Ejemplo n.º 1
  * add an event to the present planning
  * @param CPlanningEvent $event an event
  * @return null
 function addEvent(CPlanningEvent $event)
     //start plage out of borne
     $date_start = CMbDT::date($event->start);
     if ($date_start != $this->date) {
         $event->day = $this->date;
         $event->start = $this->date . " 00:00:00";
         $event->hour = "00";
         $event->minutes = "00";
         $event->length = CMbDT::minutesRelative($event->start, $event->end);
     //end of plage is out of borne
     $date_end = CMbDT::date($event->end);
     if ($date_end != $this->date) {
         $event->length = CMbDT::minutesRelative($event->start, $this->date . " 23:59:59");
     /** @var CPlageOp[] $intervs */
     $interv = new CPlageOp();
     $intervs = $interv->loadList($whereInterv);
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($intervs, "chir_id");
     foreach ($intervs as $_interv) {
         $range = new CPlanningRange($_interv->_guid, $jour . " " . $_interv->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_interv->debut, $_interv->fin), CAppUI::tr($_interv->_class), "bbccee", "plageop");
 $plages = $plage->loadList($where);
 CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($plages, "chir_id");
 /** @var $_plage CPlageconsult */
 foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
     $range = new CPlanningRange($_plage->_guid, $jour . " " . $_plage->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage->debut, $_plage->fin));
     $range->color = $_plage->color;
     $range->type = "plageconsult";
     foreach ($_plage->_ref_consultations as $_consult) {
         $debute = "{$jour} {$_consult->heure}";
         if ($_consult->patient_id) {
             $color = "#fee";
             if ($_consult->premiere) {
                 $color = "#faa";
             } elseif ($_consult->derniere) {
                 $color = "#faf";
             } elseif ($_consult->sejour_id) {
                 $color = "#CFFFAD";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @param $areas
 * @param $series
 * @param $where
 * @param $ljoin
 * @param $dates
 * @param $period
 * @param $sejour       CSejour
 * @param $total
 * @param $start_field
 * @param $end_field
function computeAttente($areas, &$series, $where, $ljoin, $dates, $period, $sejour, &$total, $start_field, $end_field)
    $only_duration = empty($areas);
    // never when ljoin on consult (form field)
    if (strpos($start_field, "._") === false) {
        $where[$start_field] = "IS NOT NULL";
    if (strpos($end_field, "._") === false) {
        $where[$end_field] = "IS NOT NULL";
    if (!$only_duration) {
        foreach ($areas as $key => $value) {
            // never when ljoin on consult (form field)
            if (isset($value[$start_field]) && strpos($start_field, "._") === false) {
                $where[$start_field] = $value[$start_field];
            if (isset($value[$end_field]) && strpos($end_field, "._") === false) {
                $where[$end_field] = $value[$end_field];
            $series[$key] = array('data' => array(), "label" => utf8_encode($value[0]));
            foreach ($dates as $i => $_date) {
                $_date_next = CMbDT::date("+1 {$period}", $_date);
                $where['sejour.entree'] = "BETWEEN '{$_date}' AND '{$_date_next}'";
                $count = $sejour->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
                $total += $count;
                $series[$key]['data'][$i] = array($i, intval($count));
    // Time
    $areas = array_merge(array(null));
    foreach ($areas as $key => $value) {
        $key = count($series);
        $series[$key] = array('data' => array(), 'yaxis' => $only_duration ? 1 : 2, 'lines' => array("show" => true), 'points' => array("show" => true), 'mouse' => array("track" => true, "trackFormatter" => "timeLabelFormatter"), 'label' => $only_duration ? "" : "Temps", 'color' => "red", "shadowSize" => 0);
        foreach ($dates as $i => $_date) {
            $_date_next = CMbDT::date("+1 {$period}", $_date);
            $where['sejour.entree'] = "BETWEEN '{$_date}' AND '{$_date_next}'";
            /** @var CSejour[] $_sejours */
