" => 0);
         $pdf = new Cezpdf(null, 'landscape');
         $pdf->ezSetMargins(40, 40, 40, 40);
         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(436, 30, 10, 'center', 'Page {PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}');
         $TPL["companyContactAddress"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress"]);
         $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress2"]);
         $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress3"]);
         $TPL["companyContactEmail"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactEmail"]);
         $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactHomePage"]);
         $TPL["phone"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["phone"]);
         $TPL["fax"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["fax"]);
         $y = $pdf->ezTable($contact_info, false, "", $pdf_table_options);
         $line_y = $y - 10;
         $pdf->setLineStyle(1, "round");
         $pdf->line(40, $line_y, 801, $line_y);
         $image_jpg = ALLOC_LOGO;
         if (file_exists($image_jpg)) {
             $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none');
             $y = 700;
         } else {
             $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyName"], 27, array("justification" => "right"));
         $nos_y = $line_y + 22;
         $TPL["companyNos2"] and $nos_y = $line_y + 34;
         $TPL["companyNos1"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos1"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
         $TPL["companyNos2"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos2"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
         $pdf->ezSetY($line_y - 10);
         $y = $pdf->ezText("Task List", 20, array("justification" => "center"));
         $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
         $y = $pdf->ezTable($taskListRows, $fields, "", $pdf_table_options3);
         $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
         // Else HTML format
     } else {
         echo task::get_list_html($taskListRows, $_FORM);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function get_printable_timeSheet_file($timeSheetID, $timeSheetPrintMode, $printDesc, $format)
     global $TPL;
     $TPL["timeSheetID"] = $timeSheetID;
     $TPL["timeSheetPrintMode"] = $timeSheetPrintMode;
     $TPL["printDesc"] = $printDesc;
     $TPL["format"] = $format;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     if ($timeSheetID) {
         $timeSheet = new timeSheet();
         $person = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("person");
         $TPL["timeSheet_personName"] = $person->get_name();
         // Display the project name.
         $project = new project();
         $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
         // Get client name
         $client = $project->get_foreign_object("client");
         $TPL["clientName"] = $client->get_value("clientName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
         $TPL["companyName"] = config::get_config_item("companyName");
         $TPL["companyNos1"] = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
         $TPL["companyNos2"] = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
         $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
         $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
         $phone and $TPL["phone"] = "Ph: " . $phone;
         $fax and $TPL["fax"] = "Fax: " . $fax;
         $db->query(prepare("SELECT max(dateTimeSheetItem) AS maxDate\n                                ,min(dateTimeSheetItem) AS minDate\n                                ,count(timeSheetItemID) as count\n                            FROM timeSheetItem \n                           WHERE timeSheetID=%d ", $timeSheetID));
         $timeSheet->select() || alloc_error("Unable to select time sheet, trying to use id: " . $timeSheetID);
         $TPL["period"] = format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("minDate")) . " to " . format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("maxDate"));
         $TPL["img"] = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
         $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
         $email and $TPL["companyContactEmail"] = "Email: " . $email;
         $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
         $web and $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] = "Web: " . $web;
         $TPL["footer"] = config::get_config_item("timeSheetPrintFooter");
         $TPL["taxName"] = config::get_config_item("taxName");
         $default_header = "Time Sheet";
         $default_id_label = "Time Sheet ID";
         $default_contractor_label = "Contractor";
         $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE";
         if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money") {
             $default_header = "Tax Invoice";
             $default_id_label = "Invoice Number";
         if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
             $default_header = "Estimate";
             $default_id_label = "Estimate Number";
             $default_contractor_label = "Issued By";
             $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT ESTIMATED";
         if ($format != "html") {
             // Build PDF document
             $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm";
             $font2 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica-Oblique.afm";
             $pdf_table_options = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "xPos" => "left", "xOrientation" => "right", "fontSize" => 10, "rowGap" => 0, "fontSize" => 10);
             $cols = array("one" => "", "two" => "", "three" => "", "four" => "");
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             $cols_settings2["gst"] = array("justification" => "right");
             $cols_settings2["money"] = array("justification" => "right");
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             $cols_settings["two"] = array("justification" => "right", "width" => 80);
             $pdf_table_options4 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 400, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => 10, "xPos" => "center", "cols" => $cols_settings, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8));
             $pdf = new Cezpdf();
             $pdf->ezSetMargins(90, 90, 90, 90);
             $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(436, 80, 10, 'right', 'Page {PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}');
             $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(200, 80, 10, 'left', '<b>' . $default_id_label . ': </b>' . $TPL["timeSheetID"]);
             $TPL["companyName"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyName"]);
             $TPL["companyContactAddress"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress"]);
             $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress2"]);
             $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress3"]);
             $TPL["companyContactEmail"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactEmail"]);
             $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactHomePage"]);
             $TPL["phone"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["phone"]);
             $TPL["fax"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["fax"]);
             $y = $pdf->ezTable($contact_info, false, "", $pdf_table_options);
             $line_y = $y - 10;
             $pdf->setLineStyle(1, "round");
             $pdf->line(90, $line_y, 510, $line_y);
             $image_jpg = ALLOC_LOGO;
             if (file_exists($image_jpg)) {
                 $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none');
                 $y = 700;
             } else {
                 $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyName"], 27, array("justification" => "right"));
             $nos_y = $line_y + 22;
             $TPL["companyNos2"] and $nos_y = $line_y + 34;
             $TPL["companyNos1"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos1"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
             $TPL["companyNos2"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos2"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
             $pdf->ezSetY($line_y - 20);
             $y = $pdf->ezText($default_header, 20, array("justification" => "center"));
             $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
             $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_id_label . ":</b>", "two" => $TPL["timeSheetID"], "three" => "<b>Date Issued:</b>", "four" => date("d/m/Y"));
             $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>Client:</b>", "two" => $TPL["clientName"], "three" => "<b>Project:</b>", "four" => $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"]);
             $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_contractor_label . ":</b>", "two" => $TPL["timeSheet_personName"], "three" => "<b>Billing Period:</b>", "four" => $TPL["period"]);
             if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
                 // This line needs to be glued to the above line
                 $temp = array_pop($ts_info);
                 $temp["three"] = "";
                 // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf.
                 $temp["four"] = "";
                 // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf.
                 $ts_info[] = $temp;
             $y = $pdf->ezTable($ts_info, $cols, "", $pdf_table_options2);
             $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
             if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money" || $timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
                 list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_money($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                 $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units", "money" => "Charges", "gst" => $TPL["taxName"]);
                 $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent");
                 if ($taxPercent === '') {
                 $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => $info["total_units"], "money" => $info["total"], "gst" => $info["total_gst"]);
                 $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
                 $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
                 if ($taxPercent !== '') {
                     $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL " . $TPL["taxName"], "two" => $info["total_gst"]);
                 $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL CHARGES", "two" => $info["total"]);
                 $totals[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_total_label . "</b>", "two" => "<b>" . $info["total_inc_gst"] . "</b>");
                 $y = $pdf->ezTable($totals, $cols3, "", $pdf_table_options4);
             } else {
                 if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "units") {
                     list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_units($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                     $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units");
                     $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>");
                     $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
                 } else {
                     if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "items") {
                         list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_items($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                         $cols2 = array("date" => "Date", "units" => "Units", "multiplier_string" => "Multiplier", "desc" => "Description");
                         $rows[] = array("date" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>");
                         $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
             $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
             $pdf->ezText(str_replace(array("<br>", "<br/>", "<br />"), "\n", $TPL["footer"]), 10);
             $pdf->ezStream(array("Content-Disposition" => "timeSheet_" . $timeSheetID . ".pdf"));
             // Else HTML format
         } else {
             if (file_exists(ALLOC_LOGO)) {
                 $TPL["companyName"] = '<img alt="Company logo" src="' . $TPL["url_alloc_logo"] . '" />';
             $TPL["this_tsp"] = $this;
             $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Time Sheet - " . APPLICATION_NAME;
             include_template(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../templates/timeSheetPrintM.tpl");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function pdf_einzel_tab(Cezpdf &$pdf, $bk_arr, $label, $kontroll_tab_druck)
     $empf = $bk_arr['EMPF'];
     $empf_kos_typ = $bk_arr['KOS_TYP'];
     $empf_kos_id = $bk_arr['KOS_ID'];
     $mieternummer = $bk_arr['EINHEIT_NAME'];
     $zeitraum = $bk_arr['ZEITRAUM'];
     $zeitraum_arr = explode('.', $zeitraum);
     $anzahl_monate = $zeitraum_arr[3] - $zeitraum_arr[1] + 1;
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['KOS_TYP'] = $empf_kos_typ;
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['KOS_ID'] = $empf_kos_id;
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['ZEITRAUM'] = $zeitraum;
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['ANZ_MONATE'] = $anzahl_monate;
     $einheit_typ = $bk_arr['EINHEIT_TYP'];
     $einheit_qm = $bk_arr['EINHEIT_QM'];
     $QM_G_OBJEKT = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_arr['QM_G_OBJEKT']);
     $QM_G = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_arr['QM_G']);
     $QM_G_GEWERBE = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_arr['QM_G_GEWERBE']);
     $anzahl_zeilen = count($bk_arr) - 10;
     // WICHTIG 10 felder abschneiden
     $cols = array('KOSTENART' => "Betriebskostenart", 'G_BETRAG' => "Gesamtkosten umlagefähige Betriebskosten", 'G_HNDL' => "Gesamtkosten haushaltsnahe Dienst- und Handwerkerleistungen", 'G_KEY' => "Wohnfläche / Verteiler- Schlüssel in Mieteinheiten (ME)", 'QM_ME' => "Ihre ME", 'BET_HNDL' => "Anteil für Ihre Wohnung haushaltsnahe Dienst- und Handwerkerleistungen", 'BET_G' => "Beteiligung");
     $g_beteiligung = 0.0;
     $g_beteiligung_hnd = 0.0;
     for ($b = 0; $b < $anzahl_zeilen; $b++) {
         $tab[$b]['KOSTENART'] = $bk_arr[$b]['KOSTENART'];
         $tab[$b]['G_KOS_BEZ'] = $bk_arr[$b]['G_KOS_BEZ'];
         $tab[$b]['G_BETRAG'] = $bk_arr[$b]['G_BETRAG'];
         $tab[$b]['ANTEIL'] = $bk_arr[$b]['ANTEIL'] . '%';
         $tab[$b]['UMLAGE'] = $bk_arr[$b]['UMLAGE'];
         $tab[$b]['ME'] = $bk_arr[$b]['ME'];
         $tab[$b]['G_KEY'] = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_arr[$b]['G_KEY']) . ' ' . $bk_arr[$b]['ME'];
         $tab[$b]['QM'] = $bk_arr[$b]['QM'];
         $tab[$b]['QM_ME'] = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_arr[$b]['QM']) . ' ' . $bk_arr[$b]['ME'];
         $tab[$b]['BET_G'] = $bk_arr[$b]['BET_G'];
         $tab[$b]['G_HNDL'] = $bk_arr[$b]['G_HNDL'];
         $tab[$b]['BET_HNDL'] = $bk_arr[$b]['BET_HNDL'];
         $tab[$b]['GENKEY_ID'] = $bk_arr[$b]['GENKEY_ID'];
         $g_beteiligung += nummer_komma2punkt($bk_arr[$b]['BET_G']);
         $g_beteiligung_hndl += nummer_komma2punkt($bk_arr[$b]['BET_HNDL']);
     /* Pr�fen ob Kaltwasserkosten worden sind */
     $check_kw = $this->check_kw_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
     if ($check_kw == true) {
         $kw_summe = $this->summe_kw_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
         $kw_summe_a = nummer_punkt2komma($kw_summe);
         // $pdf->ezText("<b>Heiz- und Betriebskostenabrechnung Einheit: $mv->einheit_kurzname</b>",10);
         $tab[$b + 1]['KOSTENART'] = 'Be- und Entwässerung lt. Kaltwasserabr.';
         if ($kw_summe < 0) {
             $kw_erg_a = 'Nachzahlung';
         } else {
             $kw_erg_a = 'Guthaben';
         $tab[$b + 1]['G_KEY'] = 'n. Verbrauch';
         $tab[$b + 1]['BET_G'] = $kw_summe_a;
         $g_beteiligung += $kw_summe;
         // die($g_beteiligung);
     } else {
         // $pdf->ezText("<b>Betriebskostenabrechnung $this->bk_jahr Einheit: $mv->einheit_kurzname</b>",10);
     $tab[$b + 1]['KOSTENART'] = '<b>Gesamtkosten</b>';
     $tab[$b + 1]['BET_G'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_beteiligung) . '</b>';
     $tab[$b + 1]['BET_HNDL'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_beteiligung_hndl) . '</b>';
     $summe_nebenkosten_jahr = 0.0;
     if ($empf_kos_typ == 'MIETVERTRAG') {
         $mz = new miete();
         $summe_nebenkosten_jahr = $mz->summe_nebenkosten_im_jahr($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
         $summe_hk_jahr = $mz->summe_nebenkosten_im_jahr($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
     } else {
         $summe_nebenkosten_jahr = 0.0;
         $summe_hk_jahr = '0.00';
     $tab[$b + 2]['KOSTENART'] = '<b>Ihr Vorschuss/Jahr</b>';
     $tab[$b + 2]['BET_G'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($summe_nebenkosten_jahr) . '</b>';
     $ergebnis = $g_beteiligung + $summe_nebenkosten_jahr;
     // $ergebnis = $summe_nebenkosten_jahr- substr($g_beteiligung,1);
     if ($ergebnis < 0) {
         $txt = 'Nachzahlung';
         $ergebnis_a = substr($ergebnis, 1);
     if ($ergebnis > 0) {
         $txt = 'Guthaben';
         $ergebnis_a = $ergebnis;
     if ($ergebnis == null) {
         $txt = 'Ergebnis';
         $ergebnis_a = $ergebnis;
     $tab[$b + 3]['KOSTENART'] = "<b>{$txt}</b>";
     $tab[$b + 3]['BET_G'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($ergebnis_a) . '</b>';
     // seitennummerirung beenden
      * $this->wirt_ges_qm = $wirt->g_qm;
      * $this->wirt_g_qm_gewerbe = $wirt->g_qm_gewerbe;
      * $this->wirt_g_qm_wohnen = $this->wirt_ges_qm - $this->wirt_g_qm_gewerbe;
     // $cols1 = array('KOSTENART'=>"Betriebskostenart","KOSTEN_GESAMT"=>"Kosten gesamt $QM_G_OBJEKT m²",'KOSTEN_GEWERBE'=>"Gewerbeanteil $QM_G_GEWERBE m²",'KOSTEN_WOHNRAUM'=>"Wohnanteil $QM_G m²");
     // $cols1 = array('KOSTENART'=>"Betriebskostenart","KOSTEN_GESAMT"=>"Kosten gesamt $this->wirt_ges_qm_a m²",'KOSTEN_GEWERBE'=>"Gewerbeanteil $this->wirt_g_qm_gewerbe_a m²",'KOSTEN_WOHNRAUM'=>"Wohnanteil $this->wirt_g_qm_wohnen_a m²");
     $cols1 = array('KOSTENART' => "Betriebskostenart", "KOSTEN_GESAMT" => "Kosten gesamt", 'KOSTEN_GEWERBE' => "Gewerbeanteil {$this->wirt_g_qm_gewerbe_a}  m²", 'KOSTEN_WOHNRAUM' => "Wohnanteil {$this->wirt_g_qm_wohnen_a}  m²");
     // $i=$pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(545,728,6,'','Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}',1);
     $p = new partners();
     $pdf->addText(480, 697, 8, "{$p->partner_ort}, {$this->bk_berechnungs_datum_d}");
     // $zeitraum = "01.09.2011 - 31.12.2011";
     $pdf->ezText('<b>Betriebskostenabrechnung für den Zeitraum:   ' . $zeitraum . '</b>', 8);
     $pdf->ezText("<b>{$this->bk_bezeichnung}</b>", 8);
     $pdf->ezText("Wirtschaftseinheit: {$this->bk_kos_bez} ", 8);
     $pdf->ezText('Mieternummer:   ' . $mieternummer . " - {$einheit_typ}", 8);
     $pdf->ezText('Mieter:                ' . $empf, 8);
     /* Ergebnis in die �bersichtstabelle */
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['ERGEBNIS'] = $ergebnis;
     $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['SUMME_NK'] = $summe_nebenkosten_jahr;
