  * Returns whether or not the specified page is visible to the user
  * @param  array $page  Page data
  * @return boolean      Access
 public static function is_page_visible($page)
     $show_page = true;
     // Get visibility scheme and bail if there isn't one.
     if (!($scheme = array_get($page, '_admin'))) {
         return true;
     // Clean up the scheme
     foreach ($scheme as $key => $val) {
         if (!in_array($key, array('hide', 'show'))) {
     // Get/set member's roles
     if (!self::$member_roles) {
         self::$member_roles = Auth::getCurrentMember()->get('roles');
     $roles = self::$member_roles;
     // Hiding is checked first because we'd rather show a page than hide it if there's crossover.
     if (array_get($scheme, 'hide')) {
         if (!is_array($scheme['hide'])) {
             // Flag as hidden if `hide: true|yes|1` is specified
             $show_page = false;
         } else {
             // Flat as hidden if the member's role is in scheme's "hide" list
             $show_page = array_intersect($scheme['hide'], $roles) ? false : true;
     if (array_get($scheme, 'show')) {
         // Flat as showable if the member's role is in scheme's "show" list
         $show_page = (bool) array_intersect(array_get($scheme, 'show', array()), $roles);
     return $show_page;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Logs the current user out
  * @return void
 public static function logout()
     // trigger a hook
     Hook::run('auth', 'logout', 'call', null, Auth::getCurrentMember());
     $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
  * Store a revision for a given $file
  * @param string $file  The file to save a revision for
  * @param string $content  The content to store as data for this revision
  * @param string $message  The commit message
  * @param null   $timestamp  An optional timestamp for when this revision occurred
  * @param bool   $is_new  Whether the file is new or not
 public function saveRevision($file, $content, $message, $timestamp = null, $is_new = false)
     // store in folder of hashed file name
     $hash = Helper::makeHash($file);
     // determine revision number
     $nth_revision = count($this->storage->listAll($hash)) + 1;
     $revision_data = array('file' => $file, 'revision' => $nth_revision, 'message' => $message, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ? Date::resolve($timestamp) : time(), 'author_uid' => Auth::getCurrentMember()->getUID(), 'data' => $content);
     $location = $hash . '/' . str_pad($nth_revision, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $this->storage->putYAML($location, $revision_data);
 function authCheck($role = 'admin')
     $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
     $user = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     if ($user) {
         if ($user->hasRole($role)) {
             return true;
     exit("Invalid Request");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * The Routes
function authenticateForRole($role = 'member')
    $admin_app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $user = Auth::getCurrentMember();
    if ($user) {
        if ($user->hasRole($role) === false) {
    } else {
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function markitup__upload()
     if (!Auth::getCurrentMember()) {
         exit("Invalid Request");
     $path = Request::get('path');
     $is_image = Request::get('is_image');
     if (isset($path)) {
         // build directory
         $dir = Path::tidy(ltrim($path, '/') . '/');
         $file_type = strtolower($_FILES['file']['type']);
         $file_info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
         // pull out the filename bits
         $filename = $file_info['filename'];
         $ext = $file_info['extension'];
         // build filename
         $file = $dir . $filename . '.' . $ext;
         // check for dupes
         if (File::exists($file)) {
             $file = BASE_PATH . '/' . $dir . $filename . '-' . date('YmdHis') . '.' . $ext;
         if (!Folder::isWritable($dir)) {
             $this->log->error('Upload failed. Directory "' . $dir . '" is not writable.');
             die('Upload directory not writable');
         if ($is_image && ($_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/png' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/jpg' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/gif' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/jpeg')) {
             if (Request::get('resize', false)) {
                 $image = Image::make($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
                 $width = Request::get('width', null);
                 $height = Request::get('height', null);
                 $ratio = Request::get('ratio', true);
                 $upsize = Request::get('upsize', false);
                 $quality = Request::get('quality', '75');
                 $image->resize($width, $height, $ratio, $upsize)->save($file, $quality);
             } else {
                 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $file);
         } else {
             move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $file);
         $return = array('filelink' => Path::toAsset($file));
     } else {
         die('Upload directory not set.');
 public function render()
     $html = "<div class='input-select-wrap'><select name='{$this->fieldname}' tabindex='{$this->tabindex}'>";
     $html .= "<option value=''>- None Selected-</option>";
