Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function before()
     $manager = new StoryManager();
     $this->side_data['SectionList'] = $manager->sideData;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function _index($id = 0, $fileType = 'i')
     // if (!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
     // 	die('Ajax requests only...');
     // }
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->showSizeSlider = $showSizeSlider;
     $data->showAlignButtons = $showAlignButtons;
     $data->fileType = $fileType;
     $data->folders = $this->file_folders_m->get_folders();
     $data->subfolders = array();
     $data->current_folder = $id && isset($data->folders[$id]) ? $data->folders[$id] : ($data->folders ? current($data->folders) : array());
     // Select the images for the current folder. In the future the selection of the type could become dynamic.
     // For future reference: a => audio, v => video, i => image, d => document, o => other.
     if ($data->current_folder) {
         $data->current_folder->items = $this->file_m->order_by('date_added', 'DESC')->where('type', $fileType)->get_many_by('folder_id', $data->current_folder->id);
         $subfolders = $this->file_folders_m->folder_tree($data->current_folder->id);
         foreach ($subfolders as $subfolder) {
             $data->subfolders[$subfolder->id] = repeater('» ', $subfolder->depth) . $subfolder->name;
         // Set a default label
         $data->subfolders = $data->subfolders ? array($data->current_folder->id => lang('files.dropdown_root')) + $data->subfolders : array($data->current_folder->id => lang('files.dropdown_no_subfolders'));
     // Array for select
     $data->folders_tree = array();
     foreach ($data->folders as $folder) {
         $data->folders_tree[$folder->id] = repeater('» ', $folder->depth) . $folder->name;
     Asset::add_path('imagepicker', IMAGEPICKER_PATH . 'imagepicker/');
     $this->template->set_layout('modal')->append_js('imagepicker::imagepicker.js')->append_css('imagepicker::imagepicker.css')->build('files/admin/index', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @todo Document this please.
 public function __construct()
     // Not logged in or not an admin and don't have permission to see files
     if (!$this->current_user or $this->current_user->group !== 'admin' and (!isset($this->permissions['files']) or !isset($this->permissions['files']['wysiwyg']))) {
     ci()->admin_theme = $this->theme_m->get_admin();
     // Using a bad slug? Weak
     if (empty($this->admin_theme->slug)) {
         show_error('This site has been set to use an admin theme that does not exist.');
     // Make a constant as this is used in a lot of places
     defined('ADMIN_THEME') or define('ADMIN_THEME', $this->admin_theme->slug);
     // Set the location of assets
     Asset::add_path('module', APPPATH . 'modules/wysiwyg/');
     Asset::add_path('theme', $this->admin_theme->web_path . '/');
     $this->template->set_theme(ADMIN_THEME)->set_layout('wysiwyg', 'admin')->enable_parser(false)->append_css('module::wysiwyg.css')->append_css('jquery/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css')->append_js('jquery/jquery.js')->append_js('jquery/jquery-ui.min.js')->append_js('plugins.js')->append_js('module::wysiwyg.js');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct()
     $this->config_path = FCPATH . 'app/config';
     $this->upload_path = FCPATH . 'uploads/';
     include_once FCPATH . 'app/libraries/Asset.php';
     Asset::add_path(APPPATH . 'assets/', BASE_URL);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     $this->data = array();
     $this->error = array();
     // Load theme and template
     $CI = get_instance();
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     $CI->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     $CI->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     $CI->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // Get meta data for the module
     $this->template->module_details = $CI->module_details = $this->module_details = $CI->module;
     Asset::add_path('module', APPPATH . 'modules/' . $CI->module . '/views/');
     // Theme directory path
     Asset::add_path('theme', APPPATH . 'themes/default/');
     // Load language
     //Get language that was set in db
     $lang_cd = 'en';
     $lang_name = 'english';
     $row = $CI->setting_model->getSetting('config', 'config_language');
     if (isset($row)) {
         $lang_cd = isset($row['config_language']) ? $row['config_language'] : 'en';
         if ($lang_cd === 'vi') {
             $lang_name = 'vietnamese';
     $CI->session->set_userdata('config_language', $lang_cd);
     // Get language id from language table and set to session
     $where = array();
     $where['status'] = 1;
     $where['code'] = $lang_cd;
     $query = $CI->db->get_where('language', $where);
     $result = $query->row_array();
     if (isset($result['language_id'])) {
         $CI->session->set_userdata('config_language_id', $result['language_id']);
     // Load config
     // Load information for header
     $this->data['logo_img'] = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $this->session->userdata('config_logo');
     // Load menu
     // Load footer
     $this->data['shop_name'] = $this->session->userdata('config_name');
     $this->data['shop_address'] = $this->session->userdata('config_address');
     $this->data['shop_telephone'] = $this->session->userdata('config_telephone');
     $this->data['shop_email'] = $this->session->userdata('config_email');
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function before()
     if (!\Auth::check()) {
