Ejemplo n.º 1

Autoloader::map(array('Laravel\\Asset_Container' => path('sys') . 'asset.php'));
Autoloader::namespaces(array('AssetCompressor' => __DIR__));
Autoloader::alias('AssetCompressor\\Asset', 'Asset');
Ejemplo n.º 2

Autoloader::map(array('Flyswatter_Base_Controller' => Bundle::path('flyswatter') . 'controllers/base.php'));
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Flyswatter\\Models' => Bundle::path('flyswatter') . 'models'));
Ejemplo n.º 3

 * Part of the Nesty bundle for Laravel.
 * @package    Nesty
 * @version    1.0
 * @author     Cartalyst LLC
 * @license    MIT License
 * @copyright  (c) 2011 - 2012, Cartalyst LLC
 * @link       http://cartalyst.com
// Autoload classes
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Nesty' => Bundle::path('nesty')));
// Set the global alias for Nesty
Autoloader::alias('Nesty\\Nesty', 'Nesty');

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Sendersuite' => Bundle::path('sendersuite') . 'lib'));
// Register sendersuite in the IoC container
Laravel\IoC::singleton('sendersuite', function () {
    $confProvider = new \Sendersuite\ConfigurationProvider();
    if (\Laravel\Config::get('sendersuite::config.debugmode')) {
        $apiConnection = new \Sendersuite\EventConnection();
    } else {
        $apiConnection = new \Sendersuite\HttpConnection();
    $ssApi = new \Sendersuite\Api($apiConnection, $confProvider);
    return $ssApi;
Ejemplo n.º 5

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Permissions\\Model' => Bundle::path('permissions') . 'models' . DS, 'Permissions' => Bundle::path('permissions') . 'libraries' . DS));
Route::filter('mwi.admin_controller_start', function ($controller) {
    $permissions = new \Permissions\Check(\Request::route(), $controller);
    if (!Bundle::exists('auth')) {
    // Fix route bundle if
    // its an administration route
    $uri = Request::route()->uri;
    $uri_parts = explode('/', $uri);
    // check if is set
    // check if first part is administration uri
    // check if is not only the dashboard http://site.com/[admin]
    if (isset($uri_parts['0']) and $uri_parts['0'] = ADM_URI and count($uri_parts) > 1) {
        $uri = implode('/', $uri_parts);
        Request::route()->bundle = Bundle::handles($uri);
        $controller->bundle = Request::route()->bundle;
    $result = $permissions::can(Auth::user());
    if (isset($result)) {
        if (!$result->is_allowed) {
            if (Request::ajax()) {
                return 'not permited';
            } else {
                return \Response::error('401', get_object_vars($result));
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Auth' => Bundle::path('auth') . 'libraries'));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Test the loading of classes mapped by namespaces.
  * @group laravel
 public function testClassesMappedByNamespaceCanBeLoaded()
     Autoloader::namespaces(array('Dashboard' => path('bundle') . 'dashboard' . DS . 'models'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Dashboard\\Repository', new Dashboard\Repository());
Ejemplo n.º 8

