/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { dd('test'); $vehicleTypes = VehicleTypeRef::all(); Category::where('id', '>', 58)->whereNull('parent_id')->get()->each(function ($category) use($vehicleTypes) { $category->categories->each(function ($subCategory) use($category, $vehicleTypes) { // $vehicleTypes->each(function ($vehicleType) use($category, $subCategory) { // if ($subCategory->title != "{$vehicleType->ru} {$category->name}") { $subCategory->description = "Все об {$subCategory->title}"; // } else { // different description // } // }); if ($subCategory->save()) { $this->line($subCategory->title); $this->line($subCategory->description . PHP_EOL); } }); }); $marks = MarkRef::all(); Category::where('id', '>', 58)->whereNotNull('parent_id')->get()->each(function ($category) use($vehicleTypes, $marks) { $marks->each(function ($mark) use($category, $vehicleTypes) { $vehicleTypes->each(function ($vehicleType) use($category, $mark) { if ($category->title == "{$vehicleType->ru} {$mark->name}") { $newTitle = $this->morph($vehicleType) . $mark->name; $this->line("{$category->title} to {$newTitle}"); // $category->title = $newTitle; // $category->save(); } }); }); }); }
/** * Display a listing of categories * * @return Response */ public function index() { $data = Input::all(); $categories = Category::where(function ($query) { if (Input::has('owner_type')) { $query->where('owner_type', Input::get('owner_type')); } if (Input::has('query')) { $query->where('name', 'like', '%' . Input::get('query') . '%'); } }); $types = Category::get(['owner_type']); $types = $types->groupBy(function ($category) { return $category->owner_type; })->toArray(); if (Request::ajax()) { // SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTOCOMPLETE $categories = $categories->get(); if (Input::has('query')) { $suggestions = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $suggestions[] = array("value" => $category->name, "data" => array('owner_type' => $category->owner_type)); } $categories = array('suggestions' => $suggestions); return Response::json($categories); } // RETURN INDEX PANEL return View::make('categories.panels.index', compact('categories', 'types')); } else { $categories = $categories->paginate(Input::get('paginate', 10)); return View::make('categories.index', compact('categories', 'types')); } }
function inc_left() { $categories = new Category(); $data['categories'] = $categories->where("module = 'knowledges' and parents <> 0")->order_by('orderlist', 'asc')->get(); $data['count'] = $categories->where("module = 'knowledges' and parents <> 0")->count(); $data['num'] = ceil($categories->where("module = 'knowledges' and parents <> 0")->count() / 2); $this->load->view('inc_index', $data); }
/** * Display the specified category. * * @param string $slug * @return Response */ public function show($slug) { //return le slug de la categorie $categories = Category::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail(); $posts = Post::where('category_id', '=', $categories->id)->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')->paginate(5); return View::make('categories.show', compact('categories', 'posts', 'author')); }
public function edit($id) { if (Request::isMethod('post')) { $rules = array('title' => 'required|min:4', 'link' => 'required', 'meta_keywords' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to("admin/category/{$id}/edit")->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::except('')); } else { $table = Category::find($id); $table->title = Input::get('title'); $table->link = Input::get('link'); $table->content = Input::get('content'); $table->parent_id = Input::get('parent_id') ? Input::get('parent_id') : null; $table->meta_title = Input::get('meta_title') ? Input::get('meta_title') : $table->title; $table->meta_description = Input::get('meta_description') ? Input::get('meta_description') : $table->description; $table->meta_keywords = Input::get('meta_keywords'); $table->active = Input::get('active', 0); if ($table->save()) { $name = trans("name.category"); return Redirect::to("admin/category")->with('success', trans("message.edit", ['name' => $name])); } return Redirect::to("admin/category")->with('error', trans('message.error')); } } $self = Category::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); foreach (Category::lists('title', 'id') as $key => $value) { $child = Category::where('id', '=', $key)->first(); if (!$child->isSelfOrDescendantOf($self)) { $categories[$key] = $value; } } $categories = array(0 => 'Нет родительской категории') + $categories; return View::make("admin.shop.category.edit", ['item' => Category::find($id), 'categories' => $categories]); }
