function init() { if (Statistics::$browscap_enabled) { $browscap = new Browscap(); $this->hitdata = $browscap->getBrowser(null, true); } }
/** * Get information about the user browser. * @return array */ function vendorBasicBrowscapGetBrowser() { if (ini_get('browscap')) { return get_browser(); } $bc = new Browscap(APPPATH . 'data/cache'); return $bc->getBrowser(); }
/** * Create an instance of the MailViewLog class. * * This takes the primary key as a parameter and builds the object around the * returned row. If the parameter is null, not specified or the row does not * exist then a blank template MailViewLog object is returned. * * @param int $id * @return MailViewLog object */ public function __construct($id = null) { if (!is_null($id)) { $sql = 'select * from mail_view_log where id=' . $id; if (!($result = Database::singleton()->query_fetch($sql))) { return false; } $this->setId($result['id']); $this->setUser($result['user']); $this->setSendOut($result['mso_id']); $this->setTimestamp($result['timestamp']); $browscap = new Browscap('/tmp'); $this->setBrowser($browscap->getBrowser($result['browser'])); } }
private function updateBrowscapFile() { ini_set("memory_limit", "2G"); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../wsp/class/utils/Browscap.class.php'; $cacheDir = SITE_DIRECTORY . '/wsp/includes/browscap/'; if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) { mkdir($cacheDir); } unlink($cacheDir . "cache.php"); unlink($cacheDir . "browscap.ini"); $browscap = new Browscap($cacheDir); $browscap->doAutoUpdate = true; $browser = $browscap->getBrowser(); unset($_SESSION['user_browscap_version']); unset($_SESSION['browser_info']); global $browscapIni; unset($browscapIni); if (is_dir($cacheDir . "cache.php")) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Create a new BrowserInfo object for the given user agent string. * * Instances may not be created directly, use the static newFromUA method instead * @param $userAgent string */ protected function parseUserAgent($userAgent) { $browscapCacheDir = $this->context->getConf()->storage->cacheDir . '/phpbrowscap'; if (!is_dir($browscapCacheDir)) { if (!mkdir($browscapCacheDir, 755)) { throw new SwarmException("Cache directory must be writable."); } } /** * A Browscap object looks like this (simplified version of the actual object) * @source * * stdClass Object ( * [Platform] => MacOSX * [Browser] => Safari * [Version] => 3.1 * [MajorVer] => 3 * [MinorVer] => 1 * ) */ $browscapInstance = new Browscap($browscapCacheDir); // Default cache is 5 days... $browscapInstance->updateInterval = 3600; // 1 hour $browscapData = $browscapInstance->getBrowser($userAgent); $this->rawUserAgent = $userAgent; $this->browscapData = $browscapData; return $this; }
<?php date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); $feature = array('label' => 'Browser', 'emitter' => function () { require_once LIB_DIR . '/browscap/Browscap.php'; $bc = new Browscap(TMP_DIR . '/browscap'); $browser = $bc->getBrowser(); return $browser->Parent; });
public function view() { $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.stats.css', 'screen', 102); $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.drawer.css', 'screen', 103); $this->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.drawer.js', 103); $this->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.jquery.ui.js', 104); $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.jquery.daterangepicker.css', 'screen', 105); $this->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/elasticsearch/assets/elasticsearch.jquery.daterangepicker.js', 106); parent::view(FALSE); // Get URL parameters, set defaults /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $sort = (object) $_GET['sort']; $filter = (object) $_GET['filter']; $pagination = (object) $_GET['pagination']; if (!isset($sort->column)) { $sort->column = 'date'; } if (!isset($sort->direction)) { $sort->direction = 'desc'; } if (!isset($filter->keywords) || empty($filter->keywords)) { $filter->keywords = NULL; } if (!isset($filter->date_from) || empty($filter->date_from)) { $filter->date_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('last month')); } if (!isset($filter->date_to) || empty($filter->date_to)) { $filter->date_to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today')); } if (!isset($filter->results['value']) || !is_numeric($filter->results['value'])) { $filter->results = NULL; } if (!isset($filter->depth['value']) || !is_numeric($filter->depth['value'])) { $filter->depth = NULL; } if (!isset($filter->session_id) || empty($filter->session_id)) { $filter->session_id = NULL; } if (!isset($filter->user_agent) || empty($filter->user_agent)) { $filter->user_agent = NULL; } if (!isset($filter->ip) || empty($filter->ip)) { $filter->ip = NULL; } if (is_array($filter->results)) { $filter->results = implode('', $filter->results); } if (is_array($filter->depth)) { $filter->depth = implode('', $filter->depth); } $output_mode = $_GET['output']; if (!isset($output_mode)) { $output_mode = 'table'; } // Build pagination and fetch rows /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $pagination->{'per-page'} = (int) Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony'); $pagination->{'current-page'} = @(int) $pagination->{'current-page'} > 1 ? (int) $pagination->{'current-page'} : 1; // get the logs! $rows = ElasticSearchLogs::getSessions($sort->column, $sort->direction, $pagination->{'current-page'}, $pagination->{'per-page'}, $filter); // total number of unique query terms $pagination->{'total-entries'} = ElasticSearchLogs::getTotalSessions($filter); $pagination->start = max(1, ($pagination->{'current-page'} - 1) * $pagination->{'per-page'}); $pagination->end = $pagination->start == 1 ? $pagination->{'per-page'} : $pagination->start + count($rows); $pagination->{'total-pages'} = ceil($pagination->{'total-entries'} / $pagination->{'per-page'}); // cache amended filters for use elsewhere $this->sort = $sort; $this->filter = $filter; $this->pagination = $pagination; // Set up page meta data /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $this->setPageType('table'); $this->setTitle(__('Symphony') . ' – ' . __('ElasticSearch') . ' – ' . __('Session Logs')); $this->insertDrawer(Widget::Drawer('elasticsearch', __('Filter Sessions'), $this->__buildDrawerHTML($filter), 'opened'), 'horizontal'); $this->appendSubheading(__('Session Logs'), Widget::Anchor(__('Export CSV'), $this->__buildURL(NULL, array('output' => 'csv')), NULL, 'button')); $tableHead = array(); $tableBody = array(); // append table headings $tableHead[] = $this->__buildColumnHeader(__('Date'), 'date', 'desc'); $tableHead[] = array(__('Query'), 'keywords'); $tableHead[] = $this->__buildColumnHeader(__('Results'), 'results', 'desc'); $tableHead[] = $this->__buildColumnHeader(__('Depth'), 'depth', 'desc'); $tableHead[] = array(__('Session ID')); $tableHead[] = array(__('IP Address')); $tableHead[] = array(__('Browser')); if (!is_array($rows) or empty($rows)) { $tableBody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('None Found.'), 'inactive', null, count($tableHead))))); } else { $browscap = new Browscap(CACHE); $alt = FALSE; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!empty($row['user_agent'])) { $browser = $browscap->getBrowser($row['user_agent']); $browser_string = sprintf('%s %s (%s)', $browser->Browser, $browser->MajorVer, $browser->Platform); } else { $browser_string = ''; } $searches = ElasticSearchLogs::getSessionSearches($row['session_id']); foreach ($searches as $i => $search) { $r = array(); //$r[] = Widget::TableData('', NULL, NULL, 3); $r[] = Widget::TableData(DateTimeObj::get(__SYM_DATETIME_FORMAT__, strtotime($search['date'])), 'date'); $keywords = $search['keywords']; $keywords_class = ''; if ($keywords == '') { $keywords = __('None'); $keywords_class = 'inactive'; } $r[] = Widget::TableData(stripslashes($keywords), $keywords_class . ' keywords'); $r[] = Widget::TableData($search['results'], 'results'); $r[] = Widget::TableData($search['page'], 'depth'); if ($i == 0) { $r[] = Widget::TableData($row['session_id'], 'inactive'); $r[] = Widget::TableData(empty($row['ip']) ? __('None') : $row['ip'], 'inactive'); $r[] = Widget::TableData(empty($browser_string) ? __('None') : '<span title="' . $row['user_agent'] . '">' . $browser_string . '</span>', 'inactive'); } else { $r[] = Widget::TableData('', NULL, NULL, 3); } $tableBody[] = Widget::TableRow($r, 'search ' . ($alt ? 'alt' : '') . ($i == count($searches) - 1 ? ' last' : '')); } $alt = !$alt; } } if ($output_mode == 'csv') { $file_path = sprintf('%s/search-index.session-log.