            $_sejours = $sejour->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
            // FIXME
            $times = array();
            foreach ($_sejours as $_sejour) {
                list($_start_class, $_start_field) = explode(".", $start_field);
                list($_end_class, $_end_field) = explode(".", $end_field);
                // load RPU
                if ($_start_class == "rpu" || $_end_class == "rpu") {
                    $_rpu = $_sejour->_ref_rpu;
                // load consult
                if ($_start_class == "consultation" || $_end_class == "consultation") {
                    $_consult = $_sejour->_ref_consult_atu;
                    if (!$_consult || !$_consult->heure) {
                    if (!$_consult->_date) {
                switch ($_start_class) {
                    case "sejour":
                        $_start_object = $_sejour;
                    case "rpu":
                        $_start_object = $_rpu;
                    case "consultation":
                        $_start_object = $_consult;
                switch ($_end_class) {
                    case "sejour":
                        $_end_object = $_sejour;
                    case "rpu":
                        $_end_object = $_rpu;
                    case "consultation":
                        $_end_object = $_consult;
                $start = $_start_object->{$_start_field};
                $end = $_end_object->{$_end_field};
                if ($start && $end) {
                    $times[] = CMbDT::minutesRelative($start, $end);
            $count = array_sum($times);
            $mean = count($times) ? $count / count($times) : 0;
            $variance = 0;
            foreach ($times as $time) {
                $variance += pow($time - $mean, 2);
            if (count($times)) {
                $variance /= count($times);
            $std_dev = sqrt($variance);
            $series[$key]['data'][$i] = array($i, $mean);
            // mean - std_dev
            if (!isset($series[$key + 1])) {
                $series[$key + 1] = $series[$key];
                $series[$key + 1]["color"] = "#666";
                $series[$key + 1]["lines"]["lineWidth"] = 1;
                $series[$key + 1]["points"]["show"] = false;
                $series[$key + 1]["label"] = utf8_encode("Temps - écart type");
            $series[$key + 1]['data'][$i] = array($i, $mean - $std_dev);
            // mean + std_dev
            if (!isset($series[$key + 2])) {
                $series[$key + 2] = $series[$key];
                $series[$key + 2]["color"] = "#666";
                $series[$key + 2]["lines"]["lineWidth"] = 1;
                $series[$key + 2]["points"]["show"] = false;
                $series[$key + 2]["label"] = utf8_encode("Temps + écart type");
            $series[$key + 2]['data'][$i] = array($i, $mean + $std_dev);
    // Echange du dernier et tu premier des lignes pour avoir celle du milieu en avant plan
    $c = count($series);
    list($series[$c - 3], $series[$c - 1]) = array($series[$c - 1], $series[$c - 3]);
  * Update the form (derived) fields plain fields
  * @return void
 function updateFormFields()
     // Chargement des contents
     if ($this->_load_content) {
     $this->_self_sender = $this->sender_id === null;
     $this->_self_receiver = $this->receiver_id === null;
     if ($this->date_echange > CMbDT::dateTime("+ " . CAppUI::conf("eai exchange_format_delayed") . " minutes", $this->date_production)) {
         $this->_delayed = CMbDT::minutesRelative($this->date_production, $this->date_echange);
$consult_anesth = $interv->loadRefsConsultAnesth();
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$pack = $interv->loadRefGraphPack();
list($graphs, $yaxes_count, $time_min, $time_max, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso) = CObservationResultSet::buildGraphs($interv, $pack->_id);
$time_debut_op = CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_debut_op_iso);
$time_fin_op = CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_fin_op_iso);
$evenements = CObservationResultSet::buildEventsGrid($interv, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso, $time_min, $time_max);
