Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function send_invitations($sid, &$contacts, $remaining = 0)
     if (!empty($contacts)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $model = $this->getModel('survey');
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(S_APP_NAME);
         $itemid = CJFunctions::get_active_menu_id(true, 'index.php?option=' . S_APP_NAME . '&view=survey');
         $editor = $user->authorise('core.wysiwyg', S_APP_NAME) ? $params->get('default_editor', 'bbcode') : 'none';
         $subject = $app->input->getString('invitation-subject', JText::_('TXT_INVITE_DEFAULT_SUB'));
         $default_body = $editor == 'wysiwyg' ? str_replace("\n", '<br>', JText::_('TXT_INVITE_DEFAULT_BODY')) : JText::_('TXT_INVITE_DEFAULT_BODY');
         $body = CJFunctions::get_clean_var('invitation-body', true, $default_body);
         $body = CJFunctions::process_html($body, $editor == 'bbcode');
         $messageid = $app->input->getInt('messageid', 0);
         $count = count($contacts);
         $keys = $model->create_survey_keys($sid, $count);
         if (!empty($keys) && count($keys) > 0) {
             $emails = array();
             foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
                 $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . S_APP_NAME . '&view=survey&task=take_survey&key=' . $key . $itemid, false, -1);
                 $link = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a>';
                 $email = new stdClass();
                 $email->name = $contacts[$i]->name;
                 $email->subid = 0;
                 $email->link = $link;
                 $email->email = $contacts[$i]->email;
                 $emails[] = $email;
                 $contacts[$i]->key = $key;
             $template = $params->get('mail-tpl-newanswer', 'mail-blue.tpl');
             $sent = $model->add_messages_to_queue($sid, $subject, $body, $emails, $template, $messageid);
             $model->update_key_userids($sid, $contacts);
             if ($sent === false) {
                 echo json_encode(array('error' => JText::_('MSG_ERROR_PROCESSING') . (S_DEBUG_ENABLED ? $model->getError() : '')));
             } else {
                 echo json_encode(array('message' => JText::sprintf('MSG_INVITATIONS_ADDED_TO_QUEUE', $sent), 'remaining' => $remaining));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('error' => JText::_('MSG_NO_CREDITS')));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('error' => JText::_('MSG_NO_CONTACTS_SELECTED')));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    function save_response($sid, $pid, $rid, $ignore_error = false, $skip_validations = false)
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $questions = $this->get_questions($sid, $pid);
        $config = JComponentHelper::getParams(S_APP_NAME);
        $html_allowed = $user->authorise('core.wysiwyg', S_APP_NAME) && $config->get('default_editor', 'bbcode') == 'wysiwyg';
        // validate if legimate user
        if (!$user->guest && !$user->authorise('core.manage', S_APP_NAME)) {
            $query = 'select created_by from #__survey_responses where id = ' . $rid;
            $created_by = (int) $this->_db->loadResult();
            if ($created_by > 0 && $created_by != $user->id) {
                if (!$ignore_error) {
                    CJFunctions::throw_error(JText::_('MSG_UNAUTHORIZED'), 401);
                } else {
                    $this->setError(JText::_('MSG_UNAUTHORIZED') . '| Error: 1');
                return false;
        $rules = $this->get_conditional_rules($sid, $pid, null, true);
        $return = new stdClass();
        $return->page_id = $return->finalize = 0;
        if (!empty($questions)) {
            $answers = array();
            foreach ($questions as $question) {
                $free_text = null;
                switch ($question->question_type) {
                    case 2:
                        // Choice - Radio
                    // Choice - Radio
                    case 4:
                        // Choice - Select box
                    // Choice - Select box
                    case 11:
                        // Image - Radio
                        $answer_id = $app->input->post->getInt('answer-' . $question->id, 0);
                        $free_text = $app->input->post->getString('free-text-' . $question->id, null);
                        if ($answer_id) {
                            $answer = array();
                            $answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
                            $answer['answer_id'] = $answer_id;
                            $answer['column_id'] = 0;
                            $answer['free_text'] = null;
                            array_push($answers, $answer);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, array($answer_id), $rules, $return, 1);
                    case 3:
                        // Choice - Checkbox
                    // Choice - Checkbox
                    case 12:
                        // Image - Checkbox
                        $answer_ids = $app->input->post->getArray(array('answer-' . $question->id => 'array'));
                        $free_text = $app->input->post->getString('free-text-' . $question->id, null);
                        $answer_ids = $answer_ids['answer-' . $question->id];
                        if (!empty($answer_ids)) {
                            foreach ($answer_ids as $answer_id) {
                                $answer = array();
                                $answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
                                $answer['answer_id'] = $answer_id;
                                $answer['column_id'] = 0;
                                $answer['free_text'] = null;
                                array_push($answers, $answer);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, $answer_ids, $rules, $return, 1);
                    case 5:
                        // Grid - Radio
                        $rows = array();
                        $columns = array();
                        $grid_answers = array();
                        foreach ($question->answers as $answer) {
                            if ($answer->answer_type == 'x') {
                                $rows[] = $answer;
                            } else {
                                if ($answer->answer_type == 'y') {
                                    $columns[] = $answer;
                        $free_text = $app->input->post->getString('free-text-' . $question->id, null);
                        foreach ($rows as $row) {
                            $column_id = $app->input->post->getInt('answer-' . $question->id . '-' . $row->id, 0);
