Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Static init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     // select the current builder
     $builder_class = \ClanCats::$config->get('ui.builder', "\\UI\\Builder_Bootstrap");
     static::$builder = new $builder_class();
     // load the ui configuration
     static::$config = \CCConfig::create('ui');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * prepare the configuration
  * @return void
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     CCConfig::create('auth')->_data = CCConfig::create('Core::phpunit/auth')->_data;
     $user = new Auth\User();
     $user->email = "*****@*****.**";
     $user->password = "******";
     static::$current_user = $user;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * reset and run the migrations
 public static function wake()
     // complete overwrite of DB configuration
     CCConfig::create('database')->_data = CCConfig::create('Core::phpunit/database')->_data;
     // delete all database table
     // run the migrations
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * initialize the ship
  * @return void
 public function wake()
     // wrap the assets
     \CCFinder::alias('CCAsset', __DIR__ . '/CCAsset' . EXT);
     // map the other classes
     \CCFinder::package(__DIR__ . '/', array('Packtacular' => 'Packtacular' . EXT, 'Packtacular\\Theme' => 'Theme' . EXT, 'lessc' => 'lib/lessc.inc' . EXT));
     // add writeable directory hook
     \CCEvent::mind('ccdoctor.permissions', function () {
         return PUBLICPATH . \CCConfig::create("Packtacular::packtacular")->path;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * static init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     if (!($path = CCConfig::create("Packtacular::packtacular")->path)) {
         throw new CCException("CCPacktacular - please set your packtacular path!");
     // is there a cache dir?
     if (!is_dir(PUBLICPATH . $path)) {
         if (!mkdir(PUBLICPATH . $path, 0755, true)) {
             throw new CCException("CCPacktacular - could not create Packtacular folder at: {$path}");
     static::$path = '/' . $path;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Application initialization.
  * do your inital stuff here like getting the current user object ect..
  * You can return a CCResponse wich will cancle all other actions 
  * if enebaled ( see. main.config -> send_app_wake_response )
  * @return void | CCResponse
 public static function wake()
      * Start the session by adding the current uri
     CCSession::set('uri', CCServer::uri());
      * try to authenticate the user
     //static::$user =& CCAuth::handler()->user;
      * load the App configuration
     static::$config = CCConfig::create('app');
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * CCMail::send catch all setting tests
 public function test_catch_all()
     // configure catch all
     CCConfig::create('mail')->set('catch_all.enabled', true);
     CCConfig::create('mail')->set('catch_all.addresses', array('*****@*****.**' => 'ClanCats', '*****@*****.**' => 'Some Other'));
     CCConfig::create('mail')->set('catch_all.transporter', 'alias');
     // create a new mail
     $mail = CCMail::create();
     // check data
     $mail_data = CCArr::last(Mail\Transporter_Array::$store);
     $this->assertEquals($mail_data['to'], array('*****@*****.**' => 'ClanCats', '*****@*****.**' => 'Some Other'));
     $this->assertEquals($mail_data['bcc'], array());
     CCConfig::create('mail')->set('catch_all.enabled', false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * prepare the configuration
  * @return void
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     CCConfig::create('session')->_data = CCConfig::create('Core::phpunit/session')->_data;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * test delete failure without name
 public function testNoNameDelete()
     $config = CCConfig::create();
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * generates an file header string
  * @param string		$title
  * @param array 		$data
  * @return string
 public function make_comment_header($title, $data = array())
     // get author
     $authors = \CCArr::get('authors', $data, \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.authors'));
     // author
     if (is_array($authors)) {
         foreach ($authors as $person) {
             $author_str .= $person['name'] . " ";
             if (array_key_exists('email', $person)) {
                 $author_str .= "<" . $person['email'] . ">";
             $author_str .= ", ";
         $author_str = substr($author_str, 0, -2);
     return "{$title}\n" . "*\n" . "\n" . "@package       " . \CCArr::get('package', $data, \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.package')) . "\n" . "@author        " . $author_str . "\n" . "@version       " . \CCArr::get('version', $data, \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.version')) . "\n" . "@copyright     " . \CCArr::get('copyright', $data, \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.copyright')) . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Session constructor
  * @param string 		$name
  * @param array 			$config
 protected function __construct($name, $config = null)
     if (is_null($config)) {
         $config = \CCConfig::create('session')->get($name);
         // check for an alias. If you set a string
         // in your config file we use the config
         // with the passed key.
         if (is_string($config)) {
             $config = \CCConfig::create('session')->get($config);
     if (empty($config)) {
         throw new Exception("Session\\Manager::create - Invalid session manager (" . $name . ").");
     // also don't forget to set the name manager name becaue we need him later.
     $this->_name = $name;
     // keep the configuration array
     $this->_config = $config;
     // Setup the driver class. We simply use name
     // from the confif file and make the first letter
     // capital. example: Handler_Mysql, Handler_Sqlite etc.
