  * Get the SQL for the 'scope' param in BP_Activity_Activity::get().
  * A scope is a predetermined set of activity arguments.  This method is used
  * to grab these activity arguments and override any existing args if needed.
  * Can handle multiple scopes.
  * @since 2.2.0
  * @param  mixed $scope  The activity scope. Accepts string or array of scopes.
  * @param  array $r      Current activity arguments. Same as those of BP_Activity_Activity::get(),
  *                       but merged with defaults.
  * @return array 'sql' WHERE SQL string and 'override' activity args.
 public static function get_scope_query_sql($scope = false, $r = array())
     // Define arrays for future use.
     $query_args = array();
     $override = array();
     $retval = array();
     // Check for array of scopes.
     if (is_array($scope)) {
         $scopes = $scope;
         // Explode a comma separated string of scopes.
     } elseif (is_string($scope)) {
         $scopes = explode(',', $scope);
     // Bail if no scope passed.
     if (empty($scopes)) {
         return false;
     // Helper to easily grab the 'user_id'.
     if (!empty($r['filter']['user_id'])) {
         $r['user_id'] = $r['filter']['user_id'];
     // Parse each scope; yes! we handle multiples!
     foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
         $scope_args = array();
          * Plugins can hook here to set their activity arguments for custom scopes.
          * This is a dynamic filter based on the activity scope. eg:
          *   - 'bp_activity_set_groups_scope_args'
          *   - 'bp_activity_set_friends_scope_args'
          * To see how this filter is used, plugin devs should check out:
          *   - bp_groups_filter_activity_scope() - used for 'groups' scope
          *   - bp_friends_filter_activity_scope() - used for 'friends' scope
          * @since 2.2.0
          *  @param array {
          *     Activity query clauses.
          *     @type array {
          *         Activity arguments for your custom scope.
          *         See {@link BP_Activity_Query::_construct()} for more details.
          *     }
          *     @type array $override Optional. Override existing activity arguments passed by $r.
          * }
          * @param array $r Current activity arguments passed in BP_Activity_Activity::get().
         $scope_args = apply_filters("bp_activity_set_{$scope}_scope_args", array(), $r);
         if (!empty($scope_args)) {
             // Merge override properties from other scopes
             // this might be a problem...
             if (!empty($scope_args['override'])) {
                 $override = array_merge($override, $scope_args['override']);
             // Save scope args.
             if (!empty($scope_args)) {
                 $query_args[] = $scope_args;
     if (!empty($query_args)) {
         // Set relation to OR.
         $query_args['relation'] = 'OR';
         $query = new BP_Activity_Query($query_args);
         $sql = $query->get_sql();
         if (!empty($sql)) {
             $retval['sql'] = $sql;
     if (!empty($override)) {
         $retval['override'] = $override;
     return $retval;
 * Access protection in the activity feed.
 * Users should not see activity related to papers to which they do not have access.
function cacsp_access_protection_for_activity_feed($where_conditions)
    $protected_paper_ids = cacsp_get_protected_papers_for_user(bp_loggedin_user_id());
    if (!$protected_paper_ids) {
        return $where_conditions;
    // DeMorgan says: A & B == ( ! A || ! B )
    $activity_query = new BP_Activity_Query(array('relation' => 'OR', array('column' => 'type', 'value' => array('new_cacsp_post', 'new_cacsp_comment', 'new_cacsp_edit', 'cacsp_paper_added_to_group'), 'compare' => 'NOT IN'), array('column' => 'secondary_item_id', 'value' => $protected_paper_ids, 'compare' => 'NOT IN')));
    $aq_sql = $activity_query->get_sql();
    if ($aq_sql) {
        $where_conditions[] = $aq_sql;
    return $where_conditions;