Ejemplo n.º 1
  * General function to receive
  * @return array list of files received
 public function receive()
     foreach (Billrun_Factory::config()->getConfigValue('ilds.providers', array()) as $type) {
         if (!file_exists($this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $type)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("NOTICE : SKIPPING {$type} !!! directory " . $this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $type . " not found!!", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         $files = scandir($this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $type);
         $ret = array();
         static::$type = $type;
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $path = $this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
             if (is_dir($path) || $this->lockFileForReceive($file, $type) || !$this->isFileValid($file, $path)) {
             $fileData = $this->getFileLogData($file, $type);
             $fileData['path'] = $path;
             if (!empty($this->backupPaths)) {
                 $backedTo = $this->backup($fileData['path'], $file, $this->backupPaths, FALSE, FALSE);
                 Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeReceiverBackup', array($this, &$fileData['path']));
                 $fileData['backed_to'] = $backedTo;
                 Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterReceiverBackup', array($this, &$fileData['path']));
             $ret[] = $fileData['path'];
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * load the container the need to be generate
 public function load()
     $billrun = Billrun_Factory::db()->billrunCollection();
     $this->data = $billrun->query()->equals('stamp', $this->getStamp())->equals('source', 'ilds')->notExists('invoice_id');
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("aggregator entities loaded: " . $this->data->count(), Zend_Log::INFO);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterGeneratorLoadData', array('generator' => $this));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * load the container the need to be generate
 public function load()
     $this->data = $this->collection->aggregate($this->aggregation_array);
     //TODO how to perform it on the secondaries?
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("generator entities loaded: " . count($this->data), Zend_Log::INFO);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterGeneratorLoadData', array('generator' => $this));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorWriteRow', array($row, $this));
     $carrierOut = $this->detectCarrierOut($row);
     $carrierIn = $this->detectCarrierIn($row);
     $current = $row->getRawData();
     $added_values = array($this->ratingField => $carrierOut ? $carrierOut->createRef(Billrun_Factory::db()->carriersCollection()) : $carrierOut, $this->ratingField . '_in' => $carrierIn ? $carrierIn->createRef(Billrun_Factory::db()->carriersCollection()) : $carrierIn);
     $newData = array_merge($current, $added_values);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorWriteRow', array($row, $this));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * write the calculation into DB.
  * @param $row the line CDR to update. 
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorWriteRow', array($row, $this));
     $current = $row->getRawData();
     $usage_type = $this->getLineUsageType($row);
     $volume = $this->getLineVolume($row, $usage_type);
     $rate = $this->getLineRate($row, $usage_type);
     $added_values = array('usaget' => $usage_type, 'usagev' => $volume, $this->ratingField => $rate ? $rate->createRef() : $rate);
     $newData = array_merge($current, $added_values);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorWriteRow', array($row, $this));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Write the calculation into DB
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     //Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Line start : getLineZone  start : ".microtime(true));
     $rate = $this->getLineZone($row, $row['usaget']);
     //Billrun_Factory::log()->log(" getLineZone  end : ".microtime(true));
     $current = $row->getRawData();
     $added_values = array($this->ratingField => $rate instanceof Mongodloid_Entity ? $rate->createRef() : $rate);
     $newData = array_merge($current, $added_values);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * load the data to aggregate
 public function load()
     $billrun_key = $this->getStamp();
     $subscriber = Billrun_Factory::subscriber();
     $filename = $billrun_key . '_leftover_aggregator_input';
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Loading file " . $filename, Zend_Log::INFO);
     $billrun_end_time = Billrun_Util::getEndTime($billrun_key);
     $this->data = $subscriber->getListFromFile('files/' . $filename, $billrun_end_time);
     if (!count($this->data)) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("No accounts were found for leftover aggregator", Zend_Log::ALERT);
     if (is_array($this->data)) {
         $this->data = array_slice($this->data, $this->page * $this->size, $this->size, TRUE);
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("aggregator entities loaded: " . count($this->data), Zend_Log::INFO);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregatorLoadData', array('aggregator' => $this));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * method to log the processing
  * @todo refactoring this method
 protected function logDB($fileData)
