Ejemplo n.º 1
     // sendgamechat
     // Params: action, sid, gameid, msg
 // sendgamechat
 // Params: action, sid, gameid, msg
 case "sendgamechat":
     if (isSessionIDValid($config, $xsid)) {
         $session = base64_decode($xsid);
         list($uniq, $player_id) = preg_split("/\\|/", $session);
         if ($_GET['gameid'] != "" && $_GET['msg'] != "") {
             //Instantiate theCR3DCQuery Class
             $oR3DCQuery = new CR3DCQuery($config);
             $message = "<" . $oR3DCQuery->GetUserIDByPlayerID($config, $player_id) . "> " . $_GET['msg'];
             $aToReplace = array("<", ">", "\\'", "\\\"", "“", "”", "„", "‘", "’", "‚");
             $aReplaceWith = array("&lt;", "&gt;", "&#x27;", "&#x22;", "&#x201C;", "&#x201D;", "&#x201E;", "&#x2018;", "&#x2019;", "&#x201A;");
             $message = str_replace($aToReplace, $aReplaceWith, $message);
             $oR3DCQuery->SendGChat($config, $_GET['gameid'], $message);
             echo "<RESPONSE>\n";
             echo "<SENTMSG>true</SENTMSG>\n";
             echo "</RESPONSE>\n";
         } else {
             echo "<RESPONSE>\n";
             echo "<SENTMSG>false</SENTMSG>\n";
             echo "</RESPONSE>\n";
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function create_game($ConfigFile, $requestor, $other, $req_color, $FEN)
     if ($other !== "") {
         if ($requestor == $other) {
             return "";
         // verify the validity of both players
         $w_player_id = "";
         $b_player_id = "";
         if ($req_color != "" && $req_color == "w") {
             $w_player_id = $requestor;
             $b_player_id = $other;
         } else {
             $w_player_id = $other;
             $b_player_id = $requestor;
         //include config file
         include $ConfigFile;
         // create a new game in the db
         $game_id = $this->gen_unique();
         // connect to mysql and open database
         $db_my = mysql_connect($conf['database_host'], $conf['database_login'], $conf['database_pass']) or die("Couldn't connect to the database.");
         @mysql_select_db($conf['database_name']) or die("Unable to select database");
         $st = "INSERT INTO game(game_id, initiator, w_player_id, b_player_id, start_time) VALUES('" . $game_id . "'," . $requestor . "," . $w_player_id . "," . $b_player_id . "," . time() . ")";
         mysql_query($st) or die(mysql_error());
         //if fen is included insert it
         if (trim($FEN) != "") {
             $st = "INSERT INTO c4m_newgameotherfen VALUES('" . $game_id . "', '" . trim($FEN) . "')";
             mysql_query($st) or die(mysql_error());
         // immediately update the status of the requestor
         $st = "UPDATE player SET status='E' WHERE player_id=" . $requestor . "";
         mysql_query($st) or die(mysql_error());
         // notify the challenged
         $st = "INSERT INTO message_queue(player_id, message, posted) VALUES(" . $other . ",'" . $this->add_header("G", $game_id . $this->zero_pad($requestor, 8), "C") . "'," . time() . ")";
         mysql_query($st) or die(mysql_error());
         //Instantiate theCR3DCQuery Class
         $oR3DCQuery = new CR3DCQuery($this->ChessCFGFileLocation);
         if ($oR3DCQuery->ChallangeNotification($other) == true) {
             $requestorname = $oR3DCQuery->GetUserIDByPlayerID($this->ChessCFGFileLocation, $requestor);
             $otherguysname = $oR3DCQuery->GetUserIDByPlayerID($this->ChessCFGFileLocation, $other);
             $otheremail = $oR3DCQuery->GetEmailByPlayerID($this->ChessCFGFileLocation, $other);
             $subject = $this->GetStringFromStringTable("IDS_CR3DCQUERY_EMAIL_TVST_19", $ConfigFile);
             $aTags1 = array("['otherguysname']", "['requestorname']", "['game_id']", "['siteurl']", "['sitename']");
             $aReplaceTags = array($otherguysname, $requestorname, $game_id, $this->TrimRSlash($conf['site_url']), $conf['site_name']);
             $bodyp1 = str_replace($aTags1, $aReplaceTags, $this->GetStringFromStringTable("IDS_CR3DCQUERY_EMAIL_TVST_20", $ConfigFile));
             $this->SendEmail($otheremail, $conf['registration_email'], $conf['site_name'], $subject, $bodyp1);
         return $game_id . $this->zero_pad($w_player_id, 8) . $this->zero_pad($b_player_id, 8);
     } else {
         return "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
$start_time = "";
// Check if the game is not playable by the viewer
if (!$oR3DCQuery->IsGameControlsViewableByPlayer($gid, $_SESSION['id'])) {
    header('Location: ./chess_members.php');
//get current game info to display player data
$oR3DCQuery->GetCurrentGameInfoByRef($config, $gid, $initiator, $w_player_id, $b_player_id, $next_move, $start_time);
//get the information for the white player and put it in a div
$image = $oR3DCQuery->GetAvatarImageName($w_player_id);
if ($image != "") {
    $image = "<img src='./avatars/" . $image . "'>";
} else {
    $image = "<img src='./avatars/noimage.jpg'>";
$userid = $oR3DCQuery->GetUserIDByPlayerID($config, $w_player_id);
$wins = 0;
$loss = 0;
$draws = 0;
$oR3DCQuery->GetPlayerStatusrRefByPlayerID($config, $w_player_id, $wins, $loss, $draws);
if ($oR3DCQuery->ELOIsActive()) {
    $points = $oR3DCQuery->ELOGetRating($w_player_id);
} else {
    $points = $oR3DCQuery->GetPointValue($wins, $loss, $draws);
$whitediv = "\n\t<div id=\"whiteclock\"></div>\n\t<div class=\"avatar\">{$image}</div>\n\t<div class=\"userid\">{$userid}</div>\n\t<div class=\"points\">{$points}</div>\n\t";
//get the information for the white player and put it in a div
$image = $oR3DCQuery->GetAvatarImageName($b_player_id);
if ($image != "") {
    $image = "<img src='./avatars/" . $image . "'>";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
//LOGIN methods
//manage cookie data
if ($_COOKIE['TestCookie'] != "") {
    list($user1, $pass1, $languagefile1) = preg_split("/\\|/", $_COOKIE['TestCookie'], 3);
    $user = $user1;
    $pass = base64_decode($pass1);
    $languagefile = $languagefile1;
    $chkAutoLogin = "******";
if ($user != "" && $pass != "") {
    $sid = $oR3DCQuery->Login($user, $pass);
    $id = $oR3DCQuery->GetIDByUserID($config, $user);
    if ($sid != "") {
        $_SESSION['sid'] = $sid;
        $_SESSION['user'] = $oR3DCQuery->GetUserIDByPlayerID($config, $id);
        $_SESSION['id'] = $id;
        $_SESSION['password'] = $pass;
        $_SESSION['language'] = $languagefile;
        //Get Chessboard colors
        $d = "";
        $l = "";
        $oR3DCQuery->GetChessBoardColors($config, $_SESSION['id'], $l, $d);
        $_SESSION['lcolor'] = $l;
        $_SESSION['dcolor'] = $d;
        if ($oR3DCQuery->IsPlayerDisabled($id) == false) {
            //Create the cookie if auto login
            if ($chkAutoLogin == "1") {
                $cookie_data = $user . "|" . base64_encode($pass) . "|" . $languagefile;
                setcookie("TestCookie", $cookie_data, time() + 360000);