function __DSGetInitData() { $map = new \Bitrix\MobileApp\Designer\ConfigMap(); $params = $map->getParamsByGroups(); $groups = array_keys($params); $tmpLangs = array_change_key_case($map->getLangMessages(), CASE_LOWER); $langs = array(); foreach ($tmpLangs as $k => $v) { $langs[str_replace("_", "/", $k)] = $v; } $result = \Bitrix\Mobileapp\Designer\AppTable::getList(array("select" => array("CODE", "FOLDER", "DESCRIPTION", "SHORT_NAME", "NAME", "CONFIG.PLATFORM", "CONFIG.PARAMS"))); $fetchedApps = $result->fetchAll(); $apps = array(); $count = count($fetchedApps); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $apps[] = array("code" => $fetchedApps[$i]["CODE"], "name" => $fetchedApps[$i]["NAME"], "folder" => $fetchedApps[$i]["FOLDER"], "desc" => $fetchedApps[$i]["DESCRIPTION"], "params" => $fetchedApps[$i]["MOBILEAPP_DESIGNER_APP_CONFIG_PARAMS"], "platform" => $fetchedApps[$i]["MOBILEAPP_DESIGNER_APP_CONFIG_PLATFORM"]); } $dbres = \CSiteTemplate::GetList(); $templates = array(); while ($t = $dbres->Fetch()) { $templates[] = $t; } $data = array("map" => array("groups" => $groups, "groupedParams" => $params, "params" => $map->getDescriptionConfig(), "lang" => $tmpLangs), "apps" => $apps, "templates" => $templates); return $data; }
public static function GetComponentProperties($name = '', $template = '', $siteTemplate = '', $currentValues = array()) { $template = !$template || $template == '.default' ? '' : $template; $arTemplates = CComponentUtil::GetTemplatesList($name, $siteTemplate); $result = array('templates' => array()); $arSiteTemplates = array(".default" => GetMessage("PAR_MAN_DEFAULT")); if (!empty($siteTemplate)) { $dbst = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $siteTemplate), array()); while ($siteTempl = $dbst->Fetch()) { $arSiteTemplates[$siteTempl['ID']] = $siteTempl['NAME']; } } foreach ($arTemplates as $k => $templ) { $showTemplateName = $templ["TEMPLATE"] !== '' && $arSiteTemplates[$templ["TEMPLATE"]] != '' ? $arSiteTemplates[$templ["TEMPLATE"]] : GetMessage("PAR_MAN_DEF_TEMPLATE"); $arTemplates[$k]['DISPLAY_NAME'] = $templ['NAME'] . ' (' . $showTemplateName . ')'; } $arTemplateProps = array(); if (is_array($arTemplates)) { foreach ($arTemplates as $arTemplate) { $result['templates'][] = $arTemplate; $tName = !$arTemplate['NAME'] || $arTemplate['NAME'] == '.default' ? '' : $arTemplate['NAME']; if ($tName == $template) { $arTemplateProps = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($name, $arTemplate['NAME'], $siteTemplate, $currentValues); } } } $result['parameters'] = array(); $arProps = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($name, $currentValues, $arTemplateProps); $result['tooltips'] = self::FetchHelp($name); if (!isset($arProps['GROUPS']) || !is_array($arProps['GROUPS'])) { $arProps['GROUPS'] = array(); } if (!isset($arProps['PARAMETERS']) || !is_array($arProps['PARAMETERS'])) { $arProps['PARAMETERS'] = array(); } $result['groups'] = array(); foreach ($arProps['GROUPS'] as $k => $arGroup) { $arGroup['ID'] = $k; $result['groups'][] = $arGroup; } foreach ($arProps['PARAMETERS'] as $k => $arParam) { $arParam['ID'] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/is", "_", $k); if (!isset($arParam['PARENT'])) { $arParam['PARENT'] = 'ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS'; } $result['parameters'][] = $arParam; if ($arParam['TYPE'] == 'FILE') { self::$fileDialogs[] = array('NAME' => $arParam['ID'], 'TARGET' => isset($arParam['FD_TARGET']) ? $arParam['FD_TARGET'] : 'F', 'EXT' => isset($arParam['FD_EXT']) ? $arParam['FD_EXT'] : '', 'UPLOAD' => isset($arParam['FD_UPLOAD']) && $arParam['FD_UPLOAD'] && $arParam['FD_TARGET'] == 'F', 'USE_ML' => isset($arParam['FD_USE_MEDIALIB']) && $arParam['FD_USE_MEDIALIB'], 'ONLY_ML' => isset($arParam['FD_USE_ONLY_MEDIALIB']) && $arParam['FD_USE_ONLY_MEDIALIB'], 'ML_TYPES' => isset($arParam['FD_MEDIALIB_TYPES']) ? $arParam['FD_MEDIALIB_TYPES'] : false); } // TOOLTIPS FROM .parameters langs if (!isset($result['tooltips'][$arParam['ID'] . '_TIP'])) { $tip = GetMessage($arParam['ID'] . '_TIP'); if ($tip) { $result['tooltips'][$arParam['ID'] . '_TIP'] = $tip; } } } return $result; }
