Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function makeRequiredEntities()
     $useExistingOrMakeNew = function ($entityClass, $model) {
         $name = $model->name;
         try {
             if ($entityClass === Bf_ProductRatePlan::getClassName()) {
                 $existing = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getByProductAndRatePlanID($model->productID, $name);
             } else {
                 $existing = $entityClass::getByID($name);
             if ($existing) {
                 return $existing;
         } catch (Bf_NoMatchingEntityException $e) {
             return $entityClass::create($model);
     $models = array('account' => Models::Account(), 'uom' => array(Models::UnitOfMeasure(), Models::UnitOfMeasure2(), Models::UnitOfMeasure2()), 'product' => Models::MonthlyRecurringProduct(), 'pricingComponentTierLists' => array(Models::PricingComponentTiers(), Models::PricingComponentTiers2(), Models::PricingComponentTiers2()));
     $created = array('account' => Bf_Account::create($models['account']), 'uom' => array($useExistingOrMakeNew(Bf_UnitOfMeasure::getClassName(), $models['uom'][0]), $useExistingOrMakeNew(Bf_UnitOfMeasure::getClassName(), $models['uom'][1])), 'product' => $useExistingOrMakeNew(Bf_Product::getClassName(), $models['product']));
     // having created product, make rate plan for it
     $models['pricingComponents'] = array(Models::PricingComponent($created['uom'][0], $models['pricingComponentTierLists'][0]), Models::PricingComponent2($created['uom'][1], $models['pricingComponentTierLists'][1]), Models::PricingComponent3($created['uom'][1], $models['pricingComponentTierLists'][1]));
     $models['ratePlan'] = Models::ProductRatePlan($created['product'], $models['pricingComponents']);
     $created['ratePlan'] = $useExistingOrMakeNew(Bf_ProductRatePlan::getClassName(), $models['ratePlan']);
     $models['subscription'] = Models::Subscription($created['ratePlan'], $created['account']);
     $created['subscription'] = Bf_Subscription::create($models['subscription']);
     return $created;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns a Bf_PriceRequest model with 'updatedPricingComponentValues' mapped to the input key-value pairs.
  * @param array List of pricing component properties; array(array('name' => 'Bandwidth usage'), array('name' => 'CPU usage'))
  * @param array List of values to assign to respective pricing components; array(103, 2)
  * @param string (option 1) The ID of the product rate plan for which to generate a price request
  * @param Bf_ProductRatePlan (option 2) The model of the product rate plan for which to generate a price request; provide this to avoid fetching from API
  * @return Bf_PriceRequest The constructed Bf_PriceRequest
 public static function forPricingComponentsByProperties(array $propertiesList, array $valuesList, $productRatePlanID = null, Bf_ProductRatePlan $productRatePlanModel = null)
     if (!is_array($propertiesList)) {
         throw new Bf_MalformedInputException('Expected input to be an array (a list of entity property maps). Instead received: ' + $propertiesList);
     if (!is_array($valuesList)) {
         throw new Bf_MalformedInputException('Expected input to be an array (a list of integer values). Instead received: ' + $valuesList);
     if (is_null($productRatePlanModel)) {
         if (is_null($productRatePlanID)) {
             throw new Bf_EmptyArgumentException('Received null product rate plan, and null product rate plan ID.');
         // fetch from API
         $productRatePlan = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getByID($productRatePlanID);
     } else {
         $productRatePlan = $productRatePlanModel;
     $updatedPricingComponentValues = array();
     foreach ($propertiesList as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             throw new Bf_MalformedInputException('Expected each element of input array to be an array (a map of expected properties on entity, to values). Instead received: ' + $value);
         $pricingComponent = $productRatePlan->getPricingComponentWithProperties($value);
         $updatedPricingComponentValue = new Bf_PricingComponentValue(array('pricingComponentID' => $pricingComponent->id, 'value' => $valuesList[$key]));
         array_push($updatedPricingComponentValues, $updatedPricingComponentValue);
     $model = new Bf_PriceRequest(array('productRatePlanID' => $productRatePlan->id, 'productID' => $productRatePlan->productID, 'updatedPricingComponentValues' => $updatedPricingComponentValues));
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function testGetAll()
     $productRatePlans = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getAll();
     $firstRatePlan = $productRatePlans[0];
     $expected = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getResourcePath()->getEntityName();
     $actual = $firstRatePlan['@type'];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, "Type of any returned entity matches known value.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Assigns to this Bf_Coupon a Bf_ProductRatePlan and Bf_Product.
