Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Reload
  * @return void
 public function reload($flagOnly = false)
     $this->db->query("UPDATE acl_groups SET acl_group_changed = 1");
     $this->db->query("UPDATE acl_resources SET changed = 1");
     if ($flagOnly == false) {
         passthru('php ' . CentreonUtils::getCentreonPath() . '/cron/centAcl.php');
  * Display all commands
  * @param string $parameters
 public function show($parameters = null)
     $filters = array();
     if (isset($parameters)) {
         $filters = array($this->object->getUniqueLabelField() => "%" . $parameters . "%");
     $params = array('command_id', 'command_name', 'command_type', 'command_line');
     $paramString = str_replace("command_", "", implode($this->delim, $params));
     echo $paramString . "\n";
     $elements = $this->object->getList($params, -1, 0, null, null, $filters);
     foreach ($elements as $tab) {
         $tab['command_line'] = CentreonUtils::convertSpecialPattern(html_entity_decode($tab['command_line']));
         $tab['command_type'] = $this->typeConversion[$tab['command_type']];
         echo implode($this->delim, $tab) . "\n";
  * Set severity
  * @param string $parameters
  * @throws CentreonClapiException
 public function setseverity($parameters)
     $params = explode($this->delim, $parameters);
     if (count($params) < 3) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::MISSINGPARAMETER);
     if (($objectId = $this->getObjectId($params[self::ORDER_UNIQUENAME])) != 0) {
         $level = (int) $params[1];
         $iconId = CentreonUtils::getImageId($params[2]);
         if (is_null($iconId)) {
             throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $params[2]);
         $updateParams = array('level' => $level, 'icon_id' => $iconId);
         parent::setparam($objectId, $updateParams);
     } else {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $params[self::ORDER_UNIQUENAME]);
  * Export data
  * @param string $parameters
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array("contact_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim . $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!is_null($value) && $value != "" && !in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams)) {
                 if ($parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id") {
                     $parameter = self::HOST_NOTIF_TP;
                     $value = $this->tpObject->getObjectName($value);
                 } elseif ($parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id2") {
                     $parameter = self::SVC_NOTIF_TP;
                     $value = $this->tpObject->getObjectName($value);
                 } elseif ($parameter == "contact_lang") {
                     $parameter = "locale";
                 } elseif ($parameter == "contact_host_notification_options") {
                     $parameter = "hostnotifopt";
                 } elseif ($parameter == "contact_service_notification_options") {
                     $parameter = "servicenotifopt";
                 } elseif ($parameter == "contact_template_id") {
                     $parameter = "template";
                     $result = $this->object->getParameters($value, $this->object->getUniqueLabelField());
                     $value = $result[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $parameter . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $objId = $element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()];
         $this->exportNotifCommands(self::HOST_NOTIF_CMD, $objId, $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()]);
         $this->exportNotifCommands(self::SVC_NOTIF_CMD, $objId, $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()]);
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $hostRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Host_Service();
     $elements = $hostRel->getMergedParameters(array("host_name"), array('*'), -1, 0, null, null, array("service_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     $extendedObj = new Centreon_Object_Service_Extended();
     $commandObj = new Centreon_Object_Command();
     $tpObj = new Centreon_Object_Timeperiod();
     $macroObj = new Centreon_Object_Service_Macro_Custom();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim;
             if ($param == "service_template_model_stm_id") {
                 $tmp = $this->object->getParameters($element[$param], 'service_description');
                 if (isset($tmp) && isset($tmp['service_description']) && $tmp['service_description']) {
                     $element[$param] = $tmp['service_description'];
                 if (!$element[$param]) {
                     $element[$param] = "";
             $addStr .= $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams) && !is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                 if ($parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id" || $parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $tpObj;
                 } elseif ($parameter == "command_command_id" || $parameter == "command_command_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $commandObj;
                 if (isset($tmpObj)) {
                     $tmp = $tmpObj->getParameters($value, $tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField());
                     if (isset($tmp) && isset($tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()])) {