function DirsRecursive($ID, $path = "", $depth = 0, $maxDepth = 1) { $arRes = array(); $depth++; GetDirList(BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $ID . "/" . $path, $arDirsTmp, $arResTmp); foreach ($arResTmp as $file) { switch ($file["NAME"]) { case "chain_template.php": $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAV"); break; case "": $file["DESCRIPTION"] = ""; break; default: if (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], ".menu_template.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = str_replace("#MENU_TYPE#", substr($file["NAME"], 0, $p), GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_MENU")); } elseif (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], "authorize_registration.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_AUTH_REG"); } elseif (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], "forgot_password.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_SEND_PWD"); } elseif (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], "change_password.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_CHN_PWD"); } elseif (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], "authorize.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_AUTH"); } elseif (($p = strpos($file["NAME"], "registration.php")) !== false) { $file["DESCRIPTION"] = GetMessage("MAIN_TEMPLATE_REG"); } } $arRes[] = $file; } $nTemplateLen = strlen(BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $ID . "/"); foreach ($arDirsTmp as $dir) { $arDir = $dir; $arDir["DEPTH_LEVEL"] = $depth; $arRes[] = $arDir; if ($depth < $maxDepth) { $dirPath = substr($arDir["ABS_PATH"], $nTemplateLen); $arRes = array_merge($arRes, CSiteTemplate::DirsRecursive($ID, $dirPath, $depth, $maxDepth)); } } return $arRes; }
$arAuthResult = $GLOBALS["USER"]->ChangePassword($_REQUEST["USER_LOGIN"], $_REQUEST["USER_CHECKWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD"], $USER_LID); } elseif (COption::GetOptionString("main", "new_user_registration", "N") == "Y" && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $_REQUEST["TYPE"] == "REGISTRATION" && (!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true)) { $arAuthResult = $GLOBALS["USER"]->Register($_REQUEST["USER_LOGIN"], $_REQUEST["USER_NAME"], $_REQUEST["USER_LAST_NAME"], $_REQUEST["USER_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_EMAIL"], $USER_LID, $_REQUEST["captcha_word"], $_REQUEST["captcha_sid"]); } } $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->SetAuthResult($arAuthResult); } elseif (!$GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized()) { //Authorize by unique URL $GLOBALS["USER"]->LoginHitByHash(); } } //define the site template if (!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true) { if (array_key_exists("bitrix_preview_site_template", $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST["bitrix_preview_site_template"] != "" && $GLOBALS["USER"]->CanDoOperation('view_other_settings')) { //preview of site template $aTemplates = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($_REQUEST["bitrix_preview_site_template"]); if ($template = $aTemplates->Fetch()) { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", $template["ID"]); } else { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", CSite::GetCurTemplate()); } } else { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", CSite::GetCurTemplate()); } define("SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH", BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . '/templates/' . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID); } //magic parameters: show page creation time if (isset($_GET["show_page_exec_time"])) { if ($_GET["show_page_exec_time"] == "Y" || $_GET["show_page_exec_time"] == "N") { $_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_TIME_EXEC"] = $_GET["show_page_exec_time"]; }
public static function SaveStyleDescription($stylesDesc = array(), $stylesPath) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; if (isset($stylesDesc) && is_array($stylesDesc)) { $curStylesDesc = CSiteTemplate::__GetByStylesTitle($stylesPath); if (is_array($curStylesDesc)) { foreach ($curStylesDesc as $code => $val) { if (!is_array($curStylesDesc[$code])) { unset($curStylesDesc[$code]); } } } foreach ($stylesDesc as $code => $val) { if (!isset($curStylesDesc[EscapePHPString($code)]) || !is_array($curStylesDesc[EscapePHPString($code)])) { $curStylesDesc[EscapePHPString($code)] = EscapePHPString($val); } } $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($stylesPath, '<' . '?' . "\nreturn " . var_export($curStylesDesc, 1) . ";\n" . '?' . '>'); } }
/** * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function onPresetTemplateListSite($templateType = null, $templateId = null) { $resultList = array(); if ($templateType && $templateType !== 'SITE_TMPL') { return $resultList; } $by = 'SORT'; $order = 'ASC'; $filter = array('TYPE' => 'mail'); if ($templateId) { $filter['ID'] = $templateId; } $templateDb = \CSiteTemplate::GetList(array($by => $order), $filter, array("ID", "NAME", "CONTENT", "SCREENSHOT")); \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('fileman'); $replaceAttr = Editor::BLOCK_PLACE_ATTR . '="' . Editor::BLOCK_PLACE_ATTR_DEF_VALUE . '"'; $replaceText = '<div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px dashed #868686;"><span style="color: #868686; font-size: 20px;">' . Loc::getMessage('PRESET_TEMPLATE_LIST_SITE_DEF_TEXT') . '</span></div>'; while ($template = $templateDb->Fetch()) { if ($template['ID'] == 'mail_user') { continue; } $replaceTo = $replaceText; $html = $template['CONTENT']; $html = preg_replace('/<\\?[\\w\\w].*?B_PROLOG_INCLUDED[^>].*?\\?>/is', '', $html); if (stripos($html, $replaceAttr) === false) { $replaceTo = '<div id="bxStylistBody" ' . $replaceAttr . '>' . $replaceText . '</div>'; } $html = str_replace('#WORK_AREA#', $replaceTo, $html); $resultList[] = array('TYPE' => 'SITE_TMPL', 'ID' => $template['ID'], 'NAME' => $template['NAME'], 'ICON' => $template['SCREENSHOT'], 'HTML' => $html); } return $resultList; }
:</td> <td> <select name="NEW_COMPONENT_TEMPLATE" onchange="<?php echo $obJSPopup->jsPopup . ".PostParameters('" . PageParams() . "&action=refresh&scroll='+" . $obJSPopup->jsPopup . ".GetContent().scrollTop);"; ?> "> <?php $arTemplateID = array(); foreach ($arComponentTemplates as $template) { if ($template["TEMPLATE"] != '' && $template["TEMPLATE"] != '.default') { $arTemplateID[] = $template["TEMPLATE"]; } } $arTemplates = array(".default" => GetMessage("comp_prop_default_templ")); if (!empty($arTemplateID)) { $db_site_templates = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arTemplateID), array()); while ($ar_site_templates = $db_site_templates->Fetch()) { $arTemplates[$ar_site_templates['ID']] = $ar_site_templates['NAME']; } } foreach ($arComponentTemplates as $template) { $showTemplateName = $template["TEMPLATE"] != '' && $arTemplates[$template["TEMPLATE"]] != '' ? $arTemplates[$template["TEMPLATE"]] : GetMessage("comp_prop_template_sys"); ?> <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($template["NAME"]); ?> "<?php if ($template["NAME"] == $curTemplate || $curTemplate == '' && $template["NAME"] == ".default") { echo " selected"; } ?>
$edit_php = $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php'); if (!$edit_php && !$USER->CanDoOperation('view_other_settings') && !$USER->CanDoOperation('lpa_template_edit')) { $APPLICATION->AuthForm(GetMessage("ACCESS_DENIED")); } IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $sTableID = "tbl_template"; $lAdmin = new CAdminList($sTableID, $oSort); if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'list' || $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'frame') { CFile::DisableJSFunction(true); } if ($lAdmin->EditAction() && $edit_php) { foreach ($FIELDS as $ID => $arFields) { if (!$lAdmin->IsUpdated($ID)) { continue; } $ob = new CSiteTemplate(); if (!$ob->Update($ID, $arFields)) { $lAdmin->AddUpdateError(GetMessage("SAVE_ERROR") . $ID . ": " . $ob->LAST_ERROR, $ID); } } } if (($arID = $lAdmin->GroupAction()) && $edit_php) { if ($_REQUEST['action_target'] == 'selected') { $arID = array(); $rsData = CSiteTemplate::GetList($by, $order, array()); while ($arRes = $rsData->Fetch()) { $arID[] = $arRes['ID']; } } foreach ($arID as $ID) { if ($ID == '') {
public static function AddPagerSettings(&$arComponentParameters, $pager_title, $bDescNumbering=true, $bShowAllParam=false) { $arHiddenTemplates = array( 'js' => true ); if (!isset($arComponentParameters['GROUPS'])) $arComponentParameters['GROUPS'] = array(); $arComponentParameters["GROUPS"]["PAGER_SETTINGS"] = array( "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_SETTINGS"), ); $arTemplateInfo = CComponentUtil::GetTemplatesList('freetrix:system.pagenavigation'); if (empty($arTemplateInfo)) { $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_TEMPLATE"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_TEMPLATE"), "TYPE" => "STRING", "DEFAULT" => "", ); } else { sortByColumn($arTemplateInfo, array('TEMPLATE' => SORT_ASC, 