Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Backfill single group.
     * @param array $groupArr
     * @param int $left
     * @param int|string $articles
     * @return void
    public function backfillGroup($groupArr, $left, $articles = '')
        // Start time for this group.
        $startGroup = microtime(true);
        $groupName = str_replace('alt.binaries', 'a.b', $groupArr['name']);
        // If our local oldest article 0, it means we never ran update_binaries on the group.
        if ($groupArr['first_record'] <= 0) {
            $dMessage = "You need to run update_binaries on " . $groupName . ". Otherwise the group is dead, you must disable it.";
            if ($this->_debug) {
                $this->_debugging->log('Backfill', "backfillGroup", $dMessage, Logger::LOG_ERROR);
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
        // Select group, here, only once
        $data = $this->_nntp->selectGroup($groupArr['name']);
        if ($this->_nntp->isError($data)) {
            $data = $this->_nntp->dataError($this->_nntp, $groupArr['name']);
            if ($this->_nntp->isError($data)) {
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary('Processing ' . $groupName), true);
        // Check if this is days or post backfill.
        $postCheck = $articles === '' ? false : true;
        // Get target post based on date or user specified number.
        $targetpost = (string) ($postCheck ? round($groupArr['first_record'] - $articles) : $this->_binaries->daytopost($groupArr['backfill_target'], $data));
        // Check if target post is smaller than server's oldest, set it to oldest if so.
        if ($targetpost < $data['first']) {
            $targetpost = $data['first'];
        // Check if our target post is newer than our oldest post or if our local oldest article is older than the servers oldest.
        if ($targetpost >= $groupArr['first_record'] || $groupArr['first_record'] <= $data['first']) {
            $dMessage = "We have hit the maximum we can backfill for " . $groupName . ", skipping it, consider disabling backfill on it.";
            if ($this->_debug) {
                $this->_debugging->log('Backfill', "backfillGroup", $dMessage, Logger::LOG_NOTICE);
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->notice($dMessage), true);
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary('Group ' . $groupName . "'s oldest article is " . number_format($data['first']) . ', newest is ' . number_format($data['last']) . ".\nOur target article is " . number_format($targetpost) . '. Our oldest article is article ' . number_format($groupArr['first_record']) . '.'));
        // Set first and last, moving the window by max messages.
        $last = (string) ($groupArr['first_record'] - 1);
        // Set the initial "chunk".
        $first = (string) ($last - $this->_binaries->messageBuffer + 1);
        // Just in case this is the last chunk we needed.
        if ($targetpost > $first) {
            $first = $targetpost;
        $done = false;
        while ($done === false) {
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->set256('Yellow') . "\nGetting " . number_format($last - $first + 1) . " articles from " . $groupName . ", " . $left . " group(s) left. (" . number_format($first - $targetpost) . " articles in queue)." . $this->pdo->log->rsetColor(), true);
            $lastMsg = $this->_binaries->scan($groupArr, $first, $last, $this->_safePartRepair);
            // Get the oldest date.
            if (isset($lastMsg['firstArticleDate'])) {
                // Try to get it from the oldest pulled article.
                $newdate = strtotime($lastMsg['firstArticleDate']);
            } else {
                // If above failed, try to get it with postdate method.
                $newdate = $this->_binaries->postdate($first, $data);
					UPDATE groups
					SET first_record_postdate = %s, first_record = %s, last_updated = NOW()
					WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->from_unixtime($newdate), $this->pdo->escapeString($first), $groupArr['id']));
            if ($first == $targetpost) {
                $done = true;
            } else {
                // Keep going: set new last, new first, check for last chunk.
                $last = (string) ($first - 1);
                $first = (string) ($last - $this->_binaries->messageBuffer + 1);
                if ($targetpost > $first) {
                    $first = $targetpost;
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . 'Group ' . $groupName . ' processed in ' . number_format(microtime(true) - $startGroup, 2) . " seconds."), true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * $options[4] => (int)    First article number in range.
  * $options[5] => (int)    Last article number in range.
