Ejemplo n.º 1
	 * Triggers autorecurring payments scheduled in cbpaidScheduler
	 * @return null|string  NULL: no tasks done. String: result or error to forward to admins.
	public function triggerScheduledAutoRecurringPayment( ) {
		$schedule					=	cbpaidScheduler::getInstance( $this );
		$newAttempt					=	false;
		if ( $schedule->attemptScheduledTask() ) {
			if ( $this->gateway_account ) {
				$payAccount			=	cbpaidControllerPaychoices::getInstance()->getPayAccount( $this->gateway_account ) ;
				if ( $payAccount ) {
					$payClass		=	$payAccount->getPayMean();
					if ( $payClass ) {
						$return		=	null;
						$transientErrorDoReschedule	=	false;
						$success	=	$payClass->processAutoRecurringPayment( $this, $return, $transientErrorDoReschedule );
						if ( $success === true ) {
							$another =	$schedule->attemptScheduledTaskSuccessful();
						} elseif ( $success === false) {
							$another =	$schedule->attemptScheduledTaskFailed( $transientErrorDoReschedule );
						} elseif ( $success === null ) {
							$another =	false;
						} else {
							$another = false;
							trigger_error( sprintf( "Unexpected return value from processAutoRecurringPayment on %s", $payClass->getPayName() ), E_USER_WARNING );
						if ( $another ) {
							$return	.=	' ' . sprintf( CBPTXT::T("The next payment reattempt is scheduled on %s"), $this->scheduler_next_maturity );
					} else {
						$newAttempt	=	$schedule->attemptScheduledTaskFailed( true );
						$return		=	sprintf( CBPTXT::T("Auto-Recurring payment of Basket %s could not be done, because the payment gateway account %s (id %s) class does not have method processAutoRecurringPayment."), $this->id, $this->payment_method, $this->gateway_account );
				} else {
					$newAttempt		=	$schedule->attemptScheduledTaskFailed( true );
					$return			=	sprintf( CBPTXT::T("Auto-Recurring payment of Basket %s could not be done, because the payment gateway account %s (id %s) is not existent and active."), $this->id, $this->payment_method, $this->gateway_account );
			} else {
				$newAttempt			=	$schedule->attemptScheduledTaskFailed( true );
				$return				=	sprintf( CBPTXT::T("Auto-Recurring payment of Basket %s could not be done, because the basket has no payment gateway account set (method: %s)."), $this->id, $this->payment_method );
		} else {
			$return					=	CBPTXT::P("Error in last scheduled taks for this Basket [BASKET_ID] or error in payment scheduling table: Unexpected state (e.g. already executing) or cannot store. This state will be cleared automatically after 3 cron jobs so that a retry can automatically occur.", array( '[BASKET_ID]' => $this->id ) );
		if ( $newAttempt ) {
			$return					.=	' ' . CBPTXT::T("A new auto-recurring payment attempt has been scheduled.");
		return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * When triggered, before starting to make changes this method should be called
	 * Transition: -> E{$substate}
	 * @param  string  $substate
	 * @return boolean                TRUE: got lock to perform scheduled task, FALSE: no scheduling needed here (and no transition made)
	public function attemptScheduledTask( $substate = '' ) {
		if ( substr( $this->_baseObject->scheduler_state, 0, 1 ) == 'E' ) {
			// It was Executing: check for iterations before resetting to 'S' (with error log).

			if ( strlen( $this->_baseObject->scheduler_state ) == 1 ) {
				// Backwards compatibility:
				$this->_baseObject->scheduler_state			.=	'1';

			$iteration										=	(int) $this->_baseObject->scheduler_state[1];
			if ( ++$iteration <= $this->maxExecWaitIterations ) {
				$this->_baseObject->scheduler_state[1]		=	(string) $iteration;
			} else {
				$this->_baseObject->scheduler_state			=	'S';
				cbpaidApp::setLogErrorMSG( 4, $this->_baseObject, CBPTXT::P("Scheduler for this basket has stayed in execution state for [NUMBER_OF_CRONS] cron cycles. Resetting execution state.", array( '[NUMBER_OF_CRONS]' => $this->maxExecWaitIterations ) ), null );

