Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $key->secret;
$marketplace = new Balanced\Marketplace();
// Create a bank account
$bank_account = new \Balanced\BankAccount(array("account_number" => "9900000001", "name" => "Johann Bernoulli", "routing_number" => "121000358", "type" => "checking"));
print "The BankAccount: " . $bank_account->uri;
// Create a Customer
$customer = new \Balanced\Customer(array("name" => "William Henry Cavendish III", "email" => "*****@*****.**"));
// Add the bank account to the Customer
print "You can't debit from a bank account until you verify it\n";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Debit failed, %s\n", $e->description);
// Initiate a bank account verification
$verification = $bank_account->verify();
// Verify the bank account
try {
    $verification->confirm(1, 2);
} catch (Balanced\Errors\BankAccountVerificationFailure $e) {
    printf("Verification error , %s\n", $e->description);
    print "PROTIP: for TEST bank accounts the valid amount is always 1 and 1\n";
$verification->confirm(1, 1);
$debit = $customer->debit(100);
printf("Debited the bank account %s for %d cents\n", $debit->source->uri, $debit->amount);
// Create a requestb.in
$ch = curl_init("http://requestb.in/api/v1/bins");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . 0));
$result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$bin_name = $result->name;
$callback_url = "http://requestb.in/" . $bin_name;
$requests_url = "http://requestb.in/api/v1/bins/" . $bin_name . "/requests";
// Create a Callback
printf("Create a callback\n");
$callback = new Balanced\Callback(array("url" => $callback_url));
print "The callback: " . $callback->uri . "\n";
// Create a Customer
$customer = new \Balanced\Customer(array("name" => "William Henry Cavendish III", "email" => "*****@*****.**"));
print "The customer: " . $customer->uri . "\n";
// Create a Card
printf("Create a Card\n");
$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array("card_number" => "5105105105105100", "expiration_month" => "12", "expiration_year" => "2015"));
// Add Card to Customer
print "Add Card to Customer\n";
// Debit the Customer
printf("Create a debit (which implicitly creates and captures a hold)\n");
foreach ($marketplace->events as $event) {
    printf("Received Event:\n Type - %s\n Occurred at - %s\n\n", $event->type, $event->occurred_at);
printf("Examine event payloads at http://requestb.in/%s?inspect\n", $bin_name);
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$API_KEY_SECRET = '5f4db668a5ec11e1b908026ba7e239a9';
Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $API_KEY_SECRET;
$marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
// Create a Card
print "Create a card\n";
$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array("card_number" => "5105105105105100", "expiration_month" => "12", "expiration_year" => "2015"));
print "The card: " . $card->uri . "\n";
// Create a Customer
$customer = new \Balanced\Customer(array("name" => "William Henry Cavendish III", "email" => "*****@*****.**"));
print "The customer: " . $customer->uri . "\n";
// Add the Card to the Customer
print "Add the Card to the Customer\n";
// Debit the Customer
print "Debit the customer \$15\n";
try {
    $debit = $customer->debit(1500);
    print "The debit: " . $debit->uri . "\n";
    print "Debited Customer " . $customer->uri . " for " . $debit->amount . " cents.\n";
} catch (Balanced\Errors\Declined $e) {
    print "Oh no, the processor declined the debit!\n";
} catch (Balanced\Errors\NoFundingSource $e) {
    print "Oh no, the buyer has not active funding sources!\n";
} catch (Balanced\Errors\CannotDebit $e) {
    print "Oh no, the buyer has no debitable funding sources!\n";
Ejemplo n.º 4
print "The customer: " . $customer->uri . "\n";
// Add Card to Customer
// Hold some funds
print "Create a Hold for some funds, \$15\n";
$hold = $marketplace->holds->create(array("amount" => 1500, "description" => "Some descriptive text for the debit in the dashboard", "source_uri" => $card->uri));
// Capture the hold
print "Capture the Hold (for the full amount)\n";
$debit = $hold->capture();
// Check escrow for new funds from debit
$marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
if ($marketplace->in_escrow != 1500) {
    throw new Exception("1500 is not in escrow! This is wrong");
print "Escrow amount: " . $marketplace->in_escrow . " \n";
print "Refund the full amount\n";
$refund = $debit->refund();
// Create a bank account
$bank_account = new \Balanced\BankAccount(array("account_number" => "9900000001", "name" => "Johann Bernoulli", "routing_number" => "121000358", "type" => "checking"));
// Create a Customer who is the seller
$seller = new \Balanced\Customer(array("name" => "Billy Jones", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "street_address" => "801 High St", "postal_code" => "94301", "country" => "USA", "dob" => "1979-02"));
// Add bank account to seller
print "Debit the customer for \$130\n";
$debit = $customer->debit(13000, "MARKETPLACE.COM");
print "Credit the seller \$110\n";
$credit = $seller->credit(11000, "Buyer purchased something on Marketplace.com");
print "The marketplace charges 15%, so it earned \$20\n";
$mp_credit = $marketplace->owner_customer->credit(2000, "Commission from MARKETPLACE.COM");