     $log = Billrun_Factory::db()->logCollection();
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeLogReceiveFile', array(&$fileData, $this));
     $query = array('stamp' => $fileData['stamp'], 'received_time' => array('$exists' => false));
     $addData = array('received_hostname' => Billrun_Util::getHostName(), 'received_time' => date(self::base_dateformat));
     $update = array('$set' => array_merge($fileData, $addData));
     if (empty($query['stamp'])) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Receiver::logDB - got file with empty stamp :  {$fileData['stamp']}", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         return FALSE;
     $result = $log->update($query, $update, array('w' => 1));
     if ($result['ok'] != 1 || $result['n'] != 1) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Receiver::logDB - Failed when trying to update a file log record " . $fileData['file_name'] . " with stamp of : {$fileData['stamp']}", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
     return $result['n'] == 1 && $result['ok'] == 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * general function to receive
  * @return mixed
 public function respond()
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeResponse', array('type' => self::$type, 'responder' => &$this));
     $retPaths = array();
     foreach ($this->getProcessedFilesForType(self::$type) as $filename => $logLine) {
         $filePath = $this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
         if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("NOTICE : SKIPPING {$filename} for type : " . self::$type . "!!! ,path -  {$filePath} not found!!", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         $responseFilePath = $this->processFileForResponse($filePath, $logLine, $filename);
         if ($responseFilePath) {
             $retPaths[] = $this->respondAFile($responseFilePath, $this->getResponseFilename($filename, $logLine), $logLine);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterResponse', array('type' => self::$type, 'responder' => &$this));
     return $retPaths;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Move the file to the workspace.
  * @param string $srcPath The original file position
  * @param string $filename the filename
  * @return mixed the new path if success, else false
 protected function handleFile($srcPath, $filename)
     Billrun_Factory::log('Relocate receive handle file ' . $filename, Zend_Log::INFO);
     $srcPath = parent::handleFile($srcPath, $filename);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeRelocateFileHandling', array($this, &$srcPath, $filename));
     $newPath = $this->workspace . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . static::$type;
     if (!file_exists($newPath)) {
         mkdir($newPath, 0777, true);
     $newPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     $ret = $this->moveFiles ? copy($srcPath, $newPath) && unlink($srcPath) : copy($srcPath, $newPath);
     if ($this->preserve_timestamps) {
         $timestamp = filemtime($srcPath);
         Billrun_Util::setFileModificationTime($newPath, $timestamp);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterRelocateFileHandling', array($this, &$srcPath, &$newPath, $filename, $ret));
     return $ret ? $newPath : FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * method to parse data
  * @param array $line data line
  * @return array the data array
 protected function parseData($line)
     if (!isset($this->data['header'])) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("No header found", Zend_Log::ERR);
         return false;
     $data_type = strtolower($this->getLineType($line, $this->parser->getSeparator()));
     // can be moc or mtc
     $this->parser->setStructure($this->{$data_type . "_structure"});
     // for the next iteration
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeDataParsing', array(&$line, $this));
     $row = $this->parser->parse();
     $row['source'] = static::$type;
     $row['log_stamp'] = $this->getFileStamp();
     $row['file'] = basename($this->filePath);
     $row['process_time'] = date(self::base_dateformat);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterDataParsing', array(&$row, $this));
     $this->data['data'][] = $row;
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * make the calculation
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     $pricingData = array();
     $zoneKey = $this->isLineIncoming($row) ? 'incoming' : $this->loadDBRef($row->get(Billrun_Calculator_Wholesale_Nsn::MAIN_DB_FIELD, true))['key'];
     if (isset($row['usagev']) && $zoneKey) {
         $rates = $this->getCarrierRateForZoneAndType($this->loadDBRef($row->get($this->isLineIncoming($row) ? 'wsc_in' : 'wsc', true)), $zoneKey, $row['usaget'], $this->isPeak($row) ? 'peak' : 'off_peak');
         if ($rates) {
             $pricingData = $this->getLinePricingData($row['usagev'], $rates);
             //todo add peak/off peak to the data.
             $row->setRawData(array_merge($row->getRawData(), $pricingData));
         } else {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log(" Failed finding rate for row : " . print_r($row['stamp'], 1), Zend_Log::DEBUG);
     } else {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log($this->count++ . " no usagev or zone : {$row['usagev']} && {$zoneKey} for line with stamp: " . $row['stamp'], Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         return false;
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     //@TODO  change this  be be configurable.