		// Now normal case:
		if ( $this->_baseObject->scheduler_state == 'S' ) {
			// it was scheduled:
			$this->_baseObject->scheduler_state				=	'E1' . $substate;	// Executing
			return $this->_baseObject->store();
		return false;
  * If table key (id) is NULL : inserts a new row
  * otherwise updates existing row in the database table
  * Can be overridden or overloaded by the child class
  * @param  boolean  $updateNulls  TRUE: null object variables are also updated, FALSE: not.
  * @return boolean                TRUE if successful otherwise FALSE
 public function store($updateNulls = false)
     if (!cbpaidApp::authoriseAction('cbsubs.refunds')) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("Not authorized"));
         return false;
     // 1) check:
     if (!in_array($this->payment_status, array('Completed', 'Pending', 'Partially-Refunded'))) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("This payment is not completed, pending or partially refunded."));
         return false;
     if ($this->txn_id == '') {
         $this->txn_id = 'None';
         // needed for updatePayment to generate payment record.
     $payment = new cbpaidPayment();
     if (!$payment->load((int) $this->id)) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("This payment does not exist."));
         return false;
     $paymentBasket = new cbpaidPaymentBasket();
     if (!$paymentBasket->load($this->payment_basket_id)) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("This payment has no associated payment basket and cannot be refunded from here. Maybe from your PSP online terminal ?"));
         return false;
     if (!$this->gateway_account) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("This payment has no gateway associated so can not be refunded."));
         return false;
     $payAccount = cbpaidControllerPaychoices::getInstance()->getPayAccount($this->gateway_account);
     if (!$payAccount) {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T("This payment's payment basket's associated gateway account is not active, so can not be refunded from here."));
         return false;
     $payClass = $payAccount->getPayMean();
     $returnText = null;
     $amount = sprintf('%.2f', (double) $this->refund_gross);
     if (is_callable(array($payClass, 'refundPayment'))) {
         $success = $payClass->refundPayment($paymentBasket, $payment, null, $this->refund_is_last, $amount, $this->refund_reason, $returnText);
     } else {
         $success = false;
     $user = CBuser::getUserDataInstance($paymentBasket->user_id);
     $username = $user ? $user->username : '******';
     $replacements = array('[REFUNDAMOUNT]' => $payment->mc_currency . ' ' . $amount, '[PAYMENTID]' => $payment->id, '[PAYMENTAMOUNT]' => $payment->mc_currency . ' ' . $payment->mc_gross, '[BASKETID]' => $paymentBasket->id, '[ORDERID]' => $paymentBasket->sale_id, '[FULLNAME]' => $paymentBasket->first_name . ' ' . $paymentBasket->last_name, '[USERNAME]' => $username, '[USERID]' => $paymentBasket->user_id, '[PAYMENTMETHOD]' => $payClass->getPayName(), '[TXNID]' => $payment->txn_id, '[AUTHID]' => $payment->auth_id, '[ERRORREASON]' => $paymentBasket->reason_code);
     if ($success) {
         // Success Message ?
         // $returnText	=	CBPTXT::P("Refunded [REFUNDAMOUNT] for payment id [PAYMENTID] of [PAYMENTAMOUNT] for basket id [BASKETID], Order id [ORDERID] of [FULLNAME] (username [USERNAME] - user id [USERID]) using [PAYMENTMETHOD] with txn_id [TXNID] and auth_id [AUTHID].", $replacements );
     } else {
         $this->setError(CBPTXT::T($payClass->getErrorMSG()) . '. ' . CBPTXT::P("Refund request of [REFUNDAMOUNT] for payment id [PAYMENTID] of [PAYMENTAMOUNT] for basket id [BASKETID], Order id [ORDERID] of [FULLNAME] (username [USERNAME] - user id [USERID]) using [PAYMENTMETHOD] with txn_id [TXNID] and auth_id [AUTHID] failed for reason: [ERRORREASON].", $replacements));
         return false;
     return true;
	 * perform anti fraud checks on ipn values
	 * @param cbpaidPaymentNotification $ipn
	 * @param cbpaidPaymentBasket $paymentBasket
	 * @return bool|string
	private function _validateIPN( $ipn, $paymentBasket )
		global $_CB_database;

