Ejemplo n.º 1
$asset_object = unserialize($_SESSION['asset_detail'][$group_id]);
if (!is_object($asset_object)) {
    throw new Exception(_('Error retrieving the asset data from memory'));
// Get the hosts from another groups
if ($asset_type == 'othergroups') {
    $where = " id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host_group_reference WHERE host_group_id = UNHEX('" . $group_id . "')) ";
    $filters['where'] = !empty($filters['where']) ? $where . ' AND ' . $filters['where'] : $where;
    list($host_list, $total) = Asset_host::get_list($conn, '', $filters, $cache);
} else {
    list($host_list, $total) = $asset_object->get_hosts($conn, $filters, FALSE);
$data = array();
foreach ($host_list as $host_id => $host_data) {
    $devices = Asset_host_devices::get_devices_to_string($conn, $host_id);
    // Asset Group details format
    if ($asset_type == 'group') {
        try {
            $delete_link = '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="del_asset_from_group(\'' . $host_id . '\');return false">';
            $delete_link .= '<img class="delete_small tipinfo" txt="' . _('Remove this asset from group') . '" src="/ossim/pixmaps/delete.png" border="0"/>';
            $delete_link .= '</a>';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $title = $e->getMessage();
            $delete_link = '<img class="delete_small img_disabled tipinfo" txt="' . $title . '" src="/ossim/pixmaps/delete.png" border="0"/>';
        $data[] = array($host_data['name'], $host_data['ips'], $host_data['fqdns'], $devices, Util::utf8_encode2($host_data['descr']), $delete_link);
    } elseif ($asset_type == 'net') {
        $data[] = array($host_data['name'], $host_data['ips'], $host_data['fqdns'], $devices, Util::utf8_encode2($host_data['descr']));
Ejemplo n.º 2
try {
    list($assets, $total) = Asset_host::get_full_list($conn, $tables, $filters);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $response = array();
    $response['sEcho'] = $sec;
    $response['iTotalRecords'] = 0;
    $response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = 0;
    $response['aaData'] = array();
    $response['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
    echo json_encode($response);
$detail = '';
$results = array();
foreach ($assets as $_id => $asset_data) {
    $d_types = Asset_host_devices::get_devices_to_string($conn, $_id);
    if (preg_match('/<br\\/>/', $d_types)) {
        $d_types = preg_replace('/<br\\/>.*/', '', $d_types) . '...';
    // COLUMNS
    $_res = array();
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_id;
    $_res[] = '';
    $_res[] = Util::htmlentities($asset_data['name']);
    $_res[] = Util::htmlentities(Asset::format_to_print($asset_data['ips']));
    $_res[] = $d_types;
    //Device Type
    $_res[] = $asset_data['os'];