/** * Category list * @return Respanse */ public function category($category_id) { $articles = Article::where('category_id', $category_id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->where('post_status', 'open')->paginate(6); $categories = Category::orderBy('sort_order')->get(); $current_category = Category::where('id', $category_id)->first(); return View::make('article.category')->with(compact('articles', 'categories', 'category_id', 'current_category')); }
public function showIndex() { if (!Auth::check()) { return View::make('login', array('title' => 'edison')); } $category_names = array('ent' => 'エンターテイメント', 'music' => '音楽', 'sing' => '歌ってみた', 'play' => '演奏してみた', 'dance' => '踊ってみた', 'vocaloid' => 'VOCALOID', 'nicoindies' => 'ニコニコインディーズ', 'animal' => '動物', 'cooking' => '料理', 'nature' => '自然', 'travel' => '旅行', 'sport' => 'スポーツ', 'lecture' => 'ニコニコ動画講座', 'drive' => '車載動画', 'history' => '歴史', 'politics' => '政治', 'science' => '科学', 'tech' => 'ニコニコ技術部', 'handcraft' => 'ニコニコ手芸部', 'make' => '作ってみた', 'anime' => 'アニメ', 'game' => 'ゲーム', 'toho' => '東方', 'imas' => 'アイドルマスター', 'radio' => 'ラジオ', 'draw' => '描いてみた', 'are' => '例のアレ', 'diary' => '日記', 'other' => 'その他', 'r18' => 'R-18', 'original' => 'オリジナル', 'portrait' => '似顔絵', 'character' => 'キャラクター'); $all_items = Item::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($all_items as &$item) { $item['user'] = User::where('id', '=', $item->user_id)->get()[0]; $item['star_count'] = Starmap::where('item_id', '=', $item->id)->count(); $item['comment_count'] = Comment::where('item_id', '=', $item->id)->count(); if ($item->category_id != 0) { $item['category'] = Category::where('id', '=', $item->category_id)->get()[0]->content; } } $recent_works = Work::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); foreach ($recent_works as &$work) { $item = Item::where('id', '=', $work->item_id)->get()[0]; $work['item'] = $item; $work['user'] = User::where('id', '=', $work->user_id)->get()[0]; $work['item_poster_screen_name'] = User::where('id', '=', $item->user_id)->get()[0]->screen_name; if ($item->category_id != 0) { $work['item_category'] = Category::where('id', '=', $item->category_id)->get()[0]->content; } } $user = User::where('screen_name', '=', Auth::user()->screen_name)->get()[0]; $data = array('title' => 'edison', 'user' => $user, 'all_items' => $all_items, 'recent_works' => $recent_works, 'categories' => $category_names, 'star_count' => Starmap::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->count(), 'work_count' => Work::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->count()); return View::make('index', $data); }
function index() { $categories = new Category(); $data['categories'] = $categories->where("module = 'webboard_quizs' and parents <> 0")->order_by('orderlist', 'asc')->get_page(); $data['categories']->webboard_quiz->order_by("id", "desc")->get(); $this->template->build('webboard_index', $data); }
/** * Store a newly created category in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $categoryValidator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Category::$rules); if ($categoryValidator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($categoryValidator)->withInput(); } /* Category */ if (Input::has('createCategory')) { Category::create($data); $message = "登録しました。"; } if (Input::has('deleteCategory')) { $c = Category::where('Bumon', Input::get('Bumon'))->first(); Category::destroy($c->id); $message = "削除しました。"; if (Input::has('selectedCategory')) { Input::replace(array('selectedCategory', '')); } } if (Input::has('updateCategory')) { $err = array('required' => '新しい部門名を入力してください。'); $categoryValidator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Category::$update_rules, $err); if ($categoryValidator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($categoryValidator)->withInput(); } $c = Category::where('Bumon', Input::get('Bumon'))->first(); Category::destroy($c->id); $data['Bumon'] = $data['new_categoryName']; Category::create($data); $message = "更新しました。"; } return Redirect::route('employees.index')->with('message', $message); }
public function getTorrents($category = null) { $categories = Category::all(); $query = Torrent::with('category')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); if ($category) { $category = Category::where('name', '=', $category)->first(); if ($category) { $query = $query->where('category_id', $category->id); } } $search = null; if (isset($_GET['text'])) { $search = $_GET['text']; $query = $query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%'); } $torrents = $query->get(); $peers = DB::table('torrent_users')->select(DB::raw('torrent_id, seeding, COUNT(user_id) as count'))->groupBy('torrent_id', 'seeding')->get(); foreach ($peers as $peer) { foreach ($torrents as $torrent) { if ($torrent->id == $peer->torrent_id) { if ($peer->seeding) { $torrent->seeders = $peer->count; } else { $torrent->leechers = $peer->count; } } } } return View::make('torrents/torrents', array('torrents' => $torrents, 'categories' => $categories, 'category' => $category, 'search' => $search)); }
