/** * Assistant constructor. */ public function __construct() { if (Assistant::$idCounter === null) { $this->id = 1; Assistant::$idCounter = 1; } else { $this->id = ++Assistant::$idCounter; } $this->group = null; $this->preferredGroup = null; $this->doublePosition = false; $this->availability = array(); }
/** * @return Users */ public function getAssistants() { global $db; $time = time(); $users = array(); $query = "SELECT b.*, a.*\n FROM `permissions` AS a\n LEFT JOIN `" . AUTH_DATABASE . "`.`user_data` AS b\n ON b.`id` = a.`assigned_to`\n WHERE a.`assigned_by`=?\n AND (a.`valid_from` = '0' OR a.`valid_from` <= ?) AND (a.`valid_until` = '0' OR a.`valid_until` > ?)\n ORDER BY `valid_until` ASC"; $results = $db->GetAll($query, array($this->getID(), $time, $time)); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { $user = Assistant::fromArray($result); $users[] = $user; } } return new Users($users); }
include "Modules/toolbar.php"; // small Toolbar include "Modules/Tour/toolbar.php"; // main content if ($action == "new") { include "Modules/Tour/new_form.php"; } elseif ($action == "edit" && $tour_id != "") { $data = $tour->get($tour_id); include "Modules/Tour/edit_form.php"; } elseif ($action == "search" && var_post("search_entry", "") != "") { $search = var_post("search_entry", ""); $list_view = new NTKListView("list_view", array('Tournummer', 'Bezeichner'), "location.href = 'tour.php?action=edit&tour_id=%0%';"); $list_view->addLines($tour->get('', array('tour_id', 'name'), "tour_id LIKE '%{$search}%' OR name LIKE'%{$search}%'")); $main_box->add($list_view, -1, -1, "background-color: #dfe7f3; vertical-align: top;"); } elseif ($action == "list_tour") { $assistant = new Assistant(); $tour = new Tour(); $bill_box = new NTKHBox("bill_box", 0, 0); $bill_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "<b>Tournummer: " . $tour_id . " - Datum: " . $datum . "</b>"), False, False, "background-color: #dfe7f3;"); $bill_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "Kundennummer:"), 150); $bill_box->add(new NTKEntry("customer_id", ""), 120); $bill_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "Mitarbeiter:"), 120); $bill_box->add(new NTKComboBox("assistant_id", $assistant->get()), 120); $bill_box->add(new NTKLabel("", "Tour:"), 80); $bill_box->add(new NTKComboBox("tour_id", $tour->get()), 120); $bill_box->add(new NTKButton("bill_button", "Erstelle Rechnung", "document.forms['bill_form'].submit();"), 200); $bill_form = new NTKForm("bill_form", "tour.php", $bill_box); $bill_form->addAttribute("db_action", "tour_to_bill"); $bill_form->addAttribute("date", $datum); $bill_form->addAttribute("current_tour_id", $tour_id); $main_box->add($bill_form, 0, 0, "background-color: #dfe7f3; vertical-align: top;");
require_once "DataBase/Bill.php"; require_once "DataBase/Assistant.php"; require_once "DataBase/Customer.php"; require_once "DataBase/Product.php"; require_once "DataBase/Bill_Product.php"; require_once "DataBase/Price.php"; require_once "DataBase/Priceset.php"; require_once "DataBase/Tax.php"; $bill_id = var_get_post("bill_id", ""); $bill = new Bill(); $tmp = $bill->get($bill_id); $bill_data = $tmp[0]; $customer = new Customer(); $tmp = $customer->get($bill_data[1]); $customer_data = $tmp[0]; $assistant = new Assistant(); $tmp = $assistant->get($bill_data[4]); $assistant_data = $tmp[0]; $priceset = new Priceset(); $tmp = $priceset->get($customer_data[11]); $priceset_data = $tmp[0]; $bill_product = new Bill_Product(); $bill_product_data = $bill_product->getByBillId($bill_id); $product = new Product(); $price = new Price(); $tax = new Tax(); include "Druckvorlagen/zeilen.php"; include "Druckvorlagen/rechnung.php"; ?>
require_once "DataBase/Product.php"; require_once "DataBase/Group.php"; require_once "DataBase/Priceset.php"; require_once "DataBase/Price.php"; require_once "DataBase/Category.php"; require_once "DataBase/Tax.php"; require_once "DataBase/Assistant.php"; require_once "DataBase/Bill.php"; require_once "DataBase/Bill_Product.php"; $group = new Group(); $priceset = new Priceset(); $category = new Category(); $product = new Product(); $price = new Price(); $tax = new Tax(); $assistant = new Assistant(); $bill = new Bill(); $var_print = var_post("print", ""); $var_group_all = var_post("group_all", ""); $var_group = var_post("group", ""); $var_category_all = var_post("category_all", ""); $var_category = var_post("category", ""); $var_available = var_post("available", ""); $var_not_available = var_post("not_available", ""); $var_product_id_from = var_post("product_id_from", ""); $var_product_id_to = var_post("product_id_to", ""); $var_assistant = var_post("assistant", ""); $var_priceset = var_post("priceset", ""); $var_product_id = var_post("product_id", ""); $var_date_from = var_post("date_from", ""); $var_date_to = var_post("date_to", "");
/** * @param Assistant $assistant * @param School $school * @param int $group * @param string $day */ public function assignAssistantToSchool($assistant, $school, $group, $day) { $assistant->assignToSchool($school, $group, $day); $school->addAssistant($group, $day); }
<?php require_once "util.php"; require_once "DataBase/Assistant.php"; $db_action = var_get_post("db_action", ""); $assistant = new Assistant(); switch ($db_action) { case "new": $assistant->create(var_post("assistant_id", ""), array(var_post("prename", ""), var_post("postname", ""), var_post("street", ""), var_post("streetnumber", ""), var_post("plz", ""), var_post("city", ""), var_post("telephone", ""), var_post("telefax", ""), var_post("email", ""), var_post("tax_number", ""), var_post("blz", ""), var_post("bank_account", ""), var_post("additional", ""), var_post("utax_id", ""), var_post("bank_name", ""), var_post("bill_ext", ""))); break; case "edit": $assistant->update(var_post("assistant_id", ""), array(var_post("prename", ""), var_post("postname", ""), var_post("street", ""), var_post("streetnumber", ""), var_post("plz", ""), var_post("city", ""), var_post("telephone", ""), var_post("telefax", ""), var_post("email", ""), var_post("tax_number", ""), var_post("blz", ""), var_post("bank_account", ""), var_post("additional", ""), var_post("utax_id", ""), var_post("bank_name", ""), var_post("bill_ext", ""))); break; case "delete": $assistant->delete(var_get("assistant_id", "")); break; }