} /*------------------------------------------------------ A FAIRE DANS TOUS LES CAS --------------------------------------------------------*/ if(!empty($_SESSION['idpays']) && (empty($_GET['ville']))){ $filtre = " WHERE pays like '".$_SESSION['idpays']."' "; }else $filtre = " WHERE pays like '%%' "; $requetPays_ ="select * from departement "; if ($_GET['order']) $requetPays_ .= "".$filtre." ORDER BY ".COrder::formate($_GET['order']).""; else $requetPays_ .= "".$filtre." ORDER BY ".$order." DESC"; $requetPays = CBdd::select($requetPays_); ?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <div id="mainwrap"> <div id="header"><? include("../nav/header.php"); ?></div> <div id="top"><? include("../nav/menu_h.php"); ?></div> <div id="filet"> <div id="zonetitre"> <div id="signe"></div> <div id="titre"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="titre" -->Departement/Canton<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> </div> </div> <div id="contentarea"> <div id="left"><? include("../nav/menu_g.php"); ?></div> <div id="center"> <div id="page"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="page" --> <? echo CHtml::get_toolbar(array('add'=>2, 'cancel'=>1))?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
function get_elements($id_parent = '') { $and = 'AND idgal = ' . $id_parent.''; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE etat = 1 " . $and . " ORDER BY rang ASC"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $this->nb_elements = mysql_num_rows($res); return $res; }
function create($sitemap_name = '') { if(!$sitemap_name) $sitemap_name = SS_ADMIN_TO_USERFILE . "/sitemap.xml"; if(empty($sitemap_name)) $sitemap_name = "sitemap_" . $rep_name . ".xml"; $changefreq = array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'); $priority = array('0.1', '0.5', '1.0'); $tab_archive = array(); rsort($tab_archive); $xml = simplexml_load_file(SS_ADMIN_TO_USERFILE . '/google/sitemap_base.xml'); //scan bdd $sql = "SELECT * FROM page WHERE etat = 1"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); while($page = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $url = $xml->addChild('url'); $url->addChild('loc', CUrl::get_urlsite() . "/" . CFunction::formate_chaine(utf8_decode($page['nom']), '-') . "_p" . $page['id']. ".html"); $url->addChild('lastmod', CDate::formate_date($page['date'])); $url->addChild('changefreq', $changefreq[rand(0, 2)]); $url->addChild('priority', $priority[rand(0, 2)]); } $html = $xml->asXML(); file_put_contents($sitemap_name, $html); }
function GetRSS() { $this->checkValues(); $rssValue = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<rss version=\"2.0\">\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<channel>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<title>" . $this->channelTitle . "</title>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<link>" . $this->channelLink . "</link>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<description>" . $this->channelDesc . "</description>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<image>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<title>" . $this->imageTitle . "</title>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<url>" . $this->imageURL . "</url>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<link>" . $this->imageLink . "</link>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "</image>\r\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM page WHERE etat = 1 ORDER BY date DESC"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); while($page = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $rssValue .= "<item>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<title>" . $page['nom'] . "</title>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<description>" . $page['description'] . "</description>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "<link>" .htmlentities(CUrl::get_href('page', $page['id'], $page['nom'])). "</link>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "</item>\r\n"; } $rssValue .= "</channel>\r\n"; $rssValue .= "</rss>\r\n"; return $rssValue; }
function get_elements($id_parent = '') { $and = ($this->table_parent && $id_parent) ? 'AND id' . substr($this->table_parent, 0, 3) . ' = ' . $id_parent : ''; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE etat = 1 " . $and . " ORDER BY rang"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $this->nb_elements = mysql_num_rows($res); return $res; }
static function get_imapkeys() { $imapkeys = array(); $sql = "SELECT imap FROM gr_email WHERE imap != ''"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); while( $email = mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { array_push($imapkeys, $email['imap']); } return $imapkeys; }
