function loadRefsPrescriptions($perm = null) { if (CModule::getInstalled("dPlabo")) { $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $where = array("patient_id" => "= '{$this->_id}'"); $order = "date DESC"; $this->_ref_prescriptions = $prescription->loadListWithPerms($perm, $where, $order); } }
/** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $user = CMediusers::get(); $patient_id = CValue::getOrSession("patient_id"); $prescription_labo_id = CValue::getOrSession("prescription_labo_id"); if (!$patient_id) { return; } // Chargement de la prescription demandée $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->load($prescription_labo_id); $prescription->loadRefs(); $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $patient->loadRefsPrescriptions(PERM_EDIT); foreach ($patient->_ref_prescriptions as $_prescription) { $_prescription->loadRefs(); } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("patient", $patient); $smarty->assign("prescription", $prescription); $smarty->display("inc_vw_prescriptions.tpl");
/** * $Id: do_prescription_aed.php 19285 2013-05-26 13:10:13Z phenxdesign $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 19285 $ */ $verouillee = CValue::post("verouillee"); // Si la prescription est verouillée, un id externe est créé pour identifier la prescription if ($verouillee) { $tagCatalogue = CAppUI::conf('dPlabo CCatalogueLabo remote_name'); $prescription_labo_id = CValue::post("prescription_labo_id"); $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->load($prescription_labo_id); if (!$prescription->verouillee) { $prescription->loadRefsFwd(); // Chargement de l'id400 "labo code4" du praticien $prat =& $prescription->_ref_praticien; $tagCode4 = "labo code4"; $idSantePratCode4 = new CIdSante400(); $idSantePratCode4->loadLatestFor($prat, $tagCode4); // creation de l'id400 de la prescription $idPresc = new CIdSante400(); //Paramétrage de l'id 400 $idPresc->tag = "{$tagCatalogue} Prat:" . str_pad($idSantePratCode4->id400, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // tag LABO Prat: 0017 $idPresc->object_class = "CPrescriptionLabo"; // Chargement du dernier id externe de prescription du praticien s'il existe
{ echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } if (!class_exists("DOMDocument")) { trigger_error("sorry, DOMDocument is needed"); return; } CCanDo::checkRead(); $doc = new CMbXMLDocument(); $doc->setSchema("modules/dPlabo/remote/prescription.xsd"); if (!$doc->checkSchema()) { CAppUI::setMsg("Schema manquant", UI_MSG_ERROR); redirect(); } $mbPrescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); // Chargement de la prescription $mb_prescription_id = CValue::post("prescription_labo_id", null); if (!$mb_prescription_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Veuillez spécifier une prescription", UI_MSG_ERROR); redirect(); } if ($mbPrescription->load($mb_prescription_id)) { $mbPrescription->loadRefs(); } // Chargement de l'id400 "labo code4" du praticien $prat =& $mbPrescription->_ref_praticien; $tagCode4 = "labo code4"; $idSantePratCode4 = new CIdSante400(); $idSantePratCode4->loadLatestFor($prat, $tagCode4); // Chargement de l'id400 "labo code9" du praticien
<?php /** * $Id: httpreq_edit_prescription.php 19285 2013-05-26 13:10:13Z phenxdesign $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 19285 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $user = CMediusers::get(); $listPrats = $user->loadPraticiens(PERM_EDIT); // Chargement de la prescription choisie $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->load($prescription_labo_id = CValue::get("prescription_labo_id")); if (!$prescription->_id) { $prescription->patient_id = CValue::get("patient_id"); $prescription->date = CMbDT::dateTime(); $prescription->praticien_id = $user->_id; } $prescription->loadRefsFwd(); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("prescription", $prescription); $smarty->assign("listPrats", $listPrats); $smarty->display("inc_edit_prescription.tpl");
