protected function getStatusLevelText($status_level, $count) { switch ($status_level) { case self::DELETE: $message = sprintf(CME::ngettext('Reset the following %s?', 'Reset the following %s?', $count), $this->getTitle($count)); break; case self::NODELETE: $message = sprintf(CME::ngettext('The following %s can not be reset:', 'The following %s can not be reset:', $count), $this->getTitle($count)); break; default: $message = parent::getStatusLevelText($status_level, $count); break; } return $message; }
protected function buildNavBar() { parent::buildNavBar(); $this->navbar->popEntries(1); $this->navbar->createEntry(CME::ngettext('Delete CME Front Matter', 'Delete CME Front Matters', count($this->items))); }
protected function displayQuizDetailsIncomplete() { $locale = SwatI18NLocale::get(); // quiz description $description = $this->getQuizDescription(); if ($description != '') { echo '<div class="quiz-description">'; echo $description; echo '</div>'; } // passing grade echo '<div class="quiz-passing-grade">'; $grade_span = new SwatHtmlTag('span'); $grade_span->setContent($locale->formatNumber($this->front_matter->passing_grade * 100) . '%'); printf(CME::_('A grade of %s is required'), $grade_span); echo '</div>'; // number of questions and time estimate echo '<div class="quiz-intro-status">'; $total_questions = count($this->quiz->question_bindings); if ($total_questions > 30) { $time_estimate = round($total_questions * 2 / 30) / 2; $time_estimate = sprintf(CME::ngettext('one hour', '%s hours', $time_estimate), $locale->formatNumber($time_estimate)); } else { $time_estimate = ceil($total_questions * 2 / 10) * 10; $time_estimate = sprintf(CME::_('%s minutes'), $locale->formatNumber($time_estimate)); } printf(CME::_('%s questions, about %s.'), $locale->formatNumber($total_questions), $time_estimate); echo '</div>'; }