     $pdf->ezTable($kontroll_tab_druck, $cols1, "Aufteilung Gewerbe- / Wohnfläche", array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 7, 'xPos' => 55, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('KOSTENART' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'KOSTEN_GESAMT' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'KOSTEN_GEWERBE' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'KOSTEN_WOHNRAUM' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
     $pdf->ezTable($tab, $cols, "{$label}", array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'titleFontSize' => 8, 'fontSize' => 7, 'xPos' => 55, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('KOSTENART' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'G_BETRAG' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60), 'G_HNDL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60), 'ANTEIL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 40), 'UMLAGE' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 45), 'G_KOS_BEZ' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 45), 'G_KEY' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 55), 'QM_ME' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 50), 'BET_G' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 45), 'BET_HNDL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 65))));
     // $pdf->ezStopPageNumbers(1,1,$i); // ENDE BERECHNUNGSSEITEN
     if ($empf_kos_typ == 'MIETVERTRAG') {
         $mz = new miete();
         $mk = new mietkonto();
         $monat = date("m");
         $jahr = date("Y");
         $ber_datum_arr = explode('-', $this->bk_berechnungs_datum);
         $ver_datum_arr = explode('-', $this->bk_verrechnungs_datum);
         $monat_b = $ber_datum_arr[1];
         $jahr_b = $ber_datum_arr[0];
         $monat_v = $ver_datum_arr[1];
         $jahr_v = $ver_datum_arr[0];
         $mk->kaltmiete_monatlich_ink_vz($empf_kos_id, $monat_b, $jahr_b);
         $mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete_a = nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete);
         // $mk->heizkosten_monatlich($empf_kos_id,$monat,$jahr);
         // $mk->betriebskosten_monatlich($empf_kos_id,$monat,$jahr);
         // $mk->nebenkosten_monatlich($empf_kos_id,$monat,$jahr);
         $anp_tab[0]['KOSTENKAT'] = 'Miete kalt';
         $anp_tab[0]['AKTUELL'] = "{$mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete_a} €";
         $anp_tab[0]['ANPASSUNG'] = '--';
         $mk1 = new mietkonto();
         $mk1->kaltmiete_monatlich_ink_vz($empf_kos_id, $monat_v, $jahr_v);
         $mk1->ausgangs_kaltmiete_a = nummer_punkt2komma($mk1->ausgangs_kaltmiete);
         $anp_tab[0]['NEU'] = "{$mk1->ausgangs_kaltmiete_a} €";
         $this->get_anpassung_details($_SESSION['profil_id'], 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
         $anp_datum = date_mysql2german($this->bk_an_anpassung_ab);
         $mv = new mietvertraege();
          * if($empf_kos_id == '580'){
          * echo '<pre>';
          * print_r($mv);
          * die();
          * }
         $pdf->addText(480, 697, 8, "{$p->partner_ort}, {$this->bk_berechnungs_datum_d}");
         /* Wenn MV aktuell anpassen, wenn ausgezogen nicht */
         // if($mv->mietvertrag_aktuell && $summe_nebenkosten_jahr){
         if ($empf_kos_typ != 'Leerstand') {
             // ##########NEU ENERGIEVERBRAUCH GEGEN VORSCHÜSSE###################
             /* prüfen ob HK Vorschüsse vorhanden */
             $mz2 = new miete();
             $met = new mietentwicklung();
             // $summe_nebenkosten_jahr = $mz->summe_nebenkosten_im_jahr($empf_kos_typ,$empf_kos_id,$this->bk_jahr);
             $summe_hk_vorschuss = $mz2->summe_heizkosten_im_jahr($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             $energiekosten_jahr = $met->get_energieverbrauch(strtoupper($empf_kos_typ), $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             if ($energiekosten_jahr > 0) {
                 $pdf->addText(480, 697, 8, "{$p->partner_ort}, {$this->bk_berechnungs_datum_d}");
                 $pdf->ezText('<b>Energiekostenabrechnung für den Zeitraum:   ' . $zeitraum . '</b>', 8);
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>{$this->bk_bezeichnung}</b>", 8);
                 $pdf->ezText("Wirtschaftseinheit: {$this->bk_kos_bez} ", 8);
                 $pdf->ezText('Mieternummer:   ' . $mieternummer . " - {$einheit_typ}", 8);
                 $pdf->ezText('Mieter:                ' . $empf, 8);
                 $pdf->ezText("{$mv->mv_anrede}", 9);
                 $pdf->ezText("die Abrechnung der Energiekosten für den o.g. Zeitraum stellt sich wie folgt da:", 9);
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[0]['KOSTENKAT'] = "Ihre Vorauszahlung im Jahr {$this->bk_jahr}";
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[0]['BETRAG'] = nummer_punkt2komma_t($summe_hk_vorschuss);
                 /* Heizkostenverbrauch abfragen */
                 // $energiekosten_jahr = $met->get_energieverbrauch(strtoupper($empf_kos_typ), $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[1]['KOSTENKAT'] = "Angefallene Kosten lt. Abrechnung in {$this->bk_jahr}";
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[1]['BETRAG'] = nummer_punkt2komma_t($energiekosten_jahr);
                 /* Ergebnis ermittlen */
                 $ergebnis_energie = $summe_hk_vorschuss - $energiekosten_jahr;
                 if ($ergebnis_energie < 0) {
                     $energie_text = "Ihre Nachzahlung";
                 if ($ergebnis_energie > 0) {
                     $energie_text = "Ihr Guthaben";
                 if ($ergebnis_energie == 0) {
                     $energie_text = "Saldo";
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[2]['KOSTENKAT'] = "<b>{$energie_text} {$this->bk_jahr}</b>";
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[2]['BETRAG'] = "<b>" . nummer_punkt2komma_t($ergebnis_energie) . "</b>";
                 $cols = array('KOSTENKAT' => "Bezeichnung", "BETRAG" => "Betrag");
                 $pdf->ezTable($hk_verbrauch_tab, $cols, "", array('showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 1, 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 8, 'xPos' => 55, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('BETRAG' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 80), 'KOSTENKAT' => array('justification' => 'left'))));
                 $pdf->ezText("Die Energieabrechnung des Abrechnungsunternehmens legen wir dieser Abrechnung bei.", 9);
                 $pdf->ezText("Mit freundlichen Grüßen", 9);
                 $pdf->ezText("Ihre Hausverwaltung", 9);
                 $hk_verbrauch_tab[3]['KOSTENKAT'] = "{$mieternummer} - {$empf} - {$zeitraum}";
                 $pdf->energie_abr[]["{$mieternummer} - {$empf} - {$zeitraum}"] = $hk_verbrauch_tab;
             // #ende wenn energieabrecnung drin
         // #ende wenn nicht leerstand
         // ########################################################################
         if ($mv->mietvertrag_aktuell) {
             /* ANPASSUNGSBLATT */
             $pdf->addText(480, 697, 8, "{$p->partner_ort}, {$this->bk_berechnungs_datum_d}");
             $pap = $mv->postanschrift[0]['anschrift'];
             if (!empty($pap)) {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$pap}", 10);
                 $pap = '';
             } else {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$mv->personen_name_string_u}\n{$mv->haus_strasse} {$mv->haus_nr}\n\n{$mv->haus_plz} {$mv->haus_stadt}", 10);
             $check_hk = $this->check_hk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             // $check_bk = $this->check_bk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ,$empf_kos_id,$this->bk_jahr);
             $bk_summe = $ergebnis;
             /* Summe aus der Abrechnung */
             $hk_summe = $this->summe_hk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             // $bk_summe = $this->summe_bk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ,$empf_kos_id,$this->bk_jahr);
             /* NEU */
             /* Anpassung Nachzahlung Heizkosten */
             /* Wenn Nachzahlung, dann mindestens 50/12+1EUR=5.00 EUR */
             if ($hk_summe < 0) {
                 // echo $hk_summe;
                 $hk_monatlich_letzte_vj = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr, 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung');
                 $hk_monatlich_letzte = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $jahr, 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung');
                 $hk_jahr_aktuell = $hk_monatlich_letzte * 12;
                 $hk_diff = $hk_jahr_aktuell - ($hk_summe * -1 + $anzahl_monate * $hk_monatlich_letzte_vj);
                 $hk_anp_betrag_neu = ($hk_summe - 25) / 12;
                 $hk_anp_betrag_neu = intval($hk_anp_betrag_neu - 1);
                 $hk_anp_betrag_neu = substr($hk_anp_betrag_neu, 1);
                 // echo "$hk_summe $hk_vorschuss_neu $hk_anp_betrag_neu";
                 if ($hk_diff >= 0) {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = '0.00';
                 } else {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = $hk_diff / 12 * -1;
                  * if($mv->mietvertrag_id=='1573'){
                  * echo "<br><b>HKSUMME: $hk_summe HKV: $hk_vorschuss_neu ANP:$hk_anp_betrag_neu HKJAHR: $hk_jahr_aktuell|$hk_monatlich_letzte $hk_monatlich_letzte_vj $hk_diff</b>";
                  * echo "$hk_diff = $hk_jahr_aktuell - (($hk_summe*-1) + ($anzahl_monate*$hk_monatlich_letzte_vj));";
                  * die();
                  * }
             } else {
                 /* Guthaben bei HK */
                 $hk_anp_betrag_neu = ($hk_summe - 50) / 12;
                 $hk_anp_betrag_neu = intval($hk_anp_betrag_neu);
                 if ($hk_anp_betrag_neu < 0) {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = 0.0;
                 /* Unter 5 Euro nicht anpassen */
                 if ($hk_anp_betrag_neu > 0.0 && $hk_anp_betrag_neu < 5.0) {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = 0.0;
                 if ($hk_anp_betrag_neu > 5) {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = -$hk_anp_betrag_neu - 1;
                 if ($hk_summe == 0 or $summe_hk_jahr == 0) {
                     $hk_anp_betrag_neu = '0.00';
             // END HK ANPASSUNG
             /* NEU BK */
             /* Anpassung Nachzahlung BK */
             /* Summe aus der Abrechnung */
             // $bk_summe = $this->summe_bk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ,$empf_kos_id,$this->bk_jahr);
             // echo $bk_summe
             if ($bk_summe < 0) {
                 // echo $hk_summe;
                 $bk_anp_betrag_neu = ($bk_summe - 24) / 12;
                 $bk_anp_betrag_neu = intval($bk_anp_betrag_neu - 1);
                 $bk_anp_betrag_neu = substr($bk_anp_betrag_neu, 1);
                 // echo "$bk_anp_betrag_neu";
                 // die();
             } else {
                 /* Guthaben bei BK */
                 if ($bk_summe > 24) {
                     $bk_anp_betrag_neu = ($bk_summe - 24) / 12;
                 } else {
                     $bk_anp_betrag_neu = $bk_summe / 12;
                 $bk_anp_betrag_neu = intval($bk_anp_betrag_neu);
                 if ($bk_anp_betrag_neu < 0) {
                     $bk_anp_betrag_neu = 0.0;
                 /* Unter 5 Euro nicht anpassen */
                 if ($bk_anp_betrag_neu > 0.0 && $bk_anp_betrag_neu < 5.0) {
                     $bk_anp_betrag_neu = 0.0;
                 if ($bk_anp_betrag_neu > 5) {
                     // echo "SANEL $bk_anp_betrag_neu";
                     $bk_anp_betrag_neu = $bk_anp_betrag_neu - 1;
                     // die("SANEL $bk_anp_betrag_neu");
             if ($bk_summe == 0 or $summe_nebenkosten_jahr == 0) {
                 $bk_anp_betrag_neu = '0.00';
             if ($mv->mietvertrag_id == '1813') {
                 // ob_clean();
                 // echo "$bk_summe $ergebnis ANP: $bk_anp_betrag_neu ";
                 // die('SANEL');
             $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['HK_SUMME'] = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_summe);
             /* Summe aller Vorauszahlungen im Jahr der Abrechnung */
             $summe_hk_jahr = $mz->summe_heizkosten_im_jahr($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             $this->get_anpassung_details($_SESSION['profil_id'], 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung');
             $hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt = $summe_hk_jahr / $anzahl_monate;
             $hk_monatlich_letzte = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $jahr, 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung');
             // $hk_monatlich_letzte = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr, 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung');
             // $x = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag_neu;
             // die("$x = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag_neu");
             // if($empf_kos_id==1){
             // die("Schnitt: $hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt Letzte:$hk_monatlich_letzte HK-Abrechnung: $hk_summe Voraus:$summe_hk_jahr");
             // }
             /* bis hier alles ok */
             $hk_monatlich_genau = (-$summe_hk_jahr + $hk_summe) / $anzahl_monate;
             if ($hk_monatlich_genau < 0) {
                 $hk_monatlich_genau = substr($hk_monatlich_genau, 1);
             echo "{$hk_monatlich_genau} = (-{$summe_hk_jahr} + {$hk_summe})/{$anzahl_monate};";
             $vorauszahlung_n_jahr = $hk_monatlich_letzte * $anzahl_monate;
             $festgesetzt_n_jahr = $vorauszahlung_n_jahr - $hk_summe;
             $hk_vorschuss_neu = $festgesetzt_n_jahr / $anzahl_monate;
             // $hk_monatlich_letzte = 84.99;
             $x = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag_neu;
             // intval($hk_anp_betrag_neu-1)
             // $hk_anp_betrag_neu = $x- $hk_monatlich_letzte;
             echo "HK {$hk_summe} {$hk_monatlich_letzte} {$hk_anp_betrag_neu}  {$x}  {$hk_vorschuss_neu}<br>";
             echo "HK ANP: {$hk_anp_betrag_neu}<br><hr>";
             // die();
             // if($hk_anp_betrag_neu<0){
             // $hk_anp_betrag_neu_pos = substr($hk_anp_betrag_neu,1);//positiv
             // }
             // echo "$hk_vorschuss_neu $hk_vorschuss_neu_pos";
             // die();
             // $hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag_neu;
             $hk_vorschuss_neu = $x;
             // echo "$hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag_neu_pos";
             // die();
             // $hk_anp_betrag = $hk_monatlich_genau - $hk_monatlich_bisher;
             // $hk_anp_betrag = $hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt - $hk_monatlich_genau;
             // $hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_monatlich_bisher + $hk_anp_betrag;
             // $hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_monatlich_letzte + $hk_anp_betrag;
             $hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt_a = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt);
             $hk_monatlich_bisher_a = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_monatlich_letzte);
             // if($mv->mietvertrag_id=='1365'){
             // die('SANEL');
             // }
             if ($this->bk_an_keyid == '1') {
                 $hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_vorschuss_neu + $this->bk_an_fest_betrag * $einheit_qm;
             if ($this->bk_an_keyid == '2') {
                 $hk_vorschuss_neu = $hk_vorschuss_neu + $this->bk_an_fest_betrag;
             // $hk_anp_betrag = $hk_vorschuss_neu - $hk_monatlich_bisher;
             /* Anpassung auf Vollzahlen */
             // $hk_vorschuss_neu = intval(substr($hk_vorschuss_neu,0,-2));
             // $hk_anp_betrag = $hk_vorschuss_neu - $hk_monatlich_letzte;
             // die("$hk_anp_betrag = $hk_anp_betrag_neu **** $hk_vorschuss_neu - $hk_monatlich_letzte");
             // if($hk_anp_betrag_neu!=0){
             // if(($hk_anp_betrag < 5.00) && ($hk_anp_betrag < -5.00)){
             // die("if(($hk_anp_betrag_neu > 0 && $hk_anp_betrag < 5.00) && ($hk_anp_betrag_neu < 0 && $hk_anp_betrag < -5.00)){");
             // $hk_anp_betrag = 0.00;
             // $hk_vorschuss_neu =$hk_monatlich_letzte;
             // die('OK');
             // die("$hk_anp_betrag < 5.00) && ($hk_anp_betrag < -5.00)");
             // }
             // }
             $hk_anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_anp_betrag_neu);
             $hk_vorschuss_neu_a = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_vorschuss_neu);
             if ($check_hk == true) {
                 $anp_tab[2]['KOSTENKAT'] = 'Heizkosten Vorauszahlung';
                 $anp_tab[2]['AKTUELL'] = "{$hk_monatlich_bisher_a} €";
                 $anp_tab[2]['ANPASSUNG'] = "{$hk_anp_betrag_a} €";
                 $anp_tab[2]['NEU'] = "{$hk_vorschuss_neu_a} €";
                 $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['HK_VORSCHUSS_ALT'] = $hk_monatlich_bisher_a;
                 $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['HK_VORSCHUSS_NEU'] = $hk_vorschuss_neu_a;
                 if ($hk_summe > $hk_monatlich_bisher_schnitt * $anzahl_monate) {
                     die("{$mieternummer} {$empf} -  Summe Hk Abrechnung > eingezahlte Summe für HK im Jahr");
             if ($check_hk == true) {
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>Anpassung der monatlichen Heiz- und Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen ab {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}</b>", 10);
             } else {
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>Anpassung der monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen ab {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}</b>", 10);
             // $pdf->ezText("Objekt: $mv->haus_strasse $mv->haus_nr, $mv->haus_plz $mv->haus_stadt",12);
             $pdf->ezText("<b>{$this->bk_bezeichnung}</b>", 10);
             $pdf->ezText("Wirtschaftseinheit: {$this->bk_kos_bez}      Einheit: {$mv->einheit_kurzname}", 10);
             // $pdf->ezText("Einheit: $mv->einheit_kurzname",12);
             /* Faltlinie */
             $pdf->line(5, 542, 20, 542);
             $pdf->ezText("{$anrede}", 10);
             $pdf->ezText("{$mv->mv_anrede}", 10);
             // $text_nachzahlung = "aufgrund der Nachzahlungsbetr�ge aus der letzten Betriebskostenabrechnung und der uns bisher bekannten Erhöhungen der Kosten für die Müllentsorgung durch die BSR, die Be- und Entwässerungskosten durch die Berliner Wasserbetriebe und die Erhöhung der Kosten für die Hausreinigung ändern wir die monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen auf der Grundlage des § 560 BGB wie nachfolgend aufgeführt ab dem $this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d.";
             $text_nachzahlung = "aufgrund der vorliegenden Nebenkostenabrechnung und zu erwartender Kostensteigerungen, erfolgt hiermit eine Änderung der monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen auf der Grundlage des § 560 BGB, wie nachfolgend aufgeführt ab dem {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}.";
