  * Counts rows from table $tableName matching $selection
  * @access private
  * @param  string   $tableName
  * @param  array    $selection        array( 'columnName' => array( 'columnValue' => 'columnValueType' ) )
  * @param  boolean  $positiveSelect   TRUE: select corresponding to selection, FALSE: Select NOT the selection
  * @return boolean                    TRUE: no error, FALSE: error (logged)
 function countRows($tableName, &$selection, $positiveSelect)
     $where = $this->_sqlBuiildSelectionWhere($selection, $positiveSelect);
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->_db->NameQuote($tableName) . "\n WHERE " . $where;
     $result = $this->_db->loadResult();
     if ($result === null) {
         $this->_setError(sprintf('%s::countRows of Table %s Row(s) %s failed with SQL error: %s', get_class($this), $tableName, $where, $this->_db->getErrorMsg()), $sql);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	function checkin( $oid = null ) {
		if ( ! array_key_exists( 'checked_out', get_class_vars( strtolower( get_class( $this ) ) ) ) ) {
			$this->_error	=	"WARNING: " . strtolower( get_class( $this ) ) . " does not support checkins.";
			return false;
		$k				=	$this->_tbl_key;
		if ( $oid !== null ) {
			$this->$k	=	$oid;
		$query			=	"UPDATE " . $this->_db->NameQuote( $this->_tbl )
						.	"\n SET checked_out = 0, checked_out_time = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->_db->getNullDate() )
						.	"\n WHERE " . $this->_db->NameQuote( $this->_tbl_key ) . " = " . $this->_db->Quote( $this->$k )
		$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
		return $this->_db->query();
Ejemplo n.º 3
	function _fixCBmandatoryDb( $dryRun ) {
		cbimport( 'cb.sql.upgrader' );
		$this->_sqlUpgrader		=	new CBSQLupgrader( $this->_db, $this->_silentWhenOK );
		$this->_sqlUpgrader->setDryRun( $dryRun );
		$sql			=	'SELECT * FROM `#__comprofiler_tabs` ORDER BY `tabid`';		// `tabid`, `pluginclass`
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$tabs			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'tabid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Tabs selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg() );
			return false;

		$sql			=	'SELECT `fieldid`, `tabid` FROM `#__comprofiler_fields` ORDER BY `tabid`';
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$fields			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'fieldid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( sprintf( 'Fields selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg() ), $sql );
			return false;

		// 1) count and index tabs by core pluginclass and tabid holding array of fieldsids, so we can delete empty duplicate core tabs:
		$coreTabs			=	array();
		foreach ( $tabs as $t ) {
			if ( in_array( $t->pluginclass, $this->_tabsShouldBe ) ) {
				$coreTabs[$t->pluginclass][$t->tabid]	=	array();

		// 2) group fieldids by tabid
		// 3) add fields to $coreTabs[pluginclass][tabid][fieldid]
		$tabsFields			=	array();
		foreach ( $fields as $f ) {
			if ( isset( $tabs[$f->tabid] ) ) {
				$tabsFields[$f->tabid][$f->fieldid]		=	$f->fieldid;
				if ( $tabs[$f->tabid]->pluginclass != '' ) {
					$coreTabs[$tabs[$f->tabid]->pluginclass][$f->tabid][$f->fieldid]	=	$f->fieldid;