     $pricingData = array();
     $zoneKey = $this->isLineIncoming($row) ? 'incoming' : $this->loadDBRef($row->get(Billrun_Calculator_Wholesale_Nsn::MAIN_DB_FIELD, true))['key'];
     if (isset($row['usagev']) && $zoneKey) {
         $carir = $this->loadDBRef($row->get(in_array($row->get('wsc', true), $this->nrCarriers) ? 'wsc' : 'wsc_in', true));
         $rates = $this->getCarrierRateForZoneAndType($carir, $zoneKey, $row['usaget']);
         if (!$rates) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log(" Failed finding rate for row : " . print_r($row['stamp'], 1), Zend_Log::DEBUG);
             return false;
         $pricingData = $this->getLinePricingData($row['usagev'], $rates);
         $row->setRawData(array_merge($row->getRawData(), $pricingData));
     } else {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log(" No usagev or zone : {$row['usagev']} && {$zoneKey} for line with stamp: " . $row['stamp'], Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         return false;
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     return $row;
 public function process()
     if ($this->isQueueFull()) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Processor_Base_BlockedSeperatedBinary: queue size is too big", Zend_Log::INFO);
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         // run all over the file with the parser helper
         if (!is_resource($this->fileHandler)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Resource is not configured well", Zend_Log::ERR);
             return false;
         $this->data['trailer'] = array();
         $this->data['header'] = $this->buildHeader(false);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeProcessorParsing', array($this));
         while (!$this->processFinished()) {
             if ($this->parse() === FALSE) {
                 Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Processor: cannot parse", Zend_Log::ERR);
                 return false;
         $this->data['trailer'] = $this->buildTrailer($this->data['trailer']);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterProcessorParsing', array($this));
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeProcessorStore', array($this));
         if ($this->store() === FALSE) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Processor: cannot store the parser lines", Zend_Log::ERR);
             return false;
         if ($this->logDB() === FALSE) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Processor: cannot log parsing action", Zend_Log::WARN);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterProcessorStore', array($this));
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterProcessorBackup', array($this, &$this->filePath));
         return count($this->data['data']);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * method to parse footer
  * @param array $line footer line
  * @return array the footer array
 protected function parseFooter($line)
     if (isset($this->data['trailer'])) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("double trailer", Zend_Log::ERR);
         return false;
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeFooterParsing', array($line, $this));
     $trailer = $this->parser->parse();
     $trailer['source'] = static::$type;
     $trailer['type'] = self::$type;
     $trailer['header_stamp'] = $this->data['header']['stamp'];
     $trailer['file'] = basename($this->filePath);
     $trailer['process_time'] = date(self::base_dateformat);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterFooterParsing', array($trailer, $this));
     $this->data['trailer'] = $trailer;
     return $trailer;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected function handleFile()
     $ret = FALSE;
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeInlineFileHandling', array($this));
     $newPath = $this->getDestBasePath();
     @mkdir($newPath, 0755, true);
     if (file_exists($newPath)) {
         $newPath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->filename;
         $ret = file_put_contents($newPath, $this->file_content);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterInlineFileHandling', array($this, &$newPath, $ret));
     return $ret === FALSE ? FALSE : $newPath;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Move the file to the workspace.
  * @return string the new path
 protected function handleFile($srcPath, $filename)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('handlingLocalFilesReceive', array($this, &$srcPath, $filename));
     return $srcPath;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * method to retrieve the dispatcher instance
  * @return Billrun_Dispatcher
 public static function dispatcher()
     if (!self::$dispatcher) {
         self::$dispatcher = Billrun_Dispatcher::getInstance();
     return self::$dispatcher;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Write the calculation into DB
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     $current = $row->getRawData();
     $charge = $this->calcChargeLine($row->get('type'), $row->get('call_charge'));
     $added_values = array('aprice' => $charge, 'pprice' => $charge);
     $newData = array_merge($current, $added_values);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * load file to be handle by the processor
  * @param string $file_path
  * @return void
 public function loadFile($file_path, $retrivedHost = '')
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('processorBeforeFileLoad', array(&$file_path, $this));
     if (file_exists($file_path)) {
         $this->filePath = $file_path;
         $this->filename = substr($file_path, strrpos($file_path, '/'));
         $this->retrievedHostname = $retrivedHost;
         $this->fileHandler = fopen($file_path, 'r');
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun Processor load the file: " . $file_path, Zend_Log::INFO);
     } else {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun_Processor->loadFile: cannot load the file: " . $file_path, Zend_Log::ERR);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('processorAfterFileLoad', array(&$file_path));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * load the data to aggregate
 public function load()
     $lines = Billrun_Factory::db()->linesCollection();
     $this->data = $lines->query()->equals('source', 'ilds')->notExists('billrun')->exists('pprice')->exists('aprice')->cursor()->hint(array('source' => 1));
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("aggregator entities loaded: " . $this->data->count(), Zend_Log::INFO);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregatorLoadData', array('aggregator' => $this));
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Save a modified line to the lines collection.