             $text_guthaben_berlin = "aufgrund der uns bisher bekannten Erhöhungen der Kosten für die Müllentsorgung durch die BSR, die Be- und Entwässerungskosten durch die Berliner Wasserbetriebe und die Erhöhung der Kosten für die Hausreinigung, erfolgt hiermit eine Änderung der monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen auf der Grundlage des § 560 BGB wie nachfolgend aufgeführt ab dem {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}.";
             $text_guthaben = "aufgrund der vorliegenden Nebenkostenabrechnung und zu erwartender Kostensteigerungen, erfolgt hiermit eine Änderung der monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen auf der Grundlage des § 560 BGB, wie nachfolgend aufgeführt ab dem {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}.";
             if ($txt == 'Nachzahlung') {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$text_nachzahlung}", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
             $alttext = 'aufgrund der Nachzahlungsbeträge aus der letzten Betriebskostenabrechnung ändern wir die monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen auf der Grundlage des § 560 Abs. 4 und 5 BGB wie nachfolgend aufgeführt ab dem $this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d.';
             if ($txt == 'Guthaben') {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$text_guthaben}", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
             /* BK NK ANPASSUNG */
             $this->get_anpassung_details($_SESSION['profil_id'], 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
             // $vorschuesse_aktuell =$summe_nebenkosten_jahr;
             $men = new mietentwicklung();
             // $vorschuesse_aktuell = $men->nebenkosten_monatlich($empf_kos_id,date("m"),date("Y"));
             // $vorschuesse_aktuell = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr, 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
             $jahr_vorschuss = date("Y");
             // OKOKOK2015$vorschuesse_aktuell = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $jahr_vorschuss, 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
             // $vorschuesse_aktuell = $mz->letzte_vorauszahlung_summe($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $jahr_vorschuss, 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
             $vorschuesse_aktuell = $mz->letzte_hk_vorauszahlung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $jahr_vorschuss, 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
              * if($empf_kos_id=='1585'){
              * ob_clean();
              * die($vorschuesse_aktuell);
              * }
             $vorschuesse_neu = $g_beteiligung / $anzahl_monate;
             $vorschuesse_aktuell_a = nummer_punkt2komma($vorschuesse_aktuell);
             if ($vorschuesse_neu < 0) {
                 $vorschuesse_neu = substr($vorschuesse_neu, 1);
             if ($this->bk_an_keyid == '1') {
                 $vorschuesse_neu = $vorschuesse_neu + $this->bk_an_fest_betrag * $einheit_qm;
             if ($this->bk_an_keyid == '2') {
                 $vorschuesse_neu = $vorschuesse_neu + $this->bk_an_fest_betrag;
             $vorschuesse_neu_a = nummer_punkt2komma($vorschuesse_neu);
             $anp_betrag = $vorschuesse_neu - $vorschuesse_aktuell;
             $anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma($anp_betrag);
             if ($ergebnis > 0) {
                 $xbk = intval($vorschuesse_aktuell - $bk_anp_betrag_neu);
                 // intval($hk_anp_betrag_neu-1)
             } else {
                 $xbk = intval($vorschuesse_aktuell + $bk_anp_betrag_neu);
                 // intval($hk_anp_betrag_neu-1)
             $bk_anp_betrag_neu = $xbk - $vorschuesse_aktuell;
             echo "BK: {$vorschuesse_aktuell} {$bk_anp_betrag_neu}  {$xbk}<br>";
             echo "BK_ANP {$bk_anp_betrag_neu}<br>";
             // $anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma($bk_anp_betrag_neu);
             // $vorschuesse_neu = $xbk;
             // $vorschuesse_neu_a =nummer_punkt2komma($vorschuesse_neu);
             // die();
             /* Wenn keine VZ Anteilig gezahlt, BK Anpassen - Nettomieter!!!!!!!!! */
             $mkk = new mietkonto();
             if ($mkk->check_vz_anteilig($empf_kos_id, $monat, $jahr) == true) {
                 // $vorschuesse_aktuell_a =nummer_punkt2komma(0);
                 // $anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma(0);
                 $anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma(intval($anp_betrag));
                 $vorschuesse_neu = $vorschuesse_aktuell + intval($anp_betrag);
                 $vorschuesse_neu_a = nummer_punkt2komma($vorschuesse_neu);
             } else {
                 /* Wenn VZ Anteilig gezahlt, keine BK Anpassen - Bruttomieter!!!!!!!!! */
                 $anp_betrag = 0;
                 $vorschuesse_aktuell = 0;
                 $vorschuesse_neu = 0;
                 $anp_betrag_a = nummer_punkt2komma(0);
                 $vorschuesse_neu_a = nummer_punkt2komma($vorschuesse_aktuell);
             $anp_tab[1]['KOSTENKAT'] = 'Betriebskosten Vorauszahlung';
             $anp_tab[1]['AKTUELL'] = "{$vorschuesse_aktuell_a} €";
             $anp_tab[1]['ANPASSUNG'] = "{$anp_betrag_a} €";
             $anp_tab[1]['NEU'] = "{$vorschuesse_neu_a} €";
             $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['VORSCHUSS_ALT'] = "{$vorschuesse_aktuell_a}";
             if ($vorschuesse_neu > $vorschuesse_aktuell) {
                 $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['VORSCHUSS_NEU'] = "<b>{$vorschuesse_neu_a}</b>";
             } else {
                 $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['VORSCHUSS_NEU'] = "{$vorschuesse_neu_a}";
             $anp_tab[3]['KOSTENKAT'] = '';
             $anp_tab[3]['AKTUELL'] = "";
             $anp_tab[3]['ANPASSUNG'] = "";
             $anp_tab[3]['NEU'] = "";
             $anp_tab[4]['KOSTENKAT'] = '';
             $a_km = nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete + $vorschuesse_aktuell + $hk_monatlich_letzte);
             // $n_km= nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete + $vorschuesse_neu + $hk_vorschuss_neu);
             // if($bk_summe && $check_hk==true){
             $n_km = nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete + $vorschuesse_neu + $hk_vorschuss_neu);
             // }
             // if($check_hk==true && !$bk_summe){
             // $n_km= nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete + $hk_vorschuss_neu);
             // }
             // if($check_hk==false && $bk_summe){
             // $n_km= nummer_punkt2komma($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete + $vorschuesse_neu);
             // }
             $anp_tab[4]['AKTUELL'] = "{$a_km} €";
             $anp_tab[4]['ANPASSUNG'] = "<b>Neue Miete</b>";
             $anp_tab[4]['NEU'] = "<b>{$n_km} €</b>";
             $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['A_MIETE'] = $a_km;
             $pdf->ergebnis_tab["{$mieternummer} - {$empf}"]['N_MIETE'] = $n_km;
             $cols = array('KOSTENKAT' => "", "AKTUELL" => "Derzeitige Miete", 'ANPASSUNG' => "Anpassungsbetrag", 'NEU' => "Neue Miete ab {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d}");
             $pdf->ezTable($anp_tab, $cols, "", array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 7, 'xPos' => 55, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('AKTUELL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100), 'ANPASSUNG' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100), 'NEU' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
             $pdf->ezText("Die Anpassung des Heiz- und Betriebskostenvorschusses hat eine vertragsverändernde Wirkung, bedarf aber nicht Ihrer Zustimmung. Sollte Sie bei Ihrer Bank einen Dauerauftrag eingerichtet haben, bitten wir diesen ändern zu lassen. Bei uns vorliegenden Einzugsermächtigung erfolgt automatisch ab {$this->bk_verrechnungs_datum_d} der Lastschrifteinzug der geänderten Miete. \n\n", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
             // $pdf->ezText("$this->footer_zahlungshinweis",10);
             // $pdf->ezText("$this->footer_zahlungshinweis", 10, array('justification'=>'full'));
         /* Anschreiben nur für Mietverträge */
         if ($empf_kos_typ == 'MIETVERTRAG') {
             $mv = new mietvertraege();
             /* Wenn Mietvertrag aktuell anpassen, sonst nicht (d.h. Mieter wohnt noch in der Einheit) */
             // $this->get_anpassung_infos($_SESSION['profil_id']);
             $this->get_anpassung_details($this->profil_id, 'Nebenkosten Vorauszahlung');
             $anp_datum = date_mysql2german($this->bk_an_anpassung_ab);
             $p = new partners();
             $pdf->addText(480, 697, 8, "{$p->partner_ort}, {$this->bk_berechnungs_datum_d}");
              * echo '<pre>';
              * print_r($mv);
              * die();
              * /*Wennn ausgezogen
             $pap = $mv->postanschrift[0]['anschrift'];
             if (!empty($pap)) {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$pap}", 10);
                 $pap = '';
             } else {
                 $pdf->ezText("{$mv->personen_name_string_u}\n{$mv->haus_strasse} {$mv->haus_nr}\n\n{$mv->haus_plz} {$mv->haus_stadt}", 10);
              * if($mv->mietvertrag_aktuell=='0'){
              * $anschrift_xx = $mv->postanschrift[0]['anschrift'];
              * $pdf->ezText("$anschrift_xx",10);
              * }else{
              * $pdf->ezText("$mv->personen_name_string_u\n$mv->haus_strasse $mv->haus_nr\n\n$mv->haus_plz $mv->haus_stadt",10);
              * }
             /* Pr�fen ob heizkostenabgerechnet worden sind */
             $check_hk = $this->check_hk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
             if ($check_hk == true) {
                 $hk_summe = $this->summe_hk_abrechnung($empf_kos_typ, $empf_kos_id, $this->bk_jahr);
                 $hk_summe_a = nummer_punkt2komma($hk_summe);
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>Heiz- und Betriebskostenabrechnung Einheit: {$mv->einheit_kurzname}</b>", 10);
                 $tab_ans[1]['KOSTENART'] = 'Heizkosten/Warmwasser';
                 if ($hk_summe < 0) {
                     $hk_erg_a = 'Nachzahlung';
                 } else {
                     $hk_erg_a = 'Guthaben';
                 $tab_ans[1]['ERGEBNIS'] = $hk_erg_a;
                 $tab_ans[1]['SUMME'] = $hk_summe_a . ' €';
             } else {
                 $pdf->ezText("<b>Betriebskostenabrechnung {$this->bk_jahr} Einheit: {$mv->einheit_kurzname}</b>", 10);
             $pdf->ezText("<b>{$this->bk_bezeichnung}</b>", 10);
             $pdf->ezText("Wirtschaftseinheit: {$this->bk_kos_bez}", 10);
             // $pdf->ezText("Einheit: $mv->einheit_kurzname",12);
             /* Faltlinie */
             $pdf->line(5, 542, 20, 542);
             $pdf->ezText("{$anrede}", 12);
             $pdf->ezText("{$mv->mv_anrede}", 10);
             $pdf->ezText("namens und im Auftrag der Eigentümer erhalten Sie nachfolgend die Betriebs- und Heizkostenabrechnung für das Kalenderjahr {$this->bk_jahr} mit entsprechenden Erläuterungen zu den einzelnen Abrechnungspositionen und eventuellen Veränderungen zu vorangegangenen Abrechnungen.\n\n\t\tDaraus ergibt sich für Sie folgendes Ergebnis:", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
             $tab_ans[0]['KOSTENART'] = 'Betriebskosten';
             if ($ergebnis < 0) {
                 $bk_ergebnis = 'Nachzahlung';
             if ($ergebnis > 0) {
                 $bk_ergebnis = 'Guthaben';
             if ($ergebnis == 0) {
                 $bk_ergebnis = 'Ergebnis';
             /* Wenn kein Bruttomieter */
             $mkk = new mietkonto();
             if ($mkk->check_vz_anteilig($empf_kos_id, $monat, $jahr) == true) {
                 // die('Sanel');
                 $tab_ans[0]['ERGEBNIS'] = $bk_ergebnis;
                 $ergebnis_a_a = nummer_punkt2komma($ergebnis);
                 $tab_ans[0]['SUMME'] = $ergebnis_a_a . ' €';
             } else {
                 // die($empf_kos_id);
                 $bk_ergebnis = 0.0;
                 $ergebnis_a_a = nummer_punkt2komma(0.0);
                 $tab_ans[0]['SUMME'] = $ergebnis_a_a . ' €';
                 $ergebnis = 0.0;
             // if($summe_nebenkosten_jahr>0){
             // $tab_ans[0]['ERGEBNIS'] = $bk_ergebnis;
             // $ergebnis_a_a = nummer_punkt2komma($ergebnis);
             // $tab_ans[0]['SUMME'] = $ergebnis_a_a.' €';
             // }else{
             // $bk_ergebnis = 0.00;
             // $ergebnis_a_a = nummer_punkt2komma(0.00);
             // $tab_ans[0][SUMME] = $ergebnis_a_a.' €';
             // $ergebnis = 0.00;
             // }
             $tab_ans[2][KOSTENART] = '';
             $tab_ans[2][ERGEBNIS] = '';
             $tab_ans[2][SUMME] = '';
             $end_erg = $hk_summe + $ergebnis;
             if ($end_erg < 0) {
                 $end_erg_ergebnis = 'Nachzahlung';
             if ($end_erg > 0) {
                 $end_erg_ergebnis = 'Guthaben';
             if ($end_erg == 0) {
                 $end_erg_ergebnis = 'Ergebnis';
             $tab_ans[3][KOSTENART] = '<b>Gesamtergebnis</b>';
             $tab_ans[3][ERGEBNIS] = "<b>{$end_erg_ergebnis}</b>";
             $tab_ans[3][SUMME] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($end_erg) . ' €' . '</b>';
             $cols = array('KOSTENART' => "Betriebskostenart", 'ERGEBNIS' => "Ergebnis", 'SUMME' => "Summe");
             $pdf->ezTable($tab_ans, $cols, "", array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 7, 'xPos' => 55, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('KOSTENART' => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 345), 'ERGEBNIS' => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 55), 'SUMME' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
         $pdf->ezText("Die Abrechnungsunterlagen können nach vorheriger Terminabsprache bei uns im Büro eingesehen werden. Eventuelle Einwände gegen die Abrechnung sind bitte innerhalb eines Jahres nach Zugang der Abrechnung schriftlich bei uns anzuzeigen.", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
         $v_monat_arr = explode('-', $this->bk_verrechnungs_datum);
         $v_monat_name = monat2name($v_monat_arr['1']);
         $v_jahr = $v_monat_arr['0'];
         $pdf->ezText("Bei Vorlage einer Einzugsermächtigung wird das Guthaben aus der Abrechnung mit der Miete für den Monat {$v_monat_name} {$v_jahr} verrechnet. Nachzahlungsbeträge werden mit der Zahlung der Miete für den Monat {$v_monat_name} {$v_jahr} mit eingezogen, bitte sorgen Sie für eine ausreichende Kontodeckung bzw. informieren uns unbedingt, falls der Nachzahlungsbetrag nicht per Lastschrift eingezogen werden soll.", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
         if (isset($_SESSION[geldkonto_id])) {
             $g = new geldkonto_info();
         } else {
             die("GELDKONTO AUSWÄHLEN");
         // $pdf->ezText("auf das Konto $g->kontonummer bei der $g->kredit_institut, BLZ $g->blz.\n\n",12);
         $pdf->ezText("Sollte uns keine Einzugsermächtigung vorliegen, bitten wir das Guthaben mit der nächsten Mietzahlung zu\nverrechnen bzw. den Nachzahlungsbetrag unter Angabe Ihrer Mieternummer <b>{$mieternummer}</b> auf das Konto mit der\n<b>IBAN</b> <b>{$g->IBAN1}</b> bei der <b>{$g->kredit_institut}</b> zu überweisen.", 10, array('justification' => 'left'));
         $pdf->ezText("Bei verzogenen Mietern ist es uns nicht möglich die Nachzahlungsbeträge per Lastschrift einzuziehen, wir bitten hier um Überweisung auf das o.g. Geldkonto.", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
         $pdf->ezText("Für die Erstattung eines Guthabens bitten wir Sie uns Ihre aktuelle Kontonummer schriftlich mitzuteilen.", 10);
         // print_r($g);
         // die();
         // $pdf->ezText("$this->footer_zahlungshinweis",10);
         /* Anschreiben ENDE */
     } else {
         // $pdf->ezText("KEINE ANPASSUNG",10);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 define('PRICING_COLUMN_SIZES', '67');
 $vilains = array("&#224;", "&#225;", "&#226;", "&#227;", "&#228;", "&#229;", "&#230;", "&#231;", "&#232;", "&#233;", "&#234;", "&#235;", "&#236;", "&#237;", "&#238;", "&#239;", "&#240;", "&#241;", "&#242;", "&#243;", "&#244;", "&#245;", "&#246;", "&#247;", "&#248;", "&#249;", "&#250;", "&#251;", "&#252;", "&#253;", "&#254;", "&#255;", "&#223;", "&#39;", "&nbsp;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&atilde;", "&auml;", "&Arond;", "&egrave;", "&aelig;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&Iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&ouml;", "&oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&uuml;", "&ntilde;", "&ccedil;", "&yacute;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;");
 $cools = array('à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ê', 'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'ï', 'ð', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô', 'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ý', 'þ', 'ÿ', 'ß', '\'', ' ', 'à', 'á', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'è', 'æ', 'ê', 'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'Î', 'ï', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô', 'õ', 'ö', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ñ', 'ç', 'ý', '<', '>', '&');
 $currencies = new currencies();
 //$pdf->setPreferences(array("HideToolbar" => 'false', "HideWindowUI" => 'false'));
 $pdf->selectFont(BATCH_PDF_DIR . 'Helvetica.afm');
 $pdf->setFontFamily(BATCH_PDF_DIR . 'Helvetica.afm');
 // company name and details pulled from the my store address and phone number
 // in admin configuration mystore
 $y -= 10;
 // logo image  set to right of the above .. change first number to move sideways
 //$pdf->addJpegFromFile(BATCH_PRINT_INC . 'templates/' . 'invoicelogo.jpg',365,730,85,85);
 // extra info boxs to be used by staff
 $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->Rectangle(300, 745, 250, 70);
 $pdf->addText(310, 785, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, TEXT_PACKED_BY);
 $pdf->addText(310, 760, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, TEXT_VERIFIED_BY);
 // line between header order number and order date
 $pdf->line(LEFT_MARGIN, $y, LINE_LENGTH, $y);
 $dup_y = $y;
 // order number
 $y = $pdf->ezText("<b>" . TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . " </b>" . $orders['orders_prefix'] . $orders['orders_id'] . "\n\n", SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE);
 // order date
 if ($_POST['show_order_date']) {
     $pdf->ezText("<b>" . TEXT_ORDER_DATE . " </b>" . date(TEXT_ORDER_FORMAT, strtotime($order->info['date_purchased'])) . "\n\n", SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE, array('justification' => 'right'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
function init_pdf($pagesize, $orientation, $title)
    global $layout;
    $diff = array(177 => 'aogonek', 161 => 'Aogonek', 230 => 'cacute', 198 => 'Cacute', 234 => 'eogonek', 202 => 'Eogonek', 241 => 'nacute', 209 => 'Nacute', 179 => 'lslash', 163 => 'Lslash', 182 => 'sacute', 166 => 'Sacute', 188 => 'zacute', 172 => 'Zacute', 191 => 'zdot', 175 => 'Zdot', 185 => 'scaron', 169 => 'Scaron', 232 => 'ccaron', 200 => 'Ccaron', 236 => 'edot', 204 => 'Edot', 231 => 'iogonek', 199 => 'Iogonek', 249 => 'uogonek', 217 => 'Uogonek', 254 => 'umacron', 222 => 'Umacron', 190 => 'zcaron', 174 => 'Zcaron');
    $pdf = new Cezpdf($pagesize, $orientation);
    $pdf->isUnicode = true;
    $pdf->addInfo('Producer', 'LMS Developers');
    $pdf->addInfo('Title', $title);
    $pdf->addInfo('Creator', 'LMS ' . $layout['lmsv']);