/** * Produce new products * * @return Response */ public function produce() { $category_id = Category::where('cat_name', '=', 'Cupcake')->first()->id; $items = $this->item->where('category_id', '=', $category_id)->get(); // return $items = $this->item->getItemsWithInventoryStatus(); return View::make('items.production.produce')->with('title', 'New Production')->with('items', $items); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * GET /articles/{id}/edit * * @param string $slug * @return Response */ public function edit($slug) { $articles = Article::where('slug', $slug)->first(); $category = Category::lists('category', 'id'); $selected = Category::where('id', $articles->category_id)->first()->id; return View::make('article.editpost')->with('articles', $articles)->with('category', $category)->with('selected', $selected); }
function index() { $rs = new Category(); $data['rs'] = $rs->where('module = "services"')->order_by('id', 'desc')->get(); $this->template->append_metadata(js_checkbox('approve')); $this->template->build('admin/index', $data); }
protected function setupLayout() { if (!is_null($this->layout)) { $this->layout = View::make($this->layout); $this->layout->menuCategories = Category::where('parent_id', 0)->get(); } }
public function get_list($id = 0) { $breadcrumbs = Breadcrumbs::get($id); $categories = $id ? Category::find($id)->children : Category::where('parent', '=', 0)->get(); $products = $id ? Category::find($id)->products : array(); $this->layout->page_title = "Admin - Categories - List"; $this->layout->page_content = View::make('admin.categories.list')->with('id', $id)->with('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs)->with('categories', $categories)->with('products', $products); }
public function has_children() { $all_categories = new Category(); foreach ($all_categories->where('parent_id', $this->id)->get() as $category) { return true; } return false; }
function form($id = FALSE) { $data['email'] = new Newsletters_email_list($id); $categories = new Category(); $data['categories'] = $categories->where("module = 'newsletters' and parents <> 0 and status = 'approve'")->order_by('id', 'desc')->get_page(); $this->load->view('inc_register', $data); $this->template->build('admin/emaillist_form', $data); }
public function index() { $category = Category::where("level", 1)->lists("name", "code"); $resource = $this->resource; $resourceName = $this->resourceName; $resourceDesc = ''; return View::make($this->resourceView . '.index')->with(compact('resource', 'resourceName', 'resourceDesc')); }
/** * Sua 1 category * @var string category_id * @return boolean */ public static function renameCategory($category_id, $name) { $result = Category::where('category_id', '=', $category_id)->update($name); if ($result > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function categories() { $categories = Category::where('status', '=', 'active')->get(); if (isset($categories) && count($categories) > 0) { return json_encode(array('message' => 'found', 'categories' => $categories->toArray())); } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'empty')); } }
/** * Automatically set the alias, if one is not provided * @param string $alias */ public function setAliasAttribute($alias) { if ($alias == '') { $this->attributes['alias'] = Str::slug($this->attributes['name'], '-'); if (Category::where('alias', '=', $this->attributes['alias'])->first()) { $this->attributes['alias'] = Str::slug($this->attributes['name'], '-') . '-1'; } } }
protected function checkExistCategory($categoryId) { $category = Category::where('categoryId', $categoryId)->first(); if (is_null($category)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
/** * Returns an array of all hidden categories * @return array */ public static function getHiddenCategoriesArray() { $categories = Category::where('hidden', '=', 1)->get(); $hiddenCategories = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $hiddenCategories[$category->id] = $hiddenCategories->name; } return $hiddenCategories; }
function form($id = FALSE) { $categories = new Category(); $categories->where("module = 'galleries' and parents = 0")->get(); $data['parent'] = $categories->get_clone(); $categories->clear(); $data['category'] = $categories->get_by_id($id); $this->template->build('admin/category_form', $data); }