     $driver_class = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\Manager_" . ucfirst($config['driver']);
     if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
         throw new Exception("Session\\Manager::create - The driver (" . $driver_class . ") is invalid.");
     // try to get the id from cookie
     $this->id = $this->cookie_session_id();
     // set the fingerprint
     $this->fingerprint = sha1($this->id);
     // Before reading we might have to kill old sessions using
     // the Garbage collector
     if (\CCArr::get('gc.enabled', $this->_config, true)) {
         if (mt_rand(1, \CCArr::get('gc.factor', $this->_config, 25)) == 1) {
     // Register a shutdown event to write the session down
     // This should not happen on shutdown if we using command line
     if (!\ClanCats::is_cli()) {
         \CCEvent::mind('CCF.shutdown', array($this, 'write'));
     // Now get the inital data from our driver
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * init the orbit data
 public static function _init()
     static::$data = CCConfig::create(ClanCats::$config->get('orbit.data'), 'json');
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Prepare the message for sending to the transport
  * @return void 
 public function send()
     // load the mail configuration
     $config = \CCConfig::create('mail');
     // when mailing is disabled do nothing just return
     if ($config->disabled === true) {
     // we cannot send a mail without recipients
     if (empty($this->to)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot send mail without recipients.");
     // is a catch all enabled?
     if ($config->get('catch_all.enabled') === true) {
         // to be able to modify the mail without removing
         // the user options we have to clone the mail
         $mail = clone $this;
         // we have to remove all recipients ( to, ccc, bcc ) and set them
         // to our catch all recipients
         $mail->to = array();
         $mail->cc = array();
         $mail->bcc = array();
         // transport the cloned mail
         return $mail->transport($config->get('catch_all.transporter'));
     // transport the mail
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * prepare the configuration
  * @return void
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     CCConfig::create('main')->set('language.available', array('de' => array('de', 'ch'), 'en' => array('us', 'gb'), 'fr' => array('fr')));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * static theme init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     static::$config = \CCConfig::create(static::view_namespace() . '::theme');
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * start the ccf lifecycle
  * this method sets the current environment, loads the configuration
  * and wakes the application
  * @param string			$environment
  * @return void
 public static function wake($environment)
     if (!is_null(static::$environment)) {
         throw new CCException("ClanCats::wake - you cannot wake the application twice.");
     // set environment
     static::$environment = $environment;
     // load the main configuration
     static::$config = CCConfig::create('main');
     // setup the application error tables
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('ClanCatsFramework', function () {
         return array('Runtime Class' => \ClanCats::runtime(), 'CCF Version' => \ClanCats::version(), 'CCF Environment' => \ClanCats::environment(), 'Development env' => var_export(\ClanCats::in_development(), true), 'File extention' => EXT, 'Core namespace' => CCCORE_NAMESPACE);
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('CCF Paths', array('ClanCats', 'paths'));
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('CCF Directories', array('ClanCats', 'directories'));
     CCError_Inspector::info_callback('Namespaces', function () {
         return \CCFinder::$namespaces;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * static theme init
  * @return void
 public static function _init()
     static::$config = \CCConfig::create(__NAMESPACE__ . '::theme');
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Init the migrator directory
 public static function _init()
     \ClanCats::directories(array('migration' => 'database/'));
     // read the migration configuration
     static::$config = \CCConfig::create('migrator', 'json');
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Auth instance constructor
  * @param string 		$name
  * @param array 			$config
  * @return void
 public function __construct($name, $config = null)
     if (is_null($config)) {
         $config = \CCConfig::create('auth')->get($name);
         // check for an alias. If you set a string
         // in your config file we use the config
         // with the passed key.
         if (is_string($config)) {
             $config = \CCConfig::create('auth')->get($config);
     if (!is_array($config)) {
         throw new Exception("Auth\\Handler::create - Invalid auth handler (" . $name . ").");
     // also don't forget to set the name manager name becaue we need him later.
     $this->name = $name;
     // assign defaults and create the configuration object
     $this->config = \CCDataObject::assign(\CCArr::merge(array('session_manager' => null, 'session_key' => 'user_id', 'user_key' => 'id', 'user_model' => "\\Auth\\User", 'identifiers' => array('email'), 'logins' => array('handler' => null, 'table' => 'auth_logins'), 'restore' => array('id_cookie' => 'ccauth-restore-id', 'token_cookie' => 'ccauth-restore-token', 'lifetime' => \CCDate::months(1))), $config));
     // set the session handler
     $this->session = \CCSession::manager($this->config->session_manager);
     $user_model = $this->config->user_model;
     // set a empty default user object to avoid
     // on a non object errors
     $this->user = new $user_model();
     // do we already have a user id means are we
     // logged in?
     if (!is_null($session_key = $this->session_user_id())) {
         if ($user = $user_model::find($this->config->user_key, $session_key)) {
             $this->user = $user;
             return $this->authenticated = true;
     } else {
         $restore_id_cookie = $this->config->get('restore.id_cookie');
         $restore_token_cookie = $this->config->get('restore.token_cookie');
         if (CCCookie::has($restore_id_cookie) && CCCookie::has($restore_token_cookie)) {
             // get the restore cookies
             $restore_id = CCCookie::get($restore_id_cookie);
             $restore_token = CCCookie::get($restore_token_cookie);
             // get the restore login
             $login = $this->select_logins()->where('restore_id', $restore_id)->where('restore_token', $restore_token)->limit(1);
             // if no login found kill the cookies and return
             if (!($login = $login->run())) {
                 return $this->authenticated = false;
             // Invalid user? kill the cookies and return
             if (!($user = $user_model::find($this->config->user_key, $restore_id))) {
                 return $this->authenticated = false;
             // validate the restore key if invalid
             // once again kill the cookies and return
             if ($login->restore_token != $this->restore_key($user)) {
                 return $this->authenticated = false;
             // If everything is fine sign the user in and
             // update the restore keys
             $this->sign_in($user, true);
             return $this->authenticated = true;
     return $this->authenticated = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * This function should provide the application routes.