		$matching						=	true;

		if ( in_array( $ipn->payment_status, array( 'Completed', 'Processed', 'Canceled_Reversal' ) ) ) {
			if ( $ipn->txn_type == 'subscr_payment' ) {
				$payments				=	$paymentBasket->getPaymentsTotals( $ipn->txn_id );

				if ( ( $paymentBasket->mc_amount1 != 0 ) && ( $payments->count == 0 ) ) {
					$amount				=	$paymentBasket->mc_amount1;
				} else {
					$amount				=	$paymentBasket->mc_amount3;

				if ( sprintf( '%.2f', $ipn->mc_gross ) != sprintf( '%.2f', $amount ) ) {
					if ( ( sprintf( '%.2f', $ipn->mc_gross ) < sprintf( '%.2f', $amount ) ) || ( sprintf( '%.2f', ( $ipn->mc_gross - $ipn->tax ) ) != sprintf( '%.2f', $amount ) ) ) {
						if ( ( ! ( ( $paymentBasket->mc_amount1 != 0 ) && ( $payments->count == 0 ) ) ) && ( ( (float) sprintf( '%.2f', ( $ipn->mc_gross - abs( $ipn->tax ) ) ) ) < ( (float) sprintf( '%.2f', $amount ) ) ) ) {
							$matching	=	CBPTXT::P( 'amount mismatch on recurring_payment: $amount: [amount] != IPN mc_gross: [gross] or IPN mc_gross - IPN tax: [net] where IPN tax = [tax]', array( '[amount]' => $amount, '[net]' => ( $ipn->mc_gross - $ipn->tax ), '[gross]' => $ipn->mc_gross, '[tax]' => $ipn->tax ) );
			} else {
				if ( sprintf( '%.2f', $ipn->mc_gross ) != sprintf( '%.2f', $paymentBasket->mc_gross ) ) {
					if ( ( sprintf( '%.2f', $ipn->mc_gross ) < sprintf( '%.2f', $paymentBasket->mc_gross ) ) || ( sprintf( '%.2f', $ipn->mc_gross - $ipn->tax ) != sprintf( '%.2f', $paymentBasket->mc_gross ) ) ) {
						$matching		=	CBPTXT::P( 'amount mismatch on webaccept: BASKET mc_gross: [basket_gross] != IPN mc_gross: [gross] or IPN mc_gross - IPN tax: [net] where IPN tax = [tax]', array( '[basket_gross]' => $paymentBasket->mc_gross, '[net]' => ( $ipn->mc_gross - $ipn->tax ), '[gross]' => $ipn->mc_gross, '[tax]' => $ipn->tax ) );

		if ( in_array( $ipn->txn_type, array( 'subscr_signup', 'subscr_modify', 'subscr_eot', 'subscr_cancel', 'subscr_failed', 'subscr_payment' ) ) ) {
			if ( ! $paymentBasket->isAnyAutoRecurring() ) {
				$matching				=	CBPTXT::P( 'paypal subscription IPN type [txn_type] for a basket without auto-recurring items', array( '[txn_type]' => $ipn->txn_type ) );

		if ( ! in_array( $ipn->txn_type, array( 'subscr_signup', 'subscr_modify', 'subscr_eot', 'subscr_cancel', 'subscr_failed' ) ) ) {
			if ( ( $ipn->txn_id === '' ) || ( $ipn->txn_id === 0 ) || ( $ipn->txn_id === null ) ) {
				$matching				=	CBPTXT::T( 'illegal transaction id' );
			} else {
				$countBaskets			=	$paymentBasket->countRows( "txn_id = '" . $_CB_database->getEscaped( $ipn->txn_id ) . "' AND payment_status = 'Completed'" );