     $this->template->css = \Asset::css(array('style.css'), array(), 'layout', false);
     $this->template->js = \Asset::js(array('jquery-1.3.2.min.js', 'swfobject.js', 'jquery.uploadify.v2.1.0.min.js', 'jquery.application.js'), array(), 'layout', false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function run()
     // get settings
     $settings = $this->ci->pams_m->get_settings();
     // add path to module assets
     Asset::add_path('pam', 'addons/shared_addons/modules/pam/');
     if ($settings->jquery == 1) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function __construct()
     // First off set the db prefix
     // If we're on the MSM then we turn the session table off.
     $this->config->set_item('sess_use_database', false);
     // If using a URL not defined as a site, set this to stop the world ending
     defined('SITE_REF') or define('SITE_REF', 'core');
     // make sure they've ran the installer before trying to view our shiny panel
     $this->db->table_exists('sites') or redirect('installer');
     defined('ADMIN_THEME') or define('ADMIN_THEME', 'msm');
     defined('MSMPATH') or redirect('404');
     // define folders that we need to create for each new site
     ci()->locations = $this->locations = array(APPPATH . 'cache' => array('simplepie'), 'addons' => array('modules', 'widgets', 'themes'), 'data' => array());
     // Since we don't need to lock the lang with a setting like /admin and
     // the front-end we just define CURRENT_LANGUAGE exactly the same as AUTO_LANGUAGE
     // Load the Language files ready for output
     $this->lang->load(array('admin', 'buttons', 'global', 'sites/sites', 'users/user'));
     // Load all the required classes
     $this->load->model(array('sites_m', 'user_m', 'settings_m'));
     $this->load->library(array('session', 'form_validation', 'settings/settings'));
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     ci()->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     ci()->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     ci()->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     ci()->module_details = $this->module_details = array('slug' => 'sites');
     // Load helpers
     // Load ion_auth config so our user's settings (password length, etc) are in sync
     // Set the theme as a path for Asset library
     Asset::add_path('theme', MSMPATH . 'themes/' . ADMIN_THEME . '/');
     // check to make sure they're logged in
     if ($this->method !== 'login' and !$this->user_m->logged_in()) {
     $this->template->add_theme_location(MSMPATH . 'themes/');
     // Template configuration
     $this->template->append_css('theme::common.css')->append_js('jquery/jquery.cooki.js')->enable_parser(false)->set('super_username', $this->session->userdata('super_username'))->set_theme(ADMIN_THEME)->set_layout('default', 'admin');
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function run($options)
     //load library
     class_exists('Pmslider_m') or $this->load->model('pmaker/pmslider_m');
     class_exists('Pmslide_m') or $this->load->model('pmaker/pmslide_m');
     //get slider
     $slider = $this->pmslider_m->get_by('id', $options['slider']);
     //get slides
     $slides = $this->pmslide_m->get_slides($options['slider']);
     // add path to widget's assets
     Asset::add_path('pmcamera', 'addons/shared_addons/modules/pmaker/widgets/pm_camera/assets/');
     Asset::css('pmcamera::camera.css', false, 'camera');
     Asset::js('pmcamera::camera.js', false, 'camera');
     Asset::js('pmcamera::jquery.mobile.customized.min.js', false, 'camera');
     return array('options' => $options, 'slider' => $slider, 'slides' => $slides);
Ejemplo n.º 10
     * The construct checks for authorization then loads in settings for
     * all of the admin controllers.
     * @access	public
     * @return	void
    public function __construct()
        // Check the frontend hasnt been disabled by an admin
        if (!$this->settings->frontend_enabled && (empty($this->current_user) or $this->current_user->group != 'admin')) {
            header('Retry-After: 600');
            $error = $this->settings->unavailable_message ? $this->settings->unavailable_message : lang('cms_fatal_error');
            show_error($error, 503);
        // Load the current theme so we can set the assets right away
        ci()->theme = $this->theme_m->get();
        if (empty($this->theme->slug)) {
            show_error('This site has been set to use a theme that does not exist. If you are an administrator please ' . anchor('admin/themes', 'change the theme') . '.');
        // Set the theme as a path for Asset library
        Asset::add_path('theme', $this->theme->path . '/');
        // Support CDN URL's like Amazon CloudFront
        //		if (Settings::get('cdn_domain')) {
        //			$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off') ? 'https' : 'http';
        //			Asset::set_url($protocol . '://' . rtrim(Settings::get('cdn_domain'), '/') . '/');
        //		}
        // Set the theme view folder
				<script type="text/javascript">
					var APPPATH_URI = "' . APPPATH_URI . '";
					var BASE_URI = "' . BASE_URI . '";
        // Is there a layout file for this module?
        if ($this->template->layout_exists($this->module . '.html')) {
            $this->template->set_layout($this->module . '.html');
        } elseif ($this->template->layout_exists('default.html')) {
        // Make sure whatever page the user loads it by, its telling search robots the correct formatted URL
        //		$this -> template -> set_metadata('canonical', site_url($this -> uri -> uri_string()), 'link');
        // grab the theme options if there are any