    $pdf->setPreferences('FitWindow', '1');
    $pdf->setFontFamily('arial', array('b' => 'arialbd'));
    $pdf->selectFont('arial', array('encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding', 'differences' => $diff), 1, true);
    return $pdf;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function CREATEPDF($p)
    $sGeo = explode("|", $p);
    $tokens = explode(",", $sGeo[0]);
    $sMin = explode(" ", $tokens[0]);
    $sMax = explode(" ", $tokens[2]);
    $sMinX = $sMin[0];
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    $oPDF = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait') or die("Kan PDFLib niet gebruiken");
    $oPDF->ezSetMargins(20, 20, 20, 20);
    $ext1 = $sMax[1] - $sMin[0];
    $ext2 = $sMax[2] - $sMin[1];
    $oPDF->rectangle(20, 20, 595.28 - 40, 841.89 - 40);
    for ($iRecord = 1; $iRecord < count($sGeo) - 1; $iRecord++) {
        $oPDF->setColor(1, 0, 0);
        $oPDF->setStrokeColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
        $tokens = explode(",", $sGeo[$iRecord]);
        $point = array();
        $waarde = 0;
        //$waardex = (297.64);
        //$waardey = (420.945);
        //$waardex = 0;
        //$waardey = 0;
        for ($gRecord = 0; $gRecord < count($tokens); $gRecord++) {
            $sPunt = explode(" ", $tokens[$gRecord]);
            if ($gRecord == 0) {
                $sX = $sPunt[0] - $sMinX;
                $sY = $sPunt[1] - $sMinY;
                $point[$waarde] = $sX * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
                $point[$waarde + 1] = $sY * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
            } elseif ($gRecord == count($tokens) - 1) {
                $sX = $sPunt[1] - $sMinX;
                $sY = $sPunt[2] - $sMinY;
                $point[$waarde] = $sX * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
                $point[$waarde + 1] = $sY * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
            } else {
                $sX = $sPunt[1] - $sMinX;
                $sY = $sPunt[2] - $sMinY;
                $point[$waarde] = $sX * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
                $point[$waarde + 1] = $sY * 1000 / 0.3528 / 350000;
            $waarde = $waarde + 2;
        $oPDF->polygon($point, $waarde / 2, 1);
        $oPDF->polygon($point, $waarde / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Crea un pdf con el estado de cuenta de el cliente especificado
  * @param Array $args,  $args['id_cliente'=>12[,'tipo_venta'=> 'credito | contado | saldo'] ], por default obtiene todas las compras del cliente
 public static function imprimirEstadoCuentaCliente($args)
     //verificamos que se haya especificado el id del cliente
     if (!isset($args['id_cliente'])) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente."}');
     //verificamos que el cliente exista
     if (!($cliente = ClienteDAO::getByPK($args['id_cliente']))) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente {$args['id_cliente']}.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente ' . $args['id_cliente'] . '"}');
     //obtenemos los datos del emisor
     $estado_cuenta = estadoCuentaCliente($args);
     //buscar los datos del emisor
     if (!($emisor = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('emisor'))) {
         Logger::log("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
         die("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
     $emisor = json_decode($emisor->getValue())->emisor;
     $sucursal = SucursalDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['sucursal']);
     if (!$sucursal) {
         die("Sucursal invalida");
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.pdf.php';
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php';
     $pdf = new Cezpdf();
     //margenes de un centimetro para toda la pagina
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
      * LOGO
     if (!($logo = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('url_logo'))) {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, no se encontro el camṕo 'url_logo'");
         die("Verifique la configuracion del POS, no se encontro el url del logo");
     //detectamos el tipo de imagen del logo
     if (substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "jpg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "JPG" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "jpeg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "JPEG") {
         $pdf->addJpegFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
     } elseif (substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "png" || substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "PNG") {
         $pdf->addPngFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
     } else {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, la extension de la imagen del logo no es compatible");
         die("La extension de la imagen usada para el logo del negocio no es valida.");
     /*     * ************************
      * ************************* */
     $e = "<b>" . self::readableText($emisor->nombre) . "</b>\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($emisor);
     $e .= "RFC: " . $emisor->rfc . "\n\n";
     //datos de la sucursal
     $e .= "<b>Lugar de expedicion</b>\n";
     $e .= self::readableText($sucursal->getDescripcion()) . "\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($sucursal);
     $datos = array(array("emisor" => $e));
     $opciones_tabla = array();
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['showHeadings'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['shaded'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['fontSize'] = 8;
     $opciones_tabla['xOrientation'] = 'right';
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(7.3);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(11);
     $opciones_tabla['textCol'] = array(0, 0, 0);
     $opciones_tabla['titleFontSize'] = 12;
     $opciones_tabla['rowGap'] = 3;
     $opciones_tabla['colGap'] = 3;
     $pdf->ezTable($datos, "", "", $opciones_tabla);
     $cajero = UsuarioDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['userid'])->getNombre();
     $datos = array(array("col" => "<b>Cajero</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cajero)), array("col" => "<b>Cliente</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cliente->getRazonSocial())), array("col" => "<b>Limite de  Credito</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->limite_credito, DONT_USE_HTML)), array("col" => "<b>Saldo</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->saldo, DONT_USE_HTML)));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(12.2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(6);
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['shaded'] = 2;
     $opciones_tabla['shadeCol'] = array(1, 1, 1);
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     $opciones_tabla['shadeCol2'] = array(0.8984375, 0.95703125, 0.99609375);
     $pdf->ezTable($datos, "", "", $opciones_tabla);
     //roundRect($pdf, puntos_cm(12.2), puntos_cm(28.8), puntos_cm(6), puntos_cm(4.25));
     $elementos = array(array('id_venta' => 'Venta', 'fecha' => 'Fecha', 'sucursal' => 'Sucursal', 'cajero' => 'Cajero', 'tipo_venta' => 'Tipo', 'tipo_pago' => 'Pago', 'total' => 'Total', 'pagado' => 'Pagado', 'saldo' => 'Saldo'));
     foreach ($estado_cuenta->array_ventas as $venta) {
         $array_venta = array();
         $array_venta['id_venta'] = $venta['id_venta'];
         $array_venta['fecha'] = $venta['fecha'];
         $array_venta['sucursal'] = self::readableText($venta['sucursal']);
         $array_venta['cajero'] = self::readableText($venta['cajero']);
         $array_venta['cancelada'] = self::readableText($venta['cancelada']);
         $array_venta['tipo_venta'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_venta']);
         $array_venta['tipo_pago'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_pago']);
         $array_venta['total'] = FormatMoney($venta['total'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['pagado'] = FormatMoney($venta['pagado'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['saldo'] = FormatMoney($venta['saldo'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         array_push($elementos, $array_venta);
     $pdf->ezText("", 8, array('justification' => 'center'));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(16.2);
     $pdf->ezTable($elementos, "", "Estado de Cuenta", $opciones_tabla);
     //roundRect($pdf, puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(24.3), puntos_cm(16.2), puntos_cm(3.2));
     /*     * ************************
      * notas de abajo
      * ************************* */
     $pdf->setStrokeColor(0.3359375, 0.578125, 0.89453125);
     $pdf->line(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.3), puntos_cm(18.2), puntos_cm(1.3));
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.0), 7, "Fecha de impresion: " . date("d/m/y") . " " . date("H:i:s"));
     //$pdf->addJpegFromFile("../www/media/logo_simbolo.jpg", puntos_cm(15.9), puntos_cm(.25), 25);
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(16.7), puntos_cm(0.6), 8, "caffeina.mx");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function saldenliste_mv_pdf($monat, $jahr)
     // ausgabepuffer leeren
     /* PDF AUSGABE */
     //include_once ('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4.5, 0, 0, 0);
     /* Kopfzeile */
     $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/logo_hv_sw.jpg', 220, 750, 175, 100);
     $pdf->addText(86, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG * Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim * Telefon: 89784477 * Fax: 89784479 * Email: info@berlus.de");
     $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
     /* Footer */
     $pdf->line(42, 50, 550, 50);
     $pdf->addText(170, 42, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG *  Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim");
     $pdf->addText(150, 35, 6, "Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank Berlin * BLZ: 100  800  00 * Konto-Nr.: 05 804 000 00 * Steuernummer: 24/582/61188");
     $pdf->addInfo('Title', "Saldenliste {$objekt_name} {$monatname} {$jahr}");
     $pdf->addInfo('Author', $_SESSION[username]);
     $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(550, 755, 7, '', "Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}");
     // echo "Monatsbericht Mieter - Monatsbericht Kostenkonten<br>";
     // echo "<h3>Aktuelle Mieterstatistik mit ausgezogene Mieter<br></h3>";
     $s = new statistik();
     $jahr = $_REQUEST[jahr];
     if (empty($jahr)) {
         $jahr = date("Y");
     } else {
         if (strlen($jahr) < 4) {
             $jahr = date("Y");
     // $jahr_monat = date("Y-m");
     // $jahr = date("Y");
     $monat = $_REQUEST[monat];
     if (empty($monat)) {
         $monat = date("m");
     } else {
         if (strlen($monat) < 2) {
             $monat = '0' . $monat;
     // $monat = '04';
     $jahr_monat = $jahr . '-' . $monat;
     // $jahr_vormonat = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y"));
     // $jahr_vormonat = date("Y-m",$jahr_vormonat);
     $bg = new berlussimo_global();
     $link = "?daten=mietvertrag_raus&mietvertrag_raus=saldenliste";
     $bg->monate_jahres_links($jahr, $link);
     if (isset($_SESSION['objekt_id'])) {
         $objekt_id = $_SESSION['objekt_id'];
         $einheit_info = new einheit();
         $o = new objekt();
         $objekt_name = $o->get_objekt_name($objekt_id);
         $monatname = monat2name($monat);
         $pdf->addText(70, 755, 10, "Saldenliste {$objekt_name} {$monatname} {$jahr}");
         $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(3, 3, 3, 3);
         $text_options = array(left => 0, justification => 'left');
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Einheit</b>", 8, $text_options);
         $text_options = array(left => 100, justification => 'left');
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Mieter</b>", 8, $text_options);
         $text_options = array(left => 270, justification => 'left');
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Einzug</b>", 8, $text_options);
         $text_options = array(left => 320, justification => 'left');
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Auszug</b>", 8, $text_options);
         $text_options = array(right => 0, justification => 'right');
         $pdf->ezText("<b>SALDO EUR</b>", 8, $text_options);
         /* Aktuell bzw. gewünschten Monat berechnen */
         $ob = new objekt();
         $einheiten_array = $ob->einheiten_objekt_arr($objekt_id);
         // $einheiten_array = $s->vermietete_monat_jahr($jahr_monat,$objekt_id, '');
          * echo "<pre>";
          * print_r($einheiten_array);
          * echo "<h1> EINHEITEN: $anzahl_aktuell</h1>";
          * $mv_array = $einheit_info->get_mietvertrag_ids('7');
          * print_r($mv_array);
         $summe_sv = 0;
         $summe_mieten = 0;
         $summe_umlagen = 0;
         $summe_akt_gsoll = 0;
         $summe_g_zahlungen = 0;
         $summe_saldo_neu = 0;
         $anzahl_aktuell = count($einheiten_array);
         $miete = new miete();
         $zeilen_pro_seite = 60;
         $aktuelle_zeile = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $anzahl_aktuell; $i++) {
             $mv_array = $einheit_info->get_mietvertraege_bis("" . $einheiten_array[$i]['EINHEIT_ID'] . "", $jahr, $monat);
             $mv_anzahl = count($mv_array);
             if (is_array($mv_array)) {
                 for ($b = 0; $b < $mv_anzahl; $b++) {
                     $mv_id = $mv_array[$b]['MIETVERTRAG_ID'];
                     $mk = new mietkonto();
                     $mieter_ids = $mk->get_personen_ids_mietvertrag($mv_id);
                     for ($a = 0; $a < count($mieter_ids); $a++) {
                         $mieter_daten_arr[] = $mk->get_person_infos($mieter_ids[$a][PERSON_MIETVERTRAG_PERSON_ID]);
                     // $miete->mietkonto_berechnung_monatsgenau($mv_id, $jahr, $monat);
                     $end_saldoo = $miete->saldo_berechnen_monatsgenau($mv_id, $monat, $jahr);
                     $zeile = $zeile + 1;
                     $einheit_kurzname = $einheiten_array[$i]['EINHEIT_KURZNAME'];
                     $vn = RTRIM(LTRIM($mieter_daten_arr['0']['0']['PERSON_VORNAME']));
                     $nn = RTRIM(LTRIM($mieter_daten_arr['0']['0']['PERSON_NACHNAME']));
                     $akt_gesamt_soll = $miete->saldo_vormonat_stand + $miete->sollmiete_warm;
                     $l_tag_akt_monat = letzter_tag_im_monat($monat, $jahr);
                     $l_datum = "{$jahr}-{$monat}-{$l_tag_akt_monat}";
                     if ($this->mietvertrag_bis == '0000-00-00' or $this->mietvertrag_bis > $l_datum) {
                         $mv_bis = 'aktuell';
                     } else {
                         $mv_bis = date_mysql2german($this->mietvertrag_bis);
                     $mv_von = date_mysql2german($this->mietvertrag_von);
                     $end_saldoo = nummer_punkt2komma($end_saldoo);
                     if ($mv_bis == 'aktuell') {
                         // echo "$zeile. $einheit_kurzname $nn $vn SALDO NEU: $end_saldoo <br>";
                         $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(3, 3, 3, 3);
                         $text_options = array(left => 0, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$einheit_kurzname}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 100, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$nn} {$vn}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 270, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$mv_von}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 320, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(right => 0, justification => 'right');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$end_saldoo}", 8, $text_options);
                     } else {
                         // echo "<b>$zeile. $einheit_kurzname $nn $vn SALDO NEU: $end_saldoo € BEENDET AM :$mv_bis €</b><br>";
                         $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(3, 3, 3, 3);
                         $text_options = array(left => 0, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$einheit_kurzname}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 100, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$nn} {$vn}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 270, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$mv_von}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 320, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$mv_bis}", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(right => 0, justification => 'right');
                         $pdf->ezText("{$end_saldoo}", 8, $text_options);
                     if ($zeilen_pro_seite == $aktuelle_zeile) {
                         /* Kopfzeile */
                         $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/logo_hv_sw.jpg', 220, 750, 175, 100);
                         $pdf->addText(86, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG * Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim * Telefon: 89784477 * Fax: 89784479 * Email: info@berlus.de");
                         $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
                         /* Footer */
                         $pdf->line(42, 50, 550, 50);
                         $pdf->addText(170, 42, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG *  Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim");
                         $pdf->addText(150, 35, 6, "Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank Berlin * BLZ: 100  800  00 * Konto-Nr.: 05 804 000 00 * Steuernummer: 24/582/61188");
                         $pdf->addInfo('Title', "Saldenliste {$objekt_name} {$monatname} {$jahr}");
                         $pdf->addText(70, 755, 10, "Saldenliste  {$objekt_name} {$monatname} {$jahr}");
                         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(550, 755, 7, '', "Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}");
                         /* Überschriftzeile */
                         $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(3, 3, 3, 3);
                         $text_options = array(left => 0, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("<b>Einheit</b>", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 100, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("<b>Mieter</b>", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 270, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("<b>Einzug</b>", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(left => 320, justification => 'left');
                         $pdf->ezText("<b>Auszug</b>", 8, $text_options);
                         $text_options = array(right => 0, justification => 'right');
                         $pdf->ezText("<b>SALDO EUR</b>", 8, $text_options);
                         $aktuelle_zeile = 0;
                 // end if is_array mv_ids
         // hinweis_ausgeben("Saldenliste mit Vormieter für $objekt_name wurde erstellt<br>");
         // ausgabepuffer leeren
         /* Falls kein Objekt ausgewählt */
     } else {
         echo "Objekt auswählen";
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Creates a PDF document and sends this pricelist to the client
  * Unfortunately, ezpdf does not return anything after printing the
  * document, so there's no way to tell whether it has succeeded.