                         $value = $tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($parameter) . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $params = $extendedObj->getParameters($element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()], array("esi_notes", "esi_notes_url", "esi_action_url", "esi_icon_image", "esi_icon_image_alt"));
         if (isset($params) && is_array($params)) {
             foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
                 if (!is_null($v) && $v != "") {
                     $v = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($v);
                     echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($k) . $this->delim . $v . "\n";
         $macros = $macroObj->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array('svc_svc_id' => $element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()]), "AND");
         foreach ($macros as $macro) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setmacro" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->stripMacro($macro['svc_macro_name']) . $this->delim . $macro['svc_macro_value'] . "\n";
         $cgRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Contact_Group_Service();
         $cgelements = $cgRel->getMergedParameters(array("cg_name"), array('service_description'), -1, 0, null, null, array("service_register" => $this->register, "service_id" => $element['service_id']), "AND");
         foreach ($cgelements as $cgelement) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addcontactgroup" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $cgelement['service_description'] . $this->delim . $cgelement['cg_name'] . "\n";
         $contactRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Contact_Service();
         $celements = $contactRel->getMergedParameters(array("contact_name"), array('service_description'), -1, 0, null, null, array("service_register" => $this->register, "service_id" => $element['service_id']), "AND");
         foreach ($celements as $celement) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addcontact" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $celement['service_description'] . $this->delim . $celement['contact_name'] . "\n";
         $trapRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Trap_Service();
         $telements = $trapRel->getMergedParameters(array("traps_name"), array('service_description'), -1, 0, null, null, array("service_register" => $this->register, "service.service_id" => $element['service_id']), "AND");
         foreach ($telements as $telement) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addtrap" . $this->delim . $element['host_name'] . $this->delim . $telement['service_description'] . $this->delim . $telement['traps_name'] . "\n";
  * Insert audit log
  * @param string $actionType
  * @param int $objId
  * @param string $objName
  * @param array $objValues
 public function addAuditLog($actionType, $objId, $objName, $objValues = array())
     $objType = strtoupper($this->action);
     $objectTypes = array('HTPL' => 'host', 'STPL' => 'service', 'CONTACT' => 'contact', 'SG' => 'servicegroup', 'TP' => 'timeperiod', 'SERVICE' => 'service', 'CG' => 'contactgroup', 'CMD' => 'command', 'HOST' => 'host', 'HC' => 'hostcategories', 'HG' => 'hostgroup', 'SC' => 'servicecategories');
     if (!isset($objectTypes[$objType])) {
         return null;
     $objType = $objectTypes[$objType];
     $contactObj = new Centreon_Object_Contact();
     $contact = $contactObj->getIdByParameter('contact_alias', CentreonUtils::getUserName());
     $userId = $contact[0];
     $dbstorage = Centreon_Db_Manager::factory('storage');
     $query = 'INSERT INTO log_action
         (action_log_date, object_type, object_id, object_name, action_type, log_contact_id)
         VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
     $time = time();
     $dbstorage->query($query, array($time, $objType, $objId, $objName, $actionType, $userId));
     $query = 'SELECT MAX(action_log_id) as action_log_id
         FROM log_action
         WHERE action_log_date = ?';
     $stmt = $dbstorage->query($query, array($time));
     $row = $stmt->fetch();
     if (false === $row) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException("Error while inserting log action");
     $actionId = $row['action_log_id'];
     $query = 'INSERT INTO log_action_modification
         (field_name, field_value, action_log_id)
         VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
     foreach ($objValues as $name => $value) {
         try {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $value = implode(',', $value);
             if (is_null($value)) {
                 $value = '';
             $dbstorage->query($query, array($name, $value, $actionId));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList("*", -1, 0);
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD" . $this->delim . $element['config_name'] . $this->delim . $this->instanceObj->getInstanceName($element['ns_nagios_server']);
         echo $addStr . "\n";
         echo $this->action . $this->delim . "SETPARAM" . $this->delim . $element['config_name'] . $this->delim . "filename" . $this->delim . $element['config_filename'] . "\n";
         $sql = "SELECT config_key, config_value, config_group, config_group_id\n            \t\tFROM cfg_centreonbroker_info\n            \t\tWHERE config_id = ?\n            \t\tORDER BY config_group_id";
         $res = $this->db->query($sql, array($element['config_id']));