				if ( ( $countBaskets == 1 ) && ( $paymentBasket->txn_id != $ipn->txn_id ) || ( $countBaskets > 1 ) ) {
					$matching			=	CBPTXT::P( 'transaction already used for [count] other already completed payment(s)', array( '[count]' => $countBaskets ) );

		return $matching;
	 * display basket and payment buttons or redirect for payment depending if multiple payment choices or intro text present:
	 * @param  UserTable            $user
	 * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket
	 * @param  string               $introText
	 * @param  boolean              $ajax           TRUE if AJAX refresh inside #cbregPayMethodsChoice, FALSE: wraps in <div id="cbregPayMethodsChoice">
	 * @return string                               HTML  (or DOES REDIRECT if $redirectNow = ! ( ( $nbClasses != 1 ) || $introText ) == TRUE)
	public function getPaymentBasketPaymentForm( &$user, &$paymentBasket, $introText, $ajax = false ) {
		global $_PLUGINS;

		$result								=	null;

		$params								=	cbpaidApp::settingsParams();
		$invoicingAddressQuery				=	$params->get( 'invoicing_address_query' );
		$basket_requiredterms				=	$params->get( 'basket_requiredterms' );
		$basket_requiredtermserror			=	$params->get( 'basket_requiredtermserror' );
		$payment_method_selection_type		=	$params->get( 'payment_method_selection_type', 'buttons' );
		$allow_select_currency				=	$params->get( 'allow_select_currency', '0' );

		$redirectNow						=	null;
		$payChoicesArray					=	$this->getPaymentMethodsParams( $user, $paymentBasket, $introText, $redirectNow );

		$chosenPaymentMethod				=	$paymentBasket->gateway_account ? $paymentBasket->gateway_account . '-' . $paymentBasket->payment_type : '';		// cbGetParam( $_POST, 'payment_method' );

		$payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray			=	array();
		$chosenPaymentSelector				=	null;
		$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray			=	$this->_renderPayChoicesArray( $payChoicesArray, $paymentBasket, $redirectNow, $chosenPaymentMethod, $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray, $chosenPaymentSelector );
		if ( $redirectNow == 'redirect' && is_string( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray ) ) {
			cbRedirect( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray );

		$subscriptionsGUI					=	new cbpaidControllerUI();

		if ( ( $payment_method_selection_type == 'radios') && ( $chosenPaymentMethod != '' ) && $chosenPaymentSelector ) {
			// Select button to draw:
			$payChoicePayButton				=	$this->getPayMethodButton( $user, $paymentBasket, $paymentBasket->gateway_account, $paymentBasket->payment_type, $chosenPaymentSelector );
			/** @var $chosenPaymentSelector cbpaidGatewaySelector */
			$this->modifyAspectPayMethodButton( $payChoicePayButton, $chosenPaymentSelector->paymentType );
			$dummy							=	null;
			$payChoicePayButtonHtmlArray	=	$this->_renderPayChoicesArray( array( $payChoicePayButton ), $paymentBasket, 'buttons', $chosenPaymentMethod, $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray, $dummy );
			$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray		=	array_merge( $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray, $payChoicePayButtonHtmlArray );

		if ( true )  {
			// always add cancel link
			cbpaidApp::import( 'processors.cancelpay.cancelpay' );
			$cancelmethod					=	new cbpaidGatewayAccountcancelpay();
			$payClass						=	$cancelmethod->getPayMean();
			$payChoicesHtmlBottomArray[]	=	$payClass->getPaymentBasketProcess( $user, $paymentBasket, 'buttons' );	// never redirectNow a cancel link :D !