  * Thus, you should not rely on the return value, except when it is
  * false -- in that case, loading of some data failed.
  * @return  boolean           False on failure, true on supposed success
 function send_as_pdf()
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$this->load()) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_ERROR_LOADING']);
     $objPdf = new \Cezpdf('A4');
     $objPdf->setEncryption('', '', array('print'));
     $objPdf->selectFont(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/ezpdf/fonts/' . $this->font);
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Reset margins
     $marginTop = 30;
     $biggerCountTop = $biggerCountBottom = 0;
     $arrHeaderLeft = $arrHeaderRight = $arrFooterLeft = $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->header) {
         // header should be shown
         $arrHeaderLeft = explode("\n", $this->header_left);
         $arrHeaderRight = explode("\n", $this->header_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrHeaderLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrHeaderRight);
         $biggerCountTop = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginTop = $biggerCountTop * 14 + 36;
     // Bottom margin
     $marginBottom = 20;
     $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->footer) {
         // footer should be shown
         // Old, obsolete:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         // New:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         $arrFooterLeft = explode("\n", $this->footer_left);
         $arrFooterRight = explode("\n", $this->footer_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrFooterLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrFooterRight);
         $biggerCountBottom = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginBottom = $biggerCountBottom * 20 + 20;
     // Borders
     if ($this->border) {
         $linesForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
         $objPdf->rectangle(10, 10, 575.28, 821.89);
         $objPdf->addObject($linesForAllPages, 'all');
     // Header
     $headerArray = array();
     $startpointY = 0;
     if ($this->header) {
         $headerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $biggerCountTop; ++$i) {
             $headerArray[$i] = array('left' => isset($arrHeaderLeft[$i]) ? $arrHeaderLeft[$i] : '', 'right' => isset($arrHeaderRight[$i]) ? $arrHeaderRight[$i] : '');
         $tempY = $objPdf->ezTable($headerArray, '', '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_header, 'shaded' => 0, 'width' => 540, 'showLines' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'cols' => array('right' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
         $tempY -= 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         $startpointY = $tempY - 5;
         $objPdf->addObject($headerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Footer
     $pageNumbersX = $pageNumbersY = $pageNumbersFont = 0;
     if ($this->footer) {
         $footerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $tempY = $marginBottom - 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         // length of the longest word
         $longestWord = 0;
         foreach ($arrFooterRight as $line) {
             if ($longestWord < strlen($line)) {
                 $longestWord = strlen($line);
         for ($i = $biggerCountBottom - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
             if (empty($arrFooterLeft[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterLeft[$i] = '';
             if (empty($arrFooterRight[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterRight[$i] = '';
             if ($arrFooterLeft[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterLeft[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 65;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 $objPdf->addText(25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterLeft[$i]);
             if ($arrFooterRight[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterRight[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 595.28 - 25;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 // Properly align right
                 $width = $objPdf->getTextWidth($this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
                 $objPdf->addText(595.28 - $width - 25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
         $objPdf->addObject($footerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Page numbers
     if (isset($pageNumbersX)) {
         $objPdf->ezStartPageNumbers($pageNumbersX, $pageNumbersY, $pageNumbersFont, '', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_FORMAT_PAGENUMBER'], 1);
     // Margins
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins($marginTop, $marginBottom, 30, 30);
     // Product table
     if (isset($startpointY)) {
     $objInit->backendLangId = $this->lang_id;
     $_ARRAYLANG = $objInit->loadLanguageData('Shop');
     $currency_symbol = Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol();
     $category_ids = $this->category_ids();
     if ($category_ids == '*') {
         $category_ids = null;
     $count = 1000;
     // Be sensible!
     // Pattern is "%" because all-empty parameters will result in an
     // empty array!
     $arrProduct = Products::getByShopParams($count, 0, null, $category_ids, null, '%', null, null, '`category_id` ASC, `name` ASC');
     $arrCategoryName = ShopCategories::getNameArray();
     $arrOutput = array();
     foreach ($arrProduct as $product_id => $objProduct) {
         $categoryIds = explode(',', $objProduct->category_id());
         $arrCategoryNames = array();
         foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
             $arrCategoryNames[] = $arrCategoryName[$categoryId];
         //$objProduct = new Product();
         $arrOutput[$product_id] = array('product_name' => self::decode($objProduct->name()), 'category_name' => self::decode(implode(', ', $arrCategoryNames)), 'product_code' => self::decode($objProduct->code()), 'product_id' => self::decode($objProduct->id()), 'price' => ($objProduct->discount_active() ? "S " . Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->discountprice()) : Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->price())) . ' ' . $currency_symbol);
     $objPdf->ezTable($arrOutput, array('product_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_NAME']) . '</b>', 'category_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CATEGORY_NAME']) . '</b>', 'product_code' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_CODE']) . '</b>', 'product_id' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ID']) . '</b>', 'price' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICE']) . '</b>'), '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_list, 'width' => 530, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 4, 2)) / 255), 'shadeCol2' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 4, 2)) / 255), 'cols' => array('product_name' => array('width' => 255), 'category_name' => array('width' => 130), 'product_code' => array('width' => 50), 'product_id' => array('width' => 40, 'justification' => 'right'), 'price' => array('width' => 55, 'justification' => 'right'))));
     // Never reached
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
         $pdf->ezText('', 280, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText($swimmername, 40, array('justification' => 'center'));
         //			$pdf->ezText($clubname, 16, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText('', 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText(_('har deltaget i'), 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText('', 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText($aryCompo['name'] . ' - ' . $date, 30, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText('', 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText(_('med følgende resultat:'), 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezText('', 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         foreach ($results as $r) {
             $pdf->ezText($r['Resultat'], 20, array('justification' => 'center'));
         $pdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 28.3, 75);
         $pdf->line(300, 80, 530, 80);
         $pdf->ezText(_('Stævneleder') . ' ' . $aryCompo['leader'], 15, array('justification' => 'right'));
     $swimmername = $swimmer['sname'];
     $clubname = $swimmer['cname'];
     $results = array();
     $count = 0;
     $currentswimmer = $swimmer['sid'];
 if ($swimmer['distance'] == 25) {
     if ($result = $db->getSwimmerBestTime($id, $currentswimmer, 25)) {
         if ($result['result'] > 0) {
             $min = floor($result['result'] / 60);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function kosten_einnahmen_pdf($geldkontos_arr, $monat, $jahr)
     $anzahl_konten = count($geldkontos_arr);
     $datum_jahresanfang = "01.01.{$jahr}";
     if ($anzahl_konten) {
         // ausgabepuffer leeren
         /* PDF AUSGABE */
         //include_once ('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
         $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
         $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4.5, 0, 0, 0);
         /* Kopfzeile */
         $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/logo_hv_sw.jpg', 220, 750, 175, 100);
         $pdf->addText(86, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG * Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim * Telefon: 89784477 * Fax: 89784479 * Email: info@berlus.de");
         $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
         /* Footer */
         $pdf->line(42, 50, 550, 50);
         $pdf->addText(170, 42, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG *  Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim");
         $pdf->addText(150, 35, 6, "Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank Berlin * BLZ: 100  800  00 * Konto-Nr.: 05 804 000 00 * Steuernummer: 24/582/61188");
         $pdf->addInfo('Title', "Monatsbericht {$objekt_name} {$monatname} {$jahr}");
         $pdf->addInfo('Author', $_SESSION['username']);
         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(100, 760, 8, '', 'Seite {PAGENUM} von {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
         $g_kosten_jahr = 0.0;
         /* Schleife für jedes Geldkonto bzw. Zeilenausgabe */
         for ($a = 0; $a < $anzahl_konten; $a++) {
             $geldkonto_id = $geldkontos_arr[$a]['GELDKONTO_ID'];
             $objekt_name = $geldkontos_arr[$a]['OBJEKT_NAME'];
             $this->kontostand_tagesgenau_bis($geldkonto_id, $datum_jahresanfang);
             $kontostand_jahresanfang = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
             $this->summe_kontobuchungen_jahr_monat($geldkonto_id, '80001', $jahr, $monat);
             $summe_mieteinnahmen_monat = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
             $this->summe_miete_jahr($geldkonto_id, '80001', $jahr, $monat);
             $summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
             $this->summe_kosten_jahr_monat($geldkonto_id, '80001', $jahr, $monat);
             $summe_kosten_monat = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
             $this->summe_kosten_jahr($geldkonto_id, '80001', $jahr, $monat);
             $summe_kosten_jahr = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
              * if($monat < 12){
              * $monat_neu = $monat + 1;
              * $jahr_neu = $jahr;
              * }
              * if($monat == 12){
              * $monat_neu = 1;
              * $jahr_neu = $jahr +1;
              * }
             $monat = sprintf('%02d', $monat);
             $letzter_tag_m = letzter_tag_im_monat($monat, $jahr);
             $datum_bis = "{$letzter_tag_m}.{$monat}.{$jahr}";
             $this->kontostand_tagesgenau_bis($geldkonto_id, $datum_bis);
             $kontostand_heute = $this->summe_konto_buchungen;
             $monatname = monat2name($monat);
             /* Gesamtsummen bilden */
             $g_kontostand_ja = $g_kontostand_ja + $kontostand_jahresanfang;
             $g_me_monat = $g_me_monat + $summe_mieteinnahmen_monat;
             $g_me_jahr = $g_me_jahr + $summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr;
             $g_kosten_monat = $g_kosten_monat + $summe_kosten_monat;
             $g_kosten_jahr += $summe_kosten_jahr;
             $g_kontostand_akt = $g_kontostand_akt + $kontostand_heute;
             $kontostand_jahresanfang = nummer_punkt2komma($kontostand_jahresanfang);
             $summe_mieteinnahmen_monat = nummer_punkt2komma($summe_mieteinnahmen_monat);
             $summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr = nummer_punkt2komma($summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr);
             $summe_kosten_monat = nummer_punkt2komma($summe_kosten_monat);
             $summe_kosten_jahr = nummer_punkt2komma($summe_kosten_jahr);
             $kontostand_heute = nummer_punkt2komma($kontostand_heute);
             // echo "<b>$kontostand_jahresanfang| $summe_mieteinnahmen_monat|$summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr|$summe_kosten_monat|$summe_kosten_jahr|$kontostand_heute</b><br>";
             $table_arr[$a]['OBJEKT_NAME'] = $objekt_name;
             $table_arr[$a]['KONTOSTAND1_1'] = $kontostand_jahresanfang;
             $table_arr[$a]['ME_MONAT'] = $summe_mieteinnahmen_monat;
             $table_arr[$a]['ME_JAHR'] = $summe_mieteinnahmen_jahr;
             $table_arr[$a]['KOSTEN_MONAT'] = $summe_kosten_monat;
             $table_arr[$a]['KOSTEN_JAHR'] = $summe_kosten_jahr;
             $table_arr[$a]['KONTOSTAND_AKTUELL'] = "<b>{$kontostand_heute}</b>";
         // end for
         /* Summenzeile hinzufügen */
         $table_arr[$a]['OBJEKT_NAME'] = "<b>Summe incl. FON</b>";
         $table_arr[$a]['KONTOSTAND1_1'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_kontostand_ja) . '</b>';
         $table_arr[$a]['ME_MONAT'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_me_monat) . '</b>';
         $table_arr[$a]['ME_JAHR'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_me_jahr) . '</b>';
         $table_arr[$a]['KOSTEN_MONAT'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_kosten_monat) . '</b>';
         $table_arr[$a]['KOSTEN_JAHR'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_kosten_jahr) . '</b>';
         $table_arr[$a]['KONTOSTAND_AKTUELL'] = '<b>' . nummer_punkt2komma($g_kontostand_akt) . '</b>';
         $pdf->ezTable($table_arr, array('OBJEKT_NAME' => 'Objekt', 'KONTOSTAND1_1' => "Kontostand {$datum_jahresanfang}", 'ME_MONAT' => "Mieten Einnahmen {$monatname}", 'ME_JAHR' => "Mieten Einnahmen {$jahr}", 'KOSTEN_MONAT' => "Kosten {$monatname}", 'KOSTEN_JAHR' => "Kosten {$jahr}", 'KONTOSTAND_AKTUELL' => "Kontostand"), '<b>Kosten & Einnahmen / Objekt (Tabellarische übersicht)</b>', array('shaded' => 0, 'width' => '500', 'justification' => 'right', 'cols' => array('KONTOSTAND1_1' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'ME_MONAT' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'ME_MONAT' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'ME_JAHR' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'KOSTEN_MONAT' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'KOSTEN_JAHR' => array('justification' => 'right'), 'KONTOSTAND_AKTUELL' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
         // ausgabepuffer leeren
         header("Content-type: application/pdf");
         // wird von MSIE ignoriert
     } else {
         echo "Keine Daten Error 65922";
Ejemplo n.º 15
function creaPDF($colname_factura, $tmpName)
    global $database_f4, $f4, $interface, $setsProlec, $url_dir;
    $FWK_PDFFONTS = 'pdf/fonts/';
    $FWK_PDFDEFAULTFONT = '/face5/' . $url_dir . '/f4/extensiones/pdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm';
    $FWK_PDFCOURIERFONT = 'pdf/fonts/Courier.afm';
    // Obtener factura y sus anexos
    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_factura = sprintf("SELECT  facturas.idfactura,  facturas.idempresa,  facturas.idsello,\n\tfacturas.serie, facturas.folio, archivo,\n\tdate_format( facturas.timestampemision, '%%d/%%m/%%Y %%T') as timestampemision,\n\tfacturas.noaprob, facturas.rfccliente, facturas.estatus, facturas.sello, facturas.cadena, facturas.factura,\n\tfacturas.idif, facturas.tipocfd, empresa.bu\n\tFROM facturas inner join empresa on (facturas.idempresa=empresa.idempresa)\n\tWHERE facturas.idfactura = %s", $colname_factura);
    $factura = mysql_query($query_factura, $f4);
    $row_factura = mysql_fetch_assoc($factura);
    $totalRows_factura = mysql_num_rows($factura);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_partida = sprintf("SELECT * FROM face_partidas WHERE face_factura_idface_factura = %s ORDER BY numero ASC", $row_factura['idif']);
    $partidas = mysql_query($query_partida, $f4);
    $partidasArray = array();
    while ($partRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($partidas)) {
        array_push($partidasArray, $partRow);
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $NS = "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/2";
    $NSP = "";
    $xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $nsElems = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($NS, 'Comprobante');
    if ($nsElems->item(0) != null) {
        $xp->registerNamespace("C", "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/2");
        $NSP = "C:";
    $comprobanteNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante");
    foreach ($elements as $comprobanteNode) {
    $emisorNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor");
    foreach ($elements as $emisorNode) {
    $emisordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "DomicilioFiscal");
    foreach ($elements as $emisordomicilioNode) {
    $expedidoNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "ExpedidoEn");
    foreach ($elements as $expedidoNode) {
    $receptorNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor");
    foreach ($elements as $receptorNode) {
    $receptordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor/" . $NSP . "Domicilio");
    foreach ($elements as $receptordomicilioNode) {
    $conceptoNode = null;
    $conceptos = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Conceptos/" . $NSP . "Concepto");
    $impuestosNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos");
    foreach ($elements as $impuestosNode) {
    $trasladoNode = null;
    $traslados = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Traslados/" . $NSP . "Traslado");
    $retencionNode = null;
    $retenciones = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Retenciones/" . $NSP . "Retencion");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_empresa = sprintf("SELECT * FROM empresa WHERE idempresa = %s", $row_factura['idempresa']);
    $empresa = mysql_query($query_empresa, $f4);
    $row_empresa = mysql_fetch_assoc($empresa);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sello = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sellos WHERE idsello = %s", $row_factura['idsello']);
    $sello = mysql_query($query_sello, $f4);
    $row_sello = mysql_fetch_assoc($sello);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sucursal = "SELECT * FROM sucursales WHERE sucursal = '" . $row_sello['sucursal'] . "'";
    $sucursal = mysql_query($query_sucursal, $f4);
    $row_sucursal = mysql_fetch_assoc($sucursal);
    $totalRows_sucursal = mysql_num_rows($sucursal);
    $desc1 = 0.0;
    $desc2 = 0.0;
    // Crea el documento pdf
    $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER', 'portrait');
    //'LETTER' (612.00,792.00)
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        $pdf->setStrokeColor(255, 0, 0);
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        $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 255, 0);
    // Inicia numeracin de páginas.
