function generateAndPersistKeys() { $privateKey = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey('/tmp/bitpay.pri'); $privateKey->generate(); $publicKey = new \Bitpay\PublicKey('/tmp/'); $publicKey->setPrivateKey($privateKey); $publicKey->generate(); $sinKey = new \Bitpay\SinKey('/tmp/sin.key'); $sinKey->setPublicKey($publicKey); $sinKey->generate(); //Persist Keys $storageEngine = new \Bitpay\Storage\EncryptedFilesystemStorage('YourTopSecretPassword'); $storageEngine->persist($privateKey); $storageEngine->persist($publicKey); return array($privateKey, $publicKey, $sinKey); }
public function testConfigAbleToPersistAndLoadKeys() { $root = vfsStream::setup($this->temp_path_root); $bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay(array('bitpay' => array('network' => 'testnet', 'private_key' => vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pri), 'public_key' => vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pub)))); $pri = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pri)); $pri->generate(); $pub = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(vfsStream::url($this->temp_path_pub)); $pub->setPrivateKey($pri)->generate(); /** * Save keys to the filesystem */ $storage = $bitpay->get('key_storage'); $storage->persist($pri); $storage->persist($pub); /** * This will load the keys, if you have not already persisted them, than * this WILL throw an Exception since this will load the keys from the * storage class */ $pri = $bitpay->get('private_key'); $pub = $bitpay->get('public_key'); }
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BitPay */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; /** * The first argument can either be the path to the key or can be * some other unique value. This is a basic example, and more advanced * examples can be used to store keys in the database or other places. In * this example, however, the keys are not persisted on disk or in a database. */ $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey('/tmp/private.key'); $public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey('/tmp/public.key'); $sin = new \Bitpay\SinKey('/tmp/sin.key'); // Generate Private Key values $private->generate(); // Generate Public Key values $public->setPrivateKey($private); $public->generate(); // Generate Sin Key values $sin->setPublicKey($public); $sin->generate(); printf("Public Key: %s\n", $public); printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private); printf("Sin Key: %s\n\n", $sin); /** * NOTE: You MUST save your keypairs and not regenerate them once you have already * generated a pair and have paired them with the BitPay's API. To see how to * persist keys to the filesystem, please see the SaveKeypairsToFilesystem.php */
function ajax_bitpay_pair_code() { $nonce = $_POST['pairNonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'bitpay-pair-nonce')) { die('Unauthorized!'); } if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { if (true === isset($_POST['pairing_code']) && trim($_POST['pairing_code']) !== '') { // Validate the Pairing Code $pairing_code = trim($_POST['pairing_code']); } else { wp_send_json_error("Pairing Code is required"); return; } if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{7}$/', $pairing_code)) { wp_send_json_error("Invalid Pairing Code"); return; } // Validate the Network $network = $_POST['network'] === 'livenet' ? 'livenet' : 'testnet'; // Generate Private Key $key = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(); if (true === empty($key)) { throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a pairing code but could not instantiate a PrivateKey object. Cannot continue!'); } $key->generate(); // Generate Public Key $pub = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(); if (true === empty($pub)) { throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a pairing code but could not instantiate a PublicKey object. Cannot continue!'); } $pub->setPrivateKey($key); $pub->generate(); // Get SIN Format $sin = new \Bitpay\SinKey(); if (true === empty($sin)) { throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a pairing code but could not instantiate a SinKey object. Cannot continue!'); } $sin->setPublicKey($pub); $sin->generate(); // Create an API Client $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); if (true === empty($client)) { throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a pairing code but could not instantiate a Client object. Cannot continue!'); } if ($network === 'livenet') { $client->setNetwork(new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet()); } else { $client->setNetwork(new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet()); } $curlAdapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); if (true === empty($curlAdapter)) { throw new \Exception('The Bitpay payment plugin was called to process a pairing code but could not instantiate a CurlAdapter object. Cannot continue!'); } $client->setAdapter($curlAdapter); $client->setPrivateKey($key); $client->setPublicKey($pub); // Sanitize label $label = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-\\_\\.]/', '', get_bloginfo()); $label = substr('WooCommerce - ' . $label, 0, 59); try { $token = $client->createToken(array('id' => (string) $sin, 'pairingCode' => $pairing_code, 'label' => $label)); } catch (\Exception $e) { wp_send_json_error($e->getMessage()); return; } update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_key', bitpay_encrypt($key)); update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_pub', bitpay_encrypt($pub)); update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_sin', (string) $sin); update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_token', bitpay_encrypt($token)); update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_label', $label); update_option('woocommerce_bitpay_network', $network); wp_send_json(array('sin' => (string) $sin, 'label' => $label, 'network' => $network)); } exit; }
