Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function listAction()
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $select = $dbAdapter->select();
     $select->from(array('wt' => Workshop::TABLE_NAME), array(Workshop::COL_NAME, Workshop::COL_START_DATE, 'wt.' . Workshop::COL_ID, Workshop::COL_END_DATE, Workshop::COL_USER_ID));
     $select->join(array('vl' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('wt.' . Workshop::COL_LOCATION) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('vl.' . ValueList::COL_ID), array(ValueList::COL_NAME));
     $select->join(array('us' => User::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('wt.' . Workshop::COL_USER_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('us.' . User::COL_ID), array(User::COL_USERNAME));
     if ($this->myws) {
         // get user id from current user
         $userId = AuthQuery::getUserId();
         //pushed the join 'part' where to extra where method
         //left join to show ws without CEs, too
         $select->joinLeft(array('caex' => CalibrationExercise::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('wt.' . Workshop::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_WORKSHOP_ID), array());
         //left join to show ws without CEs, too
         $select->joinLeft(array('part' => Participant::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('caex.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('part.' . Participant::COL_CE_ID), array());
         //show workshops where you are participant in any CE
         $select->where('part.' . Participant::COL_USER_ID . '= ?', $userId, 'int');
         //show workshops where you are ws-manager
         $select->orWhere('wt.' . Workshop::COL_USER_ID . '= ?', $userId, 'int');
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
     $paginator->setHeader(array(array('raw' => ValueList::COL_NAME, 'name' => 'Location'), array('raw' => Workshop::COL_NAME, 'name' => 'Workshopname'), array('raw' => Workshop::COL_START_DATE, 'name' => 'Start date'), array('raw' => Workshop::COL_END_DATE, 'name' => 'End Date'), array('raw' => User::COL_USERNAME, 'name' => 'Manager')));
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
     $this->view->userRole = AuthQuery::getUserRole();
     // for the redirect from mywsAction!
 public function indexAction()
     $this->defaultNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
     $this->myNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('editParticipants');
     $ceId = $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId;
     $this->view->callingActionId = $ceId;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         //save form params to namespace
         $this->myNamespace->params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
         //check which submit button has been clicked
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('Check_all') != NULL) {
             $this->myNamespace->checkAll = TRUE;
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('Uncheck_all') != NULL) {
             $this->myNamespace->checkAll = FALSE;
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('Remove_from_participants') != NULL) {
             $success = $this->deleteParticipants();
             if (!$success) {
                 //XXX show error
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('Apply_to_selected') != NULL) {
             $success = $this->applySettingsToParticipants();
             if (!$success) {
                 ///XXX show error
     } else {
         //not post
         //TODO getCaliExName and display in header
         $userTable = new User();
         $participantsTable = new Participant();
         $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
         $select = $dbAdapter->select();
         $select->from(array('user' => $userTable->getTableName()), array(User::COL_LASTNAME, User::COL_FIRSTNAME, User::COL_USERNAME));
         $select->join(array('part' => $participantsTable->getTableName()), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('user.' . User::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('part.' . Participant::COL_USER_ID), array(Participant::COL_ID, Participant::COL_NUMBER, Participant::COL_EXPERTISE_LEVEL, Participant::COL_STOCK_ASSESSMENT, Participant::COL_ROLE));
         $select->where($dbAdapter->quoteInto('part.' . Participant::COL_CE_ID . ' = ?', $ceId));
         //echo $select;
         $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
         $paginator->setHeader(array(array('raw' => User::COL_LASTNAME, 'name' => 'Last name'), array('raw' => User::COL_FIRSTNAME, 'name' => 'First name'), array('raw' => User::COL_USERNAME, 'name' => 'User name'), array('raw' => Participant::COL_NUMBER, 'name' => 'Reader no.'), array('raw' => Participant::COL_EXPERTISE_LEVEL, 'name' => 'Expertise level'), array('raw' => Participant::COL_STOCK_ASSESSMENT, 'name' => 'Stock assess.'), array('raw' => Participant::COL_ROLE, 'name' => 'Role')));
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
         $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction = "ce/editparticipants/index";
         //callingActionId stays the same
         $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
         $this->view->callingActionId = $ceId;
         $this->view->ceName = Default_SimpleQuery::getCeName($ceId);
         $this->view->checkAll = $this->myNamespace->checkAll;
         //TODO partTable.phtml wird schon auf this->checkAll geprüft, vom Controller übergeben, ebenso reload bei uncheck all