         $blockId = array();
         $categories = array();
         $addParamStr = array();
         $setParamStr = array();
         $resultSet = $res->fetchAll();
         foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
             if ($row['config_key'] != 'name' && $row['config_key'] != 'blockId' && $row['config_key'] != 'filters' && $row['config_key'] != 'category') {
                 if (!isset($setParamStr[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']])) {
                     $setParamStr[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']] = "";
                 $row['config_value'] = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($row['config_value']);
                 $setParamStr[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']] .= $this->action . $this->delim . "SET" . strtoupper($row['config_group']) . $this->delim . $element['config_name'] . $this->delim . $row['config_group_id'] . $this->delim . $row['config_key'] . $this->delim . $row['config_value'] . "\n";
             } elseif ($row['config_key'] == 'name') {
                 $addParamStr[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']] = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD" . strtoupper($row['config_group']) . $this->delim . $element['config_name'] . $this->delim . $row['config_value'];
             } elseif ($row['config_key'] == 'blockId') {
                 $blockId[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']] = $row['config_value'];
             } elseif ($row['config_key'] == 'category') {
                 $categories[$row['config_group'] . '_' . $row['config_group_id']][] = $row['config_value'];
         foreach ($addParamStr as $id => $add) {
             if (isset($blockId[$id]) && isset($setParamStr[$id])) {
                 list($tag, $type) = explode('_', $blockId[$id]);
                 $resType = $this->db->query("SELECT type_shortname FROM cb_type WHERE cb_type_id = ?", array($type));
                 $rowType = $resType->fetch();
                 if (isset($rowType['type_shortname'])) {
                     echo $add . $this->delim . $rowType['type_shortname'] . "\n";
                     echo $setParamStr[$id];
             if (isset($categories[$id])) {
                 list($configGroup, $configGroupId) = explode('_', $id);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "SET" . strtoupper($configGroup) . $this->delim . $element['config_name'] . $this->delim . $configGroupId . $this->delim . 'category' . $this->delim . implode(',', $categories[$id]) . "\n";
 public static function setUserName($userName)
     self::$clapiUserName = $userName;
  * Parse template tree
  * @param array $tree
  * @param Centreon_Object_Service_Extended $extendedObj 
 protected function parseTemplateTree($tree)
     $commandObj = new Centreon_Object_Command();
     $tpObj = new Centreon_Object_Timeperiod();
     $extendedObj = new Centreon_Object_Service_Extended();
     $macroObj = new Centreon_Object_Service_Macro_Custom();
     foreach ($tree as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim;
             if ($param == "service_template_model_stm_id") {
                 $tmp = $this->object->getParameters($element[$param], 'service_description');
                 if (isset($tmp) && isset($tmp['service_description']) && $tmp['service_description']) {
                     $element[$param] = $tmp['service_description'];
                 if (!$element[$param]) {
                     $element[$param] = "";
             $addStr .= $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams) && !is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                 if ($parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id" || $parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $tpObj;
                 } elseif ($parameter == "command_command_id" || $parameter == "command_command_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $commandObj;
                 if (isset($tmpObj)) {
                     $tmp = $tmpObj->getParameters($value, $tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField());
                     if (isset($tmp) && isset($tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()])) {
                         $value = $tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($parameter) . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $params = $extendedObj->getParameters($element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()], array("esi_notes", "esi_notes_url", "esi_action_url", "esi_icon_image", "esi_icon_image_alt"));
         if (isset($params) && is_array($params)) {
             foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
                 if (!is_null($v) && $v != "") {
                     $v = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($v);
                     echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($k) . $this->delim . $v . "\n";
         $macros = $macroObj->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array('svc_svc_id' => $element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()]), "AND");
         foreach ($macros as $macro) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setmacro" . $this->delim . $element['service_description'] . $this->delim . $this->stripMacro($macro['svc_macro_name']) . $this->delim . $macro['svc_macro_value'] . "\n";
         if (count($element['children'])) {