  * By default its going to use the router.config file.
  * @return array
 public static function routes()
     return CCConfig::create(ClanCats::$config->get('router.map'))->raw();
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Try to etablish a connetion to the database. Also assign the connection 
  * and query builder to the current DB driver.
  * @param string|array 	$name	When passing an array it will be uesed as configuration.
  * @return void
 protected function connect($name)
     if ($this->_connected) {
         return true;
     // check if the name is an array. This way we can
     // pass the configuration directly. We need this
     // to create for example an handler without having
     // the configuration in the database conf file.
     if (is_array($name)) {
         $config = $name;
     } else {
         $config = \CCConfig::create('database')->get($name);
         // check for an alias. If you set a string
         // in your config file we use the config
         // with the passed key.
         if (is_string($config)) {
             $config = \CCConfig::create('database')->get($config);
     // Setup the driver class. We simply use name
     // from the confif file and make the first letter
     // capital. example: Handler_Mysql, Handler_Sqlite etc.
     $driver_class = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\Handler_" . ucfirst($config['driver']);
     if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
         throw new Exception("DB\\Handler::connect - The driver (" . $driver_class . ") is invalid.");
     // setup the builder the same way as the handler.
     $driver_class = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\Builder_" . ucfirst($config['driver']);
     if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
         throw new Exception("DB\\Handler::connect - The builder (" . $driver_class . ") is invalid.");
     // finally try to connect the driver with the databse
     if ($this->driver()->connect($config)) {
         return $this->_connected = true;
     return $this->_connected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * prepare the configuration
  * @return void
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     CCConfig::create('ui')->_data = CCConfig::create('Core::ui')->_data;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Transporter instance constructor
  * @param string 		$name
  * @param array 			$config
  * @return void
 public function __construct($name, $config = null)
     if (is_null($config)) {
         $config = \CCConfig::create('mail')->get('transporter.' . $name);
         // check for an alias. If you set a string
         // in your config file we use the config
         // with the passed key.
         if (is_string($config)) {
             $config = \CCConfig::create('mail')->get('transporter.' . $config);
     if (!is_array($config)) {
         throw new Exception("Auth\\Handler::create - Invalid auth handler (" . $name . ").");
     // also don't forget to set the name manager name becaue we need him later.
     $this->name = $name;
     // assign defaults and create the configuration object
     $this->config = \CCDataObject::assign(\CCArr::merge(array('driver' => 'sendmail'), $config));
     // load the driver
     $driver_class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Transporter_' . ucfirst($this->config->driver);
     if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid mail driver '" . $this->config->driver . "'");
     $this->driver = new $driver_class($this->config);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * By default the the environment detector defines the current 
 * environment. But you can force another one using the this var.
$environment = 'phpunit';
 * Require CCF
 * load the framework file wich wil initialize CCF. 
require_once __DIR__ . "/../framework.php";
 * CCUnit resources
 * For the unit tests we need some additional resources like
 * controllers, views, ect... 
CCOrbit::enter(COREPATH . 'orbit/CCUnit');
// write header
CCCli::line("==============================\n    _____ _____ ______ \n   / ____/ ____|  ____|\n  | |   | |    | |__   \n  | |   | |    |  __|  \n  | |___| |____| |     \n   \\_____\\_____|_| ramework\n==============================\n", 'cyan');
// complete overwrite of DB configuration
CCConfig::create('database')->_data = CCConfig::create('Core::phpunit/database')->_data;
// delete all database table
// run the migrations
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Get the current builder output
  * @return string
 public function output()
     $namespace = null;
     $class = $this->name;
     // get namespace from the param
     if (strpos($class, '::') !== false) {
         list($namespace, $class) = explode('::', $this->name);
         // try to get the ship from namespace
         if ($ship = \CCOrbit::ship_by_namespace($namespace)) {
             $package = $ship->name;
             $version = $ship->version;
             $authors = $ship->authors;
     // create forge instance
     $forge = new \CCForge_Php($namespace);
     // add header
     $forge->comment($this->file_header($class, array('package' => $package, 'authors' => $authors, 'version' => $version, 'copyright' => $copyright)));
     $class_string = 'class ' . $class;
     // superclasses
     if ($this->extends) {
         $class_string .= ' extends ' . $this->extends;
     // interface implementations
     if (!empty($this->implements)) {
         $class_string .= ' implements ' . implode(', ', $this->implements);
     // create the closure
     $forge->closure($class_string, $this->output);
     return $forge->buffer;