$nMax = sizeof($arrOpenCirculations);
for ($nIndex = 0; $nIndex < $nMax; $nIndex++) {
    $arrCirculationProcess = $arrOpenCirculations[$nIndex];
    $nCirculationProcessId = $arrCirculationProcess['nID'];
    $nCirculationFormId = $arrCirculationProcess['nCirculationFormId'];
    $nSlotId = $arrCirculationProcess['nSlotId'];
    $nUserId = $arrCirculationProcess['nUserId'];
    $dateInProcessSince = $arrCirculationProcess['dateInProcessSince'];
    $nIsSubtituteOf = $arrCirculationProcess['nIsSubstitiuteOf'];
    $nCirculationHistoryId = $arrCirculationProcess['nCirculationHistoryId'];
    if ($nIsSubtituteOf == 0) {
        // the current user is no substitute
        // get his substitutes
        $arrSubstitutes = $objCirculation->getSubstitutes($nUserId);
        if (sizeof($arrSubstitutes) > 0) {
            // the user has one or more substitutes
            // set the default substitute time
            $tsCurrentSendSP = mktime(date("H"), date("i") - $SUBSTITUTE_PERSON_MINUTES, date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
            // check the user's individual subtitute time
            if ($arrUsers[$nUserId]['nID'] != '') {
                $arrUser = $arrUsers[$nUserId];
                $SP_UNIT = $arrUser['strSubstituteTimeUnit'];
                $SP_VALUE = $arrUser['nSubstituteTimeValue'];
                switch ($SP_UNIT) {
                    case 'DAYS':
                        $SP_MINUTES = $SP_VALUE * 24 * 60;
                    case 'HOURS':
                        $SP_MINUTES = $SP_VALUE * 60;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//--- output the user inbetween the range (start to end)
foreach ($arrUsers as $arrRow) {
    $style = "background-color: #efefef;";
    if ($nRunningNumber % 2 == 1) {
        $style = "background-color: #fff;";
    $strImage = '../images/inactive.gif';
    if (($arrRow["nAccessLevel"] & 2) == 2) {
        $strImage = '../images/active.gif';
    if ($arrRow["nSubstitudeId"] == -2) {
        $arrSubstitutes = $objCirculation->getSubstitutes($arrRow['nID']);
        if ($arrSubstitutes[0]['substitute_id'] == -3) {
            $strSubstitute = $SELF_DELEGATE_USER;
        } else {
            $strSubstitute = $objCirculation->getUsername($arrSubstitutes[0]['substitute_id']);
    } elseif ($arrRow["nSubstitudeId"] != 0) {
        $strSubstitute = $objCirculation->getUsername($arrRow['nSubstitudeId']);
    } else {
        $strSubstitute = '-';
    $strOnlineState = '';
    if ($arrRow['tsLastAction'] + $USER_TIMEOUT > time()) {
        $strOnlineState = '<img src="../images/flag_green.gif">';
Ejemplo n.º 3
                     $fax = $arrRow['strFax'];
                     $organisation = $arrRow['strOrganisation'];
                     $department = $arrRow['strDepartment'];
                     $cost_center = $arrRow['strCostCenter'];
                     $userdefined1_value = $arrRow['UserDefined1_Value'];
                     $userdefined2_value = $arrRow['UserDefined2_Value'];
                     $CUR_SUBTITUTE_PERSON_UNIT = $arrRow['strSubstituteTimeUnit'];
                     $CUR_SUBTITUTE_PERSON_VALUE = $arrRow['nSubstituteTimeValue'];
                     $bIndividualSubsTime = $arrRow['bUseGeneralSubstituteConfig'];
                     $bIndividualEmail = $arrRow['bUseGeneralEmailConfig'];
         if ($nSubstituteId == -2) {
             // user has one or more substitutes - the DB table "cf_substitute" has to be checked
             $arrResult = $objCirculation->getSubstitutes($_REQUEST['userid']);
             $nMax = sizeof($arrResult);
             for ($nIndex = 0; $nIndex < $nMax; $nIndex++) {
                 $nCurSubstituteId = $arrResult[$nIndex]['substitute_id'];
                 if ($nCurSubstituteId == -3) {
                     $arrSubstitutes[$nIndex]['name'] = $SELF_DELEGATE_USER;
                     $arrSubstitutes[$nIndex]['id'] = -3;
                 } else {
                     $arrUser = $objCirculation->getUserById($nCurSubstituteId);
                     $arrSubstitutes[$nIndex]['name'] = $arrUser['strLastName'] . ', ' . $arrUser['strFirstName'];
                     $arrSubstitutes[$nIndex]['id'] = $nCurSubstituteId;