  * @param Mongodloid_Entity $line the line to write
  * @param mixed $dataKey the line key in the calculator's data container
 public function writeLine($line, $dataKey)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorWriteLine', array('data' => $line));
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorWriteLine', array('data' => $line));
     if (!isset($line['usagev']) || $line['usagev'] === 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * make the calculation
 public function updateRow($row)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     $current = $row->getRawData();
     $usage_type = $this->getLineUsageType($row);
     $volume = $this->getLineVolume($row, $usage_type);
     $rate = $this->getLineRate($row, $usage_type);
     if (isset($rate['key']) && $rate['key'] == "UNRATED") {
         return false;
     $added_values = array('usaget' => $usage_type, 'usagev' => $volume, $this->ratingField => $rate ? $rate->createRef() : $rate);
     if ($rate) {
         $added_values[$this->aprField] = Billrun_Calculator_CustomerPricing::getPriceByRate($rate, $usage_type, $volume);
     $newData = array_merge($current, $added_values);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorUpdateRow', array($row, $this));
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * method to check if the file already processed
 protected function isFileReceived($filename, $type, $more_fields = array())
     $log = Billrun_Factory::db()->logCollection();
     $query = array('source' => $type, 'file_name' => $filename);
     if (!empty($more_fields)) {
         $query = array_merge($query, $more_fields);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('alertisFileReceivedQuery', array(&$query, $type, $this));
     $resource = $log->query($query)->cursor()->limit(1);
     return $resource->count() > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Override parent calculator to save changes with update (not save)
 public function writeLine($line, $dataKey)
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeCalculatorWriteLine', array('data' => $line));
     $save = array();
     $saveProperties = array_keys(Billrun_Factory::subscriber()->getAvailableFields());
     foreach ($saveProperties as $p) {
         if (!is_null($val = $line->get($p, true))) {
             $save['$set'][$p] = $val;
     $where = array('stamp' => $line['stamp']);
     Billrun_Factory::db()->linesCollection()->update($where, $save);
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterCalculatorWriteLine', array('data' => $line));
     if (!isset($line['usagev']) || $line['usagev'] === 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * method to receive the usage left in group of rates of current plan
  * @param array $subscriberBalance subscriber balance
  * @param array $rate the rate to check the balance
  * @param string $usageType the 
  * @return int|string
 public function usageLeftInPlanGroup($subscriberBalance, $rate, $usageType = 'call')
     do {
         $groupSelected = $this->setNextStrongestGroup($rate, $usageType);
         // group not found
         if ($groupSelected === FALSE) {
             $rateUsageIncluded = 0;
             // @todo: add more logic instead of fallback to first
             $this->setPlanGroup($this->setNextStrongestGroup($rate, $usageType, true));
             // do-while
         // not group included in the specific usage try to take iterate next group
         if (!isset($this->data['include']['groups'][$groupSelected][$usageType])) {
         $rateUsageIncluded = $this->data['include']['groups'][$groupSelected][$usageType];
         if (isset($this->data['include']['groups'][$groupSelected]['limits'])) {
             // on some cases we have limits to unlimited
             $limits = $this->data['include']['groups'][$groupSelected]['limits'];
             Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('planGroupRule', array(&$rateUsageIncluded, &$groupSelected, $limits, $this, $usageType, $rate, $subscriberBalance));
             if ($rateUsageIncluded === FALSE) {
     } while ($groupSelected === FALSE);
     if ($rateUsageIncluded === 'UNLIMITED') {
         return PHP_INT_MAX;
     if (isset($subscriberBalance['balance']['groups'][$groupSelected][$usageType]['usagev'])) {
         $subscriberSpent = $subscriberBalance['balance']['groups'][$groupSelected][$usageType]['usagev'];
     } else {
         $subscriberSpent = 0;
     $usageLeft = $rateUsageIncluded - $subscriberSpent;
     return floatval($usageLeft < 0 ? 0 : $usageLeft);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * method to mark all the lines that take care in the handler to avoid double runnning
  * @param array $data list of items to be mark down
  * @return boolean true if success
 protected function markdown(&$items)
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Handler markdown start", Zend_Log::INFO);
     if (!is_array($items) || !count($items)) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Handler markdown items not found", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         return FALSE;
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeHandlerMarkDown', array(&$items));
