function indexAction() { /* @var $model CidadesModel */ $model = newModel('CidadesModel'); /* @var $v CidadeVO */ $start = microtime(true); $estado = url_parans(0) ? url_parans(0) : inputPost('estado'); $cidade = url_parans(1) ? url_parans(1) : inputPost('cidade'); if ($estado > 0 or preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/i', $estado)) { $cache = new Cache('cidades.' . $estado, 60); if (!($options = $cache->getContent())) { $cidades = $model->getCidades($estado); if (count($cidades)) { $options = formOption('-- Selecione a cidade --', ''); } else { $options = formOption('-- Selecione o estado --', ''); } foreach ($cidades as $v) { $options .= formOption($v->getTitle(), $v->getId(), false); } # Salvando cache $cache->setContent($options); } echo preg_replace(['/(value="' . preg_quote($cidade) . '")/', '/>(' . preg_quote($cidade) . ')</'], ['$1 selected=""', 'selected="" >$1<'], $options); } $end = microtime(true); echo "\n\n<!-- " . number_format(($end - $start) * 1000, 5, ',', '.') . "ms --> Buscou por {$cidade}"; exit; }
function guild_list($TFSVersion) { $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/guildlist'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { if ($TFSVersion != 'TFS_10') { $guilds = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `t`.`id`, `t`.`name`, `t`.`creationdata`, `motd`, (SELECT count(p.rank_id) FROM players AS p LEFT JOIN guild_ranks AS gr ON = p.rank_id WHERE gr.guild_id =`t`.`id`) AS `total` FROM `guilds` as `t` ORDER BY `t`.`name`;"); } else { $guilds = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `name`, `creationdata`, `motd`, (SELECT COUNT('guild_id') FROM `guild_membership` WHERE `guild_id`=`id`) AS `total` FROM `guilds` ORDER BY `name`;"); } // Add level data info to guilds if ($guilds !== false) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($guilds); $i++) { $guilds[$i]['level'] = get_guild_level_data($guilds[$i]['id']); } } $cache->setContent($guilds); $cache->save(); } else { $guilds = $cache->load(); } return $guilds; }
} if (!empty($playerlist)) { $ids = join(',', $playerlist); $tmpPlayers = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM players WHERE `id` IN ({$ids});"); // Sort $tmpPlayers by player id $tmpById = array(); foreach ($tmpPlayers as $p) { $tmpById[$p['id']] = $p['name']; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($houses); $i++) { if ($houses[$i]['owner'] > 0) { $houses[$i]['ownername'] = $tmpById[$houses[$i]['owner']]; } } } $cache->setContent($houses); $cache->save(); } } else { $houses = $cache->load(); } if ($houses !== false || !empty($houses)) { // Intialize stuff //data_dump($houses, false, "House data"); ?> <table id="housetable"> <tr class="yellow"> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Beds</th> <th>Rent</th>
<div class="sidebar"> <h3>Top 5 players</h3> <?php $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/topPlayer'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { $players = mysql_select_multi('SELECT `name`, `level`, `experience` FROM `players` WHERE `group_id` < ' . $config['highscore']['ignoreGroupId'] . ' ORDER BY `experience` DESC LIMIT 5;'); $cache->setContent($players); $cache->save(); } else { $players = $cache->load(); } if ($players) { $count = 1; foreach ($players as $player) { echo "{$count} - <a href='characterprofile.php?name=" . $player['name'] . "'>" . $player['name'] . "</a> (" . $player['level'] . ").<br>"; $count++; } } ?> <br> </div>
echo $action === 2 ? $old['text'] : ''; ?> </textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="Add or update changelog"> </form> <?php } } ?> <h1>Changelog</h1> <?php $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/changelog'); if ($updateCache === true) { $changelogs = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status` FROM `znote_changelog` ORDER BY `id` DESC;"); $cache->setContent($changelogs); $cache->save(); } else { $changelogs = $cache->load(); } if (isset($changelogs) && !empty($changelogs) && $changelogs !== false) { ?> <table id="changelogTable"> <tr class="yellow"> <td>Changelogs</td> <?php if (user_logged_in()) { if (is_admin($user_data)) { echo "<td>Delete</td><td>Update</td>"; } }