        //		$this -> theme -> options = $this -> appcache -> model('theme_m', 'get_values_by', array( array('theme' => $this -> theme -> slug)));
        //		$this -> template -> settings = $this -> settings -> get_all();
        $this->template->server = $_SERVER;
        $this->template->theme = $this->theme;
        //		$this -> benchmark -> mark('public_controller_end');
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Load language, check flashdata, define https, load and setup the data 
  * for the admin theme
 public function __construct()
     // Load the Language files ready for output
     // Show error and exit if the user does not have sufficient permissions
     if (!self::_check_access()) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('cp_access_denied'));
     // If the setting is enabled redirect request to HTTPS
     if ($this->settings->admin_force_https and strtolower(substr(current_url(), 4, 1)) != 's') {
         redirect(str_replace('http:', 'https:', current_url()) . '?session=' . session_id());
     ci()->admin_theme = $this->theme_m->get_admin();
     // Using a bad slug? Weak
     if (empty($this->admin_theme->slug)) {
         show_error('This site has been set to use an admin theme that does not exist.');
     // make a constant as this is used in a lot of places
     defined('ADMIN_THEME') or define('ADMIN_THEME', $this->admin_theme->slug);
     // Set the location of assets
     Asset::add_path('theme', $this->admin_theme->web_path . '/');
     // grab the theme options if there are any
     ci()->theme_options = $this->pyrocache->model('theme_m', 'get_values_by', array(array('theme' => ADMIN_THEME)));
     // Active Admin Section (might be null, but who cares)
     $this->template->active_section = $this->section;
     // Template configuration
     $this->template->enable_parser(FALSE)->set('theme_options', $this->theme_options)->set_theme(ADMIN_THEME)->set_layout('default', 'admin');
     // trigger the run() method in the selected admin theme
     $class = 'Theme_' . ucfirst($this->admin_theme->slug);
     call_user_func(array(new $class(), 'run'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
     * Loads the gazillion of stuff, in Flash Gordon speed.
     * @todo Document properly please.
    public function __construct()
        // Check redirects if GET and Not AJAX
        if (!$this->input->is_ajax_request() and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
            $uri = trim(uri_string(), '/');
            if ($redirect = $this->redirect_m->get_from($uri)) {
                // Check if it was direct match
                if ($redirect->from == $uri) {
                    redirect($redirect->to, 'location', $redirect->type);
                // If it has back reference
                if (strpos($redirect->to, '$') !== FALSE) {
                    $from = str_replace('%', '(.*?)', $redirect->from);
                    $redirect->to = preg_replace('#^' . $from . '$#', $redirect->to, $uri);
                // Redirect with wanted redirect header type
                redirect($redirect->to, 'location', $redirect->type);
        // Check the frontend hasnt been disabled by an admin
        if (!$this->settings->frontend_enabled && (empty($this->current_user) or $this->current_user->group != 'admin')) {
            header('Retry-After: 600');
            $error = $this->settings->unavailable_message ? $this->settings->unavailable_message : lang('cms_fatal_error');
            show_error($error, 503);
        // -- Navigation menu -----------------------------------
        // Load the current theme so we can set the assets right away
        ci()->theme = $this->theme_m->get();
        if (empty($this->theme->slug)) {
            show_error('This site has been set to use a theme that does not exist. If you are an administrator please ' . anchor('admin/themes', 'change the theme') . '.');
        // Set the theme as a path for Asset library
        Asset::add_path('theme', $this->theme->path . '/');
        // Support CDN URL's like Amazon CloudFront
        if (Settings::get('cdn_domain')) {
            $protocol = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http';
            // Make cdn.pyrocms.com into https://cdn.pyrocms.com/
            Asset::set_url($protocol . '://' . rtrim(Settings::get('cdn_domain'), '/') . '/');
        // Set the theme view folder
				<script type="text/javascript">
					var APPPATH_URI = "' . APPPATH_URI . '";
					var BASE_URI = "' . BASE_URI . '";
        // Is there a layout file for this module?
        if ($this->template->layout_exists($this->module . '.html')) {
            $this->template->set_layout($this->module . '.html');
        } elseif ($this->template->layout_exists('default.html')) {
        // Make sure whatever page the user loads it by, its telling search robots the correct formatted URL
        $this->template->set_metadata('canonical', site_url($this->uri->uri_string()), 'link');
        // If there is a blog module, link to its RSS feed in the head
        if (module_exists('blog')) {
            $this->template->append_metadata('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . $this->settings->site_name . '" href="' . site_url('blog/rss/all.rss') . '" />');
        // Frontend data
        // grab the theme options if there are any
        $this->theme->options = $this->pyrocache->model('theme_m', 'get_values_by', array(array('theme' => $this->theme->slug)));
        // Assign segments to the template the new way
        $this->template->variables = $this->variables->get_all();
        $this->template->settings = $this->settings->get_all();
        $this->template->server = $_SERVER;
        $this->template->theme = $this->theme;
Ejemplo n.º 13