$now = 100 * (CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp(CMbDT::dateTime()) - $time_min) / ($time_max - $time_min);
$graph_packs = CSupervisionGraphPack::getAllFor($group);
$concentrators = null;
if (CModule::getActive("patientMonitoring")) {
    $concentrator = new CMonitoringConcentrator();
    $concentrators = $concentrator->loadList();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("pack", $pack);
$smarty->assign("interv", $interv);
$smarty->assign("graphs", $graphs);
$smarty->assign("evenements", $evenements);
$smarty->assign("time_debut_op", $time_debut_op);
$smarty->assign("time_fin_op", $time_fin_op);
$smarty->assign("yaxes_count", $yaxes_count);
$smarty->assign("consult_anesth", $consult_anesth);
$smarty->assign("now", $now);
$smarty->assign("time_debut_op_iso", $time_debut_op_iso);
$smarty->assign("time_fin_op_iso", $time_fin_op_iso);
$smarty->assign("graph_packs", $graph_packs);
$smarty->assign("concentrators", $concentrators);
$smarty->assign("nb_minutes", CMbDT::minutesRelative($time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 $style .= $nb_conges ? "text-decoration: line-through;" : null;
 // add prat to the calendar
 $planning->addDayLabel($i, "<span style=\"{$style}\">" . CMbString::htmlEntities($_user->_view) . "</span>", null, "#" . $_user->_color, "ObjectTooltip.createEx(this, '" . $_user->_guid . "');", false, array("user_id" => $user_id));
 // if no conges or we want to hide plage
 if ($nb_conges && $hide_in_conge) {
 $plage = new CPlageconsult();
 $plage->chir_id = $user_id;
 $plage->date = $date;
 /** @var CPlageconsult[] $plages */
 $plages = $plage->loadMatchingList();
 foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
     // range
     $range = new CPlanningRange($_plage->_guid, $i . " " . $_plage->debut, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage->debut, $_plage->fin), $_plage->libelle, $_plage->color);
     $range->type = "plageconsult";
     $color = "#cfc";
     if ($_plage->remplacant_id && $_plage->remplacant_id != $chirSel) {
         // Je suis remplacé par un autre médecin
         $color = "#FAA";
     if ($_plage->remplacant_id && $_plage->remplacant_id == $chirSel) {
         // Je remplace un autre médecin
         $color = "#FDA";
     // consults libres
     if ($show_free) {
$where = array();
$where[] = "(plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}') OR (operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}')";
$where["operations.sejour_id"] = " = '{$sejour_id}'";
$operation = new COperation();
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
    /* @var COperation $_operation*/
    $color = "#fcc";
    $class = null;
    if ($_operation->_acte_execution == $_operation->_datetime) {
        $_operation->_acte_execution = CMbDT::addDateTime($_operation->temp_operation, $_operation->_datetime);
    $libelle = "Intervention par le Dr " . $_operation->_ref_chir->_view . " - {$_operation->libelle}";
    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_operation->_guid, $_operation->_datetime, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_operation->_datetime, $_operation->_acte_execution), $libelle, $color, true);
    $event->onmousover = true;
$dates = array($debut, $fin);
$prescription = $sejour->loadRefPrescriptionSejour();
$lines["imagerie"] = $prescription->loadRefsLinesElement(null, "imagerie");
$lines["kine"] = $prescription->loadRefsLinesElement(null, "kine");
foreach ($lines as $category => $cat) {
    $color = $category == "kine" ? "#ccf" : "aaa";
    foreach ($cat as $_line) {
        /* @var CPrescriptionLineElement $_line*/
        // Chargement des planifications pour la date courante
        $planif = new CPlanificationSysteme();
        $where = array();
        $where["object_id"] = " = '{$_line->_id}'";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        $week_monday = CMbDT::date("this week", $date);
        $week_sunday = CMbDT::date("Next Sunday", $week_monday);
        $where["start"] = "< '{$week_sunday} 23:59:00'";
        $where["end"] = "> '{$week_monday} 00:00:00'";
