Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @ignore
 public static function onThirdPartyUpdateByPackageManager()
     if (!self::isInCliMode()) {
         // This method can be run in CLI mode only.
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $timeoutPause = new CTimeoutPause();
     CShell::speak("Processing third-party components ...");
     $tpDps = CFile::listDirectories(CFilePath::absolute($GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_THIRD_PARTY"]));
     $ignorePackages = CConfiguration::option("upd.thirdPartyOopWrappingIgnorePackages");
     $ignorePackagesL2 = CArray::filter($ignorePackages, function ($package) {
         return CString::find($package, "/");
     $newTpDps = CArray::make();
     $len = CArray::length($tpDps);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
         $tpDp = $tpDps[$i];
         $dirName = CFilePath::name($tpDp);
         if (!CArray::find($ignorePackages, $dirName)) {
             $dpHasL2DirsToIgnore = CArray::find($ignorePackagesL2, $dirName, function ($packageL2, $dirName) {
                 return CString::equals(CFilePath::directory($packageL2), $dirName);
             if (!$dpHasL2DirsToIgnore) {
                 CArray::push($newTpDps, $tpDp);
             } else {
                 $tpSubDps = CFile::listDirectories($tpDp);
                 $tpSubDps = CArray::filter($tpSubDps, function ($subDp) use($ignorePackagesL2) {
                     return !CArray::find($ignorePackagesL2, $subDp, function ($packageL2, $subDp) {
                         return CString::endsWith($subDp, $packageL2);
                 CArray::pushArray($newTpDps, $tpSubDps);
     $tpDps = $newTpDps;
     $wrapProtectedMethods = CConfiguration::option("upd.thirdPartyOopWrappingInProtectedMethods");
     $wrapPrivateMethods = CConfiguration::option("upd.thirdPartyOopWrappingInPrivateMethods");
     static $s_stdPhpTag = "<?php";
     static $s_progressResolution = 0.05;
     $prevProgressDivR = 0;
     $tpDpsLen = CArray::length($tpDps);
     for ($i0 = 0; $i0 < $tpDpsLen; $i0++) {
         $tpFps = CFile::reFindFilesRecursive($tpDps[$i0], "/\\.php\\d?\\z/");
         $tpFpsLen = CArray::length($tpFps);
         for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $tpFpsLen; $i1++) {
             $fileCode = CFile::read($tpFps[$i1]);
             if (!CString::find($fileCode, self::$ms_thirdPartyAlreadyOopWrappedMark)) {
                 $parser = new PhpParser\Parser(new PhpParser\Lexer());
                 try {
                     // Parse the code.
                     $statements = $parser->parse($fileCode);
                     // Wrap the code into OOP.
                     $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();
                     $mainVisitor = new CMainVisitor($wrapProtectedMethods, $wrapPrivateMethods);
                     $statements = $traverser->traverse($statements);
                     $wrappedCode = (new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard())->prettyPrint($statements);
                     $phpTagPos = CString::indexOf($wrappedCode, $s_stdPhpTag);
                     if ($phpTagPos == -1) {
                         $wrappedCode = "{$s_stdPhpTag}\n\n{$wrappedCode}";
                         $phpTagPos = 0;
                     $wrappedCode = CString::insert($wrappedCode, $phpTagPos + CString::length($s_stdPhpTag), "\n\n" . self::$ms_thirdPartyAlreadyOopWrappedMark);
                     // Save.
                     CFile::write($tpFps[$i1], $wrappedCode);
                 } catch (PhpParser\Error $parserError) {
                     CShell::say("\nPhpParser: " . $tpFps[$i1] . ", at line " . $parserError->getRawLine() . ": " . $parserError->getRawMessage());
             $progress = (double) ($i0 / $tpDpsLen + 1 / $tpDpsLen * $i1 / $tpFpsLen);
             $progressDivR = CMathi::floor($progress / $s_progressResolution);
             if ($progressDivR != $prevProgressDivR) {
                 $perc = CMathi::round($progressDivR * $s_progressResolution * 100);
             $prevProgressDivR = $progressDivR;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the path to the directory where the running script is located.
  * @return CUStringObject The path to the directory where the running script is located.
 public static function scriptDp()
     return CFilePath::directory(CSystem::initScriptFp());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Generates a CID for a file by which the file can be embedded into the body of a message.
  * The same CID can be used to embed a file in more than one place.
  * For example, an image for which a CID was generated and put into `$cid` variable can be embedded into a message
  * with HTML type of body by `<img src="' . $cid . '" alt="Title" />`.
  * @param  string $embedFp The path to the file to be embedded.
  * @return CUStringObject The embeddable CID of the file.
 public function embeddableCidForFile($embedFp)
     assert('is_cstring($embedFp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('isset($this->m_swiftMessage)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $embedFp = CFilePath::frameworkPath($embedFp);
     $embeddedFile = Swift_EmbeddedFile::fromPath($embedFp);
     return $this->m_swiftMessage->embed($embeddedFile);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Sets the SSL options for a request.
  * @param  string $certificateFp The path to the certificate's file.
  * @param  string $privateKeyFp **OPTIONAL. Default is** *none*. The path to the private key's file.
  * @param  string $certificateFormat **OPTIONAL. Default is** "PEM". The format used by the certificate.
  * @param  string $privateKeyFormat **OPTIONAL. Default is** "PEM". The format used by the private key.
  * @param  string $certificatePassphrase **OPTIONAL. Default is** *none*. The passphrase used by the certificate.
  * @param  string $privateKeyPassphrase **OPTIONAL. Default is** *none*. The passphrase used by the private key.