		$basketHtml							=	$paymentBasket->displayBasket();

		if ( $allow_select_currency == 2 ) {
			$currencySelector				=	$this->displayCurrencySelector( $paymentBasket );
		} else {
			$currencySelector				=	null;
		$txtConclusion						=	$params->get('conclusion_text');
		$txtFinal							=	$params->get('final_text');

		$txtTerms						=	null;
		if ( $basket_requiredterms == 1 ) {
			global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework;

			$query							=	'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'params' )
											.	"\n FROM " .  $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_fields' )
											.	"\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote( 'acceptedterms' );
			$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
			$tcParams						=	new Registry( $_CB_database->loadResult() );

			$termsOutput					=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_output', 'url' );
			$termsDisplay					=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_display', 'modal' );
			$termsURL						=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_url', null );
			$termsText						=	$tcParams->get( 'terms_text', null );
			$termsWidth						=	(int) $tcParams->get( 'terms_width', 400 );
			$termsHeight					=	(int) $tcParams->get( 'terms_height', 200 );

			if ( ! $termsHeight ) {
				$termsHeight				=	200;

			if ( ( ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) && $termsURL ) || ( ( $termsOutput == 'text' ) && $termsText ) ) {
				if ( $termsDisplay == 'iframe' ) {
					if ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) {
						$txtTerms			.=				'<iframe class="cbTermsFrameURL" height="' . $termsHeight . '" width="' . ( $termsWidth ? $termsWidth : '100%' ) . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars( $termsURL ) . '"></iframe>';
					} else {
						$txtTerms			.=				'<div class="cbTermsFrameText" style="height:' . $termsHeight . 'px;width:' . ( $termsWidth ? $termsWidth . 'px' : '100%' ) . ';overflow:auto;">' . CBPTXT::T( $termsText ) . '</div>';

				if ( $termsDisplay != 'iframe' ) {
					$attributes				=	' class="cbTermsLink"';

					if ( ( $termsOutput == 'text' ) && ( $termsDisplay == 'window' ) ) {
						$termsDisplay		=	'modal';

					if ( $termsDisplay == 'modal' ) {
						if ( ! $termsWidth ) {
							$termsWidth		=	400;

						if ( $termsOutput == 'url' ) {
							$tooltip		=	'<iframe class="cbTermsModalURL" height="' . $termsHeight . '" width="' . $termsWidth . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars( $termsURL ) . '"></iframe>';
						} else {
							$tooltip		=	'<div class="cbTermsModalText" style="height:' . $termsHeight . 'px;width:' . $termsWidth . 'px;overflow:auto;">' . CBPTXT::T( $termsText ) . '</div>';

						$url				=	'javascript:void(0);';
						$attributes			.=	' ' . cbTooltip( $_CB_framework->getUi(), $tooltip, CBPTXT::T( 'Terms and Conditions' ), 'auto', null, null, null, 'data-cbtooltip="true" data-modal="true"' );
					} else {
						$url				=	htmlspecialchars( $termsURL );
						$attributes			.=	' target="_blank"';

					$txtTerms				.=				CBPTXT::P( 'I have read and approve the <a href="[url]"[attributes]>Terms and Conditions</a>', array( '[url]' => $url, '[attributes]' => $attributes ) );
				} else {
					$txtTerms				.=				CBPTXT::T( 'I have read and approve the above Terms and Conditions.' );
		} elseif ( $basket_requiredterms == 2 ) {
			$txtTerms					=	$params->get( 'basket_termsandconditions' );

		if ($introText) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregIntro">' . CBPTXT::Th( $introText ) . "</div>\n";
		$result							.=	$basketHtml;

		if ( $allow_select_currency == 2 ) {
			$result						.=	$currencySelector;