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php'; /** * Start by creating a PrivateKey object */ $privateKey = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey('/tmp/bitpay.pri'); // Generate a random number $privateKey->generate(); // You can generate a private key with only one line of code like so $privateKey = \Bitpay\PrivateKey::create('/tmp/bitpay.pri')->generate(); // NOTE: This has overridden the previous $privateKey variable, although its // not an issue in this case since we have not used this key for // anything yet. /** * Once we have a private key, a public key is created from it. */ $publicKey = new \Bitpay\PublicKey('/tmp/'); // Inject the private key into the public key $publicKey->setPrivateKey($privateKey); // Generate the public key $publicKey->generate(); // NOTE: You can again do all of this with one line of code like so: // `$publicKey = \Bitpay\PublicKey::create('/tmp/')->setPrivateKey($privateKey)->generate();` /** * Now that you have a private and public key generated, you will need to store * them somewhere. This optioin is up to you and how you store them is up to * you. Please be aware that you MUST store the private key with some type * of security. If the private key is comprimised you will need to repeat this * process. */ /** * It's recommended that you use the EncryptedFilesystemStorage engine to persist your
function generate_keys() { $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(); $public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(); $sin = new \Bitpay\SinKey(); try { // Generate Private Key values $private->generate(); // Generate Public Key values $public->setPrivateKey($private); $public->generate(); // Generate Sin Key values $sin->setPublicKey($public); $sin->generate(); } catch (\Exception $e) { debuglog('[Error] In Bitpay plugin, generate_keys() function on line ' . $e->getLine() . ', with the error "' . $e->getMessage() . '" .'); throw $e; } return array($private, $public, $sin); }
/** * WARNING - This example will NOT work until you have generated your public * keys and also see the documentation on how to save those keys. * * Also please be aware that you CANNOT create an invoice until you have paired * the keys and received a token back. The token is usesd with the request. */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $time = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\.", 1414691179) . "000Z"; $token = new \Bitpay\Token(); $token->setFacade('payroll')->setToken('<your payroll facade-enable token>'); //this is a special api that requires a explicit payroll relationship with BitPay $instruction1 = new \Bitpay\PayoutInstruction(); $instruction1->setAmount(100)->setAddress('2NA5EVH9HHHhM5RxSEWf54gP4v397EmFTxi')->setLabel('Paying Chris'); $payout = new \Bitpay\Payout(); $payout->setEffectiveDate($time)->setAmount(100)->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency('USD'))->setPricingMethod('bitcoinbestbuy')->setReference('a reference, can be json')->setNotificationEmail('*****@*****.**')->setNotificationUrl('')->setToken($token)->addInstruction($instruction1); $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(); $private->setHex('662be90968bc659873d723374213fa5bf7a30c24f0f0713aa798eb7daa7230fc'); //this is your private key in some form (see GetKeys.php) $public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(); $public->generate($private); $network = new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet(); $adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); $bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay(); $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); $client->setPrivateKey($private); $client->setPublicKey($public); $client->setNetwork($network); $client->setAdapter($adapter); $client->createPayout($payout); print_r($payout);
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $storageEngine = new \Bitpay\Storage\FilesystemStorage(); $private = $storageEngine->load('/tmp/private.key'); $public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey('/tmp/public.key'); $public->setPrivateKey($private); $public->generate(); printf("Public Key: %s\n", $public); printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private); $message = '{"schedule":"weekly","token":"some token","billData":{"currency":"USD","price":"2.00","quantity":1}}'; $signedMessage = $private->sign($message); print_r('message to be signed:: ' . $message . "\n"); print_r('signed message:: ' . $signedMessage);
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 BitPay */ require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(); //if you've got a hex-encoded private key string, you can use it to create a private key $private->setHex('662be90968bc659873d723374213fa5bf7a30c24f0f0713aa798eb7daa7230fc'); $public = new \Bitpay\PublicKey(); $public->generate($private); $sin = $public->getSin(); printf("Public Key: %s\n", $public); printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private); printf("Sin Key: %s\n\n", $sin); $keypair = array($private->getHex(), $public->getHex()); printf("PEM keypair: %s\n", $private->pemEncode($keypair)); // -or- if you've got a PEM-encoded text file containing your key pair, we can use this $keys = file_get_contents(getenv('HOME') . '/.php-bitpay-client/key.pem'); if (isset($keys) && strlen($keys) > 0) { $keys = chop($keys); $private = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey(); $private->setHex($private->pemDecode($keys)['private_key']); printf("\n\n"); printf("Public Key: %s\n", $private->getPublicKey()); printf("Private Key: %s\n", $private); printf("Sin Key: %s\n\n", $private->getPublicKey()->getSin()); }