Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Tags Search method
  * The sql must return the following fields that are
  * used in a common display routine: href, title, section, created, text,
  * browsernav
  * @param string Target search string
  * @param string mathcing option, exact|any|all
  * @param string ordering option, newest|oldest|popular|alpha|category
  * @param mixed An array if restricted to areas, null if search all
 function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     $searchText = $text;
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchTagsAreas()))) {
             return array();
     // load plugin params info
     $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('search', 'cedtags');
     $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     $limit = $pluginParams->def('search_limit', 50);
     $text = trim($text);
     if ($text == '') {
         return array();
     $rows = $this->searchForText($text, $limit);
     $count = count($rows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_cedtag&task=tag&tag=' . CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($rows[$i]->name);
         $rows[$i]->href = JRoute::_($link);
         $rows[$i]->section = JText::_('TAG');
     $return = array();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $tag) {
         if (searchHelper::checkNoHTML($tag, $searchText, array('name', 'title', 'text'))) {
             $return[] = $tag;
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param $cid
  * @return array
 public function getModelTags($cid)
     $terms = $this->getTagsForArticle($cid);
     $showRelatedArticles = CedTagsHelper::param('RelatedArticlesByTags', 0);
     $tags = array();
     if (isset($terms) && !empty($terms)) {
         $singleTermsSuppress = CedTagsHelper::param('SuppresseSingleTerms', 1);
         $termIds = array();
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
             $frequency = $this->getTagFrequency($term);
             if ($showRelatedArticles || $singleTermsSuppress) {
                 if (@intval($frequency) <= 1) {
                     if ($singleTermsSuppress) {
                 } else {
                     $termIds[] = $term->id;
             $date = $term->created;
             $tag = new stdClass();
             $tag->title = JText::sprintf('COM_CEDTAG_ITEMS_TITLE', (string) $frequency, (string) $term->name, (string) $date, (string) $term->hits);
             $tag->id = $term->id;
             $tag->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_cedtag&task=tag&tag=' . CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($term->name));
             $tag->tag = CedTagsHelper::ucwords($term->name);
             $tags[] = $tag;
     //Limit size of tags displayed
     array_splice($tags, intval(CedTagsHelper::param('MaxTagsNumber', 10)));
     return $tags;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * The second function, [componentname]ParseRoute($segments), must transform an array of segments back into an array of URL parameters. Schematically:
 * @param $segments
 * @return array
function cedtagParseRoute($segments)
    $vars = array();
    $tag = array_shift($segments);
    $vars['tag'] = CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($tag);
    $vars['task'] = 'tag';
    $vars['view'] = 'tag';
    return $vars;
Ejemplo n.º 4
" border="0"/>
        <map name="mymap">
    foreach ($this->cloud->get_image_map() as $map) {
            <area shape="rect"
        echo $map[1]->get_map_coords();
        echo $map[0];
        echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_cedtag&task=tag&tag=' . CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($map[0]));
    <div class="copyright">
        <a href="http://www.waltercedric.com"
           style="font: normal normal normal 10px/normal arial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: inherit; border-bottom-color: inherit; text-decoration: none; "
           onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline'" onmouseout="this.style.textDecoration='none'" target="_blank"><b>cedTag</b></a>
    <!-- CedTag Free Tagging system for Joomla by www.waltercedric.com -->
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * http://rhodopsin.blogspot.com/2008/05/php-tag-cloud.html
  * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution
  * @param $rows
  * @return array
 public function mappingFrequencyToSizeWithPareto($rows)
     $tags = array();
     $tagsNameToRow = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $tags[$row->name] = $row->frequency;
         $tagsNameToRow[$row->name] = $row;
     $maxSize = $rows[0]->frequency;
     $minSize = 1;
     $tags = $this->fromParetoCurve($tags, $minSize, $maxSize);
     $result = array();
     while (list($tagname, $tagsize) = each($tags)) {
         $term = new stdClass();
         $term->size = $tagsize;
         $term->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_cedtag&task=tag&tag=' . CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($tagname));
         $term->name = CedTagsHelper::ucwords($tagname);
         $term->frequency = $tagsNameToRow[$tagname]->frequency;
         $term->hits = $tagsNameToRow[$tagname]->hits;
         $term->created = $tagsNameToRow[$tagname]->created;
         $term->title = JText::sprintf('COM_CEDTAG_ITEMS_TITLE', (string) $term->frequency, (string) $term->name, (string) $term->created, (string) $term->hits);
         $term->class = 'cedtag';
         $result[] = $term;
     return $result;