public function getCategories($type) { $categories = Category::where('type', '=', $type)->get(); $ret = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $ret['category'][] = array('category_id' => $category->id, 'content' => $category->content); } return json_encode($ret); }
/** * Process the item on the Sales Order list. * GET /sales/registrar * * @return Response */ public function processOrder($code) { // return print $code;exit(); //find the item on the storage $found = $this->findItem($code); $in_production = false; $general_item = false; if ($found) { //cupcake category id $cupcake_cat_id = Category::where('cat_name', '=', 'Cupcake')->first()->id; if ($this->item->getCategory($code) == $cupcake_cat_id) { //check if the item exist on the production items $production_items = $this->production_item->getCurrentProductionsBarcodes(); if (in_array($code, $production_items)) { $in_production = true; //check if the item have enough stocks if (!$this->haveEnoughStocks($code)) { return Response::json(array('response' => '300', 'msg' => 'Not enough stocks.')); } } else { //not set for production return Response::json(array('response' => '300', 'msg' => 'Not set in production')); } } else { //item is not a cupcake //general item / cookies $in_production = true; $general_item = true; } //check if the barcode exist on the cart $exist = $this->doExist($code); //get the item based on the barcode $item = $this->findItem($code); //if the product already exist, update its qty if ($exist) { //before updating qty, check first for the remaining stocks $this->updateQty($code, $general_item); //check if the cupcake does exist on the cart list } else { if (!$exist) { if ($in_production) { $this->insertToTempCart($code, $item); } else { //not in production or out of stocks return Response::json(array('response' => '300')); } } } // $this->printInvoice(); //retrieve cart items return $this->retrieveItems(); //print receipt } //throw a not found exception return Response::json(array('found' => 'false')); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new service * * @return Response */ public function createservice() { // return "entro a servicios"; if (Auth::check() || Session::has('account_id')) { $categories = Category::where('account_id', Auth::user()->account_id)->orderBy('public_id')->get(); return View::make('productos.createservice')->with('categories', $categories); } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function getCategory($category) { $cat = Category::where('name', $category)->first(); if ($cat) { $products = Product::where('category_id', $cat->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get(); return View::make('store.category')->with('cat', $cat)->with('products', $products); } else { return View::make('404'); } }
public function showHome() { $todaysDate = Carbon::now(); $event = CalendarEvent::where('date', '>', $todaysDate)->get()->random(); // dd($event); $categoryId = $event->category_id; $category = Category::where('id', '=', $categoryId)->first(); $group = Group::with('categories')->where('group_name', '<>', '')->get()->random(); return View::make('index')->with(array('event' => $event, 'group' => $group, 'category' => $category)); }
public function get_index($categoryParent, $categoryChild = null) { //Load details of the passed category $parentCategoryDetails = Category::where('curl', '=', $categoryParent)->first(); if ($categoryChild == null) { $childCategoryDetails = null; } else { $childCategoryDetails = Category::where('curl', '=', $categoryChild)->first(); } //Gets all articles in the default Sub Category if (is_null($parentCategoryDetails)) { return Response::error('404'); } if (is_null($childCategoryDetails)) { $allarticles = Category::find($parentCategoryDetails->id)->Article()->where("status", '=', '1')->get(); } else { $allarticles = Category::find($childCategoryDetails->id)->Article()->where("status", '=', '1')->get(); } //Pushes all articles within the Sub category of a parent Category if (is_null($childCategoryDetails)) { $inner_categories = $parentCategoryDetails->InnerCategory()->get(); foreach ($inner_categories as $innercat) { $allarticlesinner = Category::find($innercat->id)->Article()->get(); foreach ($allarticlesinner as $innercatarticles) { array_push($allarticles, $innercatarticles); } } } //A sort on articles using the POSTed ID usort($allarticles, 'cmsHelper::sortById'); $allarticles = cmsHelper::bakeArticleForViewers($allarticles); //make and return the view return View::make('visitor.categorylist', array('allarticles' => $allarticles, 'parentCategoryDetails' => $parentCategoryDetails, 'childCategoryDetails' => $childCategoryDetails)); }