    $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(400, 50, 10, 'left', '{PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
    $pagina = 1;
    $primeraPagina = $pdf->currentPage;
    // i. Agrega el logo de la empresa
    $logofile = "logos/prueba_logo.jpg";
    $pdf->addJpegFromFile($logofile, 30, 655, 200);
    // i. Agrega la leyenda "cancelada"
    if ($row_factura['estatus'] == 0) {
        $pdf->setColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
        $pdf->addText(180, 200, 65, "<b>CANCELADA</b>", -45);
        $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
    // ------------------------------------------ENCABEZADO ------------------------------------------
    $tipoDocto = $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP[$row_factura['tipocfd']];
    $emisor = utf8_decode($emisorNode->getAttribute('rfc')) . "\n";
    $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('calle') . " " . $emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('noExterior') . " " . $emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('noInterior')) . "\n";
    $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('colonia'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('localidad') != "") {
        $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('localidad'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('municipio') != "") {
        $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('municipio'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado') != "") {
        $emisor .= ", " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal') != "") {
        $emisor .= "\nCP " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal'));
    $emisor .= " " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('pais'));
    $sucursal = "";
    if ($row_sucursal['sucursal'] != "Principal_") {
        $sucursal = "Sucursal " . utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('calle') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noExterior') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noInterior')) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('colonia')) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('municipio')) . ", " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('estado')) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= "CP " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal')) . " " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('pais'));
    ////////// i. Nombre del emisor
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Obintel S.A. de C.V.</b>"));
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    // Dibuja la tabla nombre del emisor
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Datos del emisor y de la sucursal
    $tableData = array(array("emisor" => $emisor, "espacio" => "", "sucursal" => $sucursal));
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    $options = array('showLines' => 0, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 0, 'colGap' => 0, 'xPos' => 240, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 335, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
    ////////// i. Datos del documento
    $foliodocto = rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('folio'));
    $seriedocto = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('serie');
    if (!empty($seriedocto)) {
        $foliodocto = $seriedocto . "-" . rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('folio'));
    $fechastr = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('fecha');
    $fechatok = explode("T", $fechastr);
    $toksf = explode("-", $fechatok[0]);
    $fechastr = $toksf[2] . "-" . $toksf[1] . "-" . $toksf[0] . " " . $fechatok[1];
    $ncert = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('noCertificado');
    $aprob = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('anoAprobacion') . "-" . $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('noAprobacion');
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>" . $tipoDocto . "</b>"), array("dato" => "<b>" . $foliodocto . "</b>"), array("dato" => "Fecha"), array("dato" => $fechastr), array("dato" => "Certificado"), array("dato" => $ncert), array("dato" => "Año y No. Aprobación"), array("dato" => $aprob));
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 120));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'shadeCol2' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 455, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla datos del documento
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
    ////////// i. Datos del cliente
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Cliente</b>"), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptorNode->getAttribute('nombre'))), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptorNode->getAttribute('rfc'))), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('calle')) . " " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('noExterior')) . " " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('noInterior')) . " " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('colonia'))), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('municipio')) . ", " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado'))), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado'))), array("dato" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal'))));
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 410));
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
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    $pdf->ezText("<b>Descripción</b>", 7, array('left' => 55, 'justification' => 'left'));
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    $pdf->ezSetY($actualY - 15);
    $pdf->ezText("<b>Importe</b>", 7, array('left' => 513, 'justification' => 'left'));
    ////////// i. Partidas
    $tableData = array();
    $renglones = 0;
    $rowData = array("cantidad" => "", "descripcion" => "", "unitario" => "", "importe" => "");
    $partidaCnt = 0;
    foreach ($conceptos as $conceptoNode) {
        $renglones += 2;
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode->getAttribute('cantidad'))), 0);
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = utf8_decode($conceptoNode->getAttribute('descripcion'));
        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode->getAttribute('valorUnitario'), 2);
        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode->getAttribute('importe')), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
    $currentObj = array();
    $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
    $currentObj["descripcion"] = "";
    $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
    $currentObj["importe"] = "";
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        for ($renglones; $renglones < 10; $renglones++) {
            array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
    $colNames = array("cantidad" => "<b>Cant</b>", "descripcion" => "<b>Descripción</b>", "unitario" => "<b>Unitario</b>", "importe" => "<b>Precio</b>");
    $colOptions = array("cantidad" => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 50), "descripcion" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 370), "unitario" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60), "importe" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 4, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 35, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 410, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla partidas
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
    $cadena = covertirNumLetras(number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('total'), 2, ".", ''));
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Total con letra</b>\n" . trim($cadena)));
    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 420));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 10, 'colGap' => 10, 'xPos' => 40, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla cantidad con letra
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Totales
    $f_importe = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('subTotal'), 2);
    $f_iva_T = $impuestosNode->getAttribute('totalImpuestosTrasladados');
    $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('total'), 2);
    $tableData = array();
    $rowData = array("leyenda" => "", "cantidad" => "");
    $subtotal = array("dato" => "Subtotal", "valor" => $f_importe);
    array_push($tableData, $subtotal);
    foreach ($traslados as $trasladoNode) {
        $tasaImpuesto = array();
        $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($trasladoNode->getAttribute('tasa'), 0);
        $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = $trasladoNode->getAttribute('impuesto') . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
        $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($trasladoNode->getAttribute('importe'), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $tasaImpuesto);
    foreach ($retenciones as $retencionNode) {
        $tasaImpuesto = array();
        $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($retencionNode->getAttribute('tasa'), 0);
        $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = "Ret. " . $retencionNode->getAttribute('impuesto') . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
        $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($retencionNode->getAttribute('importe'), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $tasaImpuesto);
    $total = array("dato" => "<b>Total</b>", "valor" => "<b>" . $f_total . "</b>");
    array_push($tableData, $total);
    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>", "valor" => "Precio");
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60), "valor" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 60));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 3, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 455, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla totales
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Sello
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']));
    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 400));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 10, 'colGap' => 10, 'xPos' => 40, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla sello
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Cadena original
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Cadena Original</b>\n" . utf8_decode(utf8_decode($row_factura['cadena']))));
    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
    $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 400));
    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 10, 'colGap' => 10, 'xPos' => 40, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
    // Dibuja la tabla cadena original
    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    // Leyendas
    $pdf->setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    $pdf->ezText($leyendas, 5, array('left' => 0, 'justification' => 'left'));
    $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
    if ($pdf->ezPageCount > 1) {
        $datos = array();
        $datos['logo'] = $logofile;
        $datos['totalPaginas'] = $pdf->ezPageCount;
        $datos['tipoDocto'] = $tipoDocto;
        $datos['foliodocto'] = $foliodocto;
        $datos['fechastr'] = $fechastr;
        for ($pn = 2; $pn <= $pdf->ezPageCount; $pn++) {
            $datos['paginaActual'] = $pn;
            //a partir de la segunda pagina.
            headerDoc($pdf, $datos);
    $pdfcode = $pdf->output();
    //save the file
    if ($tmpName) {
        $nombrePDF = tempnam("tmp/", 'face5') . ".pdf";
        $nombreToks = explode("/", $nombrePDF);
        if (count($nombreToks) < 2) {
            $nombreToks = explode("\\", $nombrePDF);
        $lastTok = count($nombreToks) - 1;
        $nombrePDF = $nombreToks[$lastTok];
        $archivoPDF = "tmp/" . $nombrePDF;
        $archivos = array($nombrePDF, $archivoPDF);
    } else {
        $nombrePDF = $tipoDocto . "_" . $row_factura['serie'] . $row_factura['folio'] . ".pdf";
        $archivoPDF = "tmp/" . $nombrePDF;
        $archivos = array($nombrePDF, $archivoPDF);
    $fp = fopen($archivoPDF, 'w');
    fwrite($fp, $pdfcode);
    return $archivos;
Ejemplo n.º 16
function citeRecords($result, $rowsFound, $query, $queryURL, $showQuery, $showLinks, $rowOffset, $showRows, $previousOffset, $nextOffset, $wrapResults, $citeStyle, $citeOrder, $citeType, $orderBy, $headerMsg, $userID, $viewType)
    global $officialDatabaseName;
    // these variables are defined in 'ini.inc.php'
    global $databaseBaseURL;
    global $contentTypeCharset;
    global $pdfPageSize;
    global $client;
    // The array '$transtab_refbase_pdf' contains search & replace patterns for conversion from refbase markup to PDf markup & entities
    global $transtab_refbase_pdf;
    // defined in 'transtab_refbase_pdf.inc.php'
    // Initialize array variables:
    $yearsArray = array();
    $typeTitlesArray = array();
    // Define inline text markup to be used by the 'citeRecord()' function:
    $markupPatternsArray = array("bold-prefix" => "<b>", "bold-suffix" => "</b>", "italic-prefix" => "<i>", "italic-suffix" => "</i>", "underline-prefix" => "<u>", "underline-suffix" => "</u>", "endash" => "¦", "emdash" => "©", "ampersand" => "&", "double-quote" => '"', "double-quote-left" => "ª", "double-quote-right" => "¬", "single-quote" => "'", "single-quote-left" => "®", "single-quote-right" => "¶", "less-than" => "<", "greater-than" => ">", "newline" => "\n");
    // Defines search & replace 'actions' that will be applied upon PDF output to all those refbase fields that are listed
    // in the corresponding 'fields' element:
    $pdfSearchReplaceActionsArray = array(array('fields' => array("title", "publication", "abbrev_journal", "address", "keywords", "abstract", "orig_title", "series_title", "abbrev_series_title", "notes"), 'actions' => $transtab_refbase_pdf));
    // For CLI queries, we'll allow paging thru the result set, i.e. we honour the values of the CLI options '-S|--start' ('$rowOffset')
    // and '-R|--rows' ('$showRows') ('$rowOffset' and '$showRows' are re-assigned in function 'seekInMySQLResultsToOffset()' in 'include.inc.php')
    if (preg_match("/^cli/i", $client)) {
        // if the query originated from a command line client such as the "refbase" CLI client ("cli-refbase-1.0")
        $showMaxRows = $showRows;
    } else {
        $showMaxRows = $rowsFound;
    // otherwise show all rows
    // Setup the basic PDF document structure (PDF functions defined in 'class.ezpdf.php'):
    $pdf = new Cezpdf($pdfPageSize, 'portrait');
    // initialize PDF object
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        $pageMarginTop = "70";
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        $pageMarginTop = "50";
    $pdf->ezSetMargins($pageMarginTop, 70, 50, 50);
    // set document margins (top, bottom, left, right)
    // Set fonts:
    $headingFont = 'includes/classes/org/pdf-php/fonts/Helvetica.afm';
    $textBodyFont = 'includes/classes/org/pdf-php/fonts/Times-Roman.afm';
    // Re-map character numbers from the 0->255 range to a named character, i.e. replace an (unused) character for any other PostScript char;
    // see the PDF reference for a list of supported PostScript/PDF character names: <http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html>;
    // for the decimal code numbers of the ISO-8859-1 character set, see e.g.: <http://www.ramsch.org/martin/uni/fmi-hp/iso8859-1.html>
    $diff = array(166 => 'endash', 169 => 'emdash', 170 => 'quotedblleft', 172 => 'quotedblright', 174 => 'quoteleft', 182 => 'quoteright');
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    $pdf->selectFont($textBodyFont, array('encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding', 'differences' => $diff));
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    $all = $pdf->openObject();
    // start an independent object; all further writes to a page will actually go into this object, until a 'closeObject()' call is made
    $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
    // set line color
    // set line width
    // - print header line and header message at the specified x/y position:
    if (!empty($headerMsg)) {
        // Remove any colon (":") from end of header message:
        $headerMsg = trimTextPattern($headerMsg, ":", false, true);
        // function 'trimTextPattern()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Decode any HTML entities:
        // (these may occur in the header message e.g. if the user's preferred display language is not English but German or French, etc)
        $headerMsg = decodeHTML($contentTypeCharset, $headerMsg);
        // function 'decodeHTML()' is defined in 'include.inc.php', and '$contentTypeCharset' is defined in 'ini.inc.php'
        // Convert refbase markup in the header message into appropriate PDF markup & entities:
        $headerMsg = searchReplaceText($transtab_refbase_pdf, $headerMsg, true);
        // function 'searchReplaceText()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        if ($pdfPageSize == 'a4') {
            $pdf->line(20, 800, 575, 800);
            $pdf->addText(50, 805, 10, $headerMsg);
        } elseif ($pdfPageSize == 'letter') {
            $pdf->line(20, 750, 592, 750);
            $pdf->addText(50, 755, 10, $headerMsg);
    // - print footer line and footer text at the specified x/y position:
    if ($pdfPageSize == 'a4') {
        $pdf->line(20, 40, 575, 40);
        $pdf->addText(50, 28, 10, $officialDatabaseName . ' ¦ ' . $databaseBaseURL);
        // w.r.t. the endash, see notes at '$markupPatternsArray' and '$diff' above
    } elseif ($pdfPageSize == 'letter') {
        $pdf->line(20, 40, 592, 40);
        $pdf->addText(50, 28, 10, $officialDatabaseName . ' ¦ ' . $databaseBaseURL);
    // close the currently open object; further writes will now go to the current page
    $pdf->addObject($all, 'all');
    // note that object can be told to appear on just odd or even pages by changing 'all' to 'odd' or 'even'
    // Start printing page numbers:
    if ($pdfPageSize == 'a4') {
        $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(550, 28, 10, '', '', 1);
    } elseif ($pdfPageSize == 'letter') {
        $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(567, 28, 10, '', '', 1);
    // Fetch one page of results (or less if on the last page)
    // (i.e., upto the limit specified in $showMaxRows) fetch a row into the $row array and ...