  * $options[6] => (int)    Number of threads.
 case 'get_range':
     $pdo = new Settings();
     $nntp = nntp($pdo);
     $groups = new \Groups();
     $groupMySQL = $groups->getByName($options[3]);
     if ($nntp->isError($nntp->selectGroup($groupMySQL['name']))) {
         if ($nntp->isError($nntp->dataError($nntp, $groupMySQL['name']))) {
     $binaries = new \Binaries(['NNTP' => $nntp, 'Settings' => $pdo, 'Groups' => $groups]);
     $return = $binaries->scan($groupMySQL, $options[4], $options[5], $pdo->getSetting('safepartrepair') == 1 ? 'update' : 'backfill');
     if (empty($return)) {
     $columns = [];
     switch ($options[2]) {
         case 'binaries':
             if ($return['lastArticleNumber'] <= $groupMySQL['last_record']) {
             $columns[1] = sprintf('last_record_postdate = %s', $pdo->from_unixtime(is_numeric($return['lastArticleDate']) ? $return['lastArticleDate'] : strtotime($return['lastArticleDate'])));
             $columns[2] = sprintf('last_record = %s', $return['lastArticleNumber']);
             $query = sprintf('UPDATE groups SET %s, %s, last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = %d AND last_record < %s', $columns[1], $columns[2], $groupMySQL['id'], $return['lastArticleNumber']);
         case 'backfill':
             if ($return['firstArticleNumber'] >= $groupMySQL['first_record']) {
  * Update a group back to a specified date.
 function backfillGroup($groupArr, $backfillDate = null, $regexOnly = false)
     $db = new DB();
     $binaries = new Binaries();
     $n = $this->n;
     if ($regexOnly === true) {
         echo "Only inserting binaries which match regex{$n}";
         $binaries->onlyProcessRegexBinaries = true;
     $this->startGroup = microtime(true);
     $nntp = new Nntp();
     $nntpc = new Nntp();
     //Make sure we actually have a connection going before doing anything.
     if ($nntp->doConnect(5, false, true)) {
         echo 'Processing ' . $groupArr['name'] . $n;
         $data = $nntp->selectGroup($groupArr['name']);
         if ($nntp->isError($data)) {
             echo "Could not select group (bad name?): {$groupArr['name']}{$n}";
         if ($backfillDate) {
             $targetpost = $this->daytopost($nntp, $groupArr['name'], $this->dateToDays($backfillDate), TRUE);
         } else {
             $targetpost = $this->daytopost($nntp, $groupArr['name'], $groupArr['backfill_target'], TRUE);
         //get targetpost based on days target
         if ($groupArr['first_record'] == 0 || $groupArr['backfill_target'] == 0 && !$backfillDate) {
             echo "Group " . $groupArr['name'] . " has invalid numbers.  Have you run update on it?  Have you set the backfill days amount?{$n}";
         echo "Group " . $data["group"] . ": server has " . $data['first'] . " - " . $data['last'] . ", or ~";
         echo (int) (($this->postdate($nntp, $data['last'], FALSE) - $this->postdate($nntp, $data['first'], FALSE)) / 86400);
         echo " days." . $n . "Local first = " . $groupArr['first_record'] . " (";
         echo (int) ((date('U') - $this->postdate($nntp, $groupArr['first_record'], FALSE)) / 86400);
         echo " days).  Backfill target of " . ($backfillDate ? date('Y-m-d', $backfillDate) : $groupArr['backfill_target'] . " days") . " is post {$targetpost}.{$n}";
         if ($targetpost >= $groupArr['first_record']) {
             echo "Nothing to do, we already have the target post.{$n} {$n}";
             return "";
         //get first and last part numbers from newsgroup
         if ($targetpost < $data['first']) {
             echo "WARNING: Backfill came back as before server's first.  Setting targetpost to server first.{$n}";
             echo "Skipping Group {$n}";
             return "";
         echo $binaries->onlyProcessRegexBinaries === true ? "Note: Discarding parts that do not match a regex" . $n : "";
         //Done with $nntp for now, close it to avoid timeouts.
         $datac = $nntpc->selectGroup($groupArr['name']);
         if ($nntpc->isError($datac)) {
             echo "Could not select group (bad name?): {$groupArr['name']}{$n}";
         //calculate total number of parts
         $total = $groupArr['first_record'] - $targetpost;
         $done = false;
         //set first and last, moving the window by maxxMssgs
         $last = $groupArr['first_record'] - 1;
         $first = $last - $binaries->messagebuffer + 1;
         //set initial "chunk"
         if ($targetpost > $first) {
             //just in case this is the last chunk we needed
             $first = $targetpost;
         while ($done === false) {
             $binaries->startLoop = microtime(true);
             echo "Getting " . ($last - $first + 1) . " parts (" . number_format($first - $targetpost) . " in queue)" . $n;
             $success = $binaries->scan($nntpc, $groupArr, $first, $last, 'backfill');
             if (!$success) {
                 return "";
             $db->exec(sprintf("update groups SET first_record = %s, last_updated = now() WHERE ID = %d", $db->escapeString($first), $groupArr['ID']));
             if ($first == $targetpost) {
                 $done = true;
             } else {
                 //Keep going: set new last, new first, check for last chunk.
