Ejemplo n.º 1
 function cleanup()
     if (file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/update/")) {
         BigTree::deleteDirectory(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/update/");
     @unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/update.zip");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function installExtension($manifest, $upgrade = false)
     $bigtree["group_match"] = $bigtree["module_match"] = $bigtree["route_match"] = $bigtree["class_name_match"] = $bigtree["form_id_match"] = $bigtree["view_id_match"] = $bigtree["report_id_match"] = array();
     $extension = sqlescape($manifest["id"]);
     // Turn off foreign key checks so we can reference the extension before creating it
     sqlquery("SET foreign_key_checks = 0");
     // Upgrades drop existing modules, templates, etc -- we don't drop settings because they have user data
     if (is_array($upgrade)) {
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_groups WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_modules WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_templates WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_callouts WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_field_types WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_feeds WHERE extension = '{$extension}'");
         // Import tables for new installs
     } else {
         foreach ($manifest["components"]["tables"] as $table_name => $sql_statement) {
             sqlquery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table_name}`");
     // Import module groups
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["module_groups"] as &$group) {
         if ($group) {
             $bigtree["group_match"][$group["id"]] = $this->createModuleGroup($group["name"]);
             // Update the group ID since we're going to save this manifest locally for uninstalling
             $group["id"] = $bigtree["group_match"][$group["id"]];
             sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_groups SET extension = '{$extension}' WHERE id = '" . $group["id"] . "'");
     // Import modules
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["modules"] as &$module) {
         if ($module) {
             $group = $module["group"] && isset($bigtree["group_match"][$module["group"]]) ? $bigtree["group_match"][$module["group"]] : "NULL";
             $gbp = sqlescape(is_array($module["gbp"]) ? BigTree::json($module["gbp"]) : $module["gbp"]);
             // Find a unique route
             $oroute = $route = $module["route"];
             $x = 2;
             while (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_modules WHERE route = '" . sqlescape($route) . "'"))) {
                 $route = $oroute . "-{$x}";
             // Create the module
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_modules (`name`,`route`,`class`,`icon`,`group`,`gbp`,`extension`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($module["name"]) . "','" . sqlescape($route) . "','" . sqlescape($module["class"]) . "','" . sqlescape($module["icon"]) . "',{$group},'{$gbp}','{$extension}')");
             $module_id = sqlid();
             $bigtree["module_match"][$module["id"]] = $module_id;
             $bigtree["route_match"][$module["route"]] = $route;
             // Update the module ID since we're going to save this manifest locally for uninstalling
             $module["id"] = $module_id;
             // Create the embed forms
             foreach ($module["embed_forms"] as $form) {
                 $this->createModuleEmbedForm($module_id, $form["title"], $form["table"], is_array($form["fields"]) ? $form["fields"] : json_decode($form["fields"], true), $form["hooks"], $form["default_position"], $form["default_pending"], $form["css"], $form["redirect_url"], $form["thank_you_message"]);
             // Create views
             foreach ($module["views"] as $view) {
                 $bigtree["view_id_match"][$view["id"]] = $this->createModuleView($module_id, $view["title"], $view["description"], $view["table"], $view["type"], is_array($view["options"]) ? $view["options"] : json_decode($view["options"], true), is_array($view["fields"]) ? $view["fields"] : json_decode($view["fields"], true), is_array($view["actions"]) ? $view["actions"] : json_decode($view["actions"], true), $view["suffix"], $view["preview_url"]);
             // Create regular forms
             foreach ($module["forms"] as $form) {
                 $bigtree["form_id_match"][$form["id"]] = $this->createModuleForm($module_id, $form["title"], $form["table"], is_array($form["fields"]) ? $form["fields"] : json_decode($form["fields"], true), $form["hooks"], $form["default_position"], $form["return_view"] ? $bigtree["view_id_match"][$form["return_view"]] : false, $form["return_url"], $form["tagging"]);
             // Create reports
             foreach ($module["reports"] as $report) {
                 $bigtree["report_id_match"][$report["id"]] = $this->createModuleReport($module_id, $report["title"], $report["table"], $report["type"], is_array($report["filters"]) ? $report["filters"] : json_decode($report["filters"], true), is_array($report["fields"]) ? $report["fields"] : json_decode($report["fields"], true), $report["parser"], $report["view"] ? $bigtree["view_id_match"][$report["view"]] : false);
             // Create actions
             foreach ($module["actions"] as $action) {
                 $this->createModuleAction($module_id, $action["name"], $action["route"], $action["in_nav"], $action["class"], $bigtree["form_id_match"][$action["form"]], $bigtree["view_id_match"][$action["view"]], $bigtree["report_id_match"][$action["report"]], $action["level"], $action["position"]);