		// 4) delete empty duplicate core tabs according to $coreTabs[pluginclass][tabid][fieldid]
		foreach ( $coreTabs as /* $pluginClass => */ $tabIds ) {
			if ( count( $tabIds ) > 1 ) {
				// there is more than one core tab for this core plugin class ! We need to decide which to keep:
				$tabidCandidatesToKeep					=	array();
				// 1st priority: keep tabs that are enabled AND have fields:
				foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
					if ( ( $tabs[$tId]->enabled == 1 ) && ( count( $tFields ) > 0 ) ) {
						$tabidCandidatesToKeep[]		=	$tId;
				// 2nd priority: keep tabs that have fields:
				if ( count( $tabidCandidatesToKeep ) == 0 ) {
					foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
						if ( count( $tFields ) > 0 ) {
							$tabidCandidatesToKeep[]	=	$tId;
				// 3rd priority: keep tabs that are enabled:
				if ( count( $tabidCandidatesToKeep ) == 0 ) {
					foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
						if ( $tabs[$tId]->enabled == 1 ) {
							$tabidCandidatesToKeep[]	=	$tId;
				// 4th priority: keep tab with the correct id:
				if ( count( $tabidCandidatesToKeep ) == 0 ) {
					foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
						if ( isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$tId] ) && ( $tabs[$tId]->pluginclass == $this->_tabsShouldBe[$tId] ) ) {
							$tabidCandidatesToKeep[]	=	$tId;
				// 5th priority: well no more priorities to think of ! : just take first one !
				if ( count( $tabidCandidatesToKeep ) == 0 ) {
					foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
						$tabidCandidatesToKeep[]		=	$tId;
				// ok, by now we got at least one tab to keep: let's see which, in case we got more than one:
				if ( count( $tabidCandidatesToKeep ) == 1 ) {
					$tabToKeep							=	(int) $tabidCandidatesToKeep[0];
				} else {
					$tabToKeep							=	null;
					// a) has the right core id:
					foreach ( $tabidCandidatesToKeep as $tId ) {
						if ( isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$tId] ) && ( $tabs[$tId]->pluginclass == $this->_tabsShouldBe[$tId] ) ) {
							$tabToKeep					=	$tId;
					// b) first with fields:
					if ( $tabToKeep === null ) {
						foreach ( $tabidCandidatesToKeep as $tId ) {
							if ( count( $coreTabs[$tabs[$tId]->pluginclass][$tId] ) > 0 ) {
								$tabToKeep				=	$tId;
					// c) first enabled one:
					if ( $tabToKeep === null ) {
						foreach ( $tabidCandidatesToKeep as $tId ) {
							if ( $tabs[$tId]->enabled == 1 ) {
								$tabToKeep				=	$tId;
					// d) first one:
					if ( $tabToKeep === null ) {
						foreach ( $tabidCandidatesToKeep as $tId ) {
							$tabToKeep					=	$tId;

				if ( $tabToKeep !== null ) {
					$tabsToDelete					=	array_diff( array_keys( $tabIds ), array( $tabToKeep ) );
					// first reassign the fields of the tabs to delete:
					$fieldsToReassign				=	array();
					foreach ( $tabIds as $tId => $tFields ) {
						if ( ( $tId != $tabToKeep ) && count( $tFields ) > 0 ) {
							$fieldsToReassign		=	array_merge( $fieldsToReassign, $tFields );
					if ( count( $fieldsToReassign ) > 0 ) {
						cbArrayToInts( $fieldsToReassign );
						$sql	=	'UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `tabid` = ' . (int) $tabToKeep . ' WHERE `fieldid` IN (' . implode( ',', $fieldsToReassign ) . ')';
						if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
							$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed changing fieldids ' . implode( ',', $fieldsToReassign ) . ' from duplicates of kept core tabid: ' . $tabToKeep . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
						} else {
							$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Changed fieldids ' . implode( ',', $fieldsToReassign ) . ' from duplicates of kept core tabid: ' . $tabToKeep, $sql, 'change' );
					cbArrayToInts( $tabsToDelete );
					// c) remove duplicate core tabs:
					$sql		=	'DELETE FROM `#__comprofiler_tabs` WHERE `tabid` IN (' . implode( ',', $tabsToDelete ) . ')';
					if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed deleting duplicates tabids ' . implode( ',', $tabsToDelete ) . ' of the used core tabid: ' . $tabToKeep . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
					} else {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Deleted duplicate core tabs tabids ' . implode( ',', $tabsToDelete ) . ' of the used core tabid: ' . $tabToKeep, $sql, 'change' );

		// 5) refetch tabs with now free space at reserved positions:
		$sql			=	'SELECT * FROM `#__comprofiler_tabs` ORDER BY `tabid`';		// `tabid`, `pluginclass`
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$tabs			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'tabid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Tabs 2nd selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
			return false;
		unset( $coreTabs );		// this one is now invalid, and not needed anymore
		$sql			=	'SELECT `fieldid`, `tabid` FROM `#__comprofiler_fields` ORDER BY `tabid`';
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$fields			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'fieldid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Fields 3nd selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
			return false;
		// group fieldids by tabid
		$tabsFields			=	array();
		foreach ( $fields as $f ) {
			if ( isset( $tabs[$f->tabid] ) ) {
				$tabsFields[$f->tabid][$f->fieldid]		=	$f->fieldid;

		// 6) check tabs one by one, making room in reserved positions:
		foreach ( $tabs as $t ) {

			if ( isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) && ( $t->pluginclass == $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) ) {
				// ok, cool, tabid and plugin matches: no corrective action:

			if ( isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) ) {
				// not ok: tabid is taken by another tab: we need to relocate this tab at last position:

				// a) insert same tab in another tabid
				$oldTabId	=	$t->tabid;
				if ( ! $dryRun ) {
					$t->tabid	=	null;
					if ( ! $this->_db->insertObject( '#__comprofiler_tabs', $t, 'tabid' ) ) {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed moving (inserting) non-core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
					$t->tabid	=	$this->_db->insertid();
				} else {
					$t->tabid	=	$t->tabid + 10000;		// just to fake the insert
				$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Inserted old tabid ' . $oldTabId . ' as new tabid ' . $t->tabid, ( $dryRun ? 'INSERT tabobject' : $this->_db->getQuery() ), 'change' );