  * @param union[string ($id | $name) | Bf_ProductRatePlan $ratePlan] The product discounted by the coupon. <string>: ID or name of the Bf_ProductRatePlan. <Bf_ProductRatePlan>: The Bf_ProductRatePlan.
  * @param union[string ($id | $name) | Bf_Product $entity | NULL] (Default: NULL) The product discounted by the coupon. <string>: ID or name of the Bf_Product. <Bf_Product>: The Bf_Product. <NULL>: Fetch first result for Bf_ProductRatePlan (if identifying rate plan by name, please ensure this rate plan's name is unique), and use its Bf_Product.
  * @return Bf_Coupon The modified coupon model.
 public function setRatePlan($ratePlan, $product = NULL)
     if (is_null($product)) {
         // get rate plan
         $ratePlanEntity = Bf_ProductRatePlan::fetchIfNecessary($ratePlan);
         $product = $ratePlanEntity->productID;
     $productIdentifier = Bf_Product::getIdentifier($product);
     $ratePlanIdentifier = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getIdentifier($ratePlan);
     $this->product = $productIdentifier;
     $this->productRatePlan = $ratePlanIdentifier;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Retrieves a quote for the price of the specified quantities of pricing components of the product rate plan
  * @param union[string | Bf_ProductRatePlan] Reference to rate plan <string>: ID of the Bf_ProductRatePlan. <Bf_ProductRatePlan>: The Bf_ProductRatePlan entity.
  * @param array[string => number] $namesToValues The map of pricing component names to quantities
  * Example:
  * array(
  * 	'Bandwidth' => 102,
  * 	'CPU' => 10
  * )
  * @param array $quoteOptions (Default: All keys set to their respective default values) Encapsulates the following optional parameters:
  *	* @param array (Default: array()) $..['couponCodes'] List of coupon codes to be applied in the quote
  *	* @param string_ENUM['InitialPeriod', 'RecurringPeriod', 'Upgrade'] (Default: 'InitialPeriod') $..['quoteFor']
  *	*
  *	* 	<InitialPeriod> (Default)
  *	*
  *	*	<RecurringPeriod>
  *	*
  *	* 	<Upgrade>
  *	*
  *	* @param boolean (Default: true) $..['prorated']
  *	* @param boolean (Default: false) $..['free']
  *	* @param union[string | Bf_Subscription] (Default: NULL) $..['subscription'] Reference to some subscription for whom the quote is producted. <string>: ID of the Bf_Subscription. <Bf_Subscription>: The Bf_Subscription entity.
  * @return Bf_APIQuote The price quote
 public static function getQuote($ratePlan, array $namesToValues, array $quoteOptions = array('couponCodes' => array(), 'quoteFor' => 'InitialPeriod', 'prorated' => true, 'free' => false, 'subscription' => NULL))
     $inputOptions = $quoteOptions;
     // $ratePlanFetched = Bf_ProductRatePlan::fetchIfNecessary($ratePlan);
     $ratePlanID = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getIdentifier($ratePlan);
     $mappings = array_map(function ($name, $value) {
         return new Bf_QuoteRequestValue(array('pricingComponent' => $name, 'quantity' => $value));
     }, array_keys($namesToValues), $namesToValues);
     $stateParams = static::mergeUserArgsOverNonNullDefaults(__METHOD__, array('quantities' => $mappings, 'productRatePlan' => $ratePlanID), $inputOptions);
     static::mutateKeysByStaticLambdas($stateParams, array('subscription' => array('Bf_Subscription', 'getIdentifier')));
     $requestEntity = new Bf_QuoteRequest($stateParams);
     $endpoint = '';
     $responseEntity = Bf_APIQuote::getClassName();
     $constructedEntity = static::postEntityAndGrabFirst($endpoint, $requestEntity, $responseEntity);
     return $constructedEntity;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function initStatics()
     self::$_resourcePath = new Bf_ResourcePath('product-rate-plans', 'productRatePlan');
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Fetches Bf_ProductRatePlans for this Bf_Product.
  * @return Bf_ProductRatePlan[]
 public function getRatePlans($options = NULL, $customClient = NULL)
     return Bf_ProductRatePlan::getForProduct($this->id, $options, $customClient);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Synchronously migrates the subscription to the specified plan.