                            if ($column_id) {
                                $answer = array();
                                $answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
                                $answer['answer_id'] = $row->id;
                                $answer['column_id'] = $column_id;
                                $answer['free_text'] = null;
                                array_push($grid_answers, array($row->id => $column_id));
                                array_push($answers, $answer);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, $grid_answers, $rules, $return, 2);
                    case 6:
                        // Grid - Checkbox
                        $rows = array();
                        $columns = array();
                        $grid_answers = array();
                        foreach ($question->answers as $answer) {
                            if ($answer->answer_type == 'x') {
                                $rows[] = $answer;
                            } else {
                                if ($answer->answer_type == 'y') {
                                    $columns[] = $answer;
                        $free_text = $app->input->post->getString('free-text-' . $question->id, null);
                        foreach ($rows as $row) {
                            $column_ids = $app->input->post->getArray(array('answer-' . $question->id . '-' . $row->id => 'array'));
                            $column_ids = $column_ids['answer-' . $question->id . '-' . $row->id];
                            if (!empty($column_ids)) {
                                foreach ($column_ids as $column_id) {
                                    $answer = array();
                                    $answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
                                    $answer['answer_id'] = $row->id;
                                    $answer['column_id'] = $column_id;
                                    $answer['free_text'] = null;
                                    array_push($grid_answers, array($row->id => $column_id));
                                    array_push($answers, $answer);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, $grid_answers, $rules, $return, 2);
                    case 7:
                        // Freetext - Singleline
                    // Freetext - Singleline
                    case 8:
                        // Freetext - Multiline
                    // Freetext - Multiline
                    case 9:
                        // Freetext - Password
                    // Freetext - Password
                    case 14:
                        // Special - Email
                    // Special - Email
                    case 15:
                        // Special - Calendar
                        $free_text = $app->input->post->getString('free-text-' . $question->id, null);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, array($free_text), $rules, $return, 3);
                    case 10:
                        // Freetext - Rich text
                        $free_text = CJFunctions::get_clean_var('free-text-' . $question->id, $html_allowed);
                        if (!empty($rules) && empty($return->finalize) && empty($return->page_id)) {
                            $text = strip_tags($free_text);
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, array($text), $rules, $return, 3);
                    case 13:
                        // Special - Name
                        $names = $app->input->getArray(array('user-name-' . $question->id => 'array'));
                        if (count($names['user-name-' . $question->id]) == 3) {
                            $free_text = implode('|', $names['user-name-' . $question->id]);
                            $tmp_text = str_replace('|', '', $free_text);
                            if (empty($tmp_text)) {
                                $free_text = '';
                            $this->validate_rules($question->id, array($free_text), $rules, $return, 3);
                    case 16:
                        // Special - Address
                        $addr_name = $app->input->post->getString('address-name-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_line1 = $app->input->post->getString('address-line1-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_line2 = $app->input->post->getString('address-line2-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_city = $app->input->post->getString('address-city-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_state = $app->input->post->getString('address-state-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_country = $app->input->post->getString('address-country-' . $question->id, '');
                        $addr_zip = $app->input->post->getString('address-zip-' . $question->id, '');
                        if (!empty($addr_name) && !empty($addr_line1) && !empty($addr_city) && !empty($addr_state) && !empty($addr_country) && !empty($addr_zip)) {
                            $free_text = $addr_name . '|||' . $addr_line1 . '|||' . $addr_line2 . '|||' . $addr_city . '|||' . $addr_state . '|||' . $addr_country . '|||' . $addr_zip;
                if ($free_text) {
                    $answer = array();
                    $answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
                    $answer['answer_id'] = 0;
                    $answer['column_id'] = 0;
                    $answer['free_text'] = $free_text;
                    array_push($answers, $answer);
            $query = '
				delete from
					response_id=' . $rid . ' and question_id in (select id from #__survey_questions where survey_id=' . $sid . ' and page_number=' . $pid . ')';
            if ($this->_db->query()) {
                $query = '';
                foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                    if (empty($answer['free_text'])) {
                        $answer['free_text'] = 'null';
                    } else {
                        $answer['free_text'] = $this->_db->quote($answer['free_text']);
                    $query = $query . '(' . $rid . ',' . $answer['question_id'] . ',' . $answer['answer_id'] . ',' . $answer['column_id'] . ',' . $answer['free_text'] . '),';
                if (!empty($query)) {
                    $query = 'insert into #__survey_response_details (response_id, question_id, answer_id, column_id, free_text) values ' . $query;
                    $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
                    if ($this->_db->query()) {
                        return $return;
                } else {
                    return $return;
        return false;