function get_keyword() { $sql = "(SELECT nom FROM artiste ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 5) UNION (SELECT nom FROM chanson ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 5)"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $keyword = "klip, gasy, clip, malagasy, chanson, chant, dago, malagasy, hira, vari�t�"; while($word = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $keyword .= "," . $word['nom']; } return $keyword; }
static function get_option($selectedvalue, $tablename, $colvaluename="id", $colvuename="nom", $where=1) { $option = ""; $sql = "SELECT " . $colvaluename . ", " . $colvuename . " FROM " . $tablename . " WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY " . $colvuename; $result = CBdd::select($sql); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $selected = CForm::get_selected($selectedvalue, $array[$colvaluename]); $option = $option . "<option value='" . $array[$colvaluename] . "'" . $selected . ">" . ucfirst(utf8_encode(substr($array[$colvuename], 0, 16))) . "</option>\n"; } return $option; }
static function select($istart=0,$ioffset=1000,$igrp=0,$order = 'mlt_iListId') { $tGrps = array(); $zSql = " "; $zSql .= " SELECT DISTINCT mlt_iListId FROM moul_tables "; $zSql .= " INNER JOIN moul_listes ON (moul_listes.id=moul_tables.mlt_iListId)"; if($igrp == 1000) { $grp = CTableMoulGpFic::get_elms_of_grp(0); foreach($grp as $i=>$grps){ if($grps['fic']!='') $tGrps[$i] = $grps['fic']; } if($grps['fic']!=''){ $zSql .= " WHERE mlt_iListId NOT IN ("; for($i=0;$i<count($tGrps)-1;$i++) $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].","; $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].") "; } } if($igrp == 1001){ $grp = CTableMoulGpFic::get_elms_of_grp(); foreach($grp as $i=>$grps){ if($grps['fic']!='') $tGrps[$i] = $grps['fic']; } if($grps['fic']!=''){ $zSql .= " WHERE mlt_iListId IN ("; for($i=0;$i<count($tGrps)-1;$i++) $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].","; $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].") "; } } if(($igrp != 0) && ($igrp != 1000) && ($igrp != 1001)) { $grp = CTableMoulGpFic::get_elms_of_grp($igrp); foreach($grp as $i=>$grps){ if($grps['fic']!='') $tGrps[$i] = $grps['fic']; } if($grps['fic']!=''){ $zSql .= " WHERE mlt_iListId IN ("; for($i=0;$i<count($tGrps)-1;$i++) $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].","; $zSql .= $tGrps[$i].") "; } } $zSql .= " ORDER BY " . COrder::formate($order) ; $zSql .= " LIMIT " . $istart ."," . $ioffset; $toRes = CBdd::select($zSql); $tFichiers = array(); while($toItm = mysql_fetch_assoc($toRes)){ array_push($tFichiers,$toItm); } return $tFichiers; }
static function select_not_null() { $zSql = " SELECT * FROM moul_groupes_tmp WHERE tmp_grp>0 AND tmp_fic>0 "; $res = CBdd::select($zSql); $tarrs= array(); while($otmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ array_push($tarrs,$otmp); } return $tarrs; }
function rearrange($idart) { // CBdd::update('CALL rearrange_galerie('.$idart.');'); $iKey = 1 ; $oRes = CBdd::select('SELECT id FROM galerie WHERE idart = ' . $idart . ' ORDER BY rang') ; while ($tiItems = mysql_fetch_assoc($oRes)) { CBdd::execute("UPDATE galerie SET rang = " . $iKey . " WHERE id=" . $tiItems['id']) ; $iKey++ ; } }
function show_db_content($arr_type=array('table', 'function', 'procedure')) { $arr_content = array(); foreach($arr_type as $type) { $sql = "SHOW " . $type . " STATUS"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); while($content = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { if($type == 'table') $key = 0; else $key = 1; array_push($arr_content, $content[$key]); } } return $arr_content; }
static function get_elms_of_grp($iGp='') { $zSql = " "; $zSql .= " SELECT * FROM moul_gpficmail "; if($iGp) $zSql .= " WHERE grp = " . $iGp ; $ores = CBdd::select($zSql); $tzres = array(); while($toItm = mysql_fetch_assoc($ores)){ array_push($tzres,$toItm); } return $tzres; }
static function select($order='mtp_iListId') { $zSql = " SELECT DISTINCT mtp_iListId FROM moul_tables_tmp "; $zSql .= " INNER JOIN moul_listes ON (moul_listes.id = moul_tables_tmp.mtp_iListId) "; $zSql .= " ORDER BY " . COrder::formate($order); $toRes = CBdd::select($zSql); $tFichiers = array(); while($toItm = mysql_fetch_assoc($toRes)){ array_push($tFichiers,$toItm); } return $tFichiers; }
static function get_elms($fic='') { $zSql = " SELECT * FROM moul_groupes "; if($fic != ''){ if($fic!=0) $zSql .= " WHERE fichiers >0 "; if($fic==0) $zSql .= " WHERE fichiers =0 "; } $ores = CBdd::select($zSql); $tzres = array(); while($toItm = mysql_fetch_assoc($ores)){ array_push($tzres,$toItm); } return $tzres; }
static function get_elements() { //recuperer l'id des questions $sql = "SELECT id FROM question WHERE etat = 1 ORDER BY rang"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $html = ""; //boucler sur les elements $i=1; while($question = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $html .= "<p>" . self::get_element($question['id'], $i) . "</p>"; $i++; } return $html; }