     $current_user = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     $current_username = $current_user->get_name();
     if ($this->field_data == '') {
         $this->field_data = $current_username;
     foreach (Member::getList() as $key => $data) {
         if (!is_object($data)) {
         $selected = $this->field_data == $key ? " selected='selected'" : '';
         $html .= "<option {$selected} value='{$key}'>{$data->get('first_name')} {$data->get('last_name')}</option>";
     $html .= "</select></div>";
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public function redactor__fetch_files()
        if (!Auth::getCurrentMember()) {
            exit("Invalid Request");

        $dir = Path::tidy(ltrim(Request::get('path'), '/').'/');
        $file_list = glob($dir."*.*", GLOB_BRACE);

        $files = array();
        if (count($file_list) > 0) {
            foreach ($file_list as $file) {
                $pi = pathinfo($file);
                $files[] = array(
                    'link'  => Path::toAsset($file),
                    'title' => $pi['filename'],
                    'name'  => $pi['basename'],
                    'size'  => File::getHumanSize(File::getSize(Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, $file)))

        echo json_encode($files);
  * Evaluates a rule
  * @param string  $rule  Type of rule
  * @param mixed  $value  Value to evaluate for the rule
  * @return bool
 public function evaluateRule($rule, $value)
     $member = Auth::isLoggedIn() ? Auth::getCurrentMember() : new Member(array());
     if ($rule === '_any') {
         // this is an "any" grouping
         foreach ($value as $sub_rule) {
             $key = key($sub_rule);
             if ($this->evaluateRule(key($sub_rule), $sub_rule[$key])) {
                 return true;
         return false;
     } elseif ($rule === '_none') {
         // this is a "none" grouping
         foreach ($value as $sub_rule) {
             $key = key($sub_rule);
             if ($this->evaluateRule(key($sub_rule), $sub_rule[$key])) {
                 return false;
         return true;
     } elseif ($rule === '_all') {
         // this is an "all" grouping
         foreach ($value as $sub_rule) {
             $key = key($sub_rule);
             if (!$this->evaluateRule(key($sub_rule), $sub_rule[$key])) {
                 return false;
         return true;
     } elseif ($rule === '_addon') {
         // this is an add-on API call
         // grab add-on definition
         $method = array_get($value, 'method', null);
         $comparison = array_get($value, 'comparison', '==');
         $parameters = array_get($value, 'parameters', array());
         $error = array_get($value, 'error', null);
         $value = array_get($value, 'value', null);
         // split method
         $method_parts = explode(':', $method, 2);
         // were definitions valid?
         if (!$method || count($method_parts) !== 2 || !is_array($parameters)) {
             return false;
         // load API
         try {
             $api = Resource::loadAPI($method_parts[0]);
             // can this method be called?
             if (!is_callable(array($api, $method_parts[1]), false)) {
                 return false;
             // get the result of calling the method
             $result_value = call_user_func_array(array($api, $method_parts[1]), $parameters);
             // now compare the expected value with the actual value
             $result = $this->compareValues($value, $result_value, $comparison);
             // set optional user error
             if (!$result && $error) {
                 $this->flash->set('error', $error);
             return $result;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // something went wrong, this fails
             return false;
     } elseif ($rule === '_field') {
         // this is a complex field match
         // grab field definitions
         $field = array_get($value, 'field', null);
         $comparison = array_get($value, 'comparison', '==');
         $value = array_get($value, 'value', null);
         // were definitions valid?
         if (!$field) {
             return false;
         return $this->compareValues($value, $member->get($field, null), $comparison);
     } elseif ($rule === '_logged_in') {
         // this is checking if member is logged in
         return Auth::isLoggedIn() === $value;
     } elseif ($rule === '_ip_address') {
         // this is one or more IP address
         return $this->compareValues(Helper::ensureArray($value), Request::getIP(), '==');
     } else {
         // this is a simple field match
         return $this->compareValues($value, $member->get($rule, null), '==');
  * Target for the member:profile_form form
  * @return void
 public function member__update_profile()
     $site_root = Config::getSiteRoot();
     $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     $return = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'return', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     // is user logged in?
     if (!Auth::isLoggedIn()) {
         URL::redirect($this->fetchConfig('login_url', $site_root, null, false, false));
     // get current user
     $member = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     // get configurations
     $allowed_fields = array_get($this->loadConfigFile('fields'), 'fields', array());
     $role_definitions = $this->fetchConfig('role_definitions');
     // who are we editing?