    for ($rowCounter = 0; $rowCounter < $showMaxRows && ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)); $rowCounter++) {
        foreach ($row as $rowFieldName => $rowFieldValue) {
            // Apply search & replace 'actions' to all fields that are listed in the 'fields' element of the arrays contained in '$pdfSearchReplaceActionsArray':
            foreach ($pdfSearchReplaceActionsArray as $fieldActionsArray) {
                if (in_array($rowFieldName, $fieldActionsArray['fields'])) {
                    $row[$rowFieldName] = searchReplaceText($fieldActionsArray['actions'], $row[$rowFieldName], true);
        // function 'searchReplaceText()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Order attributes according to the chosen output style & record type:
        $record = citeRecord($row, $citeStyle, $citeType, $markupPatternsArray, false);
        // function 'citeRecord()' is defined in the citation style file given in '$citeStyleFile' (which, in turn, must reside in the 'cite' directory of the refbase root directory), see function 'generateCitations()'
        // Print out the current record:
        if (!empty($record)) {
            // Print any section heading(s):
            if (preg_match("/year|type/i", $citeOrder)) {
                $headingPrefix = "";
                $headingSuffix = "";
                $sectionMarkupPrefix = "<b>";
                $sectionMarkupSuffix = "</b>\n";
                $subSectionMarkupPrefix = "";
                $subSectionMarkupSuffix = "\n";
                if ($citeOrder == "type-year") {
                    $sectionMarkupSuffix .= "\n";
                list($yearsArray, $typeTitlesArray, $sectionHeading) = generateSectionHeading($yearsArray, $typeTitlesArray, $row, $citeOrder, $headingPrefix, $headingSuffix, $sectionMarkupPrefix, $sectionMarkupSuffix, $subSectionMarkupPrefix, $subSectionMarkupSuffix);
                // function 'generateSectionHeading()' is defined in 'cite.inc.php'
                if (!empty($sectionHeading)) {
                    $pdf->selectFont($headingFont, array('encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding', 'differences' => $diff));
                    // use Helvetica
                    $pdf->ezText($sectionHeading, '14', array('justification' => 'left'));
                    // create heading using a font size of 14pt
            // If character encoding is not UTF-8 already, convert record text to UTF-8:
            //				if ($contentTypeCharset != "UTF-8")
            //					$record = convertToCharacterEncoding("UTF-8", "IGNORE", $record); // function 'convertToCharacterEncoding()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
            // NOTE: Export of cited references to PDF does currently only work with a latin1 database but not with UTF-8 (since I don't know how to write Unicode characters to PDF).
            //       As a workaround, we could convert UTF-8 characters to latin1 if possible (and omit any other higher ASCII chars)
            // TODO: While this workaround indeed fixes display issues with higher ASCII chars that have equivalents in the latin1 charset, this will currently swallow higher ASCII
            //       hyphens/dashes such as endashes (which display correctly without this workaround).
            //				if ($contentTypeCharset == "UTF-8")
            //					$record = convertToCharacterEncoding("ISO-8859-1", "TRANSLIT", $record, "UTF-8"); // function 'convertToCharacterEncoding()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
            // Set paragraph text options:
            $textOptions = array('justification' => 'full');
            // possible array options:
            // 'left'=> number, gap to leave from the left margin
            // 'right'=> number, gap to leave from the right margin
            // 'aleft'=> number, absolute left position (overrides 'left')
            // 'aright'=> number, absolute right position (overrides 'right')
            // 'justification' => 'left','right','center','centre','full'
            // only set one of the next two items (leading overrides spacing)
            // 'leading' => number, defines the total height taken by the line, independent of the font height.
            // 'spacing' => a real number, though usually set to one of 1, 1.5, 2 (line spacing as used in word processing)
            // Write PDF paragraph:
            $pdf->selectFont($textBodyFont, array('encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding'));
            // use Times-Roman
            $pdf->ezText($record . "\n", '12', $textOptions);
            // create text block with record text using "Times Roman" and a font size of 12pt
    return $pdf->ezStream();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function generate_invoice_file($verbose = false, $getfile = false)
     // Build PDF document
     $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm";
     $font2 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica-Oblique.afm";
     $db = new db_alloc();
     // Get client name
     $client = $this->get_foreign_object("client");
     $clientName = $client->get_value("clientName");
     // Get cyber info
     $companyName = config::get_config_item("companyName");
     $companyNos1 = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
     $companyNos2 = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
     $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
     $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
     $phone and $phone = "Ph: " . $phone;
     $fax and $fax = "Fax: " . $fax;
     $img = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
     $companyContactAddress = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
     $companyContactAddress2 = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
     $companyContactAddress3 = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
     $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
     $email and $companyContactEmail = "Email: " . $email;
     $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
     $web and $companyContactHomePage = "Web: " . $web;
     $footer = config::get_config_item("timeSheetPrintFooter");
     $taxName = config::get_config_item("taxName");
     if ($this->get_value("invoiceDateFrom") && $this->get_value("invoiceDateTo") && $this->get_value("invoiceDateFrom") != $this->get_value("invoiceDateTo")) {
         $period = format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $this->get_value("invoiceDateFrom")) . " to " . format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $this->get_value("invoiceDateTo"));
     } else {
         $period = format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $this->get_value("invoiceDateTo"));
     $default_header = "Tax Invoice";
     $default_id_label = "Invoice Number";
     $pdf_table_options = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "xPos" => "left", "xOrientation" => "right", "fontSize" => 10, "rowGap" => 0, "fontSize" => 10);
     $cols = array("one" => "", "two" => "", "three" => "", "four" => "");
     $cols3 = array("one" => "", "two" => "");
     $cols_settings["one"] = array("justification" => "right");
     $cols_settings["three"] = array("justification" => "right");
     $pdf_table_options2 = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "width" => 400, "fontSize" => 10, "xPos" => "center", "xOrientation" => "center", "cols" => $cols_settings);
     $cols_settings2["gst"] = array("justification" => "right");
     $cols_settings2["money"] = array("justification" => "right");
     $cols_settings2["unit"] = array("justification" => "right");
     $pdf_table_options3 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 400, "xPos" => "center", "fontSize" => 10, "cols" => $cols_settings2, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), "splitRows" => 1, "protectRows" => 0);
     $cols_settings["two"] = array("justification" => "right", "width" => 80);
     $pdf_table_options4 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 400, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => 10, "xPos" => "center", "cols" => $cols_settings, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8));
     $pdf = new Cezpdf();
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(90, 90, 90, 90);
     $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(436, 80, 10, 'right', 'Page {PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}');
     $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(200, 80, 10, 'left', '<b>' . $default_id_label . ': </b>' . $this->get_value("invoiceNum"));
     $companyName and $contact_info[] = array($companyName);
     $companyContactAddress and $contact_info[] = array($companyContactAddress);
     $companyContactAddress2 and $contact_info[] = array($companyContactAddress2);
     $companyContactAddress3 and $contact_info[] = array($companyContactAddress3);
     $companyContactEmail and $contact_info[] = array($companyContactEmail);
     $companyContactHomePage and $contact_info[] = array($companyContactHomePage);
     $phone and $contact_info[] = array($phone);
     $fax and $contact_info[] = array($fax);
     $y = $pdf->ezTable($contact_info, false, "", $pdf_table_options);
     $line_y = $y - 10;
     $pdf->setLineStyle(1, "round");
     $pdf->line(90, $line_y, 510, $line_y);
     $image_jpg = ALLOC_LOGO;
     if (file_exists($image_jpg)) {
         $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none');
         $y = 700;
     } else {
         $y = $pdf->ezText($companyName, 27, array("justification" => "right"));
     $nos_y = $line_y + 22;
     $companyNos2 and $nos_y = $line_y + 34;
     $companyNos1 and $y = $pdf->ezText($companyNos1, 10, array("justification" => "right"));
     $companyNos2 and $y = $pdf->ezText($companyNos2, 10, array("justification" => "right"));
     $pdf->ezSetY($line_y - 20);
     $y = $pdf->ezText($default_header, 20, array("justification" => "center"));
     $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
     $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_id_label . ":</b>", "two" => $this->get_value("invoiceNum"), "three" => "<b>Date Issued:</b>", "four" => date("d/m/Y"));
     $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>Client:</b>", "two" => $clientName, "three" => "<b>Billing Period:</b>", "four" => $period);
     $y = $pdf->ezTable($ts_info, $cols, "", $pdf_table_options2);
     $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
     list($rows, $info) = $this->get_invoiceItem_list_for_file($verbose);
     $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "quantity" => "Qty", "unit" => "Unit Price", "money" => "Charges", "gst" => $taxName);
     $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent");
     if ($taxPercent === '') {
     $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "money" => $info["total"], "gst" => $info["total_gst"]);
     $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
     $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
     if ($taxPercent !== '') {
         $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL " . $taxName, "two" => $info["total_gst"]);
     $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL CHARGES", "two" => $info["total"]);
     $totals[] = array("one" => "<b>TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE</b>", "two" => "<b>" . $info["total_inc_gst"] . "</b>");
     $y = $pdf->ezTable($totals, $cols3, "", $pdf_table_options4);
     $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
     $pdf->ezText(str_replace(array("<br>", "<br/>", "<br />"), "\n", $footer), 10);
     // Add footer
     #$all = $pdf->openObject();
     if ($getfile) {
         return $pdf->ezOutput();
     } else {
         $pdf->ezStream(array("Content-Disposition" => "invoice_" . $this->get_id() . ".pdf"));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function hv_pdf_kopf()
     //include_once ('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4.5, 1, 1, 1);
     $berlus_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Times-Roman.afm';
     $text_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Arial.afm';
     $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/logo_hv_sw.jpg', 220, 750, 175, 100);
     // $pdf->addJpgFromFile('pdfclass/logo_262_150_sw1.jpg', 300, 500, 250, 150);
     $pdf->addText(86, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG * Fontanestr. 1 * 14193 Berlin * Inhaber Wolfgang Wehrheim * Telefon: 89784477 * Fax: 89784479 * Email: info@berlus.de");
     $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
Ejemplo n.º 19
function creaPDF($ids, $tmpName, $path, $PATHQR, $tmp = "")
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/utils.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/importeco.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/gui/QRCode/qr_imgV2.php";
    $data = "";
    $facturaController = new FacturaController($path);
    $selloController = new SelloController($path);
    $empresaController = new EmpresaController($path);
    $sucursalController = new SucursalController($path);
    $FWK_PDFFONTS = 'pdf/fonts/';
    $FWK_PDFDEFAULTFONT = 'pdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm';
    $FWK_PDFCOURIERFONT = 'pdf/fonts/Courier.afm';
    // Obtener factura y sus anexos
    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    $idconsulta = "";
    $idconsulta = explode(",", trim($ids));
    foreach ($idconsulta as $valor) {
        if (is_null($valor) || $valor == "") {
    $contadorTotalPaginas = count($idconsulta);
    $contadorPagina = 1;
    // Crea el documento pdf
    $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER', 'portrait');
    foreach ($idconsulta as $idfactura) {
        $data['idfactura'] = $idfactura;
        $factura = $facturaController->execute('facturaParaPdf', $data);
        $row_factura = $factura['respuesta'];
        $info_xtra = json_decode($row_factura["info_xtra"]);
        $data['idfacefactura'] = $factura['respuesta']['idface_factura'];
        $data['idempresa'] = $factura['respuesta']['idempresa'];
        $data['idsello'] = $factura['respuesta']['idsello'];
        $version = $factura['respuesta']['version'];
        $addenda = $facturaController->execute('datosAddenda', $data);
        $row_addenda = $addenda['respuesta'];
        $empresa = $empresaController->execute('allId', $data);
        $row_empresa = $empresa['respuesta'];
        $sello = $selloController->execute('obtenerPorIdsello', $data);
        $row_sello = $sello['respuesta'];
        $data['sucursal'] = $sello['respuesta']['sucursal'];
        $sucursal = $sucursalController->execute('nombreSucIdempresa', $data);
        $row_sucursal = $sucursal['respuesta'];
        $xmlArray = xml2array(base64_decode($row_factura['factura']));
        $attr = "_attr";
        if ($version === "3.2") {
            $NSP = "cfdi:";
        } else {
            $NSP = "";
        $comprobante = $NSP . "Comprobante";
        $emisor = $NSP . "Emisor";
        $emisorDomFiscal = $NSP . "DomicilioFiscal";
        $emisorExpedidoEn = $NSP . "ExpedidoEn";
        $receptor = $NSP . "Receptor";
        $domicilio = $NSP . "Domicilio";
        $concepto = $NSP . "Conceptos";
        $conceptoTag = $NSP . "Concepto";
        $impuestos = $NSP . "Impuestos";
        $traslado = $NSP . "Traslados";
        $trasladoTag = $NSP . "Traslado";
        $retencion = $NSP . "Retenciones";
        $retencionTag = $NSP . "Retencion";
        $comprobanteNode = null;
        $emisorNode = null;
        $emisordomicilioNode = null;
        $expedidoNode = null;
        $receptorNode = null;
        $receptordomicilioNode = null;
        $conceptoNode = null;
        $impuestosNode = null;
        $trasladoNode = null;
        $retencionNode = null;
        // -------------------------------------------------chs --------------------------------------------------------------
        $comprobanteNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante . $attr];
        $emisorNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor . $attr];
        $emisordomicilioNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor][$emisorDomFiscal . $attr];
        $expedidoNode = isset($xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor][$emisorExpedidoEn . $attr]) ? $xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor][$emisorExpedidoEn . $attr] : "";
        $receptorNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$receptor . $attr];
        $receptordomicilioNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$receptor][$domicilio . $attr];
        $conceptos = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$concepto];
        $impuestosNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos . $attr];
        $traslados = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos][$traslado];
        $retenciones = isset($xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos][$retencion][$retencionTag . $attr]) ? $xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos][$retencion][$retencionTag . $attr] : "";
        $regimenFiscal = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor]["cfdi:RegimenFiscal_attr"]["Regimen"];
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $desc1 = 0.0;
        $desc2 = 0.0;
        $pdf->ezSetMargins(100, 30, 30, 30);
        $pdf->setLineStyle(0.7, '', '', '', 0);
        if ($row_factura['tipocfd'] == 3) {
            $pdf->setStrokeColor(255, 0, 0);
        if ($row_factura['tipocfd'] == 2) {
            $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 255, 0);
        // Inicia numeracin de paginas.