function delete_user($md5_id) { $sql = "SELECT email FROM user WHERE md5(id) = '".$md5_id."'"; $user_email = CBdd::select_one($sql, 'email'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM email WHERE destinataire LIKE '%".$email."%'"; $result = CBdd::select($sql); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if(count($count)) { while($email = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $destinataire = $email['destinataire']; $destinataire = str_replace($user_email, '', $destinataire); $destinataire = str_replace(array(',,', ';;', ';'), ",", $destinataire); $email['destinataire'] = trim($destinataire, ','); if(empty($destinataire)) { $_email = new CTableEmail(array('id'=>$email['id'])); $_email->delete(); } else { //unset($email[id]); $email['text'] = CFunction::addslashes($email['text']); if(empty($email['id_campagne'])) { $email['id_campagne'] = 0; } if(empty($email['id_groupe'])) { $email['id_groupe'] = 0; } $_email = new CTableEmail($email); $_email->update(); } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM user WHERE md5(id) = '" . $md5_id . "'"; return CBdd::delete($sql); }
function get_liste_element($id,$start=0,$offset=2) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE etat = 1 AND id != ".$id." ORDER BY rang LIMIT ".$start.", ".$offset." "; $res = CBdd::select($sql); return $res; }
<select id="idsec" name="idsec" onchange="document.form_filtresec.submit();"> <option value='0' selected="selected" >Tous secteurs</option> <?php echo CForm::get_option($_SESSION['secteur'], 'secteur', 'id_sec', 'nom_sec') ?> </select> </p> </form> </div> <div class="floatleft" style="margin-left: 50px;"> <form id="form_filtrecat" name="form_filtrecat" method="get" action="motcle.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p> <?php echo CForm::get_hidden(66) ?> </p> <p> <label>Catégorie</label> <select id="idcat" name="idcat" onchange="document.form_filtrecat.submit();"> <option value='0' selected="selected" >Toutes catégories</option> <? $Zsql = "SELECT * FROM cat WHERE secteur_cat =".$_SESSION['secteur']; $oRes = CBdd::select($Zsql); while ($oPays = mysql_fetch_assoc($oRes)): ?> <option value="<?php echo $oPays['id_cat'] ?>"<? if($_SESSION['idcat'] == $oPays['id_cat'] ) echo "selected";?>> <? echo $oPays['nom_cat'] ?> </option> <? endwhile;?> </select> </p> </form> </div> <hr class="clearfloat"/> <?php //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LISTE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $iOffset = ENVOI_NB_EMAILS_MAXI; // $iMailMaxSend = CBdd::select_one() ; // if (MAIL_MAX_SEND >= $iMailMaxSend ) // { // --- Les emails dans une vague (au nombre de $iOffset) $zSql = " SELECT * FROM moul_tables_tmp "; $zSql .= " WHERE mtp_iEtat = 0 "; $zSql .= " ORDER BY mtp_id"; $toRes = CBdd::select($zSql); $zSql = " SELECT mlt_zMail FROM moul_tables "; $tMails = CBdd::select($zSql); $tResultats = array(); while($tTemp = mysql_fetch_assoc($tMails)){ array_push($tResultats,$tTemp); } while($toItm1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($toRes)){ // --- On met à jour le statut du mail qu'on traite $zSql = " UPDATE moul_tables_tmp SET mtp_iEtat = 1 " ; $zSql .= " WHERE mtp_iEtat = 0 AND mtp_id = " . $toItm1['mtp_id'] ; CBdd::update($zSql); //echo $toItm1['mtp_id'] . '-' . $toItm1['mtp_zMail'] . ' ' . "\n" ; $test = 0;
static function get_array_email() { $sql = "SELECT mail_ent FROM entreprise"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $array_email = array(); while($user = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { array_push($array_email, $user['mail_ent']); } return $array_email; }
$filtre = " 1 " . $filtre_groupe; $zSql = "" ; $zSql .= " SELECT * FROM entreprise " ; $zSql .= " INNER JOIN cat ON cat.id_cat = entreprise.categorie_ent" ; $zSql .= " INNER JOIN secteur ON secteur.id_sec = cat.secteur_cat" ; if (($_GET['alphaA']) ||($_SESSION['alphaA'])){ if ($_GET['alphaA'] != '') $zSql .=" AND nom_ent LIKE '" . $_GET['alphaA'] ."%'"; } $zSql .= $filtre_groupe ; if ($_GET['order']) $zSql .= " ORDER BY ".COrder::formate($_GET['order']); else $zSql .= " ORDER BY nom_ent"; $zSql .= " LIMIT " . $iStart . ", " . $iMaxPerPage ; //print_r($zSql); $r_user = CBdd::select($zSql); //print_r($zSql); ?> <body> <div id="main"> <?php if(($a != 4) && ($a != 5) ) { ?> <?php //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LISTE //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $id_default_group = CTableConfiguration::get_value_by_element('DEFAULT_GROUP'); $disabled = ($id_default_group == $_SESSION['id_groupe'] )?'disabled="disabled"':''; ?> <p class="alphabetique" ><a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=A'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=A'?