'NAME' => SORT_ASC)); $arTemplateList = array(); $arSiteTemplateList = array( '.default' => GetMessage('T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_TEMPLATE_SITE_DEFAULT') ); $arTemplateID = array(); foreach ($arTemplateInfo as &$template) { if ('' != $template["TEMPLATE"] && '.default' != $template["TEMPLATE"]) $arTemplateID[] = $template["TEMPLATE"]; if (!isset($template['TITLE'])) $template['TITLE'] = $template['NAME']; } unset($template); if (!empty($arTemplateID)) { $rsSiteTemplates = CSiteTemplate::GetList( array(), array("ID"=>$arTemplateID), array() ); while ($arSitetemplate = $rsSiteTemplates->Fetch()) { $arSiteTemplateList[$arSitetemplate['ID']] = $arSitetemplate['NAME']; } } foreach ($arTemplateInfo as &$template) { if (isset($arHiddenTemplates[$template['NAME']])) continue; $strDescr = $template["TITLE"].' ('.('' != $template["TEMPLATE"] && '' != $arSiteTemplateList[$template["TEMPLATE"]] ? $arSiteTemplateList[$template["TEMPLATE"]] : GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_TEMPLATE_SYSTEM")).')'; $arTemplateList[$template['NAME']] = $strDescr; } unset($template); $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_TEMPLATE"] = array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_TEMPLATE_EXT"), "TYPE" => "LIST", "VALUES" => $arTemplateList, "DEFAULT" => ".default", "ADDITIONAL_VALUES" => "Y" ); } $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["DISPLAY_TOP_PAGER"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_TOP_PAGER"), "TYPE" => "CHECKBOX", "DEFAULT" => "N", ); $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["DISPLAY_BOTTOM_PAGER"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_BOTTOM_PAGER"), "TYPE" => "CHECKBOX", "DEFAULT" => "Y", ); $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_TITLE"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_TITLE"), "TYPE" => "STRING", "DEFAULT" => $pager_title, ); $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_SHOW_ALWAYS"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_SHOW_ALWAYS"), "TYPE" => "CHECKBOX", "DEFAULT" => "Y", ); if($bDescNumbering) { $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_DESC_NUMBERING"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_DESC_NUMBERING"), "TYPE" => "CHECKBOX", "DEFAULT" => "N", ); $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_DESC_NUMBERING_CACHE_TIME"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_PAGER_DESC_NUMBERING_CACHE_TIME"), "TYPE" => "STRING", "DEFAULT" => "36000", ); } if($bShowAllParam) { $arComponentParameters["PARAMETERS"]["PAGER_SHOW_ALL"] = Array( "PARENT" => "PAGER_SETTINGS", "NAME" => GetMessage("T_IBLOCK_DESC_SHOW_ALL"), "TYPE" => "CHECKBOX", "DEFAULT" => "Y" ); } }
$appManager = \Bitrix\Main\Authentication\ApplicationManager::getInstance(); if ($appManager->checkScope($applicationID) !== true) { CHTTP::SetStatus("403 Forbidden"); die; } } //define the site template if (!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true) { $siteTemplate = ""; if (is_string($_REQUEST["bitrix_preview_site_template"]) && $_REQUEST["bitrix_preview_site_template"] != "" && $GLOBALS["USER"]->CanDoOperation('view_other_settings')) { //preview of site template $signer = new Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\Signer(); try { //protected by a sign $requestTemplate = $signer->unsign($_REQUEST["bitrix_preview_site_template"], "template_preview" . bitrix_sessid()); $aTemplates = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($requestTemplate); if ($template = $aTemplates->Fetch()) { $siteTemplate = $template["ID"]; //preview of unsaved template if (isset($_GET['bx_template_preview_mode']) && $_GET['bx_template_preview_mode'] == 'Y' && $GLOBALS["USER"]->CanDoOperation('edit_other_settings')) { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_PREVIEW_MODE", true); } } } catch (\Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\BadSignatureException $e) { } } if ($siteTemplate == "") { $siteTemplate = CSite::GetCurTemplate(); } define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", $siteTemplate); define("SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH", getLocalPath('templates/' . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT));