| OneAuth Library
| Map OneAuth Library using PSR-0 standard namespace. 
Autoloader::namespaces(array('OneAuth\\Auth' => Bundle::path('oneauth') . 'libraries' . DS . 'auth', 'OneAuth\\OAuth' => Bundle::path('oneauth') . 'libraries' . DS . 'oauth', 'OneAuth\\OAuth2' => Bundle::path('oneauth') . 'libraries' . DS . 'oauth2'));
| OneAuth Events Listener
| Lets listen to when OneAuth logged a user using any of the supported 
| providers. 
| OneAuth also listen to when user actually logged in to Laravel.
Event::listen('oneauth.logged', function ($client, $user_data) {
    // if user already logged in, don't do anything
    if (IoC::resolve('oneauth.driver: auth.check')) {
    // OneAuth should login the user if user exist and is not logged in
    if (is_numeric($client->user_id) and $client->user_id > 0) {
        IoC::resolve('oneauth.driver: auth.login', array($client->user_id));
Ejemplo n.º 9
| Define Basset's version.
define('BASSET_VERSION', '3.0.0');
| Register PSR-0 Autoloading
| Basset uses PSR-0 autoloading to lazily load the required files when
| requested. Here we'll provide the namespaces and their corrosponding
| locations.
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Assetic' => __DIR__ . '/vendor/assetic/src/Assetic', 'Basset' => __DIR__ . '/classes'));
| Basset Facade Alias
| Alias Basset to the Basset Facade so that we can use a terser static
| syntax to access methods. Lovely.
Autoloader::alias('Basset\\Facades\\Basset', 'Basset');
| Register Basset with the IoC
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function createClassMap()
     $configAutoloader = Config::get('Autoloader');
     $configClassMap = Config::get('ClassMap');
     // Config/Autoloader.php dosyasından tarama
     // ayaraı kapalı ise tarama yapmaz.
     if ($configAutoloader['directoryScanning'] === false) {
         return false;
     // ClassMap'in oluşturulması için hangi dizinlerin
     // taranması gerektiği Config/Autoloader.php dosyasında
     // yer alır. Bu dizinlerin bilgisi alınıyor.
     $classMap = $configAutoloader['classMap'];
     // Belirtilen dizinler ve alt dizinler taranıyor
     // ve sınıf haritaları oluşturuluyor...
     if (!empty($classMap)) {
         foreach ($classMap as $directory) {
             $classMaps = self::searchClassMap($directory, $directory);
     $classArray = array_diff_key(isset($classMaps['classes']) ? $classMaps['classes'] : array(), isset($configClassMap['classes']) ? $configClassMap['classes'] : array());
     $eol = eol();
     // Config/ClassMap.php
     $path = CONFIG_DIR . 'ClassMap.php';
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ClassMap dosyasının sınıflar bölümü oluşturuluyor.
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         $classMapPage = '<?php' . $eol;
     } else {
         $classMapPage = '';
     if (!empty($classArray)) {
         self::$classes = $classMaps['classes'];
         foreach ($classArray as $k => $v) {
             $classMapPage .= '$config[\'ClassMap\'][\'classes\'][\'' . $k . '\'] = \'' . $v . '\';' . $eol;
     $namespaceArray = array_diff_key(isset($classMaps['namespaces']) ? $classMaps['namespaces'] : array(), isset($configClassMap['namespaces']) ? $configClassMap['namespaces'] : array());
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ClassMap dosyasının isim alanları bölümü oluşturuluyor.
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!empty($namespaceArray)) {
         self::$namespaces = $classMaps['namespaces'];
         foreach ($namespaceArray as $k => $v) {
             $classMapPage .= '$config[\'ClassMap\'][\'namespaces\'][\'' . $k . '\'] = \'' . $v . '\';' . $eol;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ClassMap verisi yine aynı isimde bir dosya olarak oluşturuluyor.
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!file_put_contents($path, $classMapPage, FILE_APPEND)) {
         die(getErrorMessage('Error', 'fileNotWrite', $path));
Ejemplo n.º 11

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Install' => Bundle::path('install') . 'libraries'));
if (!Session::has('adm_lang')) {
    Session::put('adm_lang', 'us');
| Set Application Security Key
| The application security key is used by the encryption and cookie classes 
| to generate secure encrypted strings and hashes. At this poing we will 
| make sure that every installation contain an unique key with at least 32 
| characters of random gibberish.
$app_installed = Config::get('application.installed');
$key_installed = Session::get('key_installed');
if (!$app_installed or !$key_installed) {
    Session::put('key_installed', true);
if (!defined('ADM_URI')) {
    define('ADM_URI', 'admin');
Ejemplo n.º 12

 * Bootstrapper for creating Twitter Bootstrap markup.
 * @category   HTML/UI
 * @package    Boostrapper
 * @subpackage Twitter
 * @author     Patrick Talmadge - <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit>
 * @link       http://laravelbootstrapper.phpfogapp.com/
 * @see        http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
// Autoload Boostrapper
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Bootstrapper' => Bundle::path('bootstrapper') . 'src' . DS . 'Bootstrapper'));
// Define main assets
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->bundle('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap', 'css/bootstrap.min.css')->add('bootstrap-responsive', 'css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css')->add('jquery', 'js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js')->add('bootstrap-js', 'js/bootstrap.min.js', 'jquery');
// Define unminified version of the assets
Asset::container('bootstrapper-unminified')->bundle('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap', 'css/bootstrap.css')->add('bootstrap-responsive', 'css/bootstrap-responsive.css')->add('jquery', 'js/jquery-1.9.1.js')->add('bootstrap-js', 'js/bootstrap.js', 'jquery');
Ejemplo n.º 13
define('SWIFT_REQUIRED_LOADED', true);
// Load Swift utility class
require __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'swiftmailer' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'Swift.php';
// Start the autoloader
// Load the init script to set up dependency injection
require __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'swiftmailer' . DS . 'swift_init.php';
// Register the native quoted printable encoder to achieve much better
// performance. This requires PHP 5.3, but since this is a Laravel bundle
// I think it's safe to assume that that shouldn't be a problem.
Swift::init(function () {
// Map the Message classes.
Autoloader::map(array('Swiftmailer\\Drivers\\Driver' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'message' . DS . 'drivers' . DS . 'driver.php', 'Swiftmailer\\Drivers\\SMTP' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'message' . DS . 'drivers' . DS . 'smtp.php', 'Swiftmailer\\Drivers\\Sendmail' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'message' . DS . 'drivers' . DS . 'sendmail.php', 'Swiftmailer\\Drivers\\Mail' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'message' . DS . 'drivers' . DS . 'mail.php'));
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Email\\Model' => __DIR__ . DS . 'models' . DS, 'Email' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS));
| Load Application Helpers file
| Load all email helper functions available globaly in the application
include __DIR__ . DS . 'helpers.php';
| Email Event Listners
| Load email listners for module
Ejemplo n.º 14

Log::info('Ravenly online');
Autoloader::namespaces(array('PhpLib' => Bundle::path('ravenly') . 'lib/PhpLib'));
Ejemplo n.º 15

use Layla\API;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load helpers
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require __DIR__ . DS . 'helpers' . EXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Register the Base Controller
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Autoloader::map(array('Admin_Base_Controller' => __DIR__ . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'base' . EXT));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Register namespaces
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Admin' => __DIR__));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Register controllers
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Route::pages(Config::get('routes'), 'admin', Config::get('layla.admin.url_prefix'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Start bundles
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Composer
// --------------------------------------------------------------
View::composer('admin::layouts.default', function ($view) {
    $view->shares('url', prefix('admin') . '/');
    Asset::container('header')->add('jquery', 'js/jquery.min.js')->add('bootstrap', 'bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css')->add('main', 'html/layla.css');
    Asset::container('footer')->add('bootstrap', 'js/bootstrap.js');
Ejemplo n.º 16

| Auto-Loader Namespaces
| Load namespaces here. This only shows the relevant Autoloader for this example
Autoloader::namespaces(array('AdminModels' => path('app') . 'models/admin'));
Ejemplo n.º 17
use Layla\DBManager;
use Layla\API;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load helpers
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require __DIR__ . DS . 'helpers' . EXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load bundles
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load namespaces
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Domain' => __DIR__));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Filters
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Route::filter('authority', function ($resource) {
    $action = Request::$route->parameters['0'];
    if (Authority::cannot($action, $resource)) {
        return Response::make('', 401);
Route::filter('auth', function () {
    if (Auth::guest()) {
        return Redirect::make('', 401);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 18
namespace Vane;

\Bundle::$bundles['vane']['ignorePlarx'] = array('Str', 'HLEx', 'Log', 'Event', 'Validator');
if (!\Bundle::exists('plarx')) {
    throw new Error('Vane requires Plarx bundle installed.');
} else {
    \Px\Plarx::supersede(__NAMESPACE__, \Bundle::option('vane', 'ignorePlarx'));
if (!\Bundle::exists('squall')) {
    throw new Error('Vane requires Squall bundle installed.');
} else {
\Autoloader::namespaces(array(__NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . DS . 'classes'));
require_once __DIR__ . DS . 'core.php';
overrideHTMLki('vane::', __NAMESPACE__);
// vane::auth[:[!]perm[:[!]perm.2[...]]] [|filter:2 [|...]]
// This filter will always deny access for non-authorized users even if guest
// permissions allow for given features - this is so because protected controllers
// rely on current user being logged in.
\Route::filter('vane::auth', function ($feature_1 = null) {
    $features = is_array($feature_1) ? $feature_1 : func_get_args();
    $block = is_object(end($features)) ? array_pop($features) : null;
    $user = \Auth::user();
    if ($user and !$user instanceof UserInterface) {
        $msg = "When using vane::auth filter object returned by Auth::user()" . " (" . get_class($user) . " here) must implement Vane\\UserInterface." . " This is not so - returned 403 for user {$user->id}.";
        $deny = Log::error_Auth($msg);
    } elseif (!$user) {
Ejemplo n.º 19