if (count($images) > 0) {
    $nivotheme = isset($options['theme']) ? $options['theme'] : 'default';
    $settings = isset($options['settings']) ? $options['settings'] : '';
    Asset::add_path('nivoslider', 'addons/shared_addons/widgets/nivoslider/');
    Asset::css('nivoslider::themes/' . $nivotheme . '/' . $nivotheme . '.css', false, 'nivoslider');
    Asset::css('nivoslider::nivo-slider.css', false, 'nivoslider');
    Asset::js('nivoslider::jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js', false, 'nivoslider');
    echo Asset::render_js('nivoslider');
    echo Asset::render_css('nivoslider');
<script type="text/javascript">
    echo $settings;
    <div class="slider-wrapper theme-<?php 
    echo $nivotheme;
        <div class="nivoSlider">
    foreach ($images as $image) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
<script type="text/javascript">var SITE_URL	= "<?php 
echo site_url();

$this->admin_theme = $this->theme_m->get_admin();
Asset::add_path('admin', $this->admin_theme->web_path . '/');

<script type="text/javascript">pyro = {};</script>
<script src="<?php 
echo Asset::get_filepath_js('admin::ckeditor/ckeditor.js');
<script src="<?php 
echo Asset::get_filepath_js('admin::ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js');

<script type="text/javascript">

	var instance;

	function update_instance()
		instance = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;