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function listAction()
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $select = $dbAdapter->select();
      * Paginator control
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
     $paginator->setHeader(array(array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME, 'name' => 'attribute desc.'), array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_GROUP, 'name' => 'group'), array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_FORM_TYPE, 'name' => 'formtype'), array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_UNIT, 'name' => 'unit'), array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_DESCRIPTION, 'name' => 'description'), array('raw' => AttributeDescriptor::COL_SEQUENCE, 'name' => 'sequence')));
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function newselectavailablekeysAction()
     //$this->form = new Ce_Form_Search();
     $this->form->addElement(new Default_Form_Element_ExpertiseSelect(CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID, array('disabled' => 'disabled')));
     $options = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     //		if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()){
     //			if ($this->form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getParams())){
     //			} else {
     //				//not valid
     //			}
     //		} else {
     //			//not post
     //			//$this->form->setAction('/ce/new/newtrainselectavailablekeys');
     $this->view->form = $this->form;
     $expId = $options[Expertise::COL_ID];
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $select2 = $dbAdapter->select();
     $select2->from('v_all_annotations', array(KeyTable::COL_ID, KeyTable::COL_NAME, Expertise::COL_ID, 'count_images' => 'COUNT(' . Image::COL_ID . ')', 'sum_ref_ws' => 'SUM(' . Annotations::COL_WS_REF . ')', 'sum_ref_webgr' => 'SUM(' . Annotations::COL_WEBGR_REF . ')'));
     $select2->where('v_all_annotations.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID . ' = ?', $expId);
     $select2->group('v_all_annotations.' . KeyTable::COL_ID);
     //echo $select2;
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select2, $this->getRequest());
     $paginator->setHeader(array(array('raw' => KeyTable::COL_NAME, 'name' => 'protocol name'), array('raw' => 'count_images', 'name' => 'No. of images'), array('raw' => 'sum_ref_ws', 'name' => 'workshop references'), array('raw' => 'sum_ref_webgr', 'name' => 'WebGR references')));
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
     //bilder und referenzen pro key aufsummieren und listen
     //bilderarray hier schon vorrätig halten
     //WS ID = TEMP+NAME+.uniqid()
     //CE Datensatz anlegen NR
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function searchAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $formValues = $this->namespace->formValues;
     $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
     // get meta data select for image and fish descriptors
     $metaData = new Default_MetaData();
     $select = $metaData->addWhereToSelect($formValues);
     //TODO test with multiple fish / multiple image checked attributes
     //changed, if images are found, but search was for fish, multiple image attributes would cause multiple entries
     //TODO error: only first fish without images shown due to this group; if there are many fishes without image, there is only one of them shown in list
     $select->group('fish.' . Fish::COL_ID);
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'annotation/browse/byfish') {
         $select->joinLeft(array('vaa' => 'v_all_annotations'), 'vaa.' . CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID . ' = ' . 'image.' . Image::COL_ID, array());
         //auf cehas_image damit die ausgefiltert werden die keine annotationen haben
         $select->group('image.' . Image::COL_ID);
         $resultArray = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1')->fetchAll($select);
         if ($resultArray != array()) {
             $resultKey = new Ble422_Guid();
             $this->defaultNamespace->{$resultKey} = $resultArray;
             $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('start', 'browse', 'annotation', array('resultKey' => $resultKey));
     } else {
         //select only own fish
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'user/edit/myfishes') {
             $select->where('fish.' . Fish::COL_USER_ID . ' = ?', $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId);
         $this->namespace->select = $select;
          * Pagination control
         $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
         //static + dynamic header array
         $statArray = array(array('raw' => Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'name' => 'Fish sample code'));
         $dynArray = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->fishRowSetArray as $fishAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $fishAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($statArray, $dynArray);
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
         $storage = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
         $constUserRole = User::COL_ROLE;
         $this->view->userRole = $storage->{$constUserRole};
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function process(array $params)
     //params-array filters (where) and/or shows more info (joins)
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $select = $dbAdapter->select();