        $pagina = 1;
        $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(500, 15, 10, '', '{PAGENUM} de {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
        $primeraPagina = $pdf->currentPage;
        // i. Agrega el logo de la empresa
        $pathToLogo = $path == "../" ? "../f4/extensiones/" : "";
        $logofile = "logos/f.jpg";
        /*if(isset($row_empresa['rfc']) && !empty($row_empresa['rfc']))
        if (isset($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"]) && !empty($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"])) {
            $logofile = "logos/" . strtolower($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"]) . ".jpg";
        if ($comprobanteNode['serie'] == "X") {
            $logofile = "logos/wingu-xpress.jpg";
        $pdf->addJpegFromFile($pathToLogo . $logofile, 30, 705, 140);
        // i. Agrega la leyenda "cancelada"
        if ($row_factura['estatus'] == 0) {
            $pdf->setColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
            $pdf->addText(180, 200, 65, "<b>CANCELADA</b>", -45);
            $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
        // ------------------------------------------ENCABEZADO ------------------------------------------
        $tipoDocto = $row_factura['tipodocumento'];
        $tipoDocto1 = $row_factura['tipodocumento'] == "FACTURA" ? "FACTURA" : "";
        $tipoDocto2 = $row_factura['tipodocumento'] == "NOTA CARGO" ? "FACTURA" : "";
        $tipoDocto3 = $row_factura['tipodocumento'] == "NOTA CREDITO" ? "NOTA DE CREDITO" : "";
        $emisor = utf8_decode($emisorNode['nombre'] . "\n" . $emisorNode['rfc']) . "\n";
        $noInterior = isset($emisordomicilioNode['noInterior']) ? $emisordomicilioNode['noInterior'] : "";
        $noExterior = isset($emisordomicilioNode['noExterior']) ? $emisordomicilioNode['noExterior'] : "";
        $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['calle'] . " {$noExterior}");
        $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['colonia']);
        if (isset($emisordomicilioNode['localidad'])) {
            $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['localidad']);
        if ($emisordomicilioNode['municipio'] != "" && isset($emisordomicilioNode['municipio'])) {
            $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['municipio']);
        if ($emisordomicilioNode['estado'] != "" && isset($emisordomicilioNode['estado'])) {
            $emisor .= ", " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['estado']);
        if ($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal'] != "" && isset($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal'])) {
            $emisor .= "\nCP " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal']);
        $emisor .= " " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['pais']);
        $telefono = isset($row_empresa['telefono']) ? $row_empresa['telefono'] : "";
        $emisor .= "\nTel: " . $telefono . "\n";
        $mail = isset($row_empresa['mail']) ? $row_empresa['mail'] : "";
        $emisor .= "\n" . $mail;
        $emisor1 = utf8_decode($emisorNode['nombre']);
        $sucursal = "";
        if ($expedidoNode != "") {
            if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) == "Q") {
                $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('Querétaro');
            } else {
                if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) == "F") {
                    $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('5/6');
                } else {
                    if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) == "S") {
                        $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('Santa Fe');
            $sucursal = "Sucursal " . $tipoSucursal . "\n";
            if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) != "S") {
                $noInteriorExpedido = isset($expedidoNode['noInterior']) ? $expedidoNode['noInterior'] : "";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['calle'] . " " . $expedidoNode['noExterior'] . " ") . "\n";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['colonia']) . "\n";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['municipio']) . ", " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['estado']) . "\n";
                $sucursal .= "CP " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['codigoPostal']) . " " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['pais']);
        ////////// i. Nombre del emisor
        $colNames = array();
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => $emisor1));
        $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 200));
        $options = array('showLines' => 0, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'fontSize' => 9, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 0, 'colGap' => 0, 'xPos' => 200, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 200, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
        // Dibuja la tabla nombre del emisor
        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        ////////// i. Datos del emisor y de la sucursal
        $tableData = array(array("emisor" => $emisor, "espacio" => "", "sucursal" => $sucursal));
        $colOptions = array("emisor" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 150), "espacio" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 3), "sucursal" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 100));
        $options = array('showLines' => 0, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 0, 'colGap' => 0, 'xPos' => 190, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 335, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
        // Dibuja la tabla
        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
        ////////// i. Datos del documento
        $foliodocto = rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode['folio']);
        $seriedocto = $comprobanteNode['serie'];
        if (!empty($seriedocto)) {
            $foliodocto = $seriedocto . "-" . rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode['folio']);
        $fechastr = $comprobanteNode['fecha'];
        $fechatok = explode("T", $fechastr);
        $toksf = explode("-", $fechatok[0]);
        $fechastr = $toksf[2] . "-" . $toksf[1] . "-" . $toksf[0] . " " . $fechatok[1];
        $fechastrcfdi = $row_factura['FechaTimbrado'];
        $ncert = $comprobanteNode['noCertificado'];
        $aprob = $row_factura['noCertificadoSAT'];
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>" . $tipoDocto1 . $tipoDocto2 . $tipoDocto3 . "</b>"), array("dato" => "<b>" . $foliodocto . "</b>"), array("dato" => "FECHA DE EMISION"), array("dato" => $fechastr), array("dato" => "LUGAR DE EXPEDICION"), array("dato" => utf8_decode($info_xtra->LugarExpedicion)), array("dato" => "FECHA DE CERTIFICACION"), array("dato" => $fechastrcfdi), array("dato" => "No. de Serie del Certificado del Emisor"), array("dato" => $ncert), array("dato" => "No. de Serie del Certificado del SAT"), array("dato" => $aprob), array("dato" => "Folio Fiscal"), array("dato" => $row_factura['uuid']));
        $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 120));
        $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'shadeCol2' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 455, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
        // Dibuja la tabla datos del documento
        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
        ////////// i. Datos del cliente
        $noInterior = isset($receptordomicilioNode['noInterior']) ? utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['noInterior']) : "";
        $municipio = isset($receptordomicilioNode['municipio']) ? $receptordomicilioNode['municipio'] : "";
        $localidadCliente = isset($receptordomicilioNode['localidad']) ? utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['localidad']) : "";
        $tableData1 = array(array("cliente" => "<b>Cliente</b>"), array("cliente" => utf8_decode($receptorNode['nombre'])), array("cliente" => "RFC: " . utf8_decode($receptorNode['rfc'])), array("cliente" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['calle']) . " " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['noExterior']) . " {$noInterior} "), array("cliente" => utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['colonia']) . " " . $localidadCliente), array("cliente" => utf8_decode($municipio) . ", " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['estado']) . "  " . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['codigoPostal']) . " \n" . utf8_decode($receptordomicilioNode['pais'])), array("cliente" => utf8_decode("Atención: " . $info_xtra->Receptor->contacto . "         Cliente: " . $info_xtra->Receptor->noCliente)), array("cliente" => utf8_decode("Tel: " . $info_xtra->Receptor->telefono)));
        $formaDePago = isset($comprobanteNode['formaDePago']) ? $comprobanteNode['formaDePago'] : "PAGO EN UNA SOLA EXHIBICION";
        $metodoPago = isset($comprobanteNode['metodoDePago']) ? $comprobanteNode['metodoDePago'] : "No Identificado";
        $numeroCuentaPago = isset($comprobanteNode['NumCtaPago']) ? $comprobanteNode['NumCtaPago'] : "No Identificado";
        $tableData2 = array(array("expedido" => "Expedido en: " . utf8_decode($info_xtra->LugarExpedicion)), array("expedido" => "Forma de Pago: " . utf8_decode($formaDePago)), array("expedido" => "Metodo de Pago: " . utf8_decode($metodoPago)), array("expedido" => "No. de Cuenta: " . utf8_decode($numeroCuentaPago)), array("expedido" => "Condiciones de Pago: " . utf8_decode($comprobanteNode['condicionesDePago'])), array("expedido" => "Regimen Fiscal: " . utf8_decode(preg_replace("/Ii/", "II", ucwords(strtolower($regimenFiscal))))), array("expedido" => "Tipo de Cambio: " . $comprobanteNode['TipoCambio'] . "  Moneda: " . $comprobanteNode['Moneda']), array("expedido" => "Elaboro: " . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Vendedor)), array("expedido" => utf8_decode("Póliza: " . $info_xtra->NumeroPoliza . "          SAP No: " . $info_xtra->NumeroPedido)));
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->NotaEncabezado)));
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        ////////// i. Partidas
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        $rowData = array("codigo" => "", "cantidad" => "", "unidad" => "", "descripcion" => "", "unitario" => "", "importe" => "");
        $partidaCnt = 0;
        $cantidadArrayConceptos = count($conceptos);
        foreach ($conceptos as $key => $conceptoNode) {
            if (stristr($key, $attr) && $cantidadArrayConceptos == 2) {
                $renglones += 2;
                $currentObj = array();
                $descripcion = $conceptoNode['descripcion'];
                $totalPalabras = strlen($descripcion);
                $totalCaracteres = 4800;
                if ($totalPalabras >= $totalCaracteres) {
                    $pagDesc = ceil($totalPalabras / $totalCaracteres);
                    $aux = 1;
                    $array = array();
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagDesc; $i++) {
                        if ($i == $pagDesc) {
                            $array[] = $totalPalabras;
                        } else {
                            $val = $aux += $totalCaracteres;
                            $array[] = $val;
                    $desc = array();
                    $o = 0;
                    foreach ($array as $valor) {
                        $desc[] = substr($descripcion, $o, $valor);
                        $o += $valor - $o;
                    $cont = 1;
                    foreach ($desc as $descripcionexp) {
                        $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                        $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode['cantidad'])), 2);
                        //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode['unidad'];
                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($descripcionexp) . "\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                            $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                            for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
                        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode['valorUnitario'], 2);
                        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode['importe']), 2);
                        $for = $cont++;
                        log_action("for:::" . $for);
                        if ($for > 1) {
                            $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
                            $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
                            $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
                            $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
                            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
                        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
                } else {
                    $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                    $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode['cantidad'])), 2);
                    //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                    $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode['unidad'];
                    //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                    $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($descripcion) . "\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                    if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                        $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                        for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                            $currentObj["descripcion"] .= utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario) . " \n";
                    $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode['valorUnitario'], 2);
                    $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode['importe']), 2);
                    array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
            } else {
                foreach ($conceptoNode as $key1 => $conceptoNode1) {
                    log_action(print_r($key1, TRUE));
                    if (stristr($key1, $attr)) {
                        $renglones += 2;
                        $currentObj = array();
                        $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                        $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode1['cantidad'])), 2);
                        //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode1['unidad'];
                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($conceptoNode1['descripcion'] . "\n" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                            $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                            for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
                        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode1['valorUnitario'], 2);
                        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode1['importe']), 2);
                        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
                //fin foreach 2  chs 20130705
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($row_factura["fnotas"]));
        $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
        $currentObj["importe"] = "";
        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        if (isset($row_addenda['cl_fld1'])) {
            $currentObj = array();
            $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
            $currentObj["descripcion"] = $row_addenda['cl_fld1'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld2'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld2'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld3'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld3'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld4'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld4'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld5'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld5'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld6'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld6'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld7'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld7'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld8'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld8'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld9'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld9'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld10'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld10'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld11'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld11'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld12'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld12'];
            $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
            array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = "";
        $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
        $currentObj["importe"] = "";
        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
            for ($renglones; $renglones < 10 - count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas) * 0.95; $renglones++) {
                array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        } else {
            if ($renglones < 10) {
                for ($renglones; $renglones < 10; $renglones++) {
                    array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
        $cadena = covertirNumLetras(number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2, ".", ''));
        if ($comprobanteNode['Moneda'] == "USD") {
            $cadena = str_replace("M.N.", "USD", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESOS", "DOLARES", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESO", "DOLAR", $cadena);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Nota:</b>\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->notaAlPie)), array("dato" => "<b>Total con letra</b>\n" . trim($cadena)));
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
        ////////// i. Totales
        $f_importe = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['subTotal'], 2);
        $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2);
        $tableData = array();
        $rowData = array("leyenda" => "", "cantidad" => "");
        $subtotal = array("dato" => "Subtotal", "valor" => $f_importe);
        array_push($tableData, $subtotal);
        foreach ($traslados as $key => $trasladoNode) {
            if ($key === $trasladoTag . $attr) {
                $tasaImpuesto = array();
                $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($trasladoNode['tasa'], 0);
                $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = $trasladoNode['impuesto'] . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
                $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($trasladoNode['importe'], 2);
        if (!empty($retenciones)) {
            foreach ($retenciones as $key => $retencionNode) {
                if ($key === $retencionTag . $attr) {
                    $tasaImpuesto = array();
                    $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($retencionNode['tasa'], 2);
                    $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = "Ret. " . $retencionNode['impuesto'];
                    $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($retencionNode['importe'], 2);
        //fin if empty
        $iva = array("dato" => "<b>IVA</b>", "valor" => "<b>\$ " . number_format($info_xtra->TotalImpuestosTrasladados, 2) . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $iva);
        $total = array("dato" => "<b>Total</b>", "valor" => "<b>" . $f_total . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $total);
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>", "valor" => "Importe");
        $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 55), "valor" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 95));
        $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'shadeCol2' => array(91, 21, 0), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 3, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 425, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
        // Dibuja la tabla totales
        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        $rfce = $row_empresa['rfc'];
        $rfcr = $receptorNode['rfc'];
        $total = $comprobanteNode['total'];
        $uuidsat = $row_factura['uuid'];
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          d= datos        Cadena o datos a ser codificados.
          e= ECC level    Puede ser L,M,Q,H  (default M)
          s= module size  Para imagen JPEG:8; para PNG:4
          v= version      1-40   8 recomendado.
          t= image type   "J":imagen jpeg, "P" o culaquier otra cosa: imagen PNG */
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        ////////// i. Sello
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        } else {
            $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']));
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        } else {
            $columnaCadena = sprintf("%s", $row_factura['cadena']);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Cadena original del complemento de certificacion digital del SAT</b>\n" . $columnaCadena), array("dato" => "<b>Folio Fiscal</b>\n" . $row_factura['uuid']));
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        // Leyendas
        $pdf->setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
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    //fin del foreach para la creacion del objeto pdf
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Ejemplo n.º 20
 function berechnung_anzeigen($leerstand_arr, $vermietete_arr, $monat, $jahr)
     echo '<pre>';
     // print_r($vermietete_arr);
     $anzahl_vermietete = count($vermietete_arr);
     $mv = new mietvertrag();
     $m = new mietkonto();
     $haeuser = array();
     $gsollmiete_vermietet = 0;
     for ($a = 0; $a < $anzahl_vermietete; $a++) {
         $einheit_id = $vermietete_arr[$a]['EINHEIT_ID'];
         $haus_str = $vermietete_arr[$a]['HAUS_STRASSE'];
         $haus_nr = $vermietete_arr[$a]['HAUS_NUMMER'];
         $haus_str_nr = $haus_str . ' ' . $haus_nr;
         if (!in_array($haus_str_nr, $haeuser)) {
             $haeuser[] = $haus_str_nr;
         $summe_f_monatlich = $m->summe_forderung_monatlich($mv->mietvertrag_id, $monat, $jahr);
         $gsollmiete_vermietet = $gsollmiete_vermietet + $summe_f_monatlich;
     $anzahl_leer = count($leerstand_arr);
     $gsollmiete_leer = 0;
     for ($b = 0; $b < $anzahl_leer; $b++) {
         $einheit_id = $leerstand_arr[$b]['EINHEIT_ID'];
         $haus_str = $leerstand_arr[$b]['HAUS_STRASSE'];
         $haus_nr = $leerstand_arr[$b]['HAUS_NUMMER'];
         $haus_str_nr = $haus_str . ' ' . $haus_nr;
         if (!in_array($haus_str_nr, $haeuser)) {
             $haeuser[] = $haus_str_nr;
         $sollmiete_leer = $this->get_sollmiete_leerstand($einheit_id);
         $gsollmiete_leer = $gsollmiete_leer + $sollmiete_leer;
     // print_r($haeuser);
     $g_summe = $gsollmiete_vermietet + $gsollmiete_leer;
     $g_summe_a = nummer_punkt2komma($g_summe);
     $gsollmiete_vermietet_a = nummer_punkt2komma($gsollmiete_vermietet);
     $gsollmiete_leer_a = nummer_punkt2komma($gsollmiete_leer);
     $v_geb = $g_summe / 100 * 5;
     $brutto_vgeb = $v_geb * 1.19;
     $mwst_eur = $v_geb / 100 * 19;
     $mwst_eur = nummer_punkt2komma($mwst_eur);
     $brutto_vgeb_a = nummer_punkt2komma($brutto_vgeb);
     $v_geb_a = nummer_punkt2komma($v_geb);
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['pdf'])) {
         echo "{$gsollmiete_vermietet_a} €   GESAMT SOLL VERMIETET<br>";
         echo "{$gsollmiete_leer_a} €   GESAMT SOLL LEER<br>";
         echo " {$g_summe_a} €   GESAMT SOLL<br>";
         echo " {$v_geb_a} €   NETTO VERWALTERGEBÜHR 5%<br>";
         echo " <b>{$brutto_vgeb_a} €   INKL. 19% MWST VERWALTERGEBÜHR 5%</b><hr>";
     } else {
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         // $pdf->addJpgFromFile('pdfclass/logo_262_150_sw1.jpg', 300, 500, 250, 150);
         $pdf->addText(42, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG - Fontanestr. 1 - 14193 Berlin");
         $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
         $monatsname = monat2name($monat);
         $pdf->addText(42, 720, 12, "Berechnungsbogen für die Verwaltergebühr {$monatsname} {$jahr}");
         $pdf->addText(42, 650, 10, "Gesamtsoll aus vermieteten Einheiten");
         $pdf->addText(300, 650, 10, "{$gsollmiete_vermietet_a} €");
         $pdf->addText(42, 635, 10, "Gesamtsoll aus leerstehenden Einheiten");
         $pdf->addText(300, 635, 10, "{$gsollmiete_leer_a} €");
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         $pdf->addText(42, 620, 10, "<b>Gesamtsoll");
         $pdf->addText(300, 620, 10, "{$g_summe_a} €</b>");
         $pdf->addText(42, 595, 10, "5% Verwaltergebühr");
         $pdf->addText(300, 595, 10, "{$v_geb_a} €");
         $pdf->addText(42, 585, 10, "+ 19% MWSt");
         $pdf->addText(300, 585, 10, "{$mwst_eur} €");
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         $pdf->addText(42, 570, 10, "<b>Verwaltergebühr brutto");
         $pdf->addText(300, 570, 10, "{$brutto_vgeb_a} €</b>");
         /* Häuser */
         $pdf->addText(42, 480, 10, "In diese Berechnung wurden folgende Häuser einbezogen:");
         $text_xpos = 460;
         for ($c = 0; $c < count($haeuser); $c++) {
             $haus = $haeuser[$c];
             $pdf->addText(42, $text_xpos, 10, "<b>{$haus}</b>");
             $text_xpos = $text_xpos - 10;
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