                 $last = $first - 1;
                 $first = $last - $binaries->messagebuffer + 1;
                 if ($targetpost > $first) {
                     $first = $targetpost;
         //Done with $nntpc
         //Just need $nntp for a quick check on the first_record_postdate
         //$nntp->selectGroup($groupArr['name']); // some users report having this in keeps backfill working
         $first_record_postdate = $this->postdate($nntp, $first, false);
         //All done with NNTP.
         if ($first_record_postdate != "") {
             $db->exec(sprintf("update groups SET first_record_postdate = FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $first_record_postdate . "), last_updated = now() WHERE ID = %d", $groupArr['ID']));
         //Set group's first postdate
         $timeGroup = number_format(microtime(true) - $this->startGroup, 2);
         echo "Group processed in {$timeGroup} seconds {$n}";
     } else {
         echo "Failed to get NNTP connection.{$n}";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function backfillGroup($nntp, $groupArr, $backfillDate = null)
     $db = new DB();
     $binaries = new Binaries();
     $n = $this->n;
     $this->startGroup = microtime(true);
     echo 'Processing ' . $groupArr['name'] . $n;
     $data = $nntp->selectGroup($groupArr['name']);
     if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
         echo "Could not select group (bad name?): {$groupArr['name']}{$n}";
     if ($backfillDate) {
         $targetpost = $this->daytopost($nntp, $groupArr['name'], dateToDays($backfillDate), TRUE);
     } else {
         $targetpost = $this->daytopost($nntp, $groupArr['name'], $groupArr['backfill_target'], TRUE);
     //get targetpost based on days target
     if ($groupArr['first_record'] == 0 || $groupArr['backfill_target'] == 0) {
         echo "Group " . $groupArr['name'] . " has invalid numbers.  Have you run update on it?  Have you set the backfill days amount?{$n}";
     echo "Group " . $data["group"] . ": server has " . $data['first'] . " - " . $data['last'] . ", or ~";
     echo (int) (($this->postdate($nntp, $data['last'], FALSE) - $this->postdate($nntp, $data['first'], FALSE)) / 86400);
     echo " days." . $n . "Local first = " . $groupArr['first_record'] . " (";
     echo (int) ((date('U') - $this->postdate($nntp, $groupArr['first_record'], FALSE)) / 86400);
     echo " days).  Backfill target of " . $groupArr['backfill_target'] . "days is post {$targetpost}.{$n}";
     if ($targetpost >= $groupArr['first_record']) {
         echo "Nothing to do, we already have the target post.{$n} {$n}";
         return "";
     //get first and last part numbers from newsgroup
     if ($targetpost < $data['first']) {
         echo "WARNING: Backfill came back as before server's first.  Setting targetpost to server first.{$n}";
         echo "Skipping Group {$n}";
         return "";
     //calculate total number of parts
     $total = $groupArr['first_record'] - $targetpost;
     $done = false;
     //set first and last, moving the window by maxxMssgs
     $last = $groupArr['first_record'] - 1;
     $first = $last - $binaries->messagebuffer + 1;
     //set initial "chunk"
     if ($targetpost > $first) {
         //just in case this is the last chunk we needed
         $first = $targetpost;
     while ($done === false) {
         $binaries->startLoop = microtime(true);
         echo "Getting " . ($last - $first + 1) . " parts (" . ($first - $targetpost) . " in queue)" . $n;
         $binaries->scan($nntp, $groupArr, $first, $last, 'backfill');
         $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE groups SET first_record = %s, last_updated = now() WHERE ID = %d", $db->escapeString($first), $groupArr['ID']));
         if ($first == $targetpost) {
             $done = true;
         } else {
             //Keep going: set new last, new first, check for last chunk.
             $last = $first - 1;
             $first = $last - $binaries->messagebuffer + 1;
             if ($targetpost > $first) {
                 $first = $targetpost;
     $first_record_postdate = $this->postdate($nntp, $first, false);
     $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE groups SET first_record_postdate = FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $first_record_postdate . "), last_updated = now() WHERE ID = %d", $groupArr['ID']));
     //Set group's first postdate
     $timeGroup = number_format(microtime(true) - $this->startGroup, 2);
     echo "Group processed in {$timeGroup} seconds {$n}";