$str_LID[] = $ar_LID["LID"]; } $attachmentFileDb = \Bitrix\Main\Mail\Internal\EventMessageAttachmentTable::getList(array('select' => array('FILE_ID'), 'filter' => array('EVENT_MESSAGE_ID' => $ID))); while ($ar = $attachmentFileDb->fetch()) { if ($arFileFetch = CFile::GetFileArray($ar['FILE_ID'])) { $arEventMessageFile[] = $arFileFetch; } } } if ($bVarsFromForm) { $str_LID = $LID; $DB->InitTableVarsForEdit("b_event_message", "", "str_"); $str_ADDITIONAL_FIELD = $ADDITIONAL_FIELD; } $arMailSiteTemplate = array(); $mailSiteTemplateDb = CSiteTemplate::GetList(null, array('TYPE' => 'mail')); while ($mailSiteTemplate = $mailSiteTemplateDb->GetNext()) { $arMailSiteTemplate[] = $mailSiteTemplate; } if (!$isUserHavePhpAccess) { $str_MESSAGE = htmlspecialcharsbx(LPA::PrepareContent(htmlspecialcharsback($str_MESSAGE))); } if ($ID > 0 && $COPY_ID <= 0) { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(str_replace("#ID#", "{$ID}", GetMessage("EDIT_MESSAGE_TITLE"))); } else { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage("NEW_MESSAGE_TITLE")); } require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php"; ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $APPLICATION->GetCurPage();
$_1134959765 = $GLOBALS["USER"]->SendPassword($_REQUEST["USER_LOGIN"], $_REQUEST["USER_EMAIL"], $_223205148); } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $_REQUEST["TYPE"] == "CHANGE_PWD") { $_1134959765 = $GLOBALS["USER"]->ChangePassword($_REQUEST["USER_LOGIN"], $_REQUEST["USER_CHECKWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD"], $_223205148); } elseif (COption::GetOptionString("main", "new_user_registration", "N") == "Y" && $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $_REQUEST["TYPE"] == "REGISTRATION" && (!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true)) { $_1134959765 = $GLOBALS["USER"]->Register($_REQUEST["USER_LOGIN"], $_REQUEST["USER_NAME"], $_REQUEST["USER_LAST_NAME"], $_REQUEST["USER_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD"], $_REQUEST["USER_EMAIL"], $_223205148, $_REQUEST["captcha_word"], $_REQUEST["captcha_sid"]); } } $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->SetAuthResult($_1134959765); } elseif (!$GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized()) { $GLOBALS["USER"]->LoginHitByHash(); } } //end check permissions if (!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true) { if (isset($_REQUEST["freetrix_preview_site_template"]) && $_REQUEST["freetrix_preview_site_template"] != "" && $GLOBALS["USER"]->CanDoOperation("view_other_settings")) { $_362846640 = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($_REQUEST["freetrix_preview_site_template"]); if ($_144660368 = $_362846640->Fetch()) { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", $_144660368["ID"]); } else { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", CSite::GetCurTemplate()); } } else { define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", CSite::GetCurTemplate()); } define("SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH", getLocalPath("templates/" . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID, FX_PERSONAL_ROOT)); } if (isset($_GET["show_page_exec_time"])) { if ($_GET["show_page_exec_time"] == "Y" || $_GET["show_page_exec_time"] == "N") { $_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_TIME_EXEC"] = $_GET["show_page_exec_time"]; } }
echo $sCurrentTemplateName; ?> </b><?php if ($templateSiteTemplate == "") { ?> (<?php echo GetMessage("comp_templ_system"); ?> )<?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $arSiteTemplates = array(".default" => GetMessage("comp_templ_def_templ")); $db_site_templates = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array("sort" => "asc", "name" => "asc"), array(), array()); while ($ar_site_templates = $db_site_templates->Fetch()) { $arSiteTemplates[$ar_site_templates['ID']] = $ar_site_templates['NAME']; } if ($templateSiteTemplate != "") { $sSiteTemplate = $arSiteTemplates[$templateSiteTemplate]; ?> <tr> <td class="bx-popup-label bx-width50"><?php echo GetMessage("comp_templ_cur_site_template"); ?> :</td> <td><b><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($templateSiteTemplate); ?> </b><?php