             $this->parseTemplateTree($element['children'], $extendedObj);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $matchingObj = new Centreon_Object_Trap_Matching();
     $elements = $this->object->getList("*", -1, 0);
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim . $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if ($parameter != 'traps_id') {
                 if (!is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                     $value = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $value);
                     if ($parameter == 'manufacturer_id') {
                         $parameter = 'vendor';
                         $value = $this->manufacturerObj->getName($value);
                     $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                     echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $parameter . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $matchingProps = $matchingObj->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array('trap_id' => $element['traps_id']));
         foreach ($matchingProps as $prop) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addmatching" . $this->delim . $element['traps_name'] . $this->delim . $prop['tmo_string'] . $this->delim . $prop['tmo_regexp'] . $this->delim . $prop['tmo_status'] . "\n";
  * Set parameters
  * @param string $parameters
  * @return void
  * @throws CentreonClapiException
 public function setparam($parameters = null)
     $params = explode($this->delim, $parameters);
     if (count($params) < self::NB_UPDATE_PARAMS) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::MISSINGPARAMETER);
     $hgName = $params[0];
     $serviceDesc = $params[1];
     $relObject = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Host_Group_Service();
     $elements = $relObject->getMergedParameters(array("hg_id"), array("service_id"), -1, 0, null, null, array("hg_name" => $hgName, "service_description" => $serviceDesc), "AND");
     if (!count($elements)) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $hgName . "/" . $serviceDesc);
     $objectId = $elements[0]['service_id'];
     $extended = false;
     $commandObject = new CentreonCommand();
     switch ($params[2]) {
         case "check_command":
             $params[2] = "command_command_id";
             $params[3] = $commandObject->getId($params[3]);
         case "check_command_arguments":
             $params[2] = "command_command_id_arg";
         case "event_handler":
             $params[2] = "command_command_id2";
             $params[3] = $commandObject->getId($params[3]);
         case "event_handler_arguments":
             $params[2] = "command_command_id_arg2";
         case "check_period":
             $params[2] = "timeperiod_tp_id";
             $tpObj = new CentreonTimePeriod();
             $params[3] = $tpObj->getTimeperiodId($params[3]);
         case "notification_period":
             $params[2] = "timeperiod_tp_id2";
             $tpObj = new CentreonTimePeriod();
             $params[3] = $tpObj->getTimeperiodId($params[3]);
         case "flap_detection_options":
         case "template":
             $params[2] = "service_template_model_stm_id";
             $tmp = $this->object->getList($this->object->getPrimaryKey(), -1, 0, null, null, array('service_description' => $params[3], 'service_register' => '0'), "AND");
             if (!count($tmp)) {
                 throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $params[3]);
             $params[3] = $tmp[0][$this->object->getPrimaryKey()];
         case "graphtemplate":
             $extended = true;
             $graphObj = new Centreon_Object_Graph_Template();
             $tmp = $graphObj->getIdByParameter($graphObj->getUniqueLabelField(), $params[3]);
             if (!count($tmp)) {
                 throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $params[3]);
             $params[2] = "graph_id";
             $params[3] = $tmp[0];
         case "notes":
             $extended = true;
         case "notes_url":
             $extended = true;
         case "action_url":
             $extended = true;
         case "icon_image":
             $extended = true;
         case "icon_image_alt":
             $extended = true;
             if (!preg_match("/^service_/", $params[2])) {
                 $params[2] = "service_" . $params[2];
     if ($extended == false) {
         $updateParams = array($params[2] => $params[3]);
         parent::setparam($objectId, $updateParams);
     } else {
         if ($params[2] != "graph_id") {
             $params[2] = "esi_" . $params[2];
             if ($params[2] == "esi_icon_image") {
                 if ($params[3]) {
                     $id = CentreonUtils::getImageId($params[3]);
                     if (is_null($id)) {
                         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $params[3]);
                     $params[3] = $id;
                 } else {
                     $params[3] = null;
         $extended = new Centreon_Object_Service_Extended();
         $extended->update($objectId, array($params[2] => $params[3]));
  * Export data
  * @param string $parameters
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList("*", -1, 0);
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim . $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams)) {
                 if (!is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                     $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                     echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $parameter . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