     $select->from(array('celist' => View_CeList::NAME), array(View_CeList::COL_WORK_NAME, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_NAME, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_DESC, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID, View_CeList::COL_WORK_ID, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_TRAIN, 'images' => new Zend_Db_Expr('count(cehim.' . CeHasImage::COL_ID . ')')));
     $select->joinLeft(array('exp' => Expertise::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_EXPE_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_ID));
     $select->joinLeft(array('key' => KeyTable::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_KETA_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('key.' . KeyTable::COL_ID));
     $select->joinLeft(array('cehim' => CeHasImage::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('cehim.' . CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID), array());
     $select->joinLeft(array('vali1' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('vali1.' . ValueList::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_SPECIES), array(Expertise::COL_SPECIES => 'vali1.' . ValueList::COL_VALUE));
     $select->joinLeft(array('vali2' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('vali2.' . ValueList::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_SUBJECT), array(Expertise::COL_SUBJECT => 'vali2.' . ValueList::COL_VALUE));
     $select->group('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID);
     $headerArray = array(array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_CAEX_NAME, 'name' => 'CE name'), array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_WORK_NAME, 'name' => 'Workshop name'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_AREA, 'name' => 'Exp area'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_SPECIES, 'name' => 'Exp species'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_SUBJECT, 'name' => 'Exp subject'), array('raw' => KeyTable::COL_FILENAME, 'name' => 'Protocol'));
     if (array_key_exists(User::COL_ID, $params)) {
         $select->joinLeft(array('part' => Participant::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('part.' . Participant::COL_CE_ID), array('part.' . Participant::COL_ID));
         //where i am participant
         $select->where('part.' . Participant::COL_USER_ID . '=?', $params[User::COL_ID]);
         $userId = $params[User::COL_ID];
         $select->joinLeft(array('work' => Workshop::TABLE_NAME), 'work.' . Workshop::COL_ID . '=' . 'celist.' . View_CeList::COL_WORK_ID, array(Workshop::COL_USER_ID));
         //or where i am workshop-manager
         $select->orWhere('work.' . Workshop::COL_USER_ID . '= ?', $userId);
         array_push($headerArray, array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_IMAGES, 'name' => 'Images'));
     if (array_key_exists(CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID, $params)) {
         $select->where('celist.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID . '=?', $params[CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID]);
         //			$select->joinLeft(array('cehim'=>CeHasImage::TABLE_NAME),
         //			$dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID). '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('cehim.' .CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID),
         //			array());
     //Hinzugefügt am 14.10.2009 Tabellenzeilen mit WS name = training exercise
     //sollten nicht angezeigt werden (im Menüpunkt search calibration exercises)
     //kompletter if-Zweig wurde hinzugefügt
     if ($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'ce' && $this->getRequest()->getControllerName() == 'search' && $this->getRequest()->getActionName() == 'list') {
         $select->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . ' is not null');
     //echo $select;
      * Paginator control
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
     $detailId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('detailId');
     if ($detailId != null) {
         $detailId = intval($detailId);
          * show wether CE is stopped
         try {
             if (Default_SimpleQuery::isCeStopped($detailId)) {
                 $this->view->ceInfo = 'CE is <b>STOPPED</b>';
             } else {
                 $this->view->ceInfo = 'CE is <b>RUNNING</b>';
         } catch (exception $e) {
             $this->view->ceInfo = $e->getMessage();
          * show Coordinator
         if ($coordinators = Participant::getCoordinators($detailId)) {
             $this->view->ceCoordinators = $coordinators;
          * imageset and shown attributes
         $imagesetSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
         $imagesetSelect->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . '=?', $detailId);
         $imagesetArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($imagesetSelect);
         $this->view->imagesetArray = $imagesetArray;
         $shownAttrSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
         $shownAttrSelect->from(array('cehat' => CeHasAttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME));
         $shownAttrSelect->join(array('attr' => AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME), 'cehat.' . CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_ATDE_ID . '= attr.' . AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID);
         $shownAttrSelect->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . '=?', $detailId);