// register the class
Autoloader::namespaces(array('FormBaseModel' => __DIR__));
// register the example code
// you may remove or comment out the following lines to disable example routing
Autoloader::map(array('ExampleForm' => __DIR__ . '/models/exampleform.php'));
Route::any('form_examples/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?)', array('as' => 'form_examples', 'uses' => 'form-base-model::examples@(:1)', 'defaults' => array('index')));
Ejemplo n.º 20
| underscores as directory hierarchy indicators.
Autoloader::map(array('Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relationships\\Belongs_To' => path('sys') . 'database/eloquent/relationships/belongs_to' . EXT, 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relationships\\Has_Many' => path('sys') . 'database/eloquent/relationships/has_many' . EXT, 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relationships\\Has_Many_And_Belongs_To' => path('sys') . 'database/eloquent/relationships/has_many_and_belongs_to' . EXT, 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relationships\\Has_One' => path('sys') . 'database/eloquent/relationships/has_one' . EXT, 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relationships\\Has_One_Or_Many' => path('sys') . 'database/eloquent/relationships/has_one_or_many' . EXT));
| Register The Symfony Components
| Laravel makes use of the Symfony components where the situation is
| applicable and it is possible to do so. This allows us to focus
| on the parts of the framework that are unique and not re-do
| plumbing code that others have written.
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Symfony\\Component\\Console' => path('sys') . 'vendor/Symfony/Component/Console', 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation' => path('sys') . 'vendor/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation'));
| Magic Quotes Strip Slashes
| Even though "Magic Quotes" are deprecated in PHP 5.3.x, they may still
| be enabled on the server. To account for this, we will strip slashes
| on all input arrays if magic quotes are enabled for the server.
if (magic_quotes()) {
    $magics = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
    foreach ($magics as &$magic) {
        $magic = array_strip_slashes($magic);
Ejemplo n.º 21

if (!File::exists(path('base') . 'vendor/autoload.php')) {
    throw new Exception('You need to run composer update to complete installation of this project.');
require path('base') . 'vendor/autoload.php';
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Mail' => Bundle::path('mail')));
IoC::register('Mail', function () {
    return new Mail\Libraries\Mail();
Ejemplo n.º 22

Autoloader::namespaces(array('extjs' => Bundle::path('extjs') . 'models'));
Autoloader::map(array('lext' => Bundle::path('extjs') . 'libraries/lext.php'));
Ejemplo n.º 23
| Auto-Loader Mappings
| Laravel uses a simple array of class to path mappings to drive the class
| auto-loader. This simple approach helps avoid the performance problems
| of searching through directories by convention.
| Registering a mapping couldn't be easier. Just pass an array of class
| to path maps into the "map" function of Autoloader. Then, when you
| want to use that class, just use it. It's simple!
                'LaraChat\\Chat' => __DIR__.'/larachat/chat.php'
| Auto-Loader Directories
| The Laravel auto-loader can search directories for files using the PSR-0
| naming convention. This convention basically organizes classes by using
| the class namespace to indicate the directory structure.
// Autoload classes
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Larachat' => __DIR__ . DS));
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: start.php Proyecto: ajb/rfpez

Autoloader::directories(array(Bundle::path('administrator') . 'Libraries'));
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Admin' => Bundle::path('administrator')));
//set the config items if a user has provided an application config
foreach (Config::get('administrator::administrator', array()) as $key => $option) {
    if (Config::has('administrator.' . $key)) {
        Config::set('administrator::administrator.' . $key, Config::get('administrator.' . $key));
Ejemplo n.º 25

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Multup' => Bundle::path('multup') . 'libraries'));
Autoloader::map(array('Multup' => __DIR__ . DS . 'multup.php'));
Ejemplo n.º 26

 * /bundles/imwg/start.php
 * Imwg - Imagemanipulation with GD
 * @package  Laravel-Imwg
 * @version  1.0.1
 * @author   Nico R <*****@*****.**>
 * @link     https://github.com/Sentences
Autoloader::namespaces(array('ImageManipulationWithGd' => __DIR__ . DS . 'classes' . DS));
Autoloader::alias('ImageManipulationWithGd\\Imwg', 'Imwg');
// Merge user configuration files
Ejemplo n.º 27

// Autoload Former's namespace
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Former' => Bundle::path('former') . 'libraries'));
Ejemplo n.º 28

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Chargebee' => Bundle::path('chargebee') . 'chargebee-php/lib/'));
// include
require_once __DIR__ . '/chargebee-php/lib/ChargeBee.php';
// load config
$config = Config::get('chargebee');
ChargeBee_Environment::configure($config['site_name'], $config['site_api_key']);
Ejemplo n.º 29

Autoloader::namespaces(array('Pages\\Model' => Bundle::path('pages') . 'models' . DS, 'Pages' => Bundle::path('pages') . 'libraries' . DS));
 * Includes out Events file
require_once 'events.php';
Ejemplo n.º 30

namespace Blog;

\Autoloader::namespaces(array('Blog\\Models' => \Bundle::path('blog') . 'models'));
\Validator::register('date', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
    $regex = '/^[0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))$/';
    return preg_match($regex, $value);
\Validator::register('time', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
    $regex = '/^(20|21|22|23|[01]\\d|\\d)(([:.][0-5]\\d){1,2})$/';
    return preg_match($regex, $value);