	(function($) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Load and set data for some common used libraries.
 public function __construct()
     // No record? Probably DNS'ed but not added to multisite
     if (!defined('SITE_REF')) {
         show_error('This domain is not set up correctly. Please go to ' . anchor('sites') . ' and log in to add this site.');
     // By changing the prefix we are essentially "namespacing" each site
     $this->db->set_dbprefix(SITE_REF . '_');
     // Load the cache library now that we know the siteref
     // Add the site specific theme folder
     $this->template->add_theme_location(ADDONPATH . 'themes/');
     // Migration logic helps to make sure PyroCMS is running the latest changes
     if (!($schema_version = $this->migration->current())) {
     } elseif (is_numeric($schema_version)) {
         log_message('debug', 'PyroCMS was migrated to version: ' . $schema_version);
     // With that done, load settings
     $this->load->library(array('session', 'settings/settings'));
     // Lock front-end language
     if (!(is_a($this, 'Admin_Controller') and $site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE)) {
         $site_public_lang = explode(',', Settings::get('site_public_lang'));
         if (in_array(AUTO_LANGUAGE, $site_public_lang)) {
             $site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE;
         } else {
             $site_lang = Settings::get('site_lang');
     // We can't have a blank language. If there happens
     // to be a blank language, let's default to English.
     if (!$site_lang) {
         $site_lang = 'en';
     // What language us being used
     defined('CURRENT_LANGUAGE') or define('CURRENT_LANGUAGE', $site_lang);
     $langs = $this->config->item('supported_languages');
     $pyro['lang'] = $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE];
     $pyro['lang']['code'] = CURRENT_LANGUAGE;
     // Set php locale time
     if (isset($langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) and sizeof($locale = (array) $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) > 1) {
         array_unshift($locale, LC_TIME);
         call_user_func_array('setlocale', $locale);
     // Reload languages
         $this->config->set_item('language', $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['folder']);
         $this->lang->is_loaded = array();
         $this->lang->load(array('errors', 'global', 'users/user', 'settings/settings', 'files/files'));
     } else {
         $this->lang->load(array('global', 'users/user', 'files/files'));
     // Use this to define hooks with a nicer syntax
     ci()->hooks =& $GLOBALS['EXT'];
     // Get user data
     $this->template->current_user = ci()->current_user = $this->current_user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     ci()->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     ci()->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     ci()->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // Loaded after $this->current_user is set so that data can be used everywhere
     $this->load->model(array('permissions/permission_m', 'addons/module_m', 'addons/theme_m', 'pages/page_m'));
     // List available module permissions for this user
     ci()->permissions = $this->permissions = $this->current_user ? $this->permission_m->get_group($this->current_user->group_id) : array();
     // load all modules (the Events library uses them all) and make their details widely available
     ci()->enabled_modules = $this->module_m->get_all();
     // now that we have a list of enabled modules
     // set defaults
     $this->template->module_details = ci()->module_details = $this->module_details = false;
     // now pick our current module out of the enabled modules array
     foreach (ci()->enabled_modules as $module) {
         if ($module['slug'] === $this->module) {
             // Set meta data for the module to be accessible system wide
             $this->template->module_details = ci()->module_details = $this->module_details = $module;
     // certain places (such as the Dashboard) we aren't running a module, provide defaults
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->module_details = array('name' => null, 'slug' => null, 'version' => null, 'description' => null, 'skip_xss' => null, 'is_frontend' => null, 'is_backend' => null, 'menu' => false, 'enabled' => 1, 'sections' => array(), 'shortcuts' => array(), 'is_core' => null, 'is_current' => null, 'current_version' => null, 'updated_on' => null);
     // added by ttg
     if ($this->module && $this->module != 'pages' && $this->uri->segment(1) != 'admin') {
     // If the module is disabled, then show a 404.
     empty($this->module_details['enabled']) and show_404();
     if (!$this->module_details['skip_xss']) {
         $_POST = $this->security->xss_clean($_POST);
     if ($this->module and isset($this->module_details['path'])) {
         Asset::add_path('module', $this->module_details['path'] . '/');
     // Enable profiler on local box
     if (isset($this->current_user->group) and $this->current_user->group === 'admin' and is_array($_GET) and array_key_exists('_debug', $_GET)) {
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function import($news_id = 0)
     if ($this->input->post()) {
         $upload_data = $this->upload_file();
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('import', 'Import', 'max_length[255]');
         if (isset($upload_data['upload_data']['file_name'])) {
             $excel = $upload_data['upload_data']['file_name'];
         } else {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('flashError', 'Unable to save the news.');