         $shownAttrArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($shownAttrSelect);
         $this->view->shownAttrArray = $shownAttrArray;
         $this->view->detailId = $detailId;
     $this->view->userRole = AuthQuery::getUserRole();
     $this->view->expeId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID);
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function searchAction()
     //display only active users with their assigned expertise
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $params = $this->namespace->searchParams;
     $formValues = $this->namespace->formValues;
     $userTable = new User();
     $valueTable1 = new ValueList();
     $valueTable2 = new ValueList();
     $select = $userTable->getAdapter()->select();
     $tableAdapter = $userTable->getAdapter();
     $select->from(array('user' => $userTable->getTableName()));
     //XXX remove leftJoin, only Alpha
     $select->joinLeft(array('val1' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), 'user.' . User::COL_INSTITUTION . '=' . 'val1.' . ValueList::COL_ID, array('Institution' => ValueList::COL_NAME));
     $select->joinLeft(array('val2' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), 'user.' . User::COL_COUNTRY . '=' . 'val2.' . ValueList::COL_ID, array('Country' => ValueList::COL_NAME));
     $select->joinLeft(array('userHasExpe' => UserHasExpertise::TABLE_NAME), 'user.' . User::COL_ID . '=' . 'userHasExpe.' . UserHasExpertise::COL_USER_ID, array('expertiseId' => UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID));
     $select->joinLeft(array('expe' => Expertise::TABLE_NAME), 'userHasExpe.' . UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID . '=' . 'expe.' . Expertise::COL_ID, array('eSpec' => Expertise::COL_SPECIES, 'eArea' => Expertise::COL_AREA, 'eSubj' => Expertise::COL_SUBJECT));
     $select->where('user.' . User::COL_ACTIVE . ' = ?', 1);
     //echo $select.'<br>';
     //list details
     //handle multi select/multi checkbox values
     //concatenate strings and decorate with HTML tags for list presentation
     if ($params['listDetails'] == 1) {
         $rowSet = $tableAdapter->fetchAll($select);
         if (count($rowSet) > 0) {
             $userHasExpAsArray = array();
             foreach ($rowSet as $row) {
                 if (!isset($userHasExpAsArray[$row[User::COL_ID]])) {
                     $userHasExpAsArray[$row[User::COL_ID]] = '';
                 if ($row['expertiseId'] != NULL) {
                     //$attrConcat = '<td>'.$row['eSpec'].','.$row['eArea'].','.$row['eSubj'].'</td>';
                     $attrConcat = '<li>' . $row['eSpec'] . ',' . $row['eArea'] . ',' . $row['eSubj'] . '</li>';
                     $userHasExpAsArray[$row[User::COL_ID]] = $userHasExpAsArray[$row[User::COL_ID]] . $attrConcat;
             foreach ($userHasExpAsArray as &$expList) {
                 //$expList = "<table border = 'solid'><tr>".$expList.'</tr></table>';
                 $expList = '<ul>' . $expList . '</ul>';
             $this->view->userHasExpAsArray = $userHasExpAsArray;
     //handle AND/OR search
     if ($params['kind'] == 'and') {
         foreach ($formValues as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != null && $value != null && $key != 'kind' && $key != 'submit' && $key != 'listDetails') {
                 if ($key == UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID) {
                     //$tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto('userHasExpe.' . UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID . ' = ?', $value);
                 } elseif ($key == User::COL_COUNTRY || $key == User::COL_INSTITUTION) {
                     $tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto($tableRow . ' = ?', $value);
                 } else {
                     $tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto($tableRow . ' LIKE ?', '%' . $value . '%');
     if ($params['kind'] == 'or') {
         $orWhere = '';
         foreach ($formValues as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != null && $value != null && $key != 'kind' && $key != 'submit' && $key != 'listDetails') {
                 if ($key == UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID) {
                     //$tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto('userHasExpe.' . UserHasExpertise::COL_EXPE_ID . ' = ?', $value);
                 } elseif ($key == User::COL_COUNTRY || $key == User::COL_INSTITUTION) {
                     $tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto($tableRow . ' = ?', $value);
                 } else {
                     $tableRow = $tableAdapter->quoteIdentifier($key);
                     $partStatement = $tableAdapter->quoteInto($tableRow . ' LIKE ?', '%' . $value . '%');
                 //append the where to the "where or where" container
                 if (isset($partStatement)) {
                     if ($orWhere == '') {
                         $orWhere = $partStatement;
                     } else {
                         $orWhere = $orWhere . ' OR ' . $partStatement;
         //finally append the where to the select(whole metadata)
         if ($orWhere != '') {
     //filter double datasets caused by multiple meta data
     $select->group('user.' . User::COL_ID);
     //for setting ws-manager filter low user roles
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'workshop/edit/update') {
         $select->where('(user.' . User::COL_ROLE . ' = ?', 'ws-manager');