             if ($parameter == "graph_id" && !empty($value)) {
                 $graphObject = new Centreon_Object_Graph_Template();
                 $tmp = $graphObject->getParameters($value, array($graphObject->getUniqueLabelField()));
                 if (!count($tmp)) {
                     throw new CentreonClapiException(self::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND . ":" . $value);
                 $v = $tmp[$graphObject->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 $v = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($v);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($parameter) . $this->delim . $v . "\n";
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $instanceIds = $this->relObj->getinstance_idFromresource_id(trim($element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()]));
         /* ADD action */
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             if ($param == 'instance_id') {
                 $instances = array();
                 foreach ($instanceIds as $instanceId) {
                     $instances[] = $this->instanceObj->getInstanceName($instanceId);
                 $element[$param] = implode('|', $instances);
             $addStr .= $this->delim . $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         /* SETPARAM action */
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams) && !is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                 $parameter = str_replace("resource_", "", $parameter);
                 $value = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $value);
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $parameter . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 14
    if ($op && isset($search) && $search != "") {
        $msg_req .= " AND (host_name " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "' ";
        $msg_req .= " OR service_description " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "' ";
        $msg_req .= " OR instance_name " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "') ";
// Search on output
if (isset($preferences['output_search']) && $preferences['output_search'] != "") {
    $tab = split(" ", $preferences['output_search']);
    $op = $tab[0];
    if (isset($tab[1])) {
        $outputSearch = $tab[1];
    if ($op && isset($outputSearch) && $outputSearch != "") {
        $msg_req .= " AND output " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($outputSearch) . "' ";
// Build final request
$orderby = "name ASC";
if (isset($preferences['order_by']) && $preferences['order_by'] != "") {
    $orderby = $preferences['order_by'];
$start = time() - $preferences['log_period'];
$end = time();
$query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM logs WHERE ctime > '{$start}' AND ctime <= '{$end}' {$msg_req}";
$query .= " ORDER BY ctime DESC, host_name ASC, log_id DESC, service_description ASC";
$query .= " LIMIT " . $page * $preferences['entries'] . "," . $preferences['entries'];
$res = $dbb->query($query);
$nbRows = $dbb->numberRows();
$data = array();
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList();
     $tpObj = new Centreon_Object_Timeperiod();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         /* ADD action */
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             if ($param == 'nagios_server_id') {
                 $element[$param] = $this->instanceObj->getInstanceName($element[$param]);
             $addStr .= $this->delim . $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         /* SETPARAM action */
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams) && !is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                 if ($parameter == 'global_host_event_handler' || $parameter == 'global_service_event_handler' || $parameter == 'host_perfdata_command' || $parameter == 'service_perfdata_command' || $parameter == 'host_perfdata_file_processing_command' || $parameter == 'service_perfdata_file_processing_command' || $parameter == 'ochp_command' || $parameter == 'ocsp_command') {
                     $tmp = $this->commandObj->getParameters($value, $this->commandObj->getUniqueLabelField());
                     $value = $tmp[$this->commandObj->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 } else {
                     if ($parameter == 'illegal_object_name_chars' || $parameter == 'illegal_macro_output_chars') {
                         $value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401);
                 $value = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $value);
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $parameter . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $modules = $this->brokerModuleObj->getList("broker_module", -1, 0, null, "ASC", array('cfg_nagios_id' => $element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()]), "AND");
         $moduleList = array();
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             array_push($moduleList, $module['broker_module']);
         echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . 'broker_module' . $this->delim . implode('|', $moduleList) . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Export
  * @return void
 public function export()
     $elements = $this->object->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array("host_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     $extendedObj = new Centreon_Object_Host_Extended();
     $commandObj = new Centreon_Object_Command();
     $tpObj = new Centreon_Object_Timeperiod();
     $macroObj = new Centreon_Object_Host_Macro_Custom();
     $instanceRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Instance_Host();
     if ($this->register) {
         $instElements = $instanceRel->getMergedParameters(array("name"), array("host_name"), -1, 0, null, null, array("host_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $addStr = $this->action . $this->delim . "ADD";
         foreach ($this->insertParams as $param) {
             $addStr .= $this->delim;
             if ($param == 'instance') {
                 if ($this->register) {
                     foreach ($instElements as $instElem) {
                         if ($element['host_name'] == $instElem['host_name']) {
                             $addStr .= $instElem['name'];
             if ($param != "hostgroup" && $param != "template") {
                 $addStr .= $element[$param];
         $addStr .= "\n";
         echo $addStr;
         foreach ($element as $parameter => $value) {
             if (!in_array($parameter, $this->exportExcludedParams) && !is_null($value) && $value != "") {
                 if ($parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id" || $parameter == "timeperiod_tp_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $tpObj;
                 } elseif ($parameter == "command_command_id" || $parameter == "command_command_id2") {
                     $tmpObj = $commandObj;
                 if (isset($tmpObj)) {
                     $tmp = $tmpObj->getParameters($value, $tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField());
                     if (isset($tmp) && isset($tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()])) {
                         $value = $tmp[$tmpObj->getUniqueLabelField()];
                 $value = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($value);
                 echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($parameter) . $this->delim . $value . "\n";
         $params = $extendedObj->getParameters($element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()], array("ehi_notes", "ehi_notes_url", "ehi_action_url", "ehi_icon_image", "ehi_icon_image_alt", "ehi_vrml_image", "ehi_statusmap_image", "ehi_2d_coords", "ehi_3d_coords"));
         if (isset($params) && is_array($params)) {
             foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
                 if (!is_null($v) && $v != "") {
                     $v = CentreonUtils::convertLineBreak($v);
                     echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setparam" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $this->getClapiActionName($k) . $this->delim . $v . "\n";
         $macros = $macroObj->getList("*", -1, 0, null, null, array('host_host_id' => $element[$this->object->getPrimaryKey()]), "AND");
         foreach ($macros as $macro) {
             echo $this->action . $this->delim . "setmacro" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $this->stripMacro($macro['host_macro_name']) . $this->delim . $macro['host_macro_value'] . "\n";
     $cgRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Contact_Group_Host();
     $elements = $cgRel->getMergedParameters(array("cg_name"), array($this->object->getUniqueLabelField()), -1, 0, null, null, array("host_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addcontactgroup" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $element['cg_name'] . "\n";
     $contactRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Contact_Host();
     $elements = $contactRel->getMergedParameters(array("contact_name"), array($this->object->getUniqueLabelField()), -1, 0, null, null, array("host_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addcontact" . $this->delim . $element[$this->object->getUniqueLabelField()] . $this->delim . $element['contact_name'] . "\n";
     $htplRel = new Centreon_Object_Relation_Host_Template_Host();
     $elements = $htplRel->getMergedParameters(array("host_name as host"), array("host_name as template"), -1, 0, "host,`order`", "ASC", array("h.host_register" => $this->register), "AND");
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         echo $this->action . $this->delim . "addtemplate" . $this->delim . $element['host'] . $this->delim . $element['template'] . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $query .= " AND cv2.`value` IN ({$idC}) ";
if (!$centreon->user->admin) {
    $pearDB = $db;
    $aclObj = new CentreonACL($centreon->user->user_id, $centreon->user->admin);
    $groupList = $aclObj->getAccessGroupsString();
    $query .= " AND h.host_id = acl.host_id\n\tAND acl.service_id = s.service_id\n\tAND acl.group_id IN ({$groupList})";
if (isset($preferences['output_search']) && $preferences['output_search'] != "") {
    $tab = split(" ", $preferences['output_search']);
    $op = $tab[0];
    if (isset($tab[1])) {
        $search = $tab[1];
    if ($op && isset($search) && $search != "") {
        $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, "s.output " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "' ");
if (isset($preferences['ticket_id_search']) && $preferences['ticket_id_search'] != "") {
    $query .= " AND (mop1.ticket_value LIKE '" . $dbb->escape($preferences['ticket_id_search']) . "' OR mop2.ticket_value LIKE '" . $dbb->escape($preferences['ticket_id_search']) . "') ";