$updatechangelog = false; if ($changelog !== false) { // Update it mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_changelog` SET `text`='{$changelogText}', `time`='{$time}' WHERE `id`='" . $changelog['id'] . "' LIMIT 1;"); echo "<h2>Changelog message updated!</h2>"; $updatechangelog = true; } else { // Create it mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_changelog` (`text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status`) \n VALUES ('{$changelogText}', '{$time}', '{$changelogReportId}', '{$status}');"); echo "<h2>Changelog message created!</h2>"; $updatechangelog = true; } if ($updatechangelog) { // Cache changelog $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/changelog'); $cache->setContent(mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status` FROM `znote_changelog` ORDER BY `id` DESC;")); $cache->save(); } } // If we should give user price if ($price > 0) { $account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`email` FROM `accounts` AS `a` \n INNER JOIN `players` AS `p` ON `p`.`account_id` = `a`.`id`\n WHERE `p`.`name` = '{$playerName}' LIMIT 1;"); if ($account !== false) { // transaction log mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$reportId}', 'report@admin." . $user_data['name'] . " to " . $account['email'] . "', '" . $account['id'] . "', '0', '" . $price . "')"); // Process payment $data = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` AS `old_points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "';"); // Give points to user $new_points = $data['old_points'] + $price; mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "'"); // Remind GM that he sent points to character
$highscore = $config['highscore']; $rows = $highscore['rows']; $rowsPerPage = $highscore['rowsPerPage']; function skillName($type) { $types = array(1 => "Club", 2 => "Sword", 3 => "Axe", 4 => "Distance", 5 => "Shield", 6 => "Fish", 7 => "Experience", 8 => "Magic Level", 9 => "Fist"); return $types[(int) $type]; } function pageCheck($index, $page, $rowPerPage) { return $index < $page * $rowPerPage && $index >= $page * $rowPerPage - $rowPerPage ? true : false; } $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/highscores'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { $scores = fetchAllScores($rows, $config['TFSVersion'], $highscore['ignoreGroupId']); $cache->setContent($scores); $cache->save(); } else { $scores = $cache->load(); } if ($scores) { ?> <h1>Ranking for <?php echo skillName($type); ?> .</h1> <form action="" method="GET"> <select name="type"> <option value="7" <?php if ($type == 7) { echo "selected";
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/deaths'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_02' || $config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_10') { $deaths = fetchLatestDeaths(); } else { if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_03') { $deaths = fetchLatestDeaths_03(30); } } $cache->setContent($deaths); $cache->save(); } else { $deaths = $cache->load(); } if ($deaths) { ?> <h1>Latest Deaths</h1> <table id="deathsTable" class="table table-striped"> <tr class="yellow"> <th>Victim</th> <th>Time</th> <th>Killer</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($deaths as $death) { echo '<tr>'; echo "<td>At level " . $death['level'] . ": <a href='characterprofile.php?name=" . $death['victim'] . "'>" . $death['victim'] . "</a></td>";
?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } else { echo "No changelogs submitted."; } } $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/news'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { $news = fetchAllNews(); $cache->setContent($news); $cache->save(); } else { $news = $cache->load(); } // Design and present the list if ($news) { $total_news = count($news); $row_news = $total_news / $config['news_per_page']; $page_amount = ceil($total_news / $config['news_per_page']); $current = $config['news_per_page'] * $page; function TransformToBBCode($string) { $tags = array('[center]{$1}[/center]' => '<center>$1</center>', '[b]{$1}[/b]' => '<b>$1</b>', '[size={$1}]{$2}[/size]' => '<font size="$1">$2</font>', '[img]{$1}[/img]' => '<a href="$1" target="_BLANK"><img src="$1" alt="image" style="width: 100%"></a>', '[link]{$1}[/link]' => '<a href="$1">$1</a>', '[link={$1}]{$2}[/link]' => '<a href="$1" target="_BLANK">$2</a>', '[color={$1}]{$2}[/color]' => '<font color="$1">$2</font>', '[*]{$1}[/*]' => '<li>$1</li>', '[youtube]{$1}[/youtube]' => '<div class="youtube"><div class="aspectratio"><iframe src="//$1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>'); foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) { $code = preg_replace('/placeholder([0-9]+)/', '(.*?)', preg_quote(preg_replace('/\\{\\$([0-9]+)\\}/', 'placeholder$1', $tag), '/'));
$staffs = support_list(); // Fetch group ids and names from config.php $groups = $config['ingame_positions']; // Loops through groups, separating each group element into an ID variable and name variable foreach ($groups as $group_id => $group_name) { // Loops through list of staffs if (!empty($staffs)) { foreach ($staffs as $staff) { if ($staff['group_id'] == $group_id) { $srtGrp[$group_name][] = $staff; } } } } if (!empty($srtGrp)) { $cache->setContent($srtGrp); $cache->save(); } } else { $srtGrp = $cache->load(); } $writeHeader = true; if (!empty($srtGrp)) { foreach (array_reverse($srtGrp) as $grpName => $grpList) { ?> <table id="supportTable" class="table table-striped"> <?php if ($writeHeader) { $writeHeader = false; ?> <tr class="yellow">