  * @see scheduleMigratePlan()
  * @return Bf_MigrationResponse The migration result.
 public function migratePlan(array $namesToValues, $newPlan, array $migrationOptions = array('renameSubscription' => NULL, 'pricingBehaviour' => 'DifferenceProRated', 'invoicingType' => 'Aggregated', 'dryRun' => false))
     $inputOptions = $migrationOptions;
     $planID = Bf_ProductRatePlan::getIdentifier($newPlan);
     $subscriptionID = Bf_Subscription::getIdentifier($this);
     $mappings = array_map(function ($name, $value) {
         return new Bf_PricingComponentMigrationValue(array('pricingComponent' => $name, 'value' => $value));
     }, array_keys($namesToValues), $namesToValues);
     $stateParams = static::mergeUserArgsOverNonNullDefaults(__METHOD__, array('mappings' => $mappings, 'productRatePlan' => $planID), $inputOptions);
     static::renameKey($stateParams, 'renameSubscription', 'nextSubscriptionName');
     $requestEntity = new Bf_MigrationRequest($stateParams);
     $endpoint = sprintf("%s/migrate", rawurlencode($subscriptionID));
     $responseEntity = Bf_MigrationResponse::getClassName();
     $constructedEntity = static::postEntityAndGrabFirst($endpoint, $requestEntity, $responseEntity);
     return $constructedEntity;
Ejemplo n.º 9
//-- Make unit of measure
$uom = new Bf_UnitOfMeasure(array('name' => 'Devices', 'displayedAs' => 'Devices', 'roundingScheme' => 'UP'));
$createdUom = Bf_UnitOfMeasure::create($uom);
$createdUomID = $createdUom->id;
//-- Make product
$product = new Bf_Product(array('productType' => 'non-recurring', 'state' => 'prod', 'name' => 'Month of Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin', 'description' => 'It can cure the common cold, and being struck by lightning', 'durationPeriod' => 'days', 'duration' => 28));
$createdProduct = Bf_Product::create($product);
$createdProductID = $createdProduct->id;
//-- Make product rate plan
//-- Make pricing components for product rate plan
//-- Make tiers for pricing component
$tier = new Bf_PricingComponentTier(array('lowerThreshold' => 1, 'upperThreshold' => 1, 'pricingType' => 'unit', 'price' => 1));
$tiers = array($tier);
$pricingComponentsArray = array(new Bf_PricingComponent(array('@type' => 'flatPricingComponent', 'chargeModel' => 'flat', 'name' => 'Devices used', 'description' => 'How many devices you use, I guess', 'unitOfMeasureID' => $createdUomID, 'chargeType' => 'subscription', 'upgradeMode' => 'immediate', 'downgradeMode' => 'immediate', 'defaultQuantity' => 10, 'tiers' => $tiers)));
$prp = new Bf_ProductRatePlan(array('currency' => 'USD', 'name' => getUsualPrpName(), 'pricingComponents' => $pricingComponentsArray, 'productID' => $createdProductID));
$createdPrp = Bf_ProductRatePlan::create($prp);
$createdProductRatePlanID = $createdPrp->id;
$createdPricingComponentID = $createdPrp->pricingComponents[0]->id;
//-- Make pricing component value instance of pricing component
$prc = new Bf_PricingComponentValue(array('pricingComponentID' => $createdPricingComponentID, 'value' => 2, 'crmID' => ''));
$pricingComponentValuesArray = array($prc);
//-- Make Bf_PaymentMethodSubscriptionLinks
// refer by ID to our payment method.
$paymentMethodReference = new Bf_PaymentMethod(array('id' => $createdPaymentMethodID));
$paymentMethodSubscriptionLink = new Bf_PaymentMethodSubscriptionLink(array('paymentMethod' => $paymentMethodReference, 'organizationID' => $firstOrgID));
$paymentMethodSubscriptionLinks = array($paymentMethodSubscriptionLink);
//-- Provision subscription
$sub = new Bf_Subscription(array('type' => 'Subscription', 'productID' => $createdProductID, 'productRatePlanID' => $createdProductRatePlanID, 'accountID' => $createdAccID, 'name' => 'Memorable Bf_Subscription', 'description' => 'Memorable Bf_Subscription Description', 'paymentMethodSubscriptionLinks' => $paymentMethodSubscriptionLinks, 'pricingComponentValues' => $pricingComponentValuesArray));
$createdSub = Bf_Subscription::create($sub);
// activate provisioned subscription