} </script> <table cellspacing="0" class="bx-width100"> <tr> <td class="bx-popup-label bx-width50"><?php echo GetMessage("comp_templ_cur_template"); ?> :</td> <td><b><?php echo $sCurrentTemplateName; ?> </b><?if($templateSiteTemplate==""):?> (<?echo GetMessage("comp_templ_system")?>)<?endif?></td> </tr> <? $arSiteTemplates = array(".default"=>GetMessage("comp_templ_def_templ")); $db_site_templates = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array(), array(), array()); while($ar_site_templates = $db_site_templates->Fetch()) $arSiteTemplates[$ar_site_templates['ID']] = $ar_site_templates['NAME']; if($templateSiteTemplate<>""): $sSiteTemplate = $arSiteTemplates[$templateSiteTemplate]; ?> <tr> <td class="bx-popup-label bx-width50"><?php echo GetMessage("comp_templ_cur_site_template"); ?> :</td> <td><b><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($templateSiteTemplate); ?> </b><?if($sSiteTemplate <> "") echo " (".htmlspecialcharsbx($sSiteTemplate).")"?></td>
Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('abtest'); if (!$USER->canDoOperation('edit_php')) { $APPLICATION->authForm(getMessage('ACCESS_DENIED')); } $ID = intval($ID); $abtest = Bitrix\ABTest\ABTestTable::getById($ID)->fetch(); if (empty($abtest)) { $ID = 0; } $arSites = array(); $dbSites = Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList(array('order' => array('DEF' => 'DESC', 'SORT' => 'ASC'))); while ($arSite = $dbSites->fetch()) { $arSites[$arSite['LID']] = $arSite; } $arTemplates = array(); $dbTemplates = CSiteTemplate::getList(array('ID' => 'ASC'), array('TYPE' => ''), array('ID', 'NAME')); while ($arTemplate = $dbTemplates->fetch()) { $arTemplates[$arTemplate['ID']] = $arTemplate; } if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" && (strlen($save) > 0 || strlen($apply) > 0) && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $arFields = array('SITE_ID' => $SITE, 'NAME' => $NAME, 'DESCR' => $DESCR, 'DURATION' => intval($DURATION) > 0 ? intval($DURATION) : 0, 'PORTION' => intval($PORTION)); if ($ID > 0) { $arFields['TEST_DATA'] = $abtest['TEST_DATA']; $arFields['TEST_DATA']['list'] = array(); } if (empty($arFields['SITE_ID'])) { $message = new CAdminMessage(array('MESSAGE' => getMessage('ABTEST_EMPTY_SITE'))); } else { if (!is_set($arSites, $arFields['SITE_ID'])) { $message = new CAdminMessage(array('MESSAGE' => str_replace('#VALUE#', htmlspecialcharsbx($arFields['SITE_ID']), getMessage('ABTEST_UNKNOWN_SITE')))); }
function GetAllTemplateParams($templateID, $site, $findcomponent = true, $arAdditionalParams = array()) { global $APPLICATION; $db_templ = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($templateID); if (!($ar_templ = $db_templ->Fetch())) { $templateID = ""; $db_site_templ = CSite::GetTemplateList($site); while ($ar_site_templ = $db_site_templ->Fetch()) { if (strlen($ar_site_templ["CONDITION"]) <= 0) { $templateID = $ar_site_templ["TEMPLATE"]; break; } } if (strlen($templateID) > 0) { $db_templ = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($templateID); $ar_templ = $db_templ->Fetch(); } } if ($ar_templ) { $arResult = array("ID" => $ar_templ["ID"], "NAME" => $ar_templ["NAME"]); if (is_set($ar_templ, "STYLES")) { // Fetch @import and include it to CSS - will include css from comments also :(. $pattern = '/^@import(.*)$/im'; $matches = array(); if (preg_match_all($pattern, $ar_templ["STYLES"], $matches)) { for ($j = 0, $l = count($matches[0]); $j < $l; $j++) { $str = $matches[0][$j]; $url = trim(trim($matches[1][$j]), '"\';'); $css = ""; if (substr($url, -5) != 'print') { $url = trim(trim($url), ' "\';'); if (substr($url, 0, 4) == 'url(' && substr($url, -1) == ')') { $url = trim(substr($url, 4, -1), ' "\''); } $url = trim(trim($url), '\'";'); if (substr($url, 0, 1) != '/' && file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $ar_templ["ID"] . "/" . $url)) { $css = "\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $ar_templ["ID"] . "/" . $url) . "\n"; } else { if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $url)) { $css = "\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $url) . "\n"; } } } $ar_templ["STYLES"] = str_replace($matches[0][$j], $css, $ar_templ["STYLES"]); } } $arResult["STYLES"] = $ar_templ["STYLES"]; $arResult["STYLES_TITLE"] = $ar_templ["STYLES_TITLE"]; $arResult["EDITOR_STYLES"] = $ar_templ["EDITOR_STYLES"]; } } else { $arResult = array("ID" => ".default", "NAME" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_DDEF_TEMPLATE")); $templateID = ""; } if (!is_set($arResult, "STYLES") || $arResult["STYLES"] == false) { if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/" . (strlen($site) <= 0 ? LANGUAGE_ID : $site) . "/styles.