>" <? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'A') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'A')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?> name="alphaA" id="alphaA" value="A">A</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=B'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=B' ?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'B') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'B')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?> name="alphaA" id="alphaA" value="B">B</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=C'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=C' ?>"<? if (($_GET['alphaA'] == 'C') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'C')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?> name="alphaA" id="alphaA" value="C">C</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=D'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=D' ?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'D') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'D')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>D</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=E'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=E'?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'E') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'E')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>E</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=F'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=F'; ?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'F') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'F')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>F</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=G'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=G';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'G') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'G')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>G</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=H'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=H';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'H') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'H')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>H</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=I'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=I';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'I') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'I')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>I</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=J'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=J';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'J') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'J')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>J</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=K'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=K';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'K') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'K')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>K</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=L'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=L'?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'L') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'L')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>L</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=M'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=M'?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'M') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'M')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>M</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=N'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=N'?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'N') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'N')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>N</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=O'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=O';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'O') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'O')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>O</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=P'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=P';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'P') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'P')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>P</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=Q'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=Q';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'Q') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'Q')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>Q</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=R'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=R';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'R') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'R')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>R</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=S'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=S';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'S') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'S')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>S</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=T'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=T';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'T') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'T')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>T</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=U'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=U'?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'U') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'U')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>U</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=V'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=V';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'V') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'V')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>V</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=W'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=W';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'W') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'W')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>W</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=X'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=X';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'X') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'X')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>X</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=Y'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=Y';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == 'Y') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == 'Y')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>Y</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=Z'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=Z';?>"<? if($_GET['alphaA'] == 'Z') echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>Z</a> <a href="<? if ((preg_match('/\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) == 1 ) echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&alphaA=%'; else echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?alphaA=%';?>"<? if(($_GET['alphaA'] == '%') || ($_SESSION['alphaA'] == '%')) echo 'style="font-weight:bold;"'?>>TOUT</a> </p> <div class="sortableListWithPagination">
function get_elements($id_parent = '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE etat = 1 ORDER BY rang"; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $this->nb_elements = mysql_num_rows($res); return $res; }
$msginfo = "Champ non valide"; break; } CBdd::update("UPDATE configuration SET valeur='".$valeur."' WHERE id=".$id.""); //$tconfig = new CTableConfiguration(array('id'=>$id, 'valeur'=>$valeur)); //$tconfig ->update(); $msginfo = "configuration bien modifiée"; $a = 0; break; } /*------------------------------------------------------ A FAIRE DANS TOUS LES CAS --------------------------------------------------------*/ $Zsql = "SELECT * FROM configuration ORDER BY nom"; $r_configuration = CBdd::select($Zsql) //$r_configuration = CTableConfiguration::select("*", $filtre, $order); ?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <div id="mainwrap"> <div id="header"><?php include("../nav/header.php"); ?></div> <div id="top"><?php include("../nav/menu_h.php"); ?></div> <div id="filet"> <div id="zonetitre"> <div id="signe"></div> <div id="titre"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="titre" -->Configuration<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> </div> </div> <div id="contentarea"> <div id="left"><?php include("../nav/menu_g.php"); ?></div> <div id="center">
break; } /*------------------------------------------------------ A FAIRE DANS TOUS LES CAS --------------------------------------------------------*/ $select = "*"; $filtre = "1"; $order = COrder::formate($order) ; $sql = " SELECT opportunite.*, hbpiecesjointes.piece AS pj, texte.nom AS txt FROM opportunite" ; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN hbpiecesjointes ON hbpiecesjointes.id = pieId" ; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN texte ON texte.id = texId" ; $sql .= ($order) ? " ORDER BY " . $order : '' ; $r_opportunite = CBdd::select($sql); ?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <div id="mainwrap"> <div id="header"><?php include("../nav/header.php"); ?></div> <div id="top"><?php include("../nav/menu_h.php"); ?></div> <div id="filet"> <div id="zonetitre"> <div id="signe"></div> <div id="titre"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="titre" -->Opportunités<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> </div> </div> <div id="contentarea"> <div id="left"><?php include("../nav/menu_g.php"); ?></div>
