Ejemplo n.º 1
//	Copy an existing device to the new position, adjusting the name automagically per rules in the CopyDevice method
//	URL:	/api/v1/device/:deviceid/copyto/:newposition
//	Method:	PUT
//	Params:	deviceid (passed in URL)
//		Required: Label, cabinetid
//		Optional: everything else
//	Returns: record as created
$app->put('/device/:deviceid/copyto/:newposition', function ($deviceid, $newposition) use($app) {
    $dev = new Device();
    $dev->DeviceID = $deviceid;
    $cab = new Cabinet();
    $cab->CabinetID = $dev->Cabinet;
    if (!$cab->GetCabinet()) {
        $response['error'] = true;
        $response['errorcode'] = 404;
        $response['message'] = __("Cabinet not found");
    } else {
        if ($cab->Rights != "Write") {
            $response['error'] = true;
            $response['errorcode'] = 403;
            $response['message'] = __("Unauthorized");
        } else {
            if (!$dev->CopyDevice(null, $newposition)) {
                $response['error'] = true;
                $response['errorcode'] = 404;
                $response['message'] = __("Device creation failed");
            } else {
                // refresh the model in case we extended it elsewhere
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once "db.inc.php";
require_once "facilities.inc.php";
$subheader = __("Map Selector");
if (!$person->SiteAdmin) {
    // No soup for you.
    header("Location: " . redirect());
$dc = new DataCenter();
$cab = new Cabinet();
$cab->CabinetID = $_REQUEST["cabinetid"];
$dc->DataCenterID = $cab->DataCenterID;
if (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) && $_REQUEST["action"] == "Submit") {
    $cab->MapX1 = intval($_REQUEST["x1"]);
    $cab->MapX2 = intval($_REQUEST["x2"]);
    $cab->MapY1 = intval($_REQUEST["y1"]);
    $cab->MapY2 = intval($_REQUEST["y2"]);
    $cab->FrontEdge = $_REQUEST["frontedge"];
    $url = redirect("cabnavigator.php?cabinetid={$cab->CabinetID}");
    header("Location: {$url}");
$height = 0;
$width = 0;
if (strlen($dc->DrawingFileName) > 0) {
    $mapfile = "drawings/{$dc->DrawingFileName}";
    if (file_exists($mapfile)) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function MakePath()
     //reset PathError
     $this->PathError = 0;
     //check devices/ports
     $device = new Device();
     $device->DeviceID = $this->devID1;
     if (!$device->GetDevice()) {
         $this->PathError = 1;
         //dev1 does not exist
         return false;
     $devType1 = $device->DeviceType;
     if ($device->DeviceType == "Patch Panel") {
         $this->PathError = 2;
         //dev1 is a Patch Pannel
         return false;
     $port1 = new DevicePorts();
     $port1->DeviceID = $this->devID1;
     $port1->PortNumber = $this->port1;
     if (!$port1->getPort()) {
         $this->PathError = 3;
         //dev1,port1 is missing
         return False;
     if ($port1->ConnectedDeviceID > 0 && $port1->ConnectedPort > 0) {
         $this->PathError = 4;
         //dev1,port1 is connected
         return False;
     $device->DeviceID = $this->devID2;
     if (!$device->GetDevice()) {
         $this->PathError = 5;
         //dev2 does not exist
         return false;
     $devType2 = $device->DeviceType;
     if ($device->DeviceType == "Patch Panel") {
         $this->PathError = 6;
         //dev2 is a Patch Pannel
         return false;
     $port2 = new DevicePorts();
     $port2->DeviceID = $this->devID2;
     $port2->PortNumber = $this->port2;
     if (!$port2->getPort()) {
         $this->PathError = 7;
         //dev2,port2 is missing
         return False;
     if ($port2->ConnectedDeviceID > 0 && $port2->ConnectedPort > 0) {
         $this->PathError = 8;
         //dev2,port2 is connected
         return False;
     //get dev2 info
     $this->cab2 = $device->GetDeviceCabinetID();
     $cabinet = new Cabinet();
     $cabinet->CabinetID = $this->cab2;
     $this->row2 = $cabinet->CabRowID;
     //if dev2 is panel protected device (connected to rear connection of a panel)
     $this->espejo2 = $port2->ConnectedDeviceID > 0 && $port2->ConnectedPort < 0;
     $this->escribe_log("**** NEW PATH ****");
     $this->escribe_log("DEV1: ID=" . $this->devID1 . "  PORT=" . $this->port1);