     // Import templates
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["templates"] as $template) {
         if ($template) {
             $resources = sqlescape(is_array($template["resources"]) ? BigTree::json($template["resources"]) : $template["resources"]);
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_templates (`id`,`name`,`module`,`resources`,`level`,`routed`,`extension`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($template["id"]) . "','" . sqlescape($template["name"]) . "','" . $bigtree["module_match"][$template["module"]] . "','{$resources}','" . sqlescape($template["level"]) . "','" . sqlescape($template["routed"]) . "','{$extension}')");
     // Import callouts
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["callouts"] as $callout) {
         if ($callout) {
             $resources = sqlescape(is_array($callout["resources"]) ? BigTree::json($callout["resources"]) : $callout["resources"]);
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_callouts (`id`,`name`,`description`,`display_default`,`display_field`,`resources`,`level`,`position`,`extension`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($callout["id"]) . "','" . sqlescape($callout["name"]) . "','" . sqlescape($callout["description"]) . "','" . sqlescape($callout["display_default"]) . "','" . sqlescape($callout["display_field"]) . "','{$resources}','" . sqlescape($callout["level"]) . "','" . sqlescape($callout["position"]) . "','{$extension}')");
     // Import Settings
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["settings"] as $setting) {
         if ($setting) {
             sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_settings SET extension = '{$extension}' WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($setting["id"]) . "'");
     // Import Feeds
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["feeds"] as $feed) {
         if ($feed) {
             $fields = sqlescape(is_array($feed["fields"]) ? BigTree::json($feed["fields"]) : $feed["fields"]);
             $options = sqlescape(is_array($feed["options"]) ? BigTree::json($feed["options"]) : $feed["options"]);
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_feeds (`route`,`name`,`description`,`type`,`table`,`fields`,`options`,`extension`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($feed["route"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["name"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["description"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["type"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["table"]) . "','{$fields}','{$options}','{$extension}')");
     // Import Field Types
     foreach ($manifest["components"]["field_types"] as $type) {
         if ($type) {
             $self_draw = $type["self_draw"] ? "'on'" : "NULL";
             $use_cases = sqlescape(is_array($type["use_cases"]) ? json_encode($type["use_cases"]) : $type["use_cases"]);
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_field_types (`id`,`name`,`use_cases`,`self_draw`,`extension`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($type["id"]) . "','" . sqlescape($type["name"]) . "','{$use_cases}',{$self_draw},'{$extension}')");
     // Upgrades don't drop tables, we run the SQL revisions instead
     if (is_array($upgrade)) {
         $old_revision = $upgrade["revision"];
         $sql_revisions = $manifest["sql_revisions"];
         // Go through all the SQL updates, we ksort first to ensure if the manifest somehow got out of order that we run the SQL update sequentially
         foreach ($sql_revisions as $key => $statements) {
             if ($key > $old_revision) {
                 foreach ($statements as $sql_statement) {
         // Update the extension
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_extensions SET name = '" . sqlescape($manifest["title"]) . "', version = '" . sqlescape($manifest["version"]) . "', last_updated = NOW(), manifest = '" . BigTree::json($manifest, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($manifest["id"]) . "'");
         // Straight installs move files into place locally
     } else {
         // Make sure destination doesn't exist
         $destination_path = SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/" . $manifest["id"] . "/";
         // Move the package to the extension directory
         rename(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/", $destination_path);
         // Create the extension
         sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_extensions (`id`,`type`,`name`,`version`,`last_updated`,`manifest`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($manifest["id"]) . "','extension','" . sqlescape($manifest["title"]) . "','" . sqlescape($manifest["version"]) . "',NOW(),'" . BigTree::json($manifest, true) . "')");
     // Re-enable foreign key checks
     sqlquery("SET foreign_key_checks = 1");
     // Empty view cache
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_view_cache");
     // Move public files into the site directory
     $public_dir = SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/" . $manifest["id"] . "/public/";
     $site_contents = file_exists($public_dir) ? BigTree::directoryContents($public_dir) : array();
     foreach ($site_contents as $file_path) {
         $destination_path = str_replace($public_dir, SITE_ROOT . "extensions/" . $manifest["id"] . "/", $file_path);
         BigTree::copyFile($file_path, $destination_path);
     // Clear module class cache and field type cache.