				// b) change fields' tabid:
				if ( isset( $tabsFields[$oldTabId] ) && ( count( $tabsFields[$oldTabId] ) > 0 ) ) {
					$sql	=	'UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `tabid` = ' . (int) $t->tabid . ' WHERE `tabid` = ' . (int) $oldTabId;
					if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed changing fields from old non-core tab with core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
					} else {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Changed fields from old non-core tab with core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' (that must be for ' . $this->_tabsShouldBe[$oldTabId] . ') to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid, $sql, 'change' );

				// c) remove old tab:
				$sql		=	'DELETE FROM `#__comprofiler_tabs` WHERE tabid = ' . (int) $oldTabId;
				if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
					$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed deleting old non-core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' which is already copied to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
				} else {
					$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Deleted old non-core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' which is already copied to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid, $sql, 'change' );


		// 7) refetch tabs with now free space at reserved positions as well as fields and recompute $tabFields:
		$sql			=	'SELECT * FROM `#__comprofiler_tabs` ORDER BY `tabid`';		// `tabid`, `pluginclass`
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$tabs			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'tabid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Tabs 3rd selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
			return false;

		$sql			=	'SELECT `fieldid`, `tabid` FROM `#__comprofiler_fields` ORDER BY `tabid`';
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		$fields			=	$this->_db->loadObjectList( 'fieldid' );
		if ( $this->_db->getErrorNum() ) {
			$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Fields 3nd selection query error: ' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
			return false;
		// group fieldids by tabid
		$tabsFields			=	array();
		foreach ( $fields as $f ) {
			if ( isset( $tabs[$f->tabid] ) ) {
				$tabsFields[$f->tabid][$f->fieldid]		=	$f->fieldid;

		// 8) check tabs one by one, moving tabs back to reserved positions if needed:
		foreach ( $tabs as $t ) {

			if ( isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) && ( $t->pluginclass == $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) ) {
				// ok, cool, tabid and plugin matches: no corrective action:

			if ( ( ! isset( $this->_tabsShouldBe[$t->tabid] ) ) && in_array( $t->pluginclass, $this->_tabsShouldBe ) ) {
				// ok we found a core CB tab which doesn't have the right id: the right id is now free, so just update the tab:
				$newTabId	=	array_search( $t->pluginclass, $this->_tabsShouldBe );
				if ( $newTabId !== false ) {
					// a) move the core tab to the right tabid:
					$sql	=	'UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET `tabid` = ' . (int) $newTabId . ' WHERE `tabid` = ' . (int) $t->tabid;
					if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed moving core tab from old tabid: ' . $t->tabid . ' to new tabid: ' . $newTabId . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
					} else {
						$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Moved core tab from old tabid: ' . $t->tabid . ' to new tabid: ' . $newTabId, $sql, 'change' );
					// b) change fields' tabid:
					if ( isset( $tabsFields[$t->tabid] ) && ( count( $tabsFields[$t->tabid] ) > 0 ) ) {
						$sql	=	'UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `tabid` = ' . (int) $newTabId . ' WHERE `tabid` = ' . (int) $t->tabid;
						if ( ! $this->_sqlUpgrader->_doQuery( $sql ) ) {
							$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setError( 'Failed changing fields from old core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid . ' because of error:' . $this->_db->getErrorMsg(), $sql );
						} else {
							$this->_sqlUpgrader->_setLog( 'Changed fields from old core tabid: ' . $oldTabId . ' to new tabid: ' . $t->tabid, $sql, 'change' );
		// now missing core tabs will be inserted in the new 1.2 upgrader in next step.
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	 * gets statistics
	 * @param  int       $basketId          Basket id for which payments have been done
	 * @param  string    $txnIdToNotCount   (optional) txn_id of payment(s) to ignore in sum
	 * @return boolean   true if could load
	public function getBasketPaidTotal( $basketId, $txnIdToNotCount = null ) {
		$sql	=	"SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, SUM(mc_gross) AS total "
			.	"\n  FROM #__cbsubs_payments "
			.	"\n  WHERE payment_basket_id = " . (int) $basketId
			.	"\n  AND payment_status = " . $this->_db->Quote( 'Completed' )
		if ( $txnIdToNotCount ) {
			$sql .=	"\n  AND txn_id <> " . $this->_db->Quote( $txnIdToNotCount );
		$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
		return $this->_db->loadObject( $this );