/** * Lista todas as pastas do diretório informado * @param string $Pasta * @return array */ function list_paths($Pasta) { $cache = new Cache('config.paths_' . sha1($Pasta), 1); if (!($Pastas = $cache->getContent())) { $Pastas = []; foreach (glob(ABSPATH . "/{$Pasta}/*") as $Path) { if (is_dir($Path)) { $Path = str_replace([ABSPATH . '/', ABSPATH . '\\'], null, $Path); $Pastas[] = str_replace(['/', '\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $Path); $Pastas = array_merge($Pastas, list_paths($Path)); } } $cache->setContent($Pastas); } return $Pastas; }
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; // Cache the results $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/topGuilds'); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { $guilds = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `g`.`id` AS `id`, `g`.`name` AS `name`, COUNT(`g`.`name`) as `frags` FROM `players` p LEFT JOIN `player_deaths` pd ON `pd`.`killed_by` = `p`.`name` LEFT JOIN `guild_membership` gm ON `p`.`id` = `gm`.`player_id` LEFT JOIN `guilds` g ON `gm`.`guild_id` = `g`.`id` WHERE `pd`.`unjustified` = 1 GROUP BY `name` ORDER BY `frags` DESC, `name` ASC LIMIT 0, 10;"); $cache->setContent($guilds); $cache->save(); } else { $guilds = $cache->load(); } $count = 1; function convert_number_to_words($number) { $hyphen = '-'; $conjunction = ' and '; $separator = ', '; $negative = 'negative '; $decimal = ' point '; $dictionary = array(0 => 'zero', 1 => 'First', 2 => 'Second', 3 => 'Third', 4 => 'Fourth', 5 => 'Fifth', 6 => 'Sixth', 7 => 'Seventh', 8 => 'Eighth', 9 => 'Ninth', 10 => 'Tenth', 11 => 'eleventh', 12 => 'twelve', 13 => 'thirteen', 14 => 'fourteen', 15 => 'fifteen', 16 => 'sixteen', 17 => 'seventeen', 18 => 'eighteen', 19 => 'nineteen', 20 => 'twenty', 30 => 'thirty', 40 => 'fourty', 50 => 'fifty', 60 => 'sixty', 70 => 'seventy', 80 => 'eighty', 90 => 'ninety', 100 => 'hundred', 1000 => 'thousand', 1000000 => 'million', 1000000000 => 'billion', 1000000000000 => 'trillion', 1000000000000000 => 'quadrillion', 1000000000000000000 => 'quintillion'); if (!is_numeric($number)) { return false; } if ($number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0 || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX) { // overflow trigger_error('convert_number_to_words only accepts numbers between -' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' and ' . PHP_INT_MAX, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ($number < 0) {
if (isset($_POST['accept']) || isset($_POST['delete'])) { $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/gallery'); $images = fetchImages(2); if ($images != false) { $data = array(); foreach ($images as $image) { $row['title'] = $image['title']; $row['desc'] = $image['desc']; $row['date'] = $image['date']; $row['image'] = $image['image']; $data[] = $row; } } else { $data = ""; } $cache->setContent($data); $cache->save(); } ?> <h1>Images in need of moderation:</h1><?php $images = fetchImages(1); if ($images != false) { foreach ($images as $image) { $pw = explode("!", $image['image']); ?> <table> <tr class="yellow"> <td><h2><?php echo $image['title']; ?> <form action="" method="post"><input type="submit" name="accept" value="<?php
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php'; include 'layout/overall/header.php'; $server = $config['shop']['imageServer']; $imageType = $config['shop']['imageType']; $items = getItemList(); $compare =& $_GET['compare']; // If you are not comparing any items, present the list. if (!$compare) { $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/market'); $cache->setExpiration(6); if ($cache->hasExpired()) { $offers = array('wts' => mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `itemtype` AS `item_id`, `amount`, `price`, `created`, `anonymous`, (SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = `player_id`) AS `player_name` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 1 ORDER BY `created` DESC;"), 'wtb' => mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `itemtype` AS `item_id`, `amount`, `price`, `created`, `anonymous`, (SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = `player_id`) AS `player_name` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 0 ORDER BY `created` DESC;")); $cache->setContent($offers); $cache->save(); } else { $offers = $cache->load(); } ?> <h1>Marketplace</h1> <p>You can buy and sell items by clicking on the <a target="_BLANK" href="">market in depot.</a> <br>To sell an item: Place item inside your depot, click on market, search for your item and sell it.</p> <h2>WTS: Want to sell</h2> <table class="table tbl-hover"> <tr class="yellow"> <td>Item name</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Count</td> <td>Price for 1</td> <td>Added</td> <td>By</td>