     foreach ($items as $plugin => &$pluginItems) {
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('handlerMarkDown', array(&$pluginItems, $plugin, $this->options));
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterHandlerMarkDown', array(&$items));
     // TODO: check return values
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Handler markdown finished", Zend_Log::INFO);
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * execute aggregate
 public function aggregate()
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregate', array($this->data, &$this));
     $account_billrun = false;
     $billrun_key = $this->getStamp();
     $billruns_count = 0;
     $skipped_billruns_count = 0;
     if ($this->bulkAccountPreload) {
         Billrun_Factory::log('loading accounts that will be needed to be preloaded...', Zend_log::INFO);
         $dataKeys = array_keys($this->data);
         //$existingAccounts = array();
         foreach ($dataKeys as $key => $aid) {
             if (!$this->overrideAccountIds && Billrun_Billrun::exists($aid, $billrun_key)) {
                 //$existingAccounts[$aid]  = $this->data[$aid];
     foreach ($this->data as $accid => $account) {
         if ($this->memory_limit > -1 && memory_get_usage() > $this->memory_limit) {
             Billrun_Factory::log('Customer aggregator memory limit of ' . $this->memory_limit / 1048576 . 'M has reached. Exiting (page: ' . $this->page . ', size: ' . $this->size . ').', Zend_log::ALERT);
         //pre-load  account lines
         if ($this->bulkAccountPreload && !($billruns_count % $this->bulkAccountPreload) && count($dataKeys) > $billruns_count) {
             $aidsToLoad = array_slice($dataKeys, $billruns_count, $this->bulkAccountPreload);
             Billrun_Billrun::preloadAccountsLines($aidsToLoad, $billrun_key);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregateAccount', array($accid, $account, &$this));
         Billrun_Factory::log('Current account index: ' . ++$billruns_count, Zend_log::INFO);
         //			if (!Billrun_Factory::config()->isProd()) {
         //				if ($this->testAcc && is_array($this->testAcc) && !in_array($accid, $this->testAcc)) {//TODO : remove this??
         //					//Billrun_Factory::log(" Moving on nothing to see here... , account Id : $accid");
         //					continue;
         //				}
         //			}
         if (!$this->overrideAccountIds && Billrun_Billrun::exists($accid, $billrun_key)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun " . $billrun_key . " already exists for account " . $accid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
         $params = array('aid' => $accid, 'billrun_key' => $billrun_key, 'autoload' => !empty($this->overrideAccountIds));
         $account_billrun = Billrun_Factory::billrun($params);
         if ($this->overrideAccountIds) {
         $manual_lines = array();
         $deactivated_subscribers = array();
         foreach ($account as $subscriber) {
             Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregateSubscriber', array($subscriber, $account_billrun, &$this));
             $sid = $subscriber->sid;
             if ($account_billrun->subscriberExists($sid)) {
                 Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun " . $billrun_key . " already exists for subscriber " . $sid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
             $next_plan_name = $subscriber->getNextPlanName();
             if (is_null($next_plan_name) || $next_plan_name == "NULL") {
                 $subscriber_status = "closed";
                 $current_plan_name = $subscriber->getCurrentPlanName();
                 if (is_null($current_plan_name) || $current_plan_name == "NULL") {
                     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Subscriber " . $sid . " has current plan null and next plan null", Zend_Log::INFO);
                     $deactivated_subscribers[] = array("sid" => $sid);
             } else {
                 $subscriber_status = "open";
                 Billrun_Factory::log("Getting flat price for subscriber {$sid}", Zend_log::INFO);
                 $flat_price = $subscriber->getFlatPrice();
                 Billrun_Factory::log("Finished getting flat price for subscriber {$sid}", Zend_log::INFO);
                 if (is_null($flat_price)) {
                     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Couldn't find flat price for subscriber " . $sid . " for billrun " . $billrun_key, Zend_Log::ALERT);
                 Billrun_Factory::log('Adding flat line to subscriber ' . $sid, Zend_Log::INFO);
                 $flat = $this->saveFlatLine($subscriber, $billrun_key);
                 $manual_lines = array_merge($manual_lines, array($flat['stamp'] => $flat));
                 Billrun_Factory::log('Finished adding flat line to subscriber ' . $sid, Zend_Log::INFO);
             $manual_lines = array_merge($manual_lines, $this->saveCreditLines($subscriber, $billrun_key));
             $manual_lines = array_merge($manual_lines, $this->saveServiceLines($subscriber, $billrun_key));
             $account_billrun->addSubscriber($subscriber, $subscriber_status);
             Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregateSubscriber', array($subscriber, $account_billrun, &$this));
         $lines = $account_billrun->addLines($manual_lines, $deactivated_subscribers);
         //save the billrun
         if ($account_billrun->is_deactivated() === true) {
             Billrun_Factory::log('deactivated account, no need for invoice ' . $accid, Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         Billrun_Factory::log('Saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::INFO);
         if ($account_billrun->save() === false) {
             Billrun_Factory::log('Error saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
         $this->successfulAccounts[] = $accid;
         Billrun_Factory::log('Finished saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('aggregateBeforeCloseAccountBillrun', array($accid, $account, $account_billrun, $lines, &$this));
         Billrun_Factory::log("Closing billrun {$billrun_key} for account {$accid}", Zend_log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::log("Finished closing billrun {$billrun_key} for account {$accid}", Zend_log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregateAccount', array($accid, $account, $account_billrun, $lines, &$this));
         if ($this->bulkAccountPreload) {
     if ($billruns_count == count($this->data)) {
         $end_msg = "Finished iterating page {$this->page} of size {$this->size}. Memory usage is " . memory_get_usage() / 1048576 . " MB\n";
         $end_msg .= "Processed " . ($billruns_count - $skipped_billruns_count) . " accounts, Skipped over {$skipped_billruns_count} accounts, out of a total of {$billruns_count} accounts";
         Billrun_Factory::log($end_msg, Zend_log::INFO);
     // @TODO trigger after aggregate
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregate', array($this->data, &$this));
     return $this->successfulAccounts;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Receive files from the ftp host.
  * @param type $hostName the ftp hostname/alias
  * @param type $config the ftp configuration
  * @return array conatining the path to the received files.
 protected function receiveFromHost($hostName, $config)
     $ret = array();
     $files = $this->ftp->getDirectory($config['remote_directory'])->getContents();
     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: Starting to receive from remote host : {$hostName}", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($this->sortByFileDate($files) as $file) {
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: Found file " . $file->name . " on remote host", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         $extraData = array();
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeFTPFileReceived', array(&$file, $this, $hostName, &$extraData));
         $isFileReceivedMoreFields = array('retrieved_from' => $hostName);
         if ($extraData) {
             $isFileReceivedMoreFields['extra_data'] = $extraData;
         if (!$file->isFile()) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: " . $file->name . " is not a file", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         if (!$this->isFileValid($file->name, $file->path)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: " . $file->name . " is not a valid file", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         if ($this->isFileReceived($file->name, static::$type, $isFileReceivedMoreFields)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: " . $file->name . " received already", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: Download file " . $file->name . " from remote host", Zend_Log::INFO);
         $targetPath = $this->workspace;
         if (substr($targetPath, -1) != '/') {
             $targetPath .= '/';
         $targetPath .= date("Ym") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr(md5(serialize($config)), 0, 7) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         if (!file_exists($targetPath)) {
             mkdir($targetPath, 0777, true);
         if ($file->saveToPath($targetPath, null, 0, true) === FALSE) {
             // the last arg declare try to recover on failure
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: failed to download " . $file->name . " from remote host", Zend_Log::ALERT);
         $received_path = $targetPath . $file->name;
         if ($this->preserve_timestamps) {
             $timestamp = $file->getModificationTime();
             if ($timestamp !== FALSE) {
                 Billrun_Util::setFileModificationTime($received_path, $timestamp);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterFTPFileReceived', array(&$received_path, $file, $this, $hostName, $extraData));
         if ($this->logDB($received_path, $hostName, $extraData)) {
             $ret[] = $received_path;
             //count the file as recieved
             // delete the file after downloading and store it to processing queue
             if (Billrun_Factory::config()->isProd() && (isset($config['delete_received']) && $config['delete_received'])) {
                 Billrun_Factory::log()->log("FTP: Deleting file {$file->name} from remote host ", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