function export($separator = ',') { $id_groupe = $this->table['id']; $nom_groupe = self::get_element($id_groupe); $nom_csv = CFunction::formate_chaine($nom_groupe) . ".csv"; header("Content-Type: application/csv-tab-delimited-table"); header("Content-disposition: filename=" . $nom_csv); $resQuery = CBdd::select("SELECT civilite, nom, prenom, societe, adresse, cp, ville, pays, email, telephone, mobile, web FROM user WHERE id IN (" . implode(",", self::get_array_id_user($id_groupe)) . ")"); if ($resQuery) { // titre des colonnes $fields = mysql_num_fields($resQuery); $i = 0; $field_name = ''; while ($i < $fields) { $field_name .= '"' . mysql_field_name($resQuery, $i).'"'.$separator; $i++; } $field_name = trim($field_name, $separator); echo $field_name . "\r\n"; // donn�es de la table while ($arrSelect = mysql_fetch_array($resQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $data = ''; foreach($arrSelect as $key=>$elem) { if($key == "civilite") { $elem = CTableCivilite::get_name($elem); } elseif ($key == "pays") { $elem = CTablePays::get_name($elem); } $data .= '"' . html_entity_decode($elem) . '"'.$separator; } $data = trim($data, $separator); echo $data . "\r\n"; } return 1; } else { return 0; } }
$ident = array(); ?> <select name="ville" id="ville" onchange="document.form_filtreart.submit();"> <option value="%%"><? if ($_SESSION['idpays'] == 'CH') { ?> Choisir Canton <?}else if ($_SESSION['idpays'] == 'FR'){ ?> Choisir Département <? }else{?> Tous <? }?> </option> <? if (!empty($_SESSION['idpays'])) $pays = $_SESSION['idpays']; else $pays = '%%'; $xsql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM departement WHERE pays like '".$pays."'"; $oRes_ = CBdd::select($xsql) ; while ($oCat = mysql_fetch_assoc($oRes_)): $n++; ?> <option value="<? echo $oCat['id_dep'] ?>" <? if ($_SESSION['ville'] == $oCat['id_dep']) echo 'selected'; ?>><? if ($oCat['nom'] == 'geneve') {?> Genève<?} else echo ucfirst(strtolower(trim($oCat['nom']))) ?></option> <? endwhile; ?> </select> </p> </form> </div > <hr class="clearfloat"/> <? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static function select($select="*", $from, $where="1", $order="rang, id", $autre="") { $res = null; $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$select.' FROM '.$from.' WHERE '.$where.' ORDER BY '.$order.' '.$autre; $res = CBdd::select($sql); if(!$res) { $old_sql = $sql; $sql = 'SELECT '.$select.' FROM '.$from.' WHERE '.$where.' '.$autre; $res = CBdd::select($sql); } return $res; }
$zSql = "" ; $zSql .= " SELECT * FROM commune " ; $zSql .= $filtre ; if (($_GET['alphaA']) ||($_SESSION['alphaA'])){ if ($_GET['alphaA'] != '') $zSql .=" AND nom_com LIKE '" . $_GET['alphaA'] ."%'"; } if ($_GET['order']) $zSql .= " ORDER BY ".COrder::formate($_GET['order']); else $zSql .= " ORDER BY nom_com"; $zSql .= " LIMIT " . $iStart . ", " . $iMaxPerPage ; //$zSql .= $order ; //print_r($zSql); $requetCcom = CBdd::select($zSql); //print_r($zSql); ?> <body> <div id="main"> <?php if(($a != 4) && ($a != 5) ) { ?> <?php //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LISTE //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?> <?php $id_default_group = CTableConfiguration::get_value_by_element('DEFAULT_GROUP'); $disabled = ($id_default_group == $_SESSION['id_groupe'] )?'disabled="disabled"':'';
<p style="display:inline;"> <label style="width:60px">Recherche </label> <input name="recherche" type="text" value=""/> </p> <p style="display:inline;"> <input type="submit" value="ok"/> </p> </div> <hr class="clearfloat" /> <div class="floatleft"> <p> <label style="width:80px;">Opportunité</label> <ul class="listOpportunite"><br/> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM opportunite WHERE etat = 1" ; $res = CBdd::select($sql); $i = 0; while($opportunite = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $opp_num[$opportunite['id']] = $i + 1; ?> <?php // if(($i+1)%7 == 0) echo '</ul><ul class="listOpportunite">' ; ?> <li style="padding-bottom:10px;"><input class="filtre_idopportunite" name="filtre_idopportunite[<?php echo $i ?>]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $opportunite['id'] ?>" <?php echo CForm::get_checked(@$filtre_idopportunite[$i], $opportunite['id']) ?>/><?php echo $i+1, '. ', utf8_encode ($opportunite['nom']) ;?> </li> <?php $i++; } ?> </ul> </p> </div> <hr class="clearfloat"/> <div class="floatright" style="margin:0 15px 15px 0;"> <p> <input type="submit" value="Actualiser"/>