        $date_next = CMbDT::date("+1 WEEK", $date);
        $date_prev = CMbDT::date("-1 WEEK", $date);
        $calendar = new CPlanningWeekNew($date, $week_monday, $week_sunday);
$calendar->guid = "CPlanning-{$mode}-{$date}";
$calendar->title = "Astreintes-{$mode}-{$date}";
$astreintes = $astreinte->loadList($where, $order);
/** @var $astreintes CPlageAstreinte[] */
foreach ($astreintes as $_astreinte) {
    $length = CMbDT::minutesRelative($_astreinte->start, $_astreinte->end);
    //not in the current group
    $libelle = "<span style=\"text-align:center;\">";
    $libelle .= $_astreinte->libelle ? "<strong>{$_astreinte->libelle}</strong><br/>" : null;
    $libelle .= $_astreinte->_ref_user . '<br/>' . $_astreinte->phone_astreinte . "</span>";
    $libelle = CMbString::purifyHTML($libelle);
    $plage = new CPlanningEvent($_astreinte->_guid, $_astreinte->start, $length, $libelle, "#" . $_astreinte->_color, true, 'astreinte', false, false);
    $plage->plage["id"] = $_astreinte->_id;
    $plage->type = $_astreinte->type;
    $plage->end = $_astreinte->end;
    $plage->display_hours = true;
    if ($_astreinte->getPerm(PERM_EDIT)) {
        $plage->addMenuItem("edit", utf8_encode("Modifier l'astreinte"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Chargement des interventions
  * @param bool   $annulee   Prise en compte des interventions annulées
  * @param string $order     Paramètre ORDER SQL
  * @param bool   $sorted    Utilisation du paramètre ORDER SQL passé en paramètre
  * @param null   $validated Uniquement les validées
  * @param array  $where     Tableau de paramètres WHERE SQL
  * @return COperation[]
 function loadRefsOperations($annulee = true, $order = "rank, time_operation, rank_voulu, horaire_voulu", $sorted = false, $validated = null, $where = array())
     $where += array("plageop_id" => "= '{$this->plageop_id}'");
     if (!$annulee) {
         $where["annulee"] = "= '0'";
     /** @var COperation[] $operations */
     $operations = array();
     $op = new COperation();
     if (!$sorted) {
         $operations = $op->loadList($where, $order);
     } else {
         $order = "rank, rank_voulu, horaire_voulu";
         if ($validated === null || $validated === true) {
             $where["rank"] = "> 0";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
         if ($validated === null || $validated === false) {
             // Sans rank
             $where["rank"] = "= 0";
             $where["rank_voulu"] = "> 0";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
             // Sans rank voulu
             $where["rank_voulu"] = "= 0";
             $where["horaire_voulu"] = "IS NOT NULL";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
             $where["horaire_voulu"] = "IS NULL";
             $operations = CMbArray::mergeKeys($operations, $op->loadList($where, $order));
     foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
         $_operation->_ref_plageop = $this;
         if ($_operation->temp_operation) {
             $this->_cumulative_minutes = $this->_cumulative_minutes + CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $_operation->temp_operation);
     return $this->_ref_operations = $operations;
  * Donne les heures limites d'une intervention
  * @param COperation $interv Reference interv
  * @return array
 static function getLimitTimes(COperation $interv)
     $round_minutes = 10;
     $round = $round_minutes * 60000;
     // FIXME
     $sejour = $interv->loadRefSejour();
     // Cas du partogramme
     if ($sejour->grossesse_id) {
         $grossesse = $sejour->loadRefGrossesse();
         // Debut = debut travail OU entree salle
         if ($grossesse->datetime_debut_travail) {
             $time_debut_op_iso = $grossesse->datetime_debut_travail;
         } else {
             $time_min = $interv->entree_salle;
             $date = CMbDT::date($interv->_datetime);
             $time_debut_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_min}";
         // Fin = fin accouchement OU debut+1 heure OU maintenant
         if ($grossesse->datetime_accouchement) {
             $time_fin_op_iso = $grossesse->datetime_accouchement;
         } else {