		if ( $invoicingAddressQuery > 0 ) {
			$errorMsg					=	$paymentBasket->checkAddressComplete();
			if ( $errorMsg && ( $invoicingAddressQuery == 2 ) ) {
				$result					=	'';
				$introAddrNeeded		=	$params->get('invoicing_address_required_into_text');
				if ($introAddrNeeded) {
					$result				.=	'<div class="cbregIntro">' . CBPTXT::Th( $introAddrNeeded ) . "</div>\n";
				$result					.=	$paymentBasket->renderInvoicingAddressForm( $user );	// $xmlController->handleAction( 'action', 'editinvoiceaddress' );
				return $result;
			} else {
				if ( $errorMsg ) {
					cbpaidApp::getBaseClass()->_setErrorMSG( $errorMsg );
				$result					.=	'<div class="cbregInvoicingAddress">'
					.	$paymentBasket->renderInvoicingAddressFieldset()
					.	'</div>';
			// display current invoicing address with a link to change/edit it with a back link to the payment basket id
			// if the address is not mandatory.
			// If it is mandatory, check that it is complete (and later also screened),
			// if not display instead of this the invoicing address edit page !
		$integrationsResults			=	$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onCbSubsAfterPaymentBasket', array( $paymentBasket, &$result, &$txtTerms ) );
		foreach ( $integrationsResults as $intRes ) {
			if ( is_string( $intRes ) ) {
				$result					.=	$intRes;
		if ( $txtConclusion ) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregConcl">' . CBPTXT::Th( $txtConclusion ) . "</div>\n";

		if ( count( $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray ) > 0 ) {

			$radios_intro_html			=	CBPTXT::Th( $params->get( 'radios_intro_html' ) );
			$radios_conclusion_html		=	CBPTXT::Th( $params->get( ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null ) ? 'radios_selected_conclusion_html' : 'radios_unselected_conclusion_html' ) );

			$htmlList					=	'<ul class="cbregPaymentMethodChoiceList">' . "\n";
			foreach ( $payChoicesHtmlRadiosArray as $selHtmlArr ) {
				if ( $selHtmlArr[0] ) {
					$htmlList			.=	'<li class="cbregCCradioLi cbregCCradioSelected">';
				} else {
					$htmlList			.=	'<li class="cbregCCradioLi">';				//LATER:  class="cbpaidCCradio cbpaidRadio_<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->payNameForCssClass ); " id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $this->butId );
				$htmlList				.=	'<div class="cbregCCradioLiBg"></div>'		// This allows to use the CSS trick for highlighting as explained here: http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-3898635-transparance-du-fond-uniquement
					.	$selHtmlArr[1]
					.	"</li>\n";
			$htmlList					.=	"</ul>\n";

			$methodsHTML				=	'<div class="cbregPaymentMethodChoice ' . ( ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null ) ? 'cbregPMselected' : 'cbregPMunselected' ) . '">'
				.	( $radios_intro_html ? '<h2 class="contentheading cbregPaymenMethodChoiceIntro">' . $radios_intro_html . '</h2>' : '' )
				.	$htmlList
				.	'<span class="cb_button_wrapper">'
				.	'<button type="submit" id="cbregSelectPayment">' . CBPTXT::Th("Change Payment Method") . '</button>'
				.	'</span>'
				.	( $radios_conclusion_html ? '<div class="cbregPaymenMethodChoiceConclusion">' . $radios_conclusion_html . '</div>' : '' )
				.	"</div>\n"
			$getParams					=	$paymentBasket->getSetBasketPaymentMethodUrl( $user );
			$ajaxGetParams				=	cbUnHtmlspecialchars( $paymentBasket->getSetBasketPaymentMethodUrl( $user, 'raw' ) );
			$formHiddens				=	array(	cbpaidApp::getBaseClass()->_getPagingParamName('act') => 'setbsktpmtmeth',
				'ajaxurl' => bin2hex( $ajaxGetParams ) );
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregPaymentMethodsSelect">' . $subscriptionsGUI->drawForm( $methodsHTML, null, $formHiddens, $getParams ) . "</div>\n";
			$termsCanBeDisplayed		=	( $payment_method_selection_type != 'radios' ) || ( $chosenPaymentMethod != null );
		} else {
			$termsCanBeDisplayed		=	true;