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/" . (strlen($site) <= 0 ? LANGUAGE_ID : $site) . "/styles.css"); $arResult["STYLES_TITLE"] = CSiteTemplate::__GetByStylesTitle($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/" . (strlen($site) <= 0 ? LANGUAGE_ID : $site) . "/.styles.php"); } elseif (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/styles.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/styles.css"); $arResult["STYLES_TITLE"] = CSiteTemplate::__GetByStylesTitle($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/.styles.php"); } else { $arResult["STYLES"] = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/.default/styles.css"); $arResult["STYLES_TITLE"] = CSiteTemplate::__GetByStylesTitle($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/.default/.styles.php"); } } if (isset($arAdditionalParams['additionalCSS'])) { $additionalCSS = $arAdditionalParams['additionalCSS']; for ($i = 0, $l = count($additionalCSS); $i < $l; $i++) { $css_file_path = $additionalCSS[$i]; $arResult["STYLES"] .= "\r\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($css_file_path); } } if (strlen($templateID) > 0 && file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $templateID . "/editor.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] .= "\r\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . $templateID . "/editor.css"); } elseif (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/.default/editor.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] .= "\r\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/.default/editor.css"); } elseif (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/" . $site . "/editor.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] .= "\r\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/" . (strlen($site) <= 0 ? LANGUAGE_ID : $site) . "/editor.css"); } elseif (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/editor.css")) { $arResult["STYLES"] .= "\r\n" . $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/editor.css"); } $arResult["STYLES"] = preg_replace("/\r\n/", " ", $arResult["STYLES"]); $arResult["STYLES"] = preg_replace("/\n/", " ", $arResult["STYLES"]); $arResult["SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH"] = getLocalPath('templates/' . $templateID, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT); return $arResult; }
else continue; } $SITE_TEMPLATE[$key] = array( "TEMPLATE" => $val['TEMPLATE'], "SORT" => $val['SORT'], "CONDITION" => $cond ); } } //templates $arSiteTemplates = array(); $db_res = CSiteTemplate::GetList(); while($arRes = $db_res->GetNext()) $arSiteTemplates[] = $arRes; foreach($SITE_TEMPLATE as $i=>$val): ConditionParse($val['CONDITION']); ?> <tr> <td> <select name="SITE_TEMPLATE[<?php echo $i; ?> ][TEMPLATE]" id="SITE_TEMPLATE[<?php echo $i; ?> ][TEMPLATE]">
protected function setTheme($site_template_id) { if (strlen($site_template_id) > 0) { $result = \CSiteTemplate::GetByID($site_template_id); if ($templateFields = $result->Fetch()) { $template_path_header = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getDocumentRoot() . $templateFields['PATH'] . '/header.php'; $template_path_footer = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getDocumentRoot() . $templateFields['PATH'] . '/footer.php'; if ($templateFields['PATH'] != '' && IO\File::isFileExists($template_path_footer) && IO\File::isFileExists($template_path_header)) { $this->themeStylesString .= $templateFields['TEMPLATE_STYLES'] . "\r\n"; $this->themeStylesString .= $templateFields['STYLES'] . "\r\n"; $this->setThemeProlog(IO\File::getFileContents($template_path_header)); $this->setThemeEpilog(IO\File::getFileContents($template_path_footer)); } } } }
} else { $code .= "\t" . 'Array()' . $br . ');'; } $code = '<?' . $code . '?>'; $new_content .= $code; } } } $new_content .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($content_, $end)); $CONTENT = $new_content; } else { $CONTENT = CMain::EncodePHPTags($new_content); } // Get array of PHP scripts from original template src if (strlen($ID) > 0) { $templ = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($ID); if (!$templ->ExtractFields("str_")) { $strWarning = GetMessage('templ_create_err', array('#ID#' => $ID)); } } else { $strWarning = GetMessage('templ_create_err1'); } checkError($strWaring); $old_content = htmlspecialcharsback($str_CONTENT); $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($old_content); $l = count($arPHP); $s1 = ""; if ($l > 0) { $new_content = ''; $end = 0; $php_count = 0;