         if ($count >= $this->limit) {
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * execute aggregate
 public function aggregate()
     if ($this->write_stamps_to_file) {
         if (!$this->initStampsDir()) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Could not create stamps file for page " . $this->page, Zend_Log::ALERT);
             return false;
     // @TODO trigger before aggregate
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregate', array($this->data, &$this));
     $account_billrun = false;
     $billrun_key = $this->getStamp();
     $billruns_count = 0;
     foreach ($this->data as $accid => $account) {
         if ($this->memory_limit > -1 && memory_get_usage() > $this->memory_limit) {
             Billrun_Factory::log('Customer aggregator memory limit of ' . $this->memory_limit / 1048576 . 'M has reached. Exiting (page: ' . $this->page . ', size: ' . $this->size . ').', Zend_log::ALERT);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregateAccount', array($accid, $account, &$this));
         Billrun_Factory::log('Current account index: ' . ++$billruns_count, Zend_log::INFO);
         if (!Billrun_Factory::config()->isProd()) {
             if ($this->testAcc && is_array($this->testAcc) && !in_array($accid, $this->testAcc)) {
                 //Billrun_Factory::log("Moving on nothing to see here... , account Id : $accid");
         if (Billrun_Billrun::exists($accid, $billrun_key)) {
             Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun " . $billrun_key . " already exists for account " . $accid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
         $params = array('aid' => $accid, 'billrun_key' => $billrun_key, 'autoload' => false);
         $account_billrun = Billrun_Factory::billrun($params);
         $flat_lines = array();
         foreach ($account as $subscriber) {
             Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('beforeAggregateSubscriber', array($subscriber, $account_billrun, &$this));
             $sid = $subscriber->sid;
             if ($account_billrun->subscriberExists($sid)) {
                 Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun " . $billrun_key . " already exists for subscriber " . $sid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
             $next_plan_name = $subscriber->getNextPlanName();
             if (is_null($next_plan_name) || $next_plan_name == "NULL") {
                 $subscriber_status = "closed";
             } else {
                 $subscriber_status = "open";
                 Billrun_Factory::log("Getting flat price for subscriber {$sid}", Zend_log::INFO);
                 $flat_price = $subscriber->getFlatPrice();
                 Billrun_Factory::log("Finished getting flat price for subscriber {$sid}", Zend_log::INFO);
                 if (is_null($flat_price)) {
                     Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Couldn't find flat price for subscriber " . $sid . " for billrun " . $billrun_key, Zend_Log::ALERT);
                 Billrun_Factory::log('Adding flat line to subscriber ' . $sid, Zend_Log::INFO);
                 $flat_lines[] = $this->saveFlatLine($subscriber, $billrun_key);
                 Billrun_Factory::log('Finished adding flat line to subscriber ' . $sid, Zend_Log::INFO);
             $account_billrun->addSubscriber($subscriber, $subscriber_status);
             Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregateSubscriber', array($subscriber, $account_billrun, &$this));
         if ($this->write_stamps_to_file) {
             $lines = $account_billrun->addLines(false, 0, $flat_lines);
             if (!empty($lines)) {
                 $stamps_str = implode("\n", array_keys($lines)) . "\n";
                 file_put_contents($this->file_path, $stamps_str, FILE_APPEND);
         } else {
             $lines = $account_billrun->addLines(true, 0, $flat_lines);
         //save the billrun
         Billrun_Factory::log('Saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::INFO);
         if ($account_billrun->save() === false) {
             Billrun_Factory::log('Error saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::ALERT);
         Billrun_Factory::log('Finished saving account ' . $accid, Zend_Log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('aggregateBeforeCloseAccountBillrun', array($accid, $account, $account_billrun, $lines, &$this));
         Billrun_Factory::log("Closing billrun {$billrun_key} for account {$accid}", Zend_log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::log("Finished closing billrun {$billrun_key} for account {$accid}", Zend_log::INFO);
         Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregateAccount', array($accid, $account, $account_billrun, $lines, &$this));
     if ($billruns_count == count($this->data)) {
         $end_msg = "Finished iterating page {$this->page} of size {$this->size}. Memory usage is " . memory_get_usage() / 1048576 . " MB";
         Billrun_Factory::log($end_msg, Zend_log::INFO);
     // @TODO trigger after aggregate
     Billrun_Factory::dispatcher()->trigger('afterAggregate', array($this->data, &$this));