		if ( $txtTerms ) {
			if ( $termsCanBeDisplayed ) {
				$accepted				=	( cbGetParam( $_POST, 'terms_accepted', 0 ) == 1 );
				$settings				=	'<div class="cbregTermsAccept"><input type="checkbox" class="required" name="terms_accepted" id="terms_accepted" value="1"'
					.	( $accepted ? ' checked="checked" disabled="disabled" ' : '' )
					.	'/> '
					.	'<label for="terms_accepted">'
					.	$txtTerms
					.	'</label></div>'
				if ( ! $accepted ) {
					$settings			.=	'<span class="cb_button_wrapper">'
						.	'<button type="submit" id="cbTermsAccept" title="' . htmlspecialchars( CBPTXT::T( $basket_requiredtermserror ) ) . '">' . CBPTXT::Th("Accept Terms") . '</button>'
						.	'</span>'
				$getParams				=	$accepted ? '#' : $paymentBasket->getShowBasketUrl( false );
				$formHiddens			=	$accepted ? array( 'terms_accepted' => 1 ) : array();
				$result					.=	'<div class="cbregTerms">' . $subscriptionsGUI->drawForm( $settings, null, $formHiddens, $getParams ) . "</div>\n";
			} else {
				$accepted				=	false;
		} else {
			$accepted					=	true;

		$result							.=	'<div class="cbpayChoices cbclearboth"'
			.	( $termsCanBeDisplayed && $txtTerms && ! $accepted ? ' style="display:none;"' : '' )
			.	">\n "
			.	implode ( "\n  ", $payChoicesHtmlBottomArray )
			.	"\n</div>\n";
		if ( $txtFinal ) {
			$result						.=	'<div class="cbregFinalText">' . CBPTXT::Th( $txtFinal ) . "</div>\n";

		$result							=	'<div class="cbpayBasketView">' . $result . '</div>';
		if ( ! $ajax ) {
			$result						=	'<div id="cbpayOrderContainer">'	// Needed for Javascript delegated binding
				.	$result
				.	'</div>';
		return $result;
	 * Evaluates $results depending on the ACK value
	 * @param  array  $specificVars
	 * @param  array  $results
	 * @param  string $text
	 * @return bool
	protected function evaluateResults( $specificVars, $results, $text )
		$ret								=	false;
		if ( $results ) {
			if ( isset( $results['ACK'] ) ) {
				switch ( $results['ACK'] ) {

					case 'SuccessWithWarning':
						$detailsForAdmin	=	null;
						$this->decodeErrorsToStrings( $results, $detailsForAdmin );
						$this->setError( 6, null, sprintf( 'Paypal API %s: Successful but with warning: %s.', $this->_formatVars( $specificVars ), $detailsForAdmin ), CBPTXT::P("[APIMETHODD] successful, but notice returned by gateway.", array( '[APIMETHODD]' => $text ) ) . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Please ask administrator to check his error log for details.") );
						$ret				=	true;

					case 'Success':
						$ret				=	true;

					case 'FailureWithWarning':
					case 'Failure':
						$detailsForAdmin	=	null;
						$error				=	$this->decodeErrorsToStrings( $results, $detailsForAdmin );
						$this->setError( 3, null, sprintf( 'Paypal API %s: Failed with error: %s. REQUEST: %s, REPLY: %s', $this->_formatVars( $specificVars ), $detailsForAdmin, var_export( $specificVars, true ), var_export( $results, true ) ), CBPTXT::P("[APIMETHODD] failed: [ERRORMESSAGE]", array( '[APIMETHODD]' => $text, '[ERRORMESSAGE]' => $error ) ) );
						$ret				=	false;
		return $ret;
  * Returns text 'using your xxxx account no....' displayed after successful payment.
  * This gives opportunity to personalize with gateway-specific text.
  * @param  cbpaidPaymentBasket  $paymentBasket
  * @return string  Text
 public function getTxtUsingAccount($paymentBasket)
     //FIXME: in future this should be $payment and NOT basket!
     return ' ' . CBPTXT::P('using [PAYMENTMETHOD]', array('[PAYMENTMETHOD]' => CBPTXT::T($paymentBasket->payment_type)));