Ejemplo n.º 1
$form = new CFormContact();
// Check the status of the form
$status = $form->Check();
// What to do if the form was submitted?
if ($status === true) {
    echo "<p><i>Form was submitted and the callback method returned true. I should redirect to a page to avoid issues with reloading posted form.</i></p>";

<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf8>
<title>Example on using forms with Lydia CForm</title>
<!-- Echo out the form -->
<h1>Example on using forms with Lydia CForm</h1>
echo $form->GetHTML();

<p><code>$_POST</code> <?php 
if (empty($_POST)) {
    echo '<i>is empty.</i>';
} else {
    echo '<i>contains:</i><pre>' . print_r($_POST, 1) . '</pre>';

include "../template/footer_mos.php";