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ global $uistyle; // Recuperation de l'id de la prescription $prescription_id = CValue::get("prescription_id"); // Chargement de la prescription selectionnée $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->load($prescription_id); $prescription->loadRefsFwd(); $prescription->_ref_praticien->loadRefFunction(); $prescription->_ref_praticien->_ref_function->loadRefsFwd(); $prescription->loadRefsBack(); $prescription->loadClassification(); $tab_prescription = array(); $tab_pack_prescription = array(); // Creation d'un nouveau fichier pdf $pdf = new CPrescriptionPdf("P", "mm", "A4", true); // Chargement de l'etablissement $etab = CGroups::loadCurrent(); // Affichage de l'entete du document // Impossible d'utiliser mbNormal.gif ==> format gif non supporté $image = "../../style/{$uistyle}/images/pictures/logo.jpg";
/** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ if (!class_exists("DOMDocument")) { trigger_error("sorry, DOMDocument is needed"); return; } CCanDo::checkRead(); $mbPrescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $doc = new CMbXMLDocument(); $docReference = new CMbXMLDocument(); $docReference->load("modules/dPlabo/remote/prescription.xml"); $docReference->setSchema("modules/dPlabo/remote/prescription.xsd"); $doc->setSchema("modules/dPlabo/remote/prescription.xsd"); if (!$doc->checkSchema()) { return; } // Chargement de la prescription $mb_prescription_id = CValue::post("mb_prescription_id", 2); if ($mbPrescription->load($mb_prescription_id)) { $mbPrescription->loadRefs(); } $doc->setDocument("tmp/Prescription-" . $mbPrescription->_id . ".xml"); $prescription = $doc->addElement($doc, "prescription");
/** * load results items with given patient and exam */ function loadResults($patient_id, $examen_labo_id, $limit = 10) { $examen = new CExamenLabo(); $examen->load($examen_labo_id); $order = "date DESC"; $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->patient_id = $patient_id; $prescriptions = $prescription->loadMatchingList($order); // Load items for each prescription to preserve prescription date ordering $items = array(); $item = new CPrescriptionLaboExamen(); foreach ($prescriptions as $_prescription) { $item->prescription_labo_id = $_prescription->_id; $item->examen_labo_id = $examen_labo_id; foreach ($item->loadMatchingList($order) as $_item) { $items[$_item->_id] = $_item; } } foreach ($items as &$item) { $item->_ref_prescription_labo =& $prescriptions[$item->prescription_labo_id]; $item->_ref_examen_labo =& $examen; } return $items; }
<?php /** * $Id: vw_prescriptionPdf.php 19285 2013-05-26 13:10:13Z phenxdesign $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 19285 $ */ global $uistyle; // Recuperation de l'id de la prescription $prescription_id = CValue::get("prescription_id"); // Chargement de la prescription selectionnée $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); $prescription->load($prescription_id); $prescription->loadRefsFwd(); $prescription->_ref_praticien->loadRefFunction(); $prescription->_ref_praticien->_ref_function->loadRefsFwd(); $prescription->loadRefsBack(); $tab_prescription = array(); $tab_pack_prescription = array(); // Creation d'un nouveau fichier pdf $pdf = new CPrescriptionPdf("P", "mm", "A4", true); // Chargement de l'etablissement $etab = CGroups::loadCurrent(); // Affichage de l'entete du document // Impossible d'utiliser mbNormal.gif ==> format gif non supporté $image = "../../style/{$uistyle}/images/pictures/logo.jpg"; // Si le style ne possede pas de logo, on applique le logo par defaut de mediboard
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Labo * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Chargement de la prescription $prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo(); if ($prescription->load(CValue::getOrSession("prescription_id"))) { $prescription->loadRefsBack(); $prescription->loadClassification(); } // Chargement du patient $patient_id = CValue::first($prescription->patient_id, CValue::getOrSession("patient_id")); $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $patient->loadRefsPrescriptions(PERM_EDIT); // Chargement de la première prescription dans le cas ou il n'y en a pas if (!$prescription->_id && $patient->_id && count($patient->_ref_prescriptions)) { $prescription->load(reset($patient->_ref_prescriptions)->_id); $prescription->loadRefsBack(); $prescription->loadClassification(); } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP();