  * store() function override, instead of storing it imports.
  * @param  boolean  $updateNulls
  * @return boolean
 public function store($updateNulls = false)
     $return = '';
     // Check if file uploads are enabled
     if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) {
         $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("The importer can't continue before file uploads are enabled in PHP settings.");
         return false;
     if (!$this->import_type) {
         $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No import type selected");
         return false;
     $fromFile = cbStartOfStringMatch($this->import_type, 'file_');
     if ($fromFile) {
         $userfile = $_FILES['userfile'];
         if (!$userfile || $userfile == null) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No file selected");
             return false;
         if (isset($userfile['error']) && $userfile['error']) {
             $errors_array = array(1 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."), 2 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file exceeds the maximum size allowed by this form."), 3 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."), 4 => CBPTXT::T("No file was selected and uploaded."), 6 => CBPTXT::T("Missing a temporary folder in php.ini."), 7 => CBPTXT::T("Failed to write file to disk."), 8 => CBPTXT::T("File upload stopped by extension."));
             if (in_array($userfile['error'], $errors_array)) {
                 $fileErrorTxt = $errors_array[$userfile['error']];
             } else {
                 $fileErrorTxt = CBPTXT::T("File upload error number ") . htmlspecialchars($userfile['error']);
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . $fileErrorTxt;
             return false;
         if (!$userfile['tmp_name'] || !is_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'])) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No temporary file name");
             return false;
         if ($userfile['size'] == 0) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Empty file");
             return false;
     } else {
         $userfile = null;
     if ($this->import_type == 'cms_acl') {
         if (!$this->usergroup) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No usergroup selected");
             return false;
     if ($this->import_type == 'subscription') {
         if (!$this->from_plan) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription plan selected");
             return false;
         if (!$this->from_sub_status) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription status selected");
             return false;
     if ($this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp') {
         if (!$this->plan) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No plan selected");
             return false;
         if (!$this->state) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription state selected");
             return false;
         if (!$this->date) {
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription date selected");
             return false;
     if ($fromFile) {
         $tmpName = $userfile['tmp_name'];
         $fileSize = (int) $userfile['size'];
         // $fileType = $userfile['type'];
     } else {
         $tmpName = null;
         $fileSize = null;
     $planStateDate = array();
     switch ($this->import_type) {
         case 'file_uid':
             $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
             $content = fread($fp, $fileSize);
             $userIdList = explode(',', trim($content));
         case 'file_uid_plan_exp':
             $userIdList = array();
             $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
             if ($fp) {
                 $n = 0;
                 while (!feof($fp)) {
                     $line = trim(str_replace('"', '', fgets($fp, 256)));
                     $n += 1;
                     if (strlen($line) > 0) {
                         $matches = null;
                         if (preg_match('/([1-9][0-9]*),([1-9][0-9]*),([AXC]),([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])/', $line, $matches)) {
                             if (!in_array((int) $matches[1], $userIdList)) {
                                 $userIdList[] = (int) $matches[1];
                             $planStateDate[(int) $matches[1]][] = array('plan' => (int) $matches[2], 'status' => $matches[3], 'date' => $matches[4]);
                         } else {
                             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . sprintf(CBPTXT::T("Line %s does not match the format userid,planid,status,date, e.g. 63,1,A,2009-01-01 00:00:00, and is instead: %s ."), $n, htmlspecialchars($line));
                             return false;
         case 'cms_acl':
             if (checkJversion() >= 2) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT id FROM #__users u' . ' JOIN #__user_usergroup_map m ON ( u.id = m.user_id )' . ' WHERE m.group_id = ' . (int) $this->usergroup;
             } else {
                 $sql = 'SELECT id FROM #__users' . ' WHERE gid = ' . (int) $this->usergroup;
             $userIdList = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
         case 'subscription':
             $statuses = $this->from_sub_status;
             foreach (array_keys($statuses) as $k) {
                 $statuses[$k] = $this->_db->Quote($statuses[$k][0]);
             $sql = 'SELECT s.user_id FROM #__cbsubs_subscriptions s' . ' JOIN #__users u ON ( u.id = s.user_id AND u.block = 0 )' . ' JOIN #__comprofiler c ON ( c.id = s.user_id AND c.confirmed = 1 AND c.approved = 1 )' . ' WHERE s.plan_id = ' . (int) $this->from_plan . ' AND s.status IN (' . implode(',', $statuses) . ')';