             $time_fin_op_iso = max(CMbDT::dateTime(), CMbDT::dateTime("+1 HOUR", $time_debut_op_iso));
     } else {
         $time_min = $interv->entree_salle;
         $time_max = CMbDT::time("+" . CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $interv->temp_operation) . " MINUTES", $interv->entree_salle);
         $date = CMbDT::date($interv->_datetime);
         $fin = CValue::first($interv->sortie_salle, $interv->fin_op, $interv->retrait_garrot);
         if ($fin) {
             $time_max = max($time_max, $fin);
         $time_debut_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_min}";
         $time_fin_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_max}";
     $timestamp_min = floor(CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_debut_op_iso) / $round) * $round;
     $timestamp_max = ceil(CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_fin_op_iso) / $round) * $round;
     return array($timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso);
  * Charge le sender
  * @return CViewSender
 function loadRefSender()
     $sender = $this->loadFwdRef("sender_id", true);
     $this->_last_age = CMbDT::minutesRelative($this->last_datetime, CMbDT::dateTime());
     return $this->_ref_sender = $sender;
  * @see parent::mine
 function mine($salle_id, $date)
     parent::mine($salle_id, $date);
     // plages
     $plage_op = new CPlageOp();
     $plage_op->date = $date;
     $plage_op->salle_id = $salle_id;
     /** @var CPlageOp[] $plages */
     $plages = $plage_op->loadMatchingList();
     $plages_to_use = array();
     $range_plage = array();
     foreach ($plages as $kp => $_plage) {
         if ($_plage->debut >= $_plage->fin) {
         $plages_to_use[$kp] = $_plage;
         CMbRange::union($range_plage, array("lower" => $_plage->debut, "upper" => $_plage->fin));
     $this->nb_plages_planned = count($plages);
     $this->nb_plages_planned_valid = count($plages_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_plages_planned = 0;
     foreach ($range_plage as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_plages_planned += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // interventions
     $interv = new COperation();
     $interv->salle_id = $salle_id;
     $interv->date = $date;
     /** @var COperation[] $intervs */
     $intervs = $interv->loadMatchingList();
     $interv_to_use = array();
     $range_inter = array();
     foreach ($intervs as $ki => $_interv) {
         // cleanup invalid
         if (!$_interv->entree_salle || !$_interv->sortie_salle || $_interv->entree_salle >= $_interv->sortie_salle) {
         $interv_to_use[$ki] = $_interv;
         CMbRange::union($range_inter, array("lower" => $_interv->entree_salle, "upper" => $_interv->sortie_salle));
     $this->nb_real_interventions = count($intervs);
     $this->nb_real_intervention_valid = count($interv_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_real_interventions = 0;
     foreach ($range_inter as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_real_interventions += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // opening patient
     $interv_to_use = array();
     $range_inter_opened = array();
     foreach ($intervs as $ki => $_interv) {
         // cleanup invalid
         if (!$_interv->debut_op || !$_interv->fin_op || $_interv->debut_op >= $_interv->fin_op) {
         $interv_to_use[$ki] = $_interv;
         CMbRange::union($range_inter_opened, array("lower" => $_interv->debut_op, "upper" => $_interv->fin_op));
     $this->nb_interventions_opened_patient = count($intervs);
     $this->nb_intervention_opened_patient_valid = count($interv_to_use);
     $this->cumulative_opened_patient = 0;
     foreach ($range_inter_opened as $_range) {
         $this->cumulative_opened_patient += CMbDT::minutesRelative($_range["lower"], $_range["upper"]);
     // range operation
     $this->cumulative_plages_minus_interventions = 0;
     $plages_minus_interv = CMbRange::multiCrop($range_plage, $range_inter);
     foreach ($plages_minus_interv as $_plage) {
         $this->cumulative_plages_minus_interventions = CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage["lower"], $_plage["upper"]);