     $username = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'username', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $username = !$username ? $member->get('username') : $username;
     // if the user isn't the current user, ensure that's allowed
     if ($username !== $member->get('username')) {
         // username is different from current user
         if (!array_get($role_definitions, 'edit_other_users', null) || !$member->hasRole($role_definitions['edit_other_users'])) {
             // this user does not have permission to do this
             $this->flash->set('update_profile_error', 'You are not allowed to edit another member’s profile.');
         } else {
             // all set, update member
             $member = Member::load($username);
     // get old values
     $old_values = $member->export();
     // set up iterators and flags
     $submission = array();
     // loop through allowed fields, validating and updating
     foreach ($allowed_fields as $field => $options) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$field])) {
             // was this username? that can be included separately
             if ($field === 'username') {
                 $value = $username;
             } else {
                 // field wasn't set, skip it
         } else {
             // set value
             $value = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $field, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
         // set value
         $old_values[$field] = $value;
         // don't store this value if `save_value` is set to `false`
         if (array_get($options, 'save_value', true)) {
             $member->set($field, $value);
         // add to submissions, including non-save_value fields because this
         // is the list that will be validated
         $submission[$field] = $value;
     // validate
     $errors = $this->tasks->validate($submission);
     if (count($errors)) {
         // errors were found, set a flash message and redirect
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_error', 'Member profile not updated.');
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_field_errors', $errors);
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_old_values', $old_values);
     } else {
         // save member
         // trigger a hook
         $this->runHook('profile_update', 'call', null, $member);
         // user saved
         $this->flash->set('update_profile_success', 'Member profile updated.');
         if ($return) {
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 11

$current_user = Auth::getCurrentMember();
$name = $current_user->get('name');
<!doctype html>
<html lang="<?php 
echo Config::getCurrentLanguage();
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
  <title>GKP Control Panel</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo Path::tidy(Config::getSiteRoot() . '/' . $app->config['theme_path']);
  <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php 
print Path::tidy(Config::getSiteRoot() . '/' . $app->config['theme_path']);
img/favicon.ico" />
      var transliterate = <?php 
echo json_encode(Config::get('custom_transliteration', array()));
      var content_type = "<?php 
echo Config::getContentType();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function profile()
     // parse parameters
     $username = $this->fetchParam(array('username', 'name', 'member'), null, false, false, false);
     $uid = $this->fetchParam('uid', null, false, false, false);
     if ($username) {
         // username
         return Member::getProfile($username);
     } elseif ($uid) {
         // uid
         return Member::getProfileByUID($uid);
     // neither of those? try the current user
     $user = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     if ($user) {
         $username = $user->get('name');
         return Member::getProfile($username);
     } else {
         return array('no_results' => true);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function redactor__fetch_images()
     if (!Auth::getCurrentMember()) {
         exit("Invalid Request");
     $dir = Path::tidy(ltrim(Request::get('path'), '/') . '/');
     $image_list = glob($dir . "*.{jpg,jpeg,gif,png}", GLOB_BRACE);
     $images = array();
     if (count($image_list) > 0) {
         foreach ($image_list as $image) {
             $images[] = array('thumb' => Config::getSiteRoot() . $image, 'image' => Config::getSiteRoot() . $image);
     echo json_encode($images);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Set up any and all global vars, tags, and other defaults
  * @return void
 public static function setDefaultTags()
     $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
     | User & Session Authentication
     | This may be overwritten later, but let's go ahead and set the default
     | layout file to start assembling our front-end view.
     $current_member = Auth::getCurrentMember();
     $app->config['logged_in'] = !is_null($current_member);
     $app->config['username'] = $current_member ? $current_member->get('username') : false;
     $app->config['is_admin'] = $current_member ? $current_member->hasRole('admin') : false;
     // current member data
     if ($current_member) {
         $app->config['current_member'] = array('logged_in' => !is_null($current_member), 'username' => $current_member->get('username')) + $current_member->export();
         // load up roles
         foreach ($current_member->get('roles') as $role) {
             $app->config['current_member']['is_' . $role] = 'true';
     | GET and POST global vars
     | Use these at your own risk, of course. Don't be stupid.
     $app->config['get'] = URL::sanitize($_GET);
     $app->config['post'] = URL::sanitize($_POST);
     $app->config['get_post'] = $app->config['get'] + $app->config['post'];
     $app->config['homepage'] = Config::getSiteRoot();
     $app->config['now'] = time();