if (isset($preferences['ticket_subject_search']) && $preferences['ticket_subject_search'] != "") {
    $query .= " AND (mopd1.subject LIKE '" . $dbb->escape($preferences['ticket_subject_search']) . "' OR mopd2.subject LIKE '" . $dbb->escape($preferences['ticket_subject_search']) . "') ";
$orderby = "hostname ASC , description ASC";
if (isset($preferences['order_by']) && $preferences['order_by'] != "") {
    $orderby = $preferences['order_by'];
$query .= "ORDER BY {$orderby}";
$query .= " LIMIT " . $page * $preferences['entries'] . "," . $preferences['entries'];
$res = $dbb->query($query);
  * Send Trap configuration files to poller
  * @param int $pollerId
  * @return void
  * @throws CentreonClapiException
 public function sendTrapCfg($pollerId = null)
     if (is_null($pollerId)) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::MISSING_POLLER_ID);
     $centreonDir = CentreonUtils::getCentreonDir();
     passthru("{$centreonDir}/bin/centGenSnmpttConfFile 2>&1");
     exec("echo 'SYNCTRAP:" . $pollerId . "' >> " . $this->centcore_pipe, $stdout, $return);
     return $return;
  * Will generate traps from a mib file
  * @param string $parameters
  * @return void
 public function generatetraps($parameters = null)
     $params = explode($this->delim, $parameters);
     if (count($params) < 2) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::MISSINGPARAMETER);
     $vendorId = $this->getId($params[0]);
     $mibFile = $params[1];
     $tmpMibFile = "/tmp/" . basename($mibFile);
     if (!is_file($mibFile)) {
         throw new CentreonClapiException(self::FILE_NOT_FOUND . ": " . $mibFile);
     copy($mibFile, $tmpMibFile);
     $centreonDir = CentreonUtils::getCentreonDir();
     passthru("export MIBS=ALL && {$centreonDir}/bin/snmpttconvertmib --in={$tmpMibFile} --out={$tmpMibFile}.conf");
     passthru("{$centreonDir}/bin/centFillTrapDB -f {$tmpMibFile}.conf -m {$vendorId}");
     unlink($tmpMibFile . ".conf");
$serviceStateLabels = array(0 => "Ok", 1 => "Warning", 2 => "Critical", 3 => "Unknown", 4 => "Pending");
$query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT name1 as name ";
$query .= "FROM {$ndoPrefix}servicegroups sg, {$ndoPrefix}objects o ";
$query .= "WHERE sg.servicegroup_object_id = o.object_id ";
if (isset($preferences['sg_name_search']) && $preferences['sg_name_search'] != "") {
    $tab = split(" ", $preferences['sg_name_search']);
    $op = $tab[0];
    if (isset($tab[1])) {
        $search = $tab[1];
    if ($op && isset($search) && $search != "") {
        $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, "name1 " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "' ");
if (!$centreon->user->admin) {
    $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, "name1 IN (" . $aclObj->getServiceGroupsString("NAME") . ")");
$orderby = "name ASC";
if (isset($preferences['order_by']) && $preferences['order_by'] != "") {
    $orderby = $preferences['order_by'];
$query .= "ORDER BY {$orderby}";
$query .= " LIMIT " . $page * $preferences['entries'] . "," . $preferences['entries'];
$res = $dbb->query($query);
$nbRows = $dbb->numberRows();
$data = array();
$detailMode = false;
if (isset($preferences['enable_detailed_mode']) && $preferences['enable_detailed_mode']) {
    $detailMode = true;
while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
    } elseif ($preferences['downtime_filter'] == "ndowntime") {
        $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, " s.scheduled_downtime_depth = 0 ");
if (isset($preferences['state_type_filter']) && $preferences['state_type_filter']) {
    if ($preferences['state_type_filter'] == "hardonly") {
        $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, " s.state_type = 1 ");
    } elseif ($preferences['state_type_filter'] == "softonly") {
        $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, " s.state_type = 0 ");
if (isset($preferences['hostgroup']) && $preferences['hostgroup']) {
    $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, " s.host_id IN (\n      SELECT host_host_id\n      FROM " . $conf_centreon['db'] . ".hostgroup_relation\n      WHERE hostgroup_hg_id = " . $dbb->escape($preferences['hostgroup']) . ")");
if (isset($preferences['servicegroup']) && $preferences['servicegroup']) {
    $query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, " s.service_id IN (SELECT service_service_id\n      FROM " . $conf_centreon['db'] . ".servicegroup_relation\n      WHERE servicegroup_sg_id = " . $dbb->escape($preferences['servicegroup']) . "\n      UNION\n      SELECT sgr.service_service_id\n      FROM " . $conf_centreon['db'] . ".servicegroup_relation sgr, " . $conf_centreon['db'] . ".host_service_relation hsr\n      WHERE hsr.hostgroup_hg_id = sgr.hostgroup_hg_id\n      AND sgr.servicegroup_sg_id = " . $dbb->escape($preferences['servicegroup']) . ") ");
if (isset($preferences["display_severities"]) && $preferences["display_severities"] && isset($preferences['criticality_filter']) && $preferences['criticality_filter'] != "") {
    $tab = split(",", $preferences['criticality_filter']);
    $labels = "";
    foreach ($tab as $p) {
        if ($labels != '') {
            $labels .= ',';
        $labels .= "'" . trim($p) . "'";
    $query2 = "SELECT sc_id FROM service_categories WHERE sc_name IN (" . $labels . ")";
    $RES = $db->query($query2);
    $idC = "";
    while ($d1 = $RES->fetchRow()) {
        if ($idC != '') {