             redirect(site_url('admin/subjects/import/' . $id));
         $file = './uploads/excel/' . $excel;
         $objPHPExcel = $this->excel->load($file);
         $sheetData = $this->excel->reader->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, true, true);
         if ($sheetData != NULL || !empty($sheetData) || is_array($sheetData)) {
             foreach ($sheetData as $key => $subjects) {
                 if (is_numeric($subjects['A'])) {
                     $subjectdata['subject_code'] = $subjects['A'];
                     $subjectdata['subject_name'] = $subjects['B'];
                     $subjectdata['full_marks'] = $subjects['C'];
                     $subjectdata['pass_marks'] = $subjects['D'];
                     $subjectdata['type'] = $subjects['E'];
                     $this->db->insert('subjects', $subjectdata);
                     $this->session->set_flashdata('flashConfirm', 'The Excel file has Sucessfully Imported.');
     Asset::add_path('imagepicker', BASE_URL . 'addons/shared_addons/modules/imagepicker/');
     $this->data->news_options = $this->news_m->dropdown('id', 'title');
     $this->template->title($this->module_details['name'])->append_js('module::news.js')->build('admin/import', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * The construct loads sets up items needed application wide.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public function __construct()
     global $post_buffer;
     $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // No record? Probably DNS'ed but not added to multisite
     if (!defined('SITE_REF')) {
         show_error('This domain is not set up correctly. Please go to ' . anchor('sites') . ' and log in to add this site.');
     // Load the cache library now that we know the siteref
     // Migrate DB to the latest version
     //		$this->load->library('migration');
     # If App was just automatically updated, the update system will force a refresh.
     // With that done, load settings
     $this->load->library(array('session', 'settings/settings'));
     // Lock front-end language
     if (!(is_a($this, 'Admin_Controller') && ($site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE))) {
         $site_public_lang = explode(',', Settings::get('site_public_lang'));
         if (in_array(AUTO_LANGUAGE, $site_public_lang)) {
             $site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE;
         } else {
             $site_lang = Settings::get('site_lang');
     // What language us being used
     defined('CURRENT_LANGUAGE') or define('CURRENT_LANGUAGE', $site_lang);
     $langs = $this->config->item('supported_languages');
     $sitelang['lang'] = $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE];
     $sitelang['lang']['code'] = CURRENT_LANGUAGE;
     // Set php locale time
     if (isset($langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) && sizeof($locale = (array) $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) > 1) {
         array_unshift($locale, LC_TIME);
         call_user_func_array('setlocale', $locale);
     // Reload languages
         $this->config->set_item('language', $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['folder']);
         $this->lang->is_loaded = array();
         $this->lang->load(array('errors', 'global', 'users/user', 'settings/settings'));
     } else {
         $this->lang->load(array('global', 'users/user'));
     $this->load->library(array('events', 'users/ion_auth'));
     define('IS_AJAX', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
     define('IS_CLI', defined('STDIN'));
     // Create a hook point with access to instance but before custom code
     $this->current_user = $this->template->current_user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     $this->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     $this->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     $this->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // Loaded after $this->current_user is set so that data can be used everywhere
     $this->load->model(array('users/permission_m', 'modules/module_m', 'themes/theme_m'));
     // List available module permissions for this user
     $this->permissions = $this->current_user ? $this->permission_m->get_group($this->current_user->group_id) : array();
     // ! empty($this->permissions['users']['']);
     // Get meta data for the module
     $this->template->module_details = $this->module_details = $this->module_m->get($this->router->fetch_module());
     // If the module is disabled, then show a 404.
     empty($this->module_details['enabled']) and show_404();
     if (!$this->module_details['skip_xss']) {
         $_POST = $this->security->xss_clean($_POST);
     if ($this->module and isset($this->module_details['path'])) {
         Asset::add_path('module', $this->module_details['path'] . '/');
     log_message('debug', "My_Controller Class Initialized");
     $_POST = $this->process_input($_POST, $post_buffer);
     # Fix a bug with send_x_days_before.
     if (!Settings::get('send_x_days_before')) {
         Settings::create('send_x_days_before', 7);
Ejemplo n.º 18
<!--                --><?php 
//= (isset($navigation) ? $navigation : '' );

        </div><!-- End /.row-->
        <div class="row">
            <h1 >
echo isset($pageTitle) ? $pageTitle : '';
        </div><!-- End /.row-->
echo isset($content) ? $content : '';

    </div>    <!-- End /#wrapper .container-fluid   -->

    <!--    Add path to AngularJS app-->
echo Asset::add_path('app/', 'ngApp', ['js', 'html']);

