public static function get() { if (self::$_instance === null) { self::$_instance = new Bbx_Config(); } return self::$_instance; }
public static function instance() { $args = func_get_args(); $userOptions = array(); if (count($args) > 0) { $userOptions = $args[0]; } if (self::$_instance === null) { $options = array(); if (isset(Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_username)) { $options = array('auth' => 'login', 'username' => Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_username, 'password' => Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_password); } if (isset(Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_port)) { $options['port'] = Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_port; } if (isset(Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_ssl)) { $options['ssl'] = Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_ssl; } $port = array_key_exists('port', $options) ? $options['port'] : 25; $options = array_merge($options, $userOptions); $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp(Bbx_Config::get()->site->smtp_server, $options); Zend_Mail::setDefaultTransport($transport); self::$_instance = new Bbx_Mail(); } return self::$_instance; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $cdnType = @Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->type; if ($cdnType != null) { $this->_initCdn($cdnType); } }
protected function __construct() { $this->_endpoint = Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->endpoint; $accessKey = Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->accessKey; $secretKey = Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->secretKey; $this->_service = new Zend_Service_Amazon_S3($accessKey, $secretKey); $this->_service->registerStreamWrapper('s3'); $this->_service->setEndpoint($this->_endpoint); $this->_bucket = Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->bucket; }
protected function _doCdnSync() { $cdnType = @Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->type; if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production' && $cdnType != null) { Bbx_Log::write('Doing CDN sync'); $pid = exec('nice php ' . APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Bbx/bin/cdn-sync.php /www/media ' . $cdnType . ' 2>&1 &', $out, $result); if ($result !== 0) { Bbx_Log::write("CDN command failed with the following output: "); Bbx_Log::write(print_r($out, true)); } } else { Bbx_Log::write('App env is ' . APPLICATION_ENV . '; cdnType is ' . $cdnType); } }
public function notify(Exception $e) { if (isset(Bbx_Config::get()->site->support_address) && APPLICATION_ENV != 'development') { try { $mail = Bbx_Mail::instance(); $mail->setFrom('error@' . Bbx_Config::get()->site->location, Bbx_Config::get()->site->location); $mail->setBodyText($this->getRequest()->getRequestUri() . "\n\n" . $e->getMessage()); $mail->addTo(Bbx_Config::get()->site->support_address); $mail->setSubject('Error at ' . Bbx_Config::get()->site->location); $mail->sendAsync(); } catch (Exception $exc) { Bbx_Log::debug(print_r($e, true)); Bbx_Log::debug("Couldn't send mail: " . $exc->getMessage()); } } else { Bbx_Log::debug(print_r($e, true)); } }
public function regenerateImageAction() { $this->_helper->authenticate(); set_time_limit(86400); $id = $this->_getParam('id'); if (empty($id)) { return; } $cdnType = @Bbx_Config::get()->site->cdn->type; $img = Bbx_Model::load('Image')->find($id); $img->regenerateSizedMedia(null, true); if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production' && $cdnType != null) { Bbx_Log::write('Doing CDN sync'); $pid = exec('nice php ' . APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Bbx/bin/cdn-sync.php /www/media ' . $cdnType . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } // TODO send a JSON response $this->getResponse()->sendResponse(); exit; }
protected function _httpAuth() { $config = array('accept_schemes' => 'digest', 'realm' => Bbx_Config::get()->site->location, 'digest_domains' => '/', 'nonce_timeout' => 3600); $adaptor = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http($config); $this->_resolver = new Bbx_Auth_Resolver_Db(); $adaptor->setDigestResolver($this->_resolver)->setRequest($this->getRequest())->setResponse($this->getResponse()); try { $auth = $adaptor->authenticate(); if (!$auth->isValid()) { if (isset($this->_redirect)) { $body = $this->_getRedirectBody(); } else { $body = $this->_get403Body(); } $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(401)->setBody($body)->sendResponse(); exit; } return $auth->isValid(); } catch (Exception $e) { Bbx_Log::write('Exception during authentication: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new Bbx_Controller_Rest_Exception(null, 401); } }
<?php require 'init.php'; $u = Bbx_Config::get()->resources->db->params->username; $p = Bbx_Config::get()->resources->db->params->password; $d = Bbx_Config::get()->resources->db->params->dbname; $path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/scripts/migrations'; $cmd = "mysql --user={$u} --password='******' < {$path}/schema.sql"; exec($cmd);
function bbx_escape($string) { return htmlspecialchars((string) $string, ENT_COMPAT, Bbx_Config::get()->locale->charset); }
protected function _beforeSave() { if (empty($this->_oldData) || ($this->password !== $this->_oldData['password'] || $this->username !== $this->_oldData['username'])) { $this->password = md5($this->username . ':' . Bbx_Config::get()->site->location . ':' . $this->password); } }
public function config() { return Bbx_Config::get(); }
protected static function _getFinalDate($timestamp, $parts, $format) { if ($format === null) { $format = Bbx_Config::get()->locale->datetime_format; } $formatArray = self::_parseFormat($format); $finalFormatArray = array(); foreach ($formatArray as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $parts)) { $finalFormatArray[$key] = $formatArray[$key]; } } $format = implode('', $finalFormatArray); return date($format, $timestamp); }
protected function _initLocale() { if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { mb_internal_encoding(Bbx_Config::get()->locale->charset); } }