/** * Méthode permettant de tester si le service d'extraction Tika est actif * * @return string */ function loadTikaInfos() { $conf_host = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_host")); $conf_port = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_port")); $client = new CHTTPClient("http://{$conf_host}:{$conf_port}/tika"); return $client->get(); }
* $Id$ * * @category Search * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $request = CValue::get("request"); $type = CValue::get("type_request"); $content = ""; if ($request && !strripos($request, "delete")) { $client = new CHTTPClient($request); switch ($type) { case "get": $content = $client->get(); break; case "put": $content = $client->putFile($request); break; case "post": $content = $client->post($request); break; default: $content = $client->get(); } } $content = json_decode($content, true); if (!$content) { CAppUI::stepAjax("{$request} est invalide", UI_MSG_ERROR); }
/** * Send the request on the server * * @param String $url URL * @param String[] $post Parameters POST * * @return bool|string */ static function serverCall($url, $post = null) { CSessionHandler::writeClose(); global $rootName, $version; $session_name = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i", "", $rootName); $cookie = CValue::cookie($session_name); $result = array("code" => "", "body" => ""); try { $http_client = new CHTTPClient($url); $http_client->setCookie("{$session_name}={$cookie}"); $http_client->setUserAgent("Mediboard-" . $version["version"]); $http_client->setOption(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); if ($post) { $request = $http_client->post(http_build_query($post)); } else { $request = $http_client->get(); } } catch (Exception $e) { CSessionHandler::start(); $result["body"] = $e->getMessage(); return $result; } CSessionHandler::start(); $result["code"] = $http_client->last_information["http_code"]; $result["body"] = $request; return $result; }
/** * Check the URL disponibility * * @param String $url URL site * @param String[] $option Option array * @param Boolean $return_body Return the content of the page * * @return bool|int */ static function checkUrl($url, $option = null, $return_body = false) { try { $http_client = new CHTTPClient($url); if ($option) { if (CMbArray::get($option, "ca_cert")) { $http_client->setSSLPeer($option["ca_cert"]); } if (CMbArray::get($option, "username") || CMbArray::get($option, "password")) { $http_client->setHTTPAuthentification($option["username"], $option["password"]); } if (CMbArray::get($option, "local_cert")) { $http_client->setSSLAuthentification($option["local_cert"], $option["passphrase"]); } } $http_client->setOption(CURLOPT_HEADER, true); $result = $http_client->get(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } if ($return_body) { return $result; } return preg_match("|200|", $result); }