if(!class_exists('CFileMan')) CModule::IncludeModule("fileman"); if(class_exists('CFileMan') && method_exists(CFileMan, CheckOnAllowedComponents)) { if (!CFileMan::CheckOnAllowedComponents($CONTENT)) { $str_err = $APPLICATION->GetException(); if($str_err && ($err = $str_err ->GetString())) $strError .= $err; $bVarsFromForm = true; } } if(strlen($strError) <= 0) { $ST = new CSiteTemplate(); $arFields = Array( "ID" => $ID, "NAME" => $NAME, "DESCRIPTION" => $DESCRIPTION, "CONTENT" => $CONTENT, "STYLES" => $STYLES, "TEMPLATE_STYLES" => $TEMPLATE_STYLES, ); if($_REQUEST['edit']=="Y") $res = $ST->Update($ID, $arFields); else $res = (strlen($ST->Add($arFields))>0); if(!$res)
public static function GetSiteTemplates() { $arTemplates = Array(Array('value' => '.default', 'name' => GetMessage("FILEMAN_DEFTEMPL"))); $db_site_templates = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array(), array(), array()); while($ar = $db_site_templates->Fetch()) { $arTemplates[] = Array('value'=>$ar['ID'], 'name'=> $ar['NAME']); } return $arTemplates; }
$cond = ConditionCompose($val, $key); } else { if (isset($arTemplates[$key])) { $cond = $arTemplates[$key]; } else { continue; } } $SITE_TEMPLATE[$key] = array("TEMPLATE" => $val['TEMPLATE'], "SORT" => $val['SORT'], "CONDITION" => $cond); } } $signer = new Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\Signer(); //templates $arSiteTemplates = array(); $templateSigns = array(); $db_res = CSiteTemplate::GetList(array("sort" => "asc", "name" => "asc"), array("TYPE" => ""), array("ID", "NAME")); while ($arRes = $db_res->GetNext()) { $arSiteTemplates[] = $arRes; $templateSigns[$arRes["ID"]] = $signer->sign($arRes["ID"], "template_preview" . bitrix_sessid()); } $bFirst = true; foreach ($SITE_TEMPLATE as $i => $val) { ConditionParse($val['CONDITION']); ?> <tr> <td> <select name="SITE_TEMPLATE[<?php echo $i; ?> ][TEMPLATE]" id="SITE_TEMPLATE[<?php echo $i;
} elseif (!$io->DirectoryExists($documentRoot . $path)) { $popupWindow->ShowError(GetMessage("PAGE_NEW_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND") . " (" . htmlspecialcharsbx($path) . ")"); } if (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation("fm_edit_existent_file", array($site, $path))) { $canEditNewPage = false; } //Lang if (!isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) || strlen($_REQUEST["lang"]) <= 0) { $lang = LANGUAGE_ID; } //BackUrl $back_url = isset($_REQUEST["back_url"]) ? $_REQUEST["back_url"] : ""; //Template ID $templateID = false; if (isset($_REQUEST["templateID"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["templateID"]) > 0) { $obTemplate = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($_REQUEST["templateID"]); if ($arSiteTemplate = $obTemplate->Fetch()) { $templateID = $_REQUEST["templateID"]; } } if ($templateID === false) { //Get default template if templateID not set $obTemplate = CSite::GetTemplateList($site); while ($arSiteTemplate = $obTemplate->Fetch()) { if (strlen($arSiteTemplate["CONDITION"]) <= 0) { $templateID = $arSiteTemplate["TEMPLATE"]; break; } } } //default edit groups - need to limit access
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/prolog_admin_before.php"; require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/prolog.php"; define("HELP_FILE", "settings/wizard_list.php"); require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/classes/general/wizard.php"; if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') && !$USER->CanDoOperation('view_other_settings')) { $APPLICATION->AuthForm(GetMessage("ACCESS_DENIED")); } $isAdmin = $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php'); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $sTableID = "package_list"; $oSort = new CAdminSorting($sTableID, "sort", "asc"); $lAdmin = new CAdminList($sTableID, $oSort); if (($arID = $lAdmin->GroupAction()) && $isAdmin) { if ($_REQUEST['action_target'] == 'selected') { $arID = array(); $rsData = CSiteTemplate::GetList($by, $order, array()); while ($arRes = $rsData->Fetch()) { $arID[] = $arRes['ID']; } } foreach ($arID as $ID) { if (strlen($ID) <= 0) { continue; } switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case "delete": @set_time_limit(0); if (!CWizardUtil::DeleteWizard($ID)) { $lAdmin->AddGroupError(GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_DELETE_ERROR"), $ID); } break;