Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Make sure the fields are correct
    if (!Attendance::checkAttendanceField($_POST['attendance']['taught']) || !Attendance::checkAttendanceField($_POST['attendance']['learn'])) {
        $page = Session::setImmediateError($page, 'You have not met the minimum word count for some of these fields, please try again.');
        // Set the field text so the user does not have to retype it
        $page['field']['taught'] = $_POST['attendance']['taught'];
        $page['field']['learn'] = $_POST['attendance']['learn'];
    } else {
        // Make sure the file name does not contain php in it
        if (strpos($_FILES['attendance']['name']['file'], 'php')) {
            Session::setError('File rejected');
        // Make the filename
        $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['attendance']['name']['file'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        $filename = Attendance::generateRandomFileName() . '.' . $extension;
        // Upload file path
        $uploadedFile = $GLOBALS['file-directory'] . basename($filename);
        if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attendance']['tmp_name']['file'], $uploadedFile)) {
            Session::setError('Unable to upload file, please try again.');
        $createAttendance = Attendance::createAttendance($bookingId, $page['booking']->workshopID, $_POST['attendance']['learn'], $_POST['attendance']['taught'], $filename);
        $updateBooking = UTSHelpsAPI::UpdateWorkshopBooking(['workshopId' => $page['booking']->workshopID, 'studentId' => User::getPaddedId(), 'Attended' => 1, 'Canceled' => 0, 'userId' => 123]);
        if ($createAttendance && $updateBooking != null && $updateBooking->IsSuccess == 1) {
            // Send the email notification
            $user = User::getUser();
            $message = Notification::renderEmail('emails/record-attendance.html', ['name' => $user['name'], 'bookingId' => $bookingId]);
            Notification::sendEmail($user['email'], $user['name'], 'Recorded Attendance', $message);
            Session::setSuccess('Successfully recorded attendance for this booking.');