    <!--  JS Libs  -->
echo Asset::js(['//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.3/angular.min.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.3/angular-animate.min.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-ui-bootstrap/0.12.1/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-ui-router/0.2.15/angular-ui-router.min.js', Asset::get_file('app.module.js', 'ngApp'), Asset::get_file('common/frontCover/frontCoverController.js', 'ngApp'), Asset::get_file('common/sidebar/sidebarController.js', 'ngApp'), Asset::get_file('common/header/headerController.js', 'ngApp'), Asset::get_file('components/blog/blogController.js', 'ngApp'), Asset::get_file('components/authentication/authenticationController.js', 'ngApp')]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function retrieve_assets($page, &$parent)
     if (isset($this->assets[$page])) {
         $dir = BASE_URL . 'addons/shared_addons/modules/';
         while (list($key, $options) = each($this->assets[$page])) {
             Asset::add_path($options[1], $dir . $options[1] . '/');
             $func = 'append_' . $options[0];
             $parent->template->{$func}($options[1] . '::' . $key);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function before()
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function get_login()
     return \Response::forge(\View::forge('login'));
Ejemplo n.º 22
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
echo Config::get('project_name', '');
Asset::add_path(ADMINPATH . 'assets/');
echo Asset::css(Config::get('admin.css'), array(), NULL, TRUE);
echo Asset::js(Config::get('admin.js'), array(), NULL, TRUE);
if (Auth::instance('SimpleAuth')->check()) {
		<form action="/admin" method="get">
			<input type="submit" value="Logout" name="logout" />
		<br />
		<div id="admin-tabs">
    foreach ($tabs as $key => $val) {
				<div class="tab <?php 
        if ($key == $table) {
            echo 'active';
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Load and set data for some common used libraries.
 public function __construct()
     // No record? Probably DNS'ed but not added to multisite
     if (!defined('SITE_REF')) {
         show_error('This domain is not set up correctly. Please go to ' . anchor('sites') . ' and log in to add this site.');
     // TODO: Work out what the hell this is...? Phil
     if (defined('STATUS')) {
     // By changing the prefix we are essentially "namespacing" each site
     $this->db->set_dbprefix(SITE_REF . '_');
     // Load the cache library now that we know the siteref
     // Add the site specific theme folder
     $this->template->add_theme_location(ADDONPATH . 'themes/');
     // Migration logic helps to make sure PyroCMS is running the latest changes
     if (!($schema_version = $this->migration->current())) {
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($schema_version)) {
             log_message('debug', 'PyroCMS was migrated to version: ' . $schema_version);
     // With that done, load settings
     $this->load->library(array('session', 'settings/settings'));
     // Lock front-end language
     if (!(is_a($this, 'Admin_Controller') && ($site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE))) {
         $site_public_lang = explode(',', Settings::get('site_public_lang'));
         if (in_array(AUTO_LANGUAGE, $site_public_lang)) {
             $site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE;
         } else {
             $site_lang = Settings::get('site_lang');
     // What language us being used
     defined('CURRENT_LANGUAGE') or define('CURRENT_LANGUAGE', $site_lang);
     $langs = $this->config->item('supported_languages');
     $pyro['lang'] = $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE];
     $pyro['lang']['code'] = CURRENT_LANGUAGE;
     // Set php locale time
     if (isset($langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) && sizeof($locale = (array) $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) > 1) {
         array_unshift($locale, LC_TIME);
         call_user_func_array('setlocale', $locale);
     // Reload languages
         $this->config->set_item('language', $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['folder']);
         $this->lang->is_loaded = array();
         $this->lang->load(array('errors', 'global', 'users/user', 'settings/settings', 'files/files'));
     } else {
         $this->lang->load(array('global', 'users/user', 'files/files'));
     $this->load->library(array('events', 'users/ion_auth'));
     // Use this to define hooks with a nicer syntax
     ci()->hooks =& $GLOBALS['EXT'];
     // Create a hook point with access to instance but before custom code
     // Get user data
     $this->template->current_user = ci()->current_user = $this->current_user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     ci()->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     ci()->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     ci()->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // Loaded after $this->current_user is set so that data can be used everywhere
     $this->load->model(array('permissions/permission_m', 'modules/module_m', 'pages/page_m', 'themes/theme_m'));
     // List available module permissions for this user
     ci()->permissions = $this->permissions = $this->current_user ? $this->permission_m->get_group($this->current_user->group_id) : array();
     // Get meta data for the module
     $this->template->module_details = ci()->module_details = $this->module_details = $this->module_m->get($this->module);
     // If the module is disabled, then show a 404.
     empty($this->module_details['enabled']) and show_404();
     if (!$this->module_details['skip_xss']) {
         $_POST = $this->security->xss_clean($_POST);
     if ($this->module and isset($this->module_details['path'])) {
         Asset::add_path('module', $this->module_details['path'] . '/');
     // Enable profiler on local box
     if (isset($this->current_user->group) and $this->current_user->group == 'admin' and is_array($_GET) and array_key_exists('_debug', $_GET)) {
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * The construct checks for authorization then loads in settings for
  * all of the admin controllers.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public function __construct()
     // Load the Language files ready for output
     if (in_array($this->method, $this->secured_methods) || in_array('_all_', $this->secured_methods)) {
         if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() and $this->method != 'no_internet_access') {
             $this->session->set_userdata('login_redirect', $this->uri->uri_string());
         // Be an admin or have access to this module a bit
         $module = $this->router->fetch_module();
         if (!$this->ion_auth->is_sadmin() and (empty($this->permissions) or $module !== 'dashboard' and empty($this->permissions[$module]))) {
             $this->session->set_userdata('error', lang('cp_access_denied'));
             // show_error('Permission Denied');
     // If the setting is enabled redirect request to HTTPS
     if ($this->settings->admin_force_https and strtolower(substr(current_url(), 4, 1)) != 's') {
         redirect(str_replace('http:', 'https:', current_url()) . '?session=' . session_id());
     ci()->admin_theme = $this->theme_m->get_admin();
     // Using a bad slug? Weak
     if (empty($this->admin_theme->slug)) {
         show_error('This site has been set to use an admin theme that does not exist.');
     // make a constant as this is used in a lot of places
     defined('ADMIN_THEME') or define('ADMIN_THEME', $this->admin_theme->slug);
     // Set the location of assets
     Asset::add_path('theme', $this->admin_theme->web_path . '/');
     // grab the theme options if there are any
     ci()->theme_options = $this->appcache->model('theme_m', 'get_values_by', array(array('theme' => ADMIN_THEME)));
     // Active Admin Section (might be null, but who cares)
     $this->template->active_section = $this->section;
     // Template configuration
     $this->template->enable_parser(FALSE)->set('theme_options', $this->theme_options)->set_theme('' . PAN::setting('admin_theme'))->set_layout('index');
     $this->template->set_partial('notifications', 'partials/notifications');
     $this->template->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     // Active Admin Section (might be null, but who cares)
     $this->template->active_section = $this->section;
     // Get the diskspace library
     // Get detils about the server
     $dUsage = new diskSpace(".");
     $this->template->perentagefree = $dUsage->percentage_free;
     // will output: Percentage Free: 93%
     $this->template->percentageused = $dUsage->percentage_used;
     // Setting up the base pagination config
     $this->pagination_config['per_page'] = Settings::get('items_per_page');
     $this->pagination_config['num_links'] = 5;
     $this->pagination_config['full_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['full_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['first_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['first_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['last_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['last_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['prev_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['prev_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['next_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['next_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['cur_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['cur_tag_close'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['num_tag_open'] = '';
     $this->pagination_config['num_tag_close'] = '';
     // Try to determine the pagination base_url
     $segments = $this->uri->segment_array();
     if ($this->uri->total_segments() >= 4) {
     if (Settings::get('application_debug') == true) {
     } else {
     $this->pagination_config['base_url'] = site_url(implode('/', $segments));
     $this->pagination_config['uri_segment'] = 4;
     // Add the theme path to the asset paths
     // trigger the run() method in the selected admin theme -
     $class = 'Theme_' . ucfirst($this->admin_theme->slug);
     call_user_func(array(new $class(), 'run'));
     log_message('debug', "Main_Controller Class Initialized");
Ejemplo n.º 25