     $this->escribe_log("DEV2: ID=" . $this->devID2 . "  PORT=" . $this->port2 . "  CAB_ID=" . $this->cab2 . "  ROW_ID=" . $this->row2);
     //reset Path
     //initiate list with device1, port1, weitgh=0, prev_dev=0, prev_port=0
     $this->AddNodeToList($this->devID1, $this->port1, 0, 0, 0);
     while ($this->SelectNode()) {
         if ($this->DeviceID == $this->devID2) {
             $this->escribe_log("Target found. Making the PATH...");
             //make the path
             $i = 1;
             while ($this->DeviceID > 0) {
                 $dev = $this->DeviceID;
                 $port = $this->PortNumber;
                 $Path[$i]["DeviceID"] = $dev;
                 $Path[$i]["PortNumber"] = $port;
                 $this->DeviceID = $this->nodes[$dev][$port]["prev_dev"];
                 $this->PortNumber = $this->nodes[$dev][$port]["prev_port"];
             for ($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++) {
                 $this->Path[$j]["DeviceID"] = $Path[$i - $j]["DeviceID"];
                 $this->Path[$j]["PortNumber"] = $Path[$i - $j]["PortNumber"];
             $this->escribe_log("PATH created.");
             return true;
     $this->PathError = 9;
     //not found
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function DeletePDU()
     global $person;
     // Do not attempt anything else if the lookup fails
     if (!$this->GetPDU()) {
         return false;
     // Check rights
     $cab = new Cabinet();
     $cab->CabinetID = $this->CabinetID;
     if (!$person->canWrite($cab->AssignedTo)) {
         return false;
     // First, remove any connections to the PDU
     $tmpConn = new PowerConnection();
     $tmpConn->PDUID = $this->PDUID;
     $connList = $tmpConn->GetConnectionsByPDU();
     foreach ($connList as $delConn) {
     // Clear out any records from PDUStats, possible S.U.T. involving changing
     // a devicetype but leaving behind a phantom reading for a non-power device
     $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_PDUStats WHERE PDUID={$this->PDUID};";
     $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_PowerDistribution WHERE PDUID={$this->PDUID};";
     if (!$this->exec($sql)) {
         // Something went south and this didn't delete.
         return false;
     } else {
         class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this) : '';
         return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5

require_once "db.inc.php";
require_once "facilities.inc.php";
$subheader = __("Data Center Statistics");
$cab = new Cabinet();
$dc = new DataCenter();
$dev = new Device();
//setting airflow
if (isset($_POST["cabinetid"]) && isset($_POST["airflow"]) && $person->SiteAdmin) {
    $cab->CabinetID = $_POST["cabinetid"];
    if ($cab->GetCabinet()) {
        if ($cab->CabRowID > 0 && isset($_POST["row"]) && $_POST["row"] == "true") {
            //update all row
            $cabinets = $cab->GetCabinetsByRow();
            foreach ($cabinets as $index => $cabinet) {
                $cabinet->FrontEdge = $_POST["airflow"];
        } else {
            //update cabinet
            $cab->FrontEdge = $_POST["airflow"];
if (isset($_POST['dc']) && (isset($_POST['getobjects']) || isset($_POST['getoverview']))) {
    $payload = array();
    if (isset($_POST['getobjects'])) {
        $cab->DataCenterID = $_POST['dc'];
Ejemplo n.º 6
         foreach ($cabinetList as $cab) {
             $device = new Device();
             $device->Cabinet = $cab->CabinetID;
             foreach ($device->ViewDevicesByCabinet(true) as $dev) {
                 if (!isset($devList[$dev->DeviceType])) {
                     $devList[$dev->DeviceType] = array();
                 $devList[$dev->DeviceType][$dev->DeviceID] = array();
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['cabid'])) {
     $cabid = isset($_POST['cabid']) ? $_POST['cabid'] : $_GET['cabid'];
     $cabinet = new Cabinet();
     $cabinet->CabinetID = $cabid;
     $datacenter = new DataCenter();
     $datacenter->DataCenterID = $cabinet->DataCenterID;
     $graphname .= "Cabinet " . $cabinet->Location . " in Data Center " . $datacenter->Name;
     $device = new Device();
     $device->Cabinet = $cabid;
     foreach ($device->ViewDevicesByCabinet(true) as $dev) {