     @unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-module-class-list.json");
     @unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-form-field-types.json");
     return $manifest;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_feeds (`route`,`name`,`description`,`type`,`table`,`fields`,`options`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($feed["route"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["name"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["description"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["type"]) . "','" . sqlescape($feed["table"]) . "','{$fields}','{$options}')");
// Import Field Types
foreach ($json["components"]["field_types"] as $type) {
    if ($type) {
        sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_field_types WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($type["id"]) . "'");
        // Backwards compatibility with field types packaged for 4.1
        if (!isset($type["use_cases"])) {
            $type["use_cases"] = array("templates" => $type["pages"], "modules" => $type["modules"], "callouts" => $type["callouts"], "settings" => $type["settings"]);
        $use_cases = is_array($type["use_cases"]) ? sqlescape(json_encode($type["use_cases"])) : sqlescape($type["use_cases"]);
        $self_draw = $type["self_draw"] ? "'on'" : "NULL";
        sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_field_types (`id`,`name`,`use_cases`,`self_draw`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($type["id"]) . "','" . sqlescape($type["name"]) . "','{$use_cases}',{$self_draw})");
// Import files
foreach ($json["files"] as $file) {
    BigTree::copyFile(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/{$file}", SERVER_ROOT . $file);
// Empty view cache
sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_view_cache");
// Remove the package directory
BigTree::deleteDirectory(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Clear module class cache and field type cache.
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-module-class-list.json");
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-form-field-types.json");
sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_extensions (`id`,`type`,`name`,`version`,`last_updated`,`manifest`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($json["id"]) . "','package','" . sqlescape($json["title"]) . "','" . sqlescape($json["version"]) . "',NOW(),'" . BigTree::json($json, true) . "')");
sqlquery("SET foreign_key_checks = 1");
$admin->growl("Developer", "Installed Package");
BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "packages/install/complete/");
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Unzip the package
include BigTree::path("inc/lib/pclzip.php");
$zip = new PclZip($file);
$files = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $cache_root);
if (!$files) {
    $_SESSION["upload_error"] = "The zip file uploaded was corrupt.";
    BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "packages/install/");
// Read the manifest
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_root . "manifest.json"), true);
// Make sure it's legit
if ($json["type"] != "package" || !isset($json["id"]) || !isset($json["title"])) {
    $_SESSION["upload_error"] = "The zip file uploaded does not appear to be a BigTree package.";
    BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "packages/install/");
// Check for template collisions
foreach ((array) $json["components"]["templates"] as $template) {
    if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($template["id"]) . "'"))) {
        $warnings[] = "A template already exists with the id “" . $template["id"] . "” — the template will be overwritten.";
// Check for callout collisions
foreach ((array) $json["components"]["callouts"] as $callout) {
    if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($callout["id"]) . "'"))) {
        $warnings[] = "A callout already exists with the id “" . $callout["id"] . "” — the callout will be overwritten.";