Asset::add_path('news', 'addons/shared_addons/modules/news/');
Asset::js('news::jquery.bootstrap.newsbox.js', false, 'news');
Asset::js('news::init.js', false, 'news');
echo Asset::render_js('news');
{{ if options.type == 'scroll' }}

{{ news_widget }}
	<marquee scrollamount="3" onmouseover="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 0, 0);" onmouseout="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 6, 0);">
	{{ news }}
		<a href="{{url:site}}news/{{id}}" title="{{intro}}">{{intro}}</a>
	{{ /news }}
	{{ /news_widget }}
{{ endif }}

{{ if options.type == 'notice' }}

{{ news_widget }}
		<ul class="news-notice">
			{{ news }}
				<li><a href="{{url:site}}news/{{id}}" title="{{name}}">{{name}}</a>
				<p>{{ excerpt:excerpt text=body word_count="40" }}</p>
			{{ /news }}
{{ /news_widget }}
Ejemplo n.º 26
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
echo $head;
		<div id="wrapper">
			<div id="navigation">

echo $navigation;

			<div id="header">
echo $header;

			<div id="content">
echo $content;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Load language, check flashdata, define https, load and setup the data 
  * for the admin theme
 public function __construct()
     // Load the Language files ready for output
     // Show error and exit if the user does not have sufficient permissions
     if (!self::_check_access()) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('cp:access_denied'));
     // If the setting is enabled redirect request to HTTPS
     if ($this->settings->admin_force_https and strtolower(substr(current_url(), 4, 1)) != 's') {
         redirect(str_replace('http:', 'https:', current_url()) . '?session=' . session_id());
     ci()->admin_theme = $this->theme_m->get_admin();
     // Using a bad slug? Weak
     if (empty($this->admin_theme->slug)) {
         show_error('This site has been set to use an admin theme that does not exist.');
     // make a constant as this is used in a lot of places
     defined('ADMIN_THEME') or define('ADMIN_THEME', $this->admin_theme->slug);
     // Set the location of assets
     Asset::add_path('theme', $this->admin_theme->web_path . '/');
     // grab the theme options if there are any
     ci()->theme_options = $this->pyrocache->model('theme_m', 'get_values_by', array(array('theme' => ADMIN_THEME)));
     // Active Admin Section (might be null, but who cares)
     $this->template->active_section = $this->section;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Build Admin Navigation
     // -------------------------------------
     // We'll get all of the backend modules
     // from the DB and run their module items.
     // -------------------------------------
     if (is_logged_in()) {
         // Here's our menu array.
         $menu_items = array();
         // This array controls the order of the admin items.
         $this->template->menu_order = array('lang:cp:nav_content', 'lang:cp:nav_structure', 'lang:cp:nav_data', 'lang:cp:nav_users', 'lang:cp:nav_settings', 'lang:global:profile');
         //	$this->template->menu_order = array('lang:cp:nav_content', 'lang:cp:nav_structure', 'lang:cp:nav_data', 'lang:cp:nav_users', 'lang:cp:nav_settings', 'lang:global:profile');
         $modules = $this->module_m->get_all(array('is_backend' => true, 'group' => $this->current_user->group, 'lang' => CURRENT_LANGUAGE));
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             // If we do not have an admin_menu function, we use the
             // regular way of checking out the details.php data.
             if ($module['menu'] and (isset($this->permissions[$module['slug']]) or $this->current_user->group == 'admin')) {
                 // Legacy module routing. This is just a rough
                 // re-route and modules should change using their
                 // upgrade() details.php functions.
                 if ($module['menu'] == 'utilities') {
                     $module['menu'] = 'data';
                 if ($module['menu'] == 'design') {
                     $module['menu'] = 'structure';
                 $menu_items['lang:cp:nav_' . $module['menu']][$module['name']] = 'admin/' . $module['slug'];
             // If a module has an admin_menu function, then
             // we simply run that and allow it to manipulate the
             // menu array.
             if (method_exists($module['module'], 'admin_menu')) {
                 //echo "<pre>";
                 //	print_r($menu_items);;
         // We always have our
         // edit profile links and such.
         $menu_items['lang:global:profile'] = array('lang:cp:edit_profile_label' => 'edit-profile', 'lang:cp:logout_label' => 'admin/logout');
         // Order the menu items. We go by our menu_order array.
         $ordered_menu = array();
         foreach ($this->template->menu_order as $order) {
             if (isset($menu_items[$order])) {
                 $ordered_menu[lang_label($order)] = $menu_items[$order];
         // Any stragglers?
         if ($menu_items) {
             $translated_menu_items = array();
             // translate any additional top level menu keys so the array_merge works
             foreach ($menu_items as $key => $menu_item) {
                 $translated_menu_items[lang_label($key)] = $menu_item;
             $ordered_menu = array_merge_recursive($ordered_menu, $translated_menu_items);
         // And there we go! These are the admin menu items.
         $this->template->menu_items = $ordered_menu;
     // ------------------------------
     // Template configuration
     $this->template->enable_parser(false)->set('theme_options', $this->theme_options)->set_theme(ADMIN_THEME)->set_layout('default', 'admin');
     // trigger the run() method in the selected admin theme
     $class = 'Theme_' . ucfirst($this->admin_theme->slug);
     call_user_func(array(new $class(), 'run'));
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Prepare template
  * @access	protected
 protected function _prepare_template()
     $theme_path = \Config::get('app.frontend.template');
     if (null === $theme_path) {
         $theme_path = DOCROOT . 'themes/default/';
         \Config::set('app.frontend.template', $theme_path);
     \Asset::add_path($theme_path . 'assets/');
     if (true === $this->auto_render) {
         $this->template = \Hybrid\View::factory();
Ejemplo n.º 29
{{ if showcase_widget }}
Asset::add_path('showcase', 'addons/shared_addons/modules/product/widgets/cat_showcase/');
{{ asset:css file="showcase::logo_perspective.css" group="showcase" }}
{{ asset:js file="showcase::jquery-ui.1.9.2.js" group="showcase" }}
{{ asset:js file="showcase::jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js" group="showcase" }}
{{ asset:js file="showcase::logo_perspective.js" group="showcase" }}
{{ asset:render_js group="showcase" }}
{{ asset:render_css group="showcase" }}

		$(function() {
				skin: 'black',
				width: 1060,
				autoPlay: 2,
				borderColorON: '#4672a7'

Ejemplo n.º 30

if (count($images) > 0) {
    $settings = isset($options['settings']) ? $options['settings'] : '';
    Asset::add_path('flexslider', 'addons/shared_addons/widgets/flexslider/');
    Asset::css('flexslider::flexslider.css', false, 'flexslider');
    Asset::js('flexslider::jquery.flexslider-min.js', false, 'flexslider');
    echo Asset::render_js('flexslider');
    echo Asset::render_css('flexslider');
<script type="text/javascript">
    echo $settings;
        <div class="myflexslider">
          <ul class="slides">
    foreach ($images as $image) {
                <li><img src="<?php 
        echo $image->path;
" <?php 
        echo $options['captions'] === 'true' ? 'title="' . $image->name . '"' : null;