function getUserProfile($userid = 0) { $cbinclude = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . "components" . DS . "com_comprofiler" . DS . ""; if (!file_exists($cbinclude)) { JError::raiseNotice(1, JText::_('FACTORY_CB_NOT_INSTALLED')); return; } require_once $cbinclude; cbimport('cb.database'); cbimport('cb.tables'); $cbUser = CBUser::getInstance($userid); $userdata = $cbUser->getUserData(); $userdata->userid = $userid; return get_object_vars($userdata); }
/** * Return the HTML img tag with the user's profile avatar * * @param $userid * @param $app * @return unknown_type */ function getProfileImage($userid, $app) { if ($app == 'JomSocial') { $jspath = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_community'; $jscore = $jspath . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'core.php'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (JFile::exists($jscore)) { include_once $jscore; $user =& CFactory::getUser($userid); $avatarUrl = $user->getThumbAvatar(); return "<img src='{$avatarUrl}' />"; } } else { if ($app == 'CommunityBuilder') { // check CB is installed jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); $cbpath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_comprofiler'; if (JFolder::exists($cbpath)) { global $ueConfig; // get CB version include $cbpath . DS . 'ue_config.php'; if (preg_match('/\\b1\\.1/', $ueConfig['version'])) { // version 1.1 require_once $cbpath . DS . 'plugin.class.php'; require_once $cbpath . DS . 'comprofiler.class.php'; // get the user data $query = "SELECT * FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = {$userid}"; $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1); $user = $database->loadObject(); $path = getFieldValue('image', $user->avatar, $user); return $path; } else { if (preg_match('/\\b1\\.2/', $ueConfig['version'])) { // version 1.2 include_once $cbpath . DS . 'ue_config.php'; include_once $cbpath . DS . ''; cbimport('cb.database'); cbimport('language.front'); $cbUser =& CBUser::getInstance($userid); $path = $cbUser->avatarFilePath(2); return "<img src='{$path}' />"; } } } } } return " "; }
function awUserActivated($user, $success) { global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig; if (!$success) return false; // get CBUser so we can use replaceUserVars() from CBAPI $awCBuser =& CBUser::getInstance((int) $user->id); $res_wpms = true; $res_wemail = true; $res_wconnect = true; $plugparams=$this->_awGetPlugParameters(); $testNotifications = new cbNotification(); if ($plugparams["awautomessageenable"]) { switch ($plugparams["awmessagemethod"]) { case 0: // PMS $cbawNotification = new cbNotification(); $res_wpms = $cbawNotification->sendUserPMSmsg((int) $user->id, $plugparams["awpmsfromuserid"], $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awpmsmessagesubject"] ), $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awpmsmessagebody"] ), true); if (!$res_wpms) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to send PMS welcome message"); } break; case 1: // Email $cbawNotification = new cbNotification(); $res_wemail=$cbawNotification->sendUserEmail((int) $user->id, $plugparams["awemailfromuserid"], $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awemailmessagesubject"] ), $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awemailmessagebody"] ), $plugparams["awemailfromuserid"]); //reveal email if (!$res_wemail) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to send Email welcome message"); } break; case 2: // Email and PMS $cbawNotification = new cbNotification(); $res_wpms = $cbawNotification->sendUserPMSmsg((int) $user->id, $plugparams["awpmsfromuserid"], $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awpmsmessagesubject"] ), $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awpmsmessagebody"] ), true); if (!$res_wpms) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to send PMS welcome message"); } $res_wemail=$cbawNotification->sendUserEmail((int) $user->id, $plugparams["awemailfromuserid"], $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awemailmessagesubject"] ), $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awemailmessagebody"] ), $plugparams["awpmsfromuserid"]); //reveal email if (!$res_wemail) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to send Email welcome message"); } break; default: break; } } if ($plugparams["awautoconnectenable"] && $ueConfig['allowConnections']) { $awkeyuserid_count = substr_count($plugparams["awkeyuserid"],','); $res_wconnect = true; $awkeyuserid_item = explode(",",$plugparams["awkeyuserid"]); if ($plugparams["awautoconnectdirection"]==0) { // connect new user to key users $cbawCon=new cbConnection( (int) $user->id); for ($aw_i=0;$aw_i<=$awkeyuserid_count;$aw_i++) { $res_wconnect = $res_wconnect && $cbawCon->addConnection((int) $awkeyuserid_item[$aw_i], $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awautoconnectmessage"] )); } if (!$res_wconnect) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to initiate auto-connection"); } unset($cbawCon); // cleanup } else { // connect key users to new user for ($aw_i=0;$aw_i<=$awkeyuserid_count;$aw_i++) { $cbawCon=new cbConnection((int) $awkeyuserid_item[$aw_i]); $res_wconnect = $res_wconnect && $cbawCon->addConnection((int) $user->id, $awCBuser->replaceUserVars( $plugparams["awautoconnectmessage"] )); unset($cbawCon); // cleanup } if (!$res_wconnect) { $this->_setErrorMSG("Auto-Welcome plugin failed to initiate auto-connection"); } } } if (!($res_wemail && $res_wpms && $res_wconnect)) { $this->raiseError(0); } return $res_wemail && $res_wpms && $res_wconnect; }