     $this->cumulative_interventions_minus_plages = 0;
     $interv_minus_plage = CMbRange::multiCrop($range_inter, $range_plage);
     foreach ($interv_minus_plage as $_plage) {
         $this->cumulative_interventions_minus_plages = CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage["lower"], $_plage["upper"]);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 13
         $event->title .= "<br/>Durée cumulée : ";
         $event->title .= $_plage->_cumulative_minutes ? CMbDT::transform("+ {$_plage->_cumulative_minutes} MINUTES", "00:00:00", "%Hh%M") : " &mdash;";
         $event->title .= "</small>";
         $event->type = $_plage->_class;
         $event->datas = array("id" => $_plage->_id);
         $event->css_class = $_plage->_class;
         $calendar->days[$_plage->date][$_plage->_guid] = $event;
     // hors plage
     $sql = "\n    SELECT plageop_id, date, chir_id,\n      SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(temp_operation))) as accumulated_time,\n      MIN(time_operation) AS first_time,\n      MAX(time_operation) AS last_time,\n      COUNT(*) AS nb_op\n    FROM operations, sejour\n    WHERE (date BETWEEN  '{$calendar->date_min}' AND  '{$calendar->date_max}')\n    AND plageop_id IS NULL\n    AND sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id\n    AND sejour.group_id = '{$group_id}'\n    AND (chir_id = '{$_prat->_id}' OR anesth_id = '{$_prat->_id}')\n    AND operations.annulee = '0'\n    AND sejour.annule = '0'\n    GROUP BY date, plageop_id";
     $hps = $ds->loadList($sql);
     foreach ($hps as $_hp) {
         $guid = "hps_" . $_hp["date"] . $_prat->_id;
         $event = new CPlanningEvent($guid, $_hp["date"] . " " . $_hp["first_time"], CMbDT::minutesRelative($_hp["date"] . " 00:00:00", $_hp["date"] . " " . $_hp["accumulated_time"]));
         $event->title = "<strong>" . CMbDT::format($_hp["first_time"], '%H:%M') . " - " . CMbDT::format($_hp["last_time"], "%H:%M") . "</strong> " . $_hp["nb_op"] . " " . CAppUI::tr("CIntervHorsPlage") . "<small>";
         if ($function_id) {
             $event->title .= " - " . $_prat->_shortview;
         $event->title .= "<br/>Durée cumulée : " . CMbDT::format($_hp["accumulated_time"], '%Hh%M');
         $event->title .= "</small>";
         $event->datas = array("date" => $_hp['date'], "chir_id" => $_hp["chir_id"]);
         $event->css_class = $event->type = "CIntervHorsPlage";
         $event->css_class .= " date_" . $_hp["date"];
         $calendar->days[$_hp["date"]][$guid] = $event;
 } else {
     $plages_op = array();
     $hps = array();
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Ajout des plages, OK
foreach ($plages_by_salle as $salle_id => $_plages) {
    $i = array_search($salle_id, $salles_ids);
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plages, "chir_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plages, "anesth_id");
    CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($_plages, "spec_id");
    foreach ($_plages as $_plage) {
        $debut = "{$i} " . CMbDT::time($_plage->debut);
        $duree = CMbDT::minutesRelative(CMbDT::time($_plage->debut), CMbDT::time($_plage->fin));
        $smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/reservation");
        $smarty->assign("plageop", $_plage);
        $smarty_plageop = $smarty->fetch("inc_planning/libelle_plageop.tpl");
        $smarty_plageop = htmlspecialchars_decode(CMbString::htmlEntities($smarty_plageop, ENT_NOQUOTES), ENT_NOQUOTES);
        $event = new CPlanningEvent($_plage->_guid, $debut, $duree, $smarty_plageop, "#efbf99", true, null, $_plage->_guid, false);
        $event->below = true;
        $event->type = "plage_planning";
        $event->plage["id"] = $_plage->_id;
        if ($can_edit) {
            $event->addMenuItem("edit", CMbString::htmlEntities("Modifier cette plage"));
            $event->addMenuItem("list", CMbString::htmlEntities("Gestion des interventions"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_total = CMbDT::timeCountIntervals($this->debut, $this->fin, $this->freq);
     if ($this->freq == "1:00:00" || $this->freq == "01:00:00") {