         if (!isset($devList[$dev->DeviceType])) {
             $devList[$dev->DeviceType] = array();
         $devList[$dev->DeviceType][$dev->DeviceID] = array();
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['tagname'])) {
     $graphname .= "Custom Tag " . $_REQUEST['tagname'];
     $device = new Device();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function BuildCabinet($cabid, $face = "front")
     $cab = new Cabinet($cabid);
     $order = $cab->U1Position == "Top" ? false : true;
     $dev = new Device();
     $dev->Cabinet = $cab->CabinetID;
     $dev->ParentDevice = 0;
     $bounds = array('max' => array('position' => 0, 'height' => 0), 'min' => array('position' => 0, 'height' => 0));
     // Read in all the devices and make sure they fit the cabinet.  If not expand it
     foreach ($dev->Search() as $device) {
         if ($device->Position == 0) {
         $pos = $order ? $device->Position : $device->Position - $device->Height;
         if ($device->Position > $bounds['max']['position']) {
             $bounds['max']['position'] = $device->Position;
             $bounds['max']['height'] = $device->Height;
         if ($pos < $bounds['min']['position']) {
             $bounds['min']['position'] = $pos;
             $bounds['min']['height'] = 1;
     if ($order) {
         $top = max($cab->CabinetHeight, $bounds['max']['position'] + $bounds['max']['height'] - 1);
         $bottom = min(0, $bounds['min']['position']);
     } else {
         // Reverse order
         $top = min(1, $bounds['min']['position'] - $bounds['min']['height']);
         $bottom = max($cab->CabinetHeight, $bounds['max']['position']);
     // Build cabinet HTML
     switch ($face) {
         case "rear":
             $cab->Location = "{$cab->Location} (" . __("Rear") . ")";
         case "side":
             $cab->Location = "{$cab->Location} (" . __("Side") . ")";
             // Leave the location alone
     // helper function to print the rows of the cabinet table
     if (!function_exists("printrow")) {
         function printrow($i, $top, $bottom, $order, $face, &$htmlcab, $cabobject)
             $error = $i > $cabobject->CabinetHeight || $i <= 0 && $order || $i < 0 && !$order ? ' error' : '';
             if ($order) {
                 $x = $i <= 0 ? $i - 1 : $i;
             } else {
                 $x = $i >= 0 ? $i + 1 : $i;
             if ($i == $top) {
                 if ($face == "rear") {
                     $rs = "-rear";
                 } elseif ($face == "side") {
                     $rs = "-side";
                 } else {
                     $rs = "";
                 $rowspan = abs($top) + abs($bottom);
                 $height = (abs($top) + abs($bottom)) * ceil(220 * (1.75 / 19)) . "px";
                 $htmlcab .= "\t<tr id=\"pos{$x}\"><td class=\"pos{$error}\">{$x}</td><td rowspan={$rowspan}><div id=\"servercontainer{$rs}\" class=\"freespace\" style=\"width: 220px; height: {$height}\" data-face=\"{$face}\"></div></td></tr>\n";
             } else {
                 $htmlcab .= "\t<tr id=\"pos{$x}\"><td class=\"pos{$error}\">{$x}</td></tr>\n";
     // If they have rights to the device then make the picture clickable
     $clickable = $cab->Rights != "None" ? "\t\t<a href=\"cabnavigator.php?cabinetid={$cab->CabinetID}\">\n\t" : "";
     $clickableend = $cab->Rights != "None" ? "\n\t\t</a>\n" : "";
     $htmlcab = "<table class=\"cabinet\" id=\"cabinet{$cab->CabinetID}\">\n\t<tr><th colspan=2>{$clickable}{$cab->Location}{$clickableend}</th></tr>\n\t<tr><td>Pos</td><td>Device</td></tr>\n";
     // loop here for the height
     // numbered high to low, top to bottom
     if ($order) {
         for ($i = $top; $i > $bottom; $i--) {
             printrow($i, $top, $bottom, $order, $face, $htmlcab, $cab);
     } else {
         // numbered low to high, top to bottom
         for ($i = $top; $bottom > $i; $i++) {
             printrow($i, $top, $bottom, $order, $face, $htmlcab, $cab);
     $htmlcab .= "</table>\n";
     // Wrap it in a nice div
     $htmlcab = '<div class="cabinet">' . $htmlcab . '</div>';
     // debug information
     // print "Cabinet:  $cab->CabinetID   Top: $top   Bottom: $bottom<br>\n";
     return $htmlcab;