<?php /* SYSTEM $Id: domodsql.php,v 1.11 2005/03/23 00:30:24 ajdonnison Exp $ */ ## ## Activate or move a module entry ## $cmd = dPgetParam($_GET, 'cmd', '0'); $mod_id = intval(dPgetParam($_GET, 'mod_id', '0')); $mod_directory = dPgetParam($_GET, 'mod_directory', '0'); $obj = new CModule(); if ($mod_id) { $obj->load($mod_id); } else { $obj->mod_directory = $mod_directory; } $ok = @(include_once "{$dPconfig['root_dir']}/modules/{$obj->mod_directory}/setup.php"); if (!$ok) { if ($obj->mod_type != 'core') { $AppUI->setMsg('Module setup file could not be found', UI_MSG_ERROR); if ($cmd == 'remove') { $sql = "DELETE FROM modules WHERE mod_id = {$mod_id}"; db_exec($sql); echo db_error(); $AppUI->setMsg('Module has been removed from the modules list - please check your database for additional tables that may need to be removed', UI_MSG_ERROR); } $AppUI->redirect(); } } $setupclass = $config['mod_setup_class']; if (!$setupclass) { if ($obj->mod_type != 'core') {
CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '%s' à la version %s", UI_MSG_OK, $module->mod_name, $setup->mod_version); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '{$module->mod_name}' à la version {$module->mod_version} sur {$setup->mod_version}", UI_MSG_WARNING, true); } } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Module '%s' non mis à jour", UI_MSG_WARNING, $module->mod_name); } } // In case the setup has added some user prefs CAppUI::buildPrefs(); error_reporting($old_er); CAppUI::redirect(); } $module = new CModule(); if ($mod_id) { $module->load($mod_id); $module->checkModuleFiles(); } else { $module->mod_version = "all"; $module->mod_name = $mod_name; } if (!class_exists($setupclass = "CSetup{$module->mod_name}")) { if ($module->mod_type != "core" && !$module->_files_missing) { CAppUI::setMsg("CModule-msg-no-setup", UI_MSG_ERROR); CAppUI::redirect(); } } if ($module->mod_type == "core" && in_array($cmd, array("remove", "install", "toggle"))) { CAppUI::setMsg("Core modules can't be uninstalled or disactivated", UI_MSG_ERROR); CAppUI::redirect(); }