             $userIdList = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
             $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Import type not implemented!");
             return false;
     if (count($userIdList) == 0) {
         $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No user to import");
         return false;
     $plansMgr = cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
     if ($this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp') {
         $plan = $plansMgr->loadPlan((int) $this->plan);
         $subscriptionTime = (int) $plan->strToTime($this->date);
         foreach ($userIdList as $key => $value) {
             if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                 $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("non-numeric userid value: ") . str_replace("\n", ' ', htmlspecialchars($value));
                 return false;
             $userIdList[$key] = (int) $value;
     } else {
         $plan = null;
         $subscriptionTime = null;
     $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT u.id, u.username FROM #__comprofiler c, #__users u WHERE c.id=u.id AND u.block = 0 AND c.approved = 1 AND c.confirmed = 1 AND c.id IN (" . implode(',', $userIdList) . ")");
     $users = $this->_db->loadObjectList('id');
     if (count($userIdList) != count($users)) {
         if (is_array($users)) {
             foreach ($users as $u) {
                 $keys = array_keys($userIdList, $u->id);
                 unset($planStateDate[(int) $u->id]);
         $idList = implode(', ', $userIdList);
         $this->_error = CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Not all userId exist, are active (confirmed, approved and enabled) ! innexistant or inactive ids: ") . $idList;
         return false;
     $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM #__cbsubs_subscriptions WHERE user_id IN (" . implode(',', $userIdList) . ")" . " ORDER BY user_id");
     $usersSubscribed = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
     $incompatibleUsersSubs = array();
     if ($this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp') {
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $incompatible = false;
             if (in_array($user->id, $usersSubscribed)) {
                 if ($plan->get('exclusive') && $plan->get('item_type') == 'usersubscription') {
                     $paidUserExtension = cbpaidUserExtension::getInstance($user->id);
                     $subscriptions = $paidUserExtension->getUserSubscriptions(null, false);
                     foreach ($subscriptions as $s) {
                         if ($s->parent_plan == $plan->get('parent') && $s->checkIfValid()) {
                             $sPlan = $s->getPlan();
                             if ($sPlan->get('exclusive') && $sPlan->get('item_type') == 'usersubscription') {
                                 // check if any other exclusive subscription with same parent plan is active:
                                 $incompatible = true;
             if (!$incompatible) {
                 if ($plan->get('parent')) {
                     $plansMgr = cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
                     $parentPlan = $plansMgr->loadPlan($plan->get('parent'));
                     $parentSub = $parentPlan->loadLatestSomethingOfUser($user->id, null);
                     if (!$parentSub) {
                         $incompatible = true;
             if ($incompatible) {
                 if (!in_array($user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
                     $incompatibleUsersSubs[] = $user->id;
             if (!$this->dryrun) {
                 $userFull = CBuser::getUserDataInstance($user->id);
                 $this->createSomething($plan, $userFull, $this->state, $subscriptionTime);
                 CBuser::unsetUsersNotNeeded(array((int) $user->id));
     } else {
         $cbpaidTimes = cbpaidTimes::getInstance();
         $systemTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($cbpaidTimes->systemTimeZone());
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             foreach ($planStateDate[(int) $user->id] as $psd) {
                 $plan = $plansMgr->loadPlan((int) $psd['plan']);
                 $status = $psd['status'];
                 if ($psd['date']) {
                     $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $psd['date'], $systemTimeZone);
                     $subscriptionTime = $date->getTimestamp();
                 } else {
                     $subscriptionTime = $cbpaidTimes->startTime();
                 $incompatible = false;
                 if (in_array($user->id, $usersSubscribed)) {
                     if ($plan->get('exclusive') && $plan->get('item_type') == 'usersubscription') {
                         $paidUserExtension = cbpaidUserExtension::getInstance($user->id);
                         $subscriptions = $paidUserExtension->getUserSubscriptions(null, false);
                         foreach ($subscriptions as $s) {
                             if ($s->parent_plan == $plan->get('parent') && $s->checkIfValid()) {
                                 $sPlan = $s->getPlan();
                                 if ($sPlan->get('exclusive') && $sPlan->get('item_type') == 'usersubscription') {
                                     // check if any other exclusive subscription with same parent plan is active:
                                     $incompatible = true;
                 if (!$incompatible) {
                     if ($plan->get('parent')) {
                         $plansMgr = cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
                         $parentPlan = $plansMgr->loadPlan($plan->get('parent'));
                         $parentSub = $parentPlan->loadLatestSomethingOfUser($user->id, null);
                         if (!$parentSub) {
                             $incompatible = true;
                 if ($incompatible) {
                     if (!in_array($user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
                         $incompatibleUsersSubs[] = $user->id;
                 if (!$this->dryrun) {
                     $userFull = CBuser::getUserDataInstance($user->id);
                     $this->createSomething($plan, $userFull, $status, $subscriptionTime);
                     CBuser::unsetUsersNotNeeded(array((int) $user->id));
     if (count($userIdList) > 0 && count($incompatibleUsersSubs) == 0) {
         $resultText = CBPTXT::T("Success");
     } elseif (count($userIdList) > count($incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
         $resultText = CBPTXT::T("Partial Success");
     } elseif (count($userIdList) == count($incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
         $resultText = CBPTXT::T("Import failed");
     } else {
         $resultText = CBPTXT::T("Unknown Result");
     $return .= '<h1>' . $resultText . ($this->dryrun ? ' [' . CBPTXT::T("DRY-RUN - NO REAL SUBSCRIPTION") . ']' : '') . ':</h1>';
     if (count($incompatibleUsersSubs) > 0) {
         $idList = implode(', ', $incompatibleUsersSubs);
         $return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Some users have already subscriptions: user ids: ") . $idList . '</p>';
         // $this->_error		=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Some users have already subscriptions: user ids: ") . $idList;
         // return false;
     if ($this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp') {
         $return .= '<p>' . sprintf(CBPTXT::T("%d users subscribed to plan: %s , with state: %s"), count($userIdList) - count($incompatibleUsersSubs), $plan->get('name'), CBPTXT::T($this->_states[$this->state])) . '</p>';
         if (count($userIdList) - count($incompatibleUsersSubs) > 0) {
             $return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Users subscribed (usernames):") . '</p>';
             $return .= '<p>';
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 if (!in_array($user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
                     $return .= $user->username . ' ';
             $return .= '</p>';
     } else {
         $return .= '<p>' . sprintf(CBPTXT::T("%d users subscribed"), count($userIdList) - count($incompatibleUsersSubs)) . '</p>';
         if (count($userIdList) - count($incompatibleUsersSubs) > 0) {
             $return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Users subscribed (usernames):") . '</p>';
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 if (!in_array($user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs)) {
                     $return .= '<p>' . $user->username . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("to") . ' ';
                     foreach ($planStateDate[(int) $user->id] as $psd) {
                         $plan = $plansMgr->loadPlan((int) $psd['plan']);
                         $status = $psd['status'];
                         $return .= sprintf(CBPTXT::T("plan: %s , with state: %s") . ' ', $plan->get('name'), CBPTXT::T($this->_states[$status]));
             $return .= '</p>';
     if (count($incompatibleUsersSubs) > 0) {
         $return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Following Users could not be subscribed (usernames) because either: (A) an exclusive active subscription exists that would conflict with the imported user subscription, or: (B) it is a children plan but the parent plan subscription does not exist:") . '</p>';
         $return .= '<p>';
         foreach ($incompatibleUsersSubs as $uid) {
             if (isset($users[$uid])) {
                 $return .= $users[$uid]->username . ' ';
         $return .= '</p>';
     $this->_resultOfStore = $return;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * USED by XML interface ONLY !!! Renders invoice
	 * @param  string           $value
	 * @param  ParamsInterface  $params
	 * @return string                    HTML to display
	public function renderInvoice( $value, &$params ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		if ( ( $_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 ) && ( $_CB_framework->myId() != 0 ) ) {

			if ( cbpaidApp::getBaseClass() === null ) {
				//TODO: check if this is even needed:
				$pseudoPlugin				=	new getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab();
				$pseudoPlugin->params		=&	$params;
				cbpaidApp::getBaseClass( $pseudoPlugin );
			$baseClass						=&	cbpaidApp::getBaseClass();

			$itsmyself					=	true;			// simulate user's view of invoice.


			if ( strpos( cbGetParam( $_GET, 'invoice' ), ',') === false ) {
				if ( $this->load( (int) $value ) ) {
					$user					=	CBuser::getUserDataInstance( (int) $this->user_id );
				return $this->displayInvoice( $user, $itsmyself, true );
			} else {
				$html					=	'<div class="cbregmultipage">';
				foreach ( explode( ',', cbGetParam( $_GET, 'invoice' ) ) as $basketId ) {
					$paymentBasket		=	new self();
					if ( $paymentBasket->load( (int) $basketId ) ) {
						$user			=	CBuser::getUserDataInstance( (int) $paymentBasket->user_id );
					$html				.=	$paymentBasket->displayInvoice( $user, $itsmyself, false )
						.	'<hr class="cbregpagebreak" />';
					if ( is_callable( array( 'CBuser', 'unsetUsersNotNeeded' ) ) ) {
						// CB 1.8+:
						CBuser::unsetUsersNotNeeded( array( (int) $paymentBasket->user_id ) );
					unset( $paymentBasket, $user );
				$html					.=	'</div>';
			return $html;
		return null;