Ejemplo n.º 1
 function index()
     $model = new Blog_Model();
     $this->view->categories = $model->getAllCategories(array("name"));
     $this->view->posts = $model->getRecentPosts();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @return Blog_Model
 public static function &instance()
     if (!is_object(Blog_Model::$instances)) {
         // Create a new instance
         Blog_Model::$instances = new Blog_Model();
     return Blog_Model::$instances;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function createObjectFromData($row)
     //Create a new user_model object
     $blog = new Blog_Model();
     //Set the ID on the user model
     //Set the username on the user model
     //Set the password on the user model
     //set the author on the blog model
     //Return the new user object
     return $blog;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function index_action()
     $this->pageTitle = 'Lista komentarzy';
     $comments = $this->model->comments();
     // if no comments
     if (!$comments->exists) {
         echo '<p>Brak komentarzy</p>';
     // table configuration
     $table = new ACPTable();
     $table->isPagination = false;
     $table->header = array('Komentarz', 'Napisany', 'Autor');
     $table->selectedActions[] = array('Usuń', 'comments/delete/');
     $table->selectedActions[] = array('Zatwierdź', 'comments/approve/');
     $table->selectedActions[] = array('Odrzuć', 'comments/reject/');
     // users, posts, pages
     $posts = array();
     // in all two arrays data about certain post/page is stored, with [id] key
     $pages = array();
     // adding comments
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $id = $comment->id;
         $content = strip_tags($comment->content);
         if (mb_strlen($content) > 500) {
             $content = mb_substr($content, 0, 500) . ' (...)';
         $content = nl2br($content);
         $actions = '';
         // previewing
         if ($comment->type == 'blogpost') {
             // fetching data
             if (!isset($posts[$comment->record])) {
                 $posts[$comment->record] = Blog_Model::postData_id($comment->record);
             $post =& $posts[$comment->record];
             $actions .= '<a href="#/' . date('Y/m', $post->published) . '/' . $post->name . '#comment-' . $id . '" title="Obejrzyj komentarz na stronie">Zobacz</a> | ';
         } elseif ($comment->type = 'page') {
             // fetching data
             if (!isset($pages[$comment->record])) {
                 $pages[$comment->record] = Pages_Model::pageData_id($comment->record);
             $page =& $pages[$comment->record];
             $actions .= '<a href="#/' . $page->name . '#comment-' . $id . '" title="Obejrzyj komentarz na stronie">Zobacz</a> | ';
         $actions .= '<a href="$/comments/edit/' . $id . '" title="Edytuj komentarz">Edytuj</a> | ';
         $actions .= '<a href="$/comments/delete/' . $id . '" title="Usuń komentarz">Usuń</a>';
         // approve/reject (only if comment wasn't written by admin)
         if ($comment->authorID === null) {
             if ($comment->approved) {
                 $actions .= ' | <a href="$/comments/reject/' . $id . '" title="Oznacz komentarz jako oczekujący na moderację">Odrzuć</a>';
             } else {
                 $actions .= ' | <a href="$/comments/approve/' . $id . '" title="Oznacz komentarz jako sprawdzony">Zatwierdź</a>';
         $commentInfo = '';
         if (!$comment->approved) {
             $commentInfo .= '[<strong>Niesprawdzony!</strong>] ';
         $commentInfo .= $content;
         $commentInfo .= '<div class="acp-actions">' . $actions . '</div>';
         $created = HumanDate($comment->created);
         if ($comment->authorID !== null) {
             $user = Users::userData(1);
             $author = htmlspecialchars($user->nick) . ' (admin)';
         } else {
             $author = htmlspecialchars($comment->authorName);
             if ($comment->authorWebsite !== null) {
                 $author = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($comment->authorWebsite) . '" target="_blank">' . $author . '</a>';
             $author .= '<br>' . htmlspecialchars($comment->authorEmail);
         $rowAttributes = array();
         if (!$comment->approved) {
             $rowAttributes = array('style' => 'background-color:#F5E8D9');
         $cells = array($commentInfo, $created, $author);
         $table->addRow($id, $cells, $rowAttributes);
     // displaying
     echo $table->generate();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function install2()
     $this->plainOutput = true;
     // data
     $fields = array('dbname', 'dbuser', 'dbpass', 'dbprefix', 'dbhost', 'login', 'pass', 'pass2', 'sitename');
     foreach ($fields as $key) {
         ${$key} = $_POST[$key];
     if (empty($sitename)) {
         $sitename = 'Mój blog';
     // URL-s
     $mod_rewrite = $_POST['mod_rewrite'] == 'on';
     if ($mod_rewrite) {
         $siteURL = BaseURL;
     } else {
         $siteURL = BaseURL . 'index.php/';
     // connecting with database
     try {
         DB::connect($dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbprefix);
     } catch (WMException $e) {
         // creating database if necessary
         if ($e->getCode() == 'DB:selectError') {
             DB::query('CREATE DATABASE ' . $dbname);
             DB::connect($dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbprefix);
         } else {
             throw $e;
     // installing tables in database
     $tablesSql = file_get_contents(BundlesPath . 'installer/data/structure.sql');
     foreach (explode(';', $tablesSql) as $query) {
         $query = trim($query);
         if (empty($query)) {
         // substituting tables prefix
         $query = str_replace('`wm_', '`' . $dbprefix, $query);
     // installing Watermelon's configuration
     // generating Atom ID for website
     $atomID = SiteURL . time() . mt_rand();
     $atomID = sha1($atomID);
     // modules
     $w->modulesList = Watermelon::indexModules(false);
     $w->defaultController = 'blog';
     // other
     $w->siteURL = $siteURL;
     $w->systemURL = SystemURL;
     $w->skin = 'light';
     $w->atomID = $atomID;
     // frontend
     $textMenus = array(array(array('Blog', '', true, null)));
     $w->siteName = $sitename;
     $w->footer = '<small><a href="$/admin">Logowanie</a></small><br>' . 'powered by <strong><a href="https://github.com/radex/Watermelon">Watermelon</a></strong>';
     $w->textMenus = $textMenus;
     $w->headTags = '';
     $w->tailTags = '';
     // setting config
     Config::set('wmelon.wmelon', $w);
     Watermelon::$config = $w;
     // adding admin's account
     $salt = substr(sha1(mt_rand()), 0, 16);
     $adminData = (object) array('login' => strtolower($login), 'salt' => $salt, 'pass' => sha1($pass . $salt), 'nick' => $login);
     Config::set('wmelon.admin', $adminData);
     // logging in
     $_SESSION['wmelon.users.login'] = strtolower($login);
     $_SESSION['wmelon.users.pass'] = $adminData->pass;
     // creating cache dirs
     @mkdir(CachePath . 'textile/');
     // warnings supressed so that installation don't fail if cache dirs already exist
     @mkdir(CachePath . 'textile_restricted/');
     // adding sample blog post
     $postContent = file_get_contents(BundlesPath . 'installer/data/samplePost.txt');
     Blog_Model::postPost(true, 'Dzięki za wybranie Watermelona!', $postContent);
     // saving config.php
     $configFile = file_get_contents(BundlesPath . 'installer/data/config.php');
     $configFile = str_replace('{host}', addslashes($dbhost), $configFile);
     $configFile = str_replace('{user}', addslashes($dbuser), $configFile);
     $configFile = str_replace('{pass}', addslashes($dbpass), $configFile);
     $configFile = str_replace('{name}', addslashes($dbname), $configFile);
     $configFile = str_replace('{prefix}', addslashes($dbprefix), $configFile);
     file_put_contents(SystemPath . 'config.php', $configFile);