         $this->_freq = "60";
     } else {
         $this->_freq = substr($this->freq, 3, 2);
         $this->_freq_minutes = CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $this->freq);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Ajout d'un évènement à un planning
 * @param CPlanningWeek &$planning planning concerné
 * @param CPlageHoraire $_plage    plage à afficher
 * @param string        $date      date de l'évènement
 * @param string        $libelle   libellé de l'évènement
 * @param string        $color     couleur de l'évènement
 * @param string        $type      type de l'évènement
 * @param string|null   $class     css class to apply
 * @return void
function ajoutEvent(&$planning, $_plage, $date, $libelle, $color, $type, $class = null)
    $debute = "{$date} {$_plage->debut}";
    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_plage->_guid, $debute, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage->debut, $_plage->fin), $libelle, $color, true, $class, null);
    $event->resizable = true;
    //Paramètres de la plage de consultation
    $event->type = $type;
    $pct = $_plage->_fill_rate;
    if ($pct > "100") {
        $pct = "100";
    if ($pct == "") {
        $pct = 0;
    $event->plage["id"] = $_plage->_id;
    $event->plage["pct"] = $pct;
    if ($type == "consultation") {
        $event->plage["locked"] = $_plage->locked;
        $event->plage["_affected"] = $_plage->_affected;
        $event->plage["_nb_patients"] = $_plage->_nb_patients;
        $event->plage["_total"] = $_plage->_total;
    } else {
        $event->plage["locked"] = 0;
        $event->plage["_count_operations"] = $_plage->_count_operations;
    $event->plage["list_class"] = $_plage->_guid;
    $event->plage["add_class"] = $date;
    $event->plage["list_title"] = $date;
    $event->plage["add_title"] = $type;
    //Ajout de l'évènement au planning
  * Charge la plage de consultation englobante
  * @param boolean $cache [optional] Use cache
  * @return CPlageconsult
 function loadRefPlageConsult($cache = true)
     /** @var CPlageConsult $plage */
     $plage = $this->loadFwdRef("plageconsult_id", $cache);
     $time = CMbDT::time("+" . CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $plage->freq) * $this->duree . " MINUTES", $this->heure);
     $this->_date_fin = "{$plage->date} {$time}";
     $this->_duree = CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $plage->freq) * $this->duree;
     $plage->_ref_chir = $plage->loadFwdRef("chir_id", $cache);
     $plage->_ref_remplacant = $plage->loadFwdRef("remplacant_id", $cache);
     // Distant fields
     /** @var CMediusers $chir */
     $chir = $plage->_ref_remplacant->_id ? $plage->_ref_remplacant : $plage->_ref_chir;
     $this->_date = $plage->date;
     $this->_datetime = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->heure, $this->_date);
     $this->_acte_execution = $this->_datetime;
     $this->_is_anesth = $chir->isAnesth();
     $this->_is_dentiste = $chir->isDentiste();
     $this->_praticien_id = $chir->_id;
     $this->_ref_chir = $chir;
     return $this->_ref_plageconsult = $plage;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Add a load event
  * @param CPlanningEvent|string $start  an event
  * @param integer               $length [optional] length of the load
  * @return null
 function addLoad($start, $length = null)
     $this->has_load = true;
     if ($start instanceof CPlanningEvent) {
         $event = $start;
         if ($this->no_dates) {
             $day = $event->day;
         } else {
             $day = CMbDT::date($event->day);
     } else {
         if ($this->no_dates) {
             $day = $start;
         } else {
             $day = CMbDT::date($start);
         $event = new CPlanningEvent(null, $start, $length);
     $start = $event->start;
     $end = $event->end;
     $div_size = 60 / $this->hour_divider;
     $min = round(CMbDT::minutesRelative($day, $start) / $div_size) - 1;
     $max = round(CMbDT::minutesRelative($day, $end) / $div_size) + 1;
     for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
         $div_min = CMbDT::dateTime("+" . $i * $div_size . " MINUTES", $day);