  * @param  int $sslVersion **OPTIONAL. Default is** *cURL's default*. The SSL version to be used in the
  * communication.
  * @param  string $cipherList **OPTIONAL. Default is** *cURL's default*. The ciphers to be used.
  * @param  string $engine **OPTIONAL. Default is** *cURL's default*. The SSL engine identifier.
  * @param  string $defaultEngine **OPTIONAL. Default is** *cURL's default*. The identifier of the actual crypto
  * engine to be used as the default engine for (asymmetric) crypto operations.
  * @return void
 public function setSslOptions($certificateFp, $privateKeyFp = null, $certificateFormat = "PEM", $privateKeyFormat = "PEM", $certificatePassphrase = null, $privateKeyPassphrase = null, $sslVersion = null, $cipherList = null, $engine = null, $defaultEngine = null)
     assert('is_cstring($certificateFp) && (!isset($privateKeyFp) || is_cstring($privateKeyFp)) && ' . 'is_cstring($certificateFormat) && is_cstring($privateKeyFormat) && ' . '(!isset($certificatePassphrase) || is_cstring($certificatePassphrase)) && ' . '(!isset($privateKeyPassphrase) || is_cstring($privateKeyPassphrase)) && ' . '(!isset($sslVersion) || is_int($sslVersion)) && ' . '(!isset($cipherList) || is_cstring($cipherList)) && (!isset($engine) || is_cstring($engine)) && ' . '(!isset($defaultEngine) || is_cstring($defaultEngine))', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('CFilePath::isAbsolute($certificateFp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     assert('!isset($privateKeyFp) || CFilePath::isAbsolute($privateKeyFp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $this->m_sslCertificateFp = CFilePath::frameworkPath($certificateFp);
     $this->m_sslPrivateKeyFp = CFilePath::frameworkPath($privateKeyFp);
     $this->m_sslCertificateFormat = $certificateFormat;
     $this->m_sslPrivateKeyFormat = $privateKeyFormat;
     $this->m_sslCertificatePassphrase = $certificatePassphrase;
     $this->m_sslPrivateKeyPassphrase = $privateKeyPassphrase;
     $this->m_sslVersion = $sslVersion;
     $this->m_sslCipherList = $cipherList;
     $this->m_sslEngine = $engine;
     $this->m_sslDefaultEngine = $defaultEngine;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function testFilePath()
     $filePath = CFile::createTemporary();
     $file = new CFile($filePath, CFile::READ);
     // only needed in these tests
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Computes more of the hash from a file.
  * @param  string $dataFp The path to the source file.
  * @return void
 public function computeMoreFromFile($dataFp)
     assert('is_cstring($dataFp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $dataFp = CFilePath::frameworkPath($dataFp);
     hash_update_file($this->m_hashingContext, $dataFp);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected static function recurseFindItems($directoryPath, $wc, $sort)
     $items = self::findItems(CFilePath::add($directoryPath, $wc), $sort);
     $dirs = self::findDirectories(CFilePath::add($directoryPath, "*"), $sort);
     $dirQty = CArray::length($dirs);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $dirQty; $i++) {
         CArray::pushArray($items, self::recurseFindItems($dirs[$i], $wc, $sort));
     return $items;
Ejemplo n.º 8

require __DIR__ . "/Bootstrap/Phred.php";
echo passthru(CFilePath::frameworkPath("cd {{PHRED_PATH_TO_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}}; php ThirdParty/bin/phpunit --colors"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @ignore
 public static function initialize()
     $configDp = CFilePath::add($GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_APP"], "Configuration");
     $configEnvsDp = CFilePath::add($configDp, "Environments");
     $configs = CArray::make();
     if ($GLOBALS["PHRED_TESTS"]) {
         $currEnv = "tst";
     // Main configuration files.
     $configFps = CFile::findFiles(CFilePath::add($configDp, "*.json"));
     $numConfigs = CArray::length($configFps);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numConfigs; $i++) {
         $configFp = $configFps[$i];
         $configName = CFilePath::nameOnly($configFp);
         self::readAndAddConfig($configFp, $configName, $configs);
         if (!isset($currEnv) && CString::equals($configName, "Application")) {
             $config = CArray::last($configs);
             $currEnv = $config[self::$ms_configAliases["Application"]]["environment"];
     assert('is_cstring($currEnv)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     // The configuration files from the current environment's directory.
     $currEnvDp = CFilePath::add($configEnvsDp, $currEnv);
     assert('CFile::exists($currEnvDp)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $configFps = CFile::findFiles(CFilePath::add($currEnvDp, "*.json"));
     $numConfigs = CArray::length($configFps);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numConfigs; $i++) {
         $configFp = $configFps[$i];
         $configName = CFilePath::nameOnly($configFp);
         self::readAndAddConfig($configFp, $configName, $configs);
     self::$ms_config = call_user_func_array("CMap::merge", CArray::toPArray($configs));
     self::$ms_isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function testFrameworkPath()
     $this->assertTrue(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::frameworkPath("{{PHRED_PATH_TO_APP}}/Tests"))->equals(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::add($GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_APP"], "/Tests"))));
     $this->assertTrue(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::frameworkPath("{{PHRED_PATH_TO_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}}/Application/Tests"))->equals(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::add($GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_FRAMEWORK_ROOT"], "/Application/Tests"))));
     $this->assertTrue(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::frameworkPath("{{PHRED_PATH_TO_APP}}Tests"))->equals(CFilePath::absolute(CFilePath::add($GLOBALS["PHRED_PATH_TO_APP"], "/Tests"))));