%d.csv', TMP, time()); $csv = fopen($file_path, 'w'); $columns = array(); foreach ($tableHead as $i => $heading) { $element = reset($heading); if ($element instanceof XMLElement) { $columns[] = reset($heading)->getValue(); } else { $columns[] = (string) $element; } } $columns[] = 'Session ID'; $columns[] = 'User Agent'; $columns[] = 'IP'; fputcsv($csv, $columns, ',', '"'); $meta = array(); foreach ($tableBody as $tr) { $cells = $tr->getChildren(); if (preg_match("/session-meta/", $tr->getAttribute('class'))) { $meta = array(); foreach ($cells as $i => $td) { switch ($i) { case 0: $meta['session_id'] = $td->getValue(); break; case 1: $meta['user_agent'] = $td->getValue(); break; case 2: $meta['ip'] = $td->getValue(); break; } } } else { $data = array(); foreach ($cells as $td) { $data[] = $td->getValue(); } $data[] = $meta['session_id']; $data[] = $meta['user_agent']; $data[] = $meta['ip']; fputcsv($csv, $data, ',', '"'); } } fclose($csv); header('Content-type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . end(explode('/', $file_path)) . '"'); readfile($file_path); unlink($file_path); exit; } $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($tableHead), NULL, Widget::TableBody($tableBody), 'sessions'); $this->Form->appendChild($table); $this->Form->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', NULL, array('class' => 'actions'))); // build pagination if ($pagination->{'total-pages'} > 1) { $this->Form->appendChild($this->__buildPagination($pagination)); } }
$tpl = new Smarty(); $javascript = false; $uniq = strtotime("now") . '-' . mt_rand(0, 100); $output = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $client_ip = import_var('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'SE'); } else { $client_ip = import_var('REMOTE_ADDR', 'SE'); } if ($client_ip == false) { die("Client IP not valid"); } switch (_JAVASCRIPT) { default: case "auto": $bc = new Browscap(); $current_browser = $bc->getBrowser(); // Output the result if ($current_browser->JavaScript == 1) { $javascript = true; } else { $javascript = false; } break; case "on": $javascript = true; break; case "off": $javascript = false; break; }
function get_browser() { $file = $this->include_path . '/browscap.php'; if (is_file($file)) { require_once $file; $bc = new Browscap($this->include_path . '/browscap-cache'); $this->browser = $bc->getBrowser(); } }
include_once '../../config.php'; $site = get_site(__DIR__); include_once CONFIG_PATH . '/' . $site . PHP_EXT; $Mac_ID = isset($_GET['id']) ? addslashes($_GET['id']) : ''; $fromUserName = isset($_GET['fromUserName']) ? addslashes($_GET['fromUserName']) : ''; if (!$Mac_ID) { header('Location: template/introduce.html'); exit; } $sql = "select * from " . WEIXIN_TABLE . "\n where `Mac_ID` = '{$Mac_ID}'\n and `ticket` != ''"; $res = $mysql::query($sql, 'row'); if (is_array($res) && count($res) > 0) { include_once DEPS_PATH . '/weixin_success.php'; } if ($res['ticket'] != 'authorized') { $bc = new Browscap(); $client_type = $bc->get_type(); if (!$fromUserName && $client_type != Browscap::MOBILE) { include_once WEIXIN_PATH . '/class/wechat.class.php'; $options = array('token' => WECHAT_TOKEN, 'appid' => WECHAT_APP_ID, 'appsecret' => WECHAT_APP_SECRET); $weObj = new Wechat($options); $sql = "select `Mac_ID`, `scene_id`, `created_at`,\n `updated_at`, `ticket`\n from " . WEIXIN_TABLE . "\n where `Mac_ID` = '{$Mac_ID}'\n and `ticket` != 'authorized'\n limit 1"; $result = $mysql::query($sql, 'all'); $expire = 500; if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 0) { $sql = "select `scene_id` from " . WEIXIN_TABLE . " order by id desc limit 1"; $scene_id = $mysql::query($sql, '1'); $scene_id = $scene_id % 9999 + 1; $qrcode = $weObj->getQRCode($scene_id, $type = 0, $expire); $ticket = $qrcode['ticket']; $sql = "insert into " . WEIXIN_TABLE . " (`Mac_ID`, `ticket`, `scene_id`, `site`)\n values ('{$Mac_ID}', '{$ticket}', '{$scene_id}', '{$site}')";
function insert_new_visitor($ip_address) { global $mysqli; $visitor = array('ip_address' => $ip_address); //TODO: make optional require_once 'Browscap/Browscap.php'; $bc = new Browscap('cache'); foreach ($bc->getBrowser() as $key => $value) { // filter out raw fields if (!strstr($key, 'browser_name')) { $visitor[$key] = $value; } } //TODO: convert database column names // $visitor = _camel_to_underscore($visitor); // TODO: best delimiter? $visitor['hash'] = md5(implode('', $visitor)); $sql = "SELECT * FROM visitor WHERE visitor.hash = '" . $visitor['hash'] . "'"; $id = _get_unique_row_id('visitor', $sql); if ($id == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO visitor(" . implode(', ', array_keys($visitor)) . ") VALUES('" . implode("', '", $visitor) . "')"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql); $id = _execute_and_return_id('visitor', $stmt); } return $id; }
function get_browser_info($user_agent = null, $return_array = false) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../class/utils/Browscap.class.php'; $cacheDir = SITE_DIRECTORY . '/wsp/includes/browscap/'; if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) { mkdir($cacheDir); } if (!is_file($cacheDir . "cache.php")) { ini_set("memory_limit", "2G"); } $browscap = new Browscap($cacheDir); $browscap->doAutoUpdate = false; $browser = $browscap->getBrowser($user_agent); return get_object_vars($browser); }
public function contactView() { $EmailData = array(); $EmailData['sender'] = isset($_POST['commentName']) ? $_POST['commentName'] : "Nelson A. Daza P."; $EmailData['message'] = isset($_POST['commentMessage']) ? $_POST['commentMessage'] : "Grandiosa app!!."; $EmailData['clientInfo'] = array('Browser' => '', 'Version' => '', 'Platform' => '', 'Win32' => '', 'Cookies' => '', 'JavaScript' => '', 'CssVersion' => '', 'isMobileDevice' => ''); $bc = new Browscap(Doo::conf()->SITE_PATH . Doo::conf()->PROTECTED_FOLDER . "cache"); $EmailData['clientInfo'] = array_intersect_key((array) $bc->getBrowser(), $EmailData['clientInfo']); $this->renderc('email/contact', $EmailData); }
/** * Give some info on browser * @param string $property [optional default ''] : Name of the property (case in-sensitive) to retrieve. '' for browser array instead as returend by browscap. * @return mixed Value of property or browser array that was returned by Browscap */ public static function gb($property = '') { $property = strtolower($property); static $cached_browscap = null; // will either be cached array OR the object itself if it was loaded static $cached_js_detect = null; switch ($property) { // Properties that are not returned by Browscap //case 'Accept' : return explode(",", strtolower( $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])); break; // useless since IE always return */* case 'languages': return isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]) ? explode(",", strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) : array(); case 'country': throw new exception('TODO : Not available yet'); case 'javascript_detected': return isset($_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_js_detect']); case 'js_browser': case 'js_browser_version': case 'js_flash': case 'js_resolution': if (!isset($_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_js_detect'])) { return null; } if (!isset($cached_js_detect)) { $cached_js_detect = array_combine(array('js_browser', 'js_browser_version', 'js_flash', 'js_resolution'), explode('|', $_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_js_detect'])); } return $cached_js_detect[$property]; // Properties that are returned by Browscap // cached properties // Properties that are returned by Browscap // cached properties case 'browser': case 'version': case 'platform': case 'win32': case 'majorver': case 'wap': case 'ismobiledevice': case 'crawler': if ($cached_browscap) { return is_array($cached_browscap) ? $cached_browscap[$property] : $cached_browscap->{$property}; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . 'cached_browscap'])) { $cached_browscap = array_combine(array('browser', 'version', 'platform', 'win32', 'majorver', 'wap', 'ismobiledevice', 'crawler'), explode('|', $_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_browscap'])); return $cached_browscap[$property]; } // not cached properties // not cached properties default: if (!$cached_browscap || !is_object($cached_browscap)) { if (!BF::gf('browscap')) { throw new exception('Invalid config entry for browscap folder path'); } BF::load_module('Browscap'); $previous_error_reporting = error_reporting(); error_reporting($previous_error_reporting ^ E_STRICT ^ E_NOTICE); // shut off notices $bc = new Browscap(gf('browscap')->path); $cached_browscap = array_change_key_case($bc->getBrowser(null, true), CASE_LOWER); error_reporting($previous_error_reporting); if (!isset($_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_browscap'])) { $_SESSION['BF_' . BF::gc('project_id') . '_cached_browscap'] = implode('|', array($cached_browscap['browser'], $cached_browscap['version'], $cached_browscap['platform'], $cached_browscap['win32'], $cached_browscap['majorver'], $cached_browscap['wap'], $cached_browscap['ismobiledevice'], $cached_browscap['crawler'])); } } if ($property) { return $cached_browscap[$property]; } else { return $cached_browscap; } } }