         //$div_max = CMbDT::dateTime("+".(($i+1)*$div_size)." MINUTES", $day);
         // FIXME: ameliorer ce calcul
         if ($div_min >= $start && $div_min < $end) {
             $hour = CMbDT::format($div_min, "%H");
             $min = CMbDT::format($div_min, "%M");
             if (!isset($this->load_data[$day][$hour][$min])) {
                 $this->load_data[$day][$hour][$min] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
         $color = "#CCC";
     } elseif ($_plage->remplacant_id && $_plage->remplacant_id != $chirSel) {
         $color = "#FAA";
     } elseif ($_plage->remplacant_id && !$_plage->remplacant_ok) {
         $color = "#FDA";
     } elseif ($_plage->remplacant_id && $_plage->remplacant_ok) {
         $color = "#BFB";
 } elseif ($_plage->pour_compte_id) {
     $color = "#EDC";
 $class = null;
 if ($_plage->pour_tiers) {
     $class = "pour_tiers";
 $event = new CPlanningEvent($_plage->_guid, $debute, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_plage->debut, $_plage->fin), $libelle, $color, true, $class, null);
 $event->useHeight = true;
 //Menu des évènements
 $event->addMenuItem("list", "Voir le contenu de la plage");
 $nonRemplace = !$_plage->remplacant_id || $_plage->remplacant_id != $chirSel || $_plage->remplacant_id == $chirSel && $_plage->chir_id == $chirSel;
 $nonDelegue = !$_plage->pour_compte_id || $_plage->pour_compte_id != $chirSel || $_plage->pour_compte_id == $chirSel && $_plage->chir_id == $chirSel;
 if ($nonRemplace && $nonDelegue && $_plage->getPerm(PERM_EDIT)) {
     $event->addMenuItem("edit", "Modifier cette plage");
 $event->addMenuItem("clock", "Planifier une consultation dans cette plage");
 //Paramètres de la plage de consultation
 $event->type = "consultation";
 $event->plage["id"] = $_plage->plageconsult_id;
 $pct = $_plage->_fill_rate;
 if ($pct > "100") {
     $pct = "100";
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * if an event is more than 1 day long.
  * @param CPlanningEvent $event an event to divide
  * @return null
 function explodeEvent(CPlanningEvent $event)
     $daysDifference = CMbDT::daysRelative($event->start, $event->end);
     $day = CMbDT::date($event->start);
     //create 2 sub-event
     $left_rightBorne = CMbDT::date($event->start) . " 23:59:59";
     $event_left = new CPlanningEvent($event->guid, $event->start, CMbDT::minutesRelative($event->start, $left_rightBorne), $event->title, $event->color, $event->important, $event->css_class, null, false);
     $event_left->mb_object = $event->mb_object;
     $event_left->plage = $event->plage;
     $event_left->end = $left_rightBorne;
     $event_left->type = $event->type;
     $event_left->display_hours = $event->display_hours;
     $event_left->menu = $event->menu;
     if ($daysDifference > 1) {
         for ($a = 1; $a < $daysDifference; $a++) {
             $day = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $day);
             $dayBetween = new CPlanningEvent($event->guid, $day . " 00:00:00", 1440, $event->title, $event->color, $event->important, $event->css_class, null, false);
             $dayBetween->end = $day . " 23:59:59";
             $dayBetween->mb_object = $event->mb_object;
             $dayBetween->plage = $event->plage;
             $dayBetween->type = $event->type;
             $dayBetween->display_hours = $event->display_hours;
             $dayBetween->menu = $event->menu;
     $right_lefttBorne = CMbDT::date($event->end) . " 00:00:00";
     $event_right = new CPlanningEvent($event->guid, $right_lefttBorne, CMbDT::minutesRelative($right_lefttBorne, $event->end), $event->title, $event->color, true, $event->css_class, null, false);
     $event_right->end = $event->end;
     $event_right->mb_object = $event->mb_object;
     $event_right->plage = $event->plage;
     $event_right->type = $event->type;
     $event_right->menu = $event->menu;
     $event_right->display_hours = $event->display_hours;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * get the number of hours between start & end
  * @return float
 function getHours()
     return $this->_hours = CMbDT::minutesRelative($this->start, $this->end) / 60;