         $select->orWhere('user.' . User::COL_ROLE . ' = ?)', 'admin');
     //echo $select;
     //get already assigned datasets for setting disabled in view
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'ce/editparticipants/index') {
         $ceId = $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId;
         $part = new Participant();
         $rowSet = $part->fetchAll(Participant::COL_CE_ID . '=' . $ceId);
         if (count($rowSet) > 0) {
             $participants = array();
             foreach ($rowSet as $row) {
                 $participants[$row[Participant::COL_USER_ID]] = TRUE;
             $this->view->participants = $participants;
      * Pagination control
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
     $paginator->setHeader(array(array('raw' => User::COL_USERNAME, 'name' => 'Username'), array('raw' => User::COL_ROLE, 'name' => 'User role'), array('raw' => User::COL_FIRSTNAME, 'name' => 'First name'), array('raw' => User::COL_LASTNAME, 'name' => 'Last name'), array('raw' => User::COL_EMAIL, 'name' => 'E-mail'), array('raw' => 'Institution', 'name' => 'Institution'), array('raw' => User::COL_STREET, 'name' => 'Street'), array('raw' => User::COL_CITY, 'name' => 'City'), array('raw' => 'Country', 'name' => 'Country')));
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
     // TODO im Plugin in die registry setzen, leichterer Aufruf
     // Get user_role
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $storage = $auth->getStorage();
     $constUserRole = User::COL_ROLE;
     $userRole = $storage->read()->{$constUserRole};
     $this->view->userRole = $userRole;
     $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
     $this->view->callingActionId = $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId;
     //		}
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function searchAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $formValues = $this->namespace->formValues;
     $this->view->callingAction = $this->defaultNamespace->callingAction;
     // get meta data select for image and fish descriptors
     $metaData = new Default_MetaData();
     $select = $metaData->addWhereToSelect($formValues);
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'annotation/browse/byimage') {
         $select->joinLeft(array('vaa' => 'v_all_annotations'), 'vaa.' . CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID . ' = ' . 'image.' . Image::COL_ID, array());
         //auf cehas_image damit die ausgefiltert werden die keine annotationen haben
         $select->where(Annotations::COL_WS_REF . "=? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_FINAL . " = ? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_GROUP . "=? ", 1);
         $select->orWhere(Annotations::COL_WEBGR_REF . "=? ", 1);
         $select->group('image.' . Image::COL_ID);
         $resultArray = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1')->fetchAll($select);
         if ($resultArray != array()) {
             $resultKey = new Ble422_Guid();
             $this->defaultNamespace->{$resultKey} = $resultArray;
             $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('start', 'browse', 'annotation', array('resultKey' => $resultKey));
     } else {
         //select only own images
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'user/edit/myimages') {
             $select->where('image.' . Image::COL_USER_ID . ' = ?', $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId);
         //filter double datasets caused by multiple meta data
         //get already assigned datasets for setting disabled in view
         if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == '/ce/edit/addimages') {
             $ceId = $this->defaultNamespace->callingActionId;
             $ceHasIm = new CeHasImage();
             $rowSet = $ceHasIm->fetchAll(CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID . '=' . $ceId);
             if (count($rowSet) > 0) {
                 $assignedImages = array();
                 foreach ($rowSet as $row) {
                     $assignedImages[$row[CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID]] = TRUE;
                 $this->view->assignedImages = $assignedImages;
         //echo $select;
          * Pagination control
         $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
         //			echo $select->__toString();
         //			die();
         //static + dynamic header array
         $statArray = array(array('raw' => Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, 'name' => 'Original file name'), array('raw' => Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'name' => 'Fish sample code'), array('raw' => Image::COL_DIM_X, 'name' => 'Width'), array('raw' => Image::COL_DIM_Y, 'name' => 'Height'));
         $dynArray = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->fishRowSetArray as $fishAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $fishAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $fishAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($statArray, $dynArray);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($metaData->imageRowSetArray as $imAttr) {
             $dynInnerArray = array('raw' => 'ATDE_' . $imAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], 'name' => $imAttr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_NAME] . '<br>' . $imAttr['UNIT']);
             $dynArray[$i] = $dynInnerArray;
         $headerArray = array_merge($headerArray, $dynArray);
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator;