Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Implement user searching with SQL
  * NOTE: user with ID zero should never be returned
  * @param string  The query string
  * @param integer How many results to return
  * @param integer What result to start at (0 == first result)
  * @param data    Filters the users searched by
  *                can contain:
  *             'group' => integer, // only users in this group
  *             'owner' => boolean  // include the group ownwer (only if group is set)
  *             'exclude'=> int     // excludes a user
  * @return array  A data structure containing results looking like ...
  *         $results = array(
  *               count   => integer, // total number of results
  *               limit   => integer, // how many results are returned
  *               offset  => integer, // starting from which result
  *               data    => array(   // the result records
  *                   array(
  *                       id            => integer,
  *                       username      => string,
  *                       institution   => string,
  *                       firstname     => string,
  *                       lastname      => string,
  *                       preferredname => string,
  *                       email         => string,
  *                   ),
  *                   array(
  *                       id            => integer,
  *                       username      => string,
  *                       institution   => string,
  *                       firstname     => string,
  *                       lastname      => string,
  *                       preferredname => string,
  *                       email         => string,
  *                   ),
  *                   array(...),
  *               ),
  *           );
 public static function search_user($query_string, $limit, $offset = 0, $data = array())
     safe_require('artefact', 'internal');
     $publicfields = array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_public_fields());
     if (empty($publicfields)) {
         $publicfields = array('preferredname');
     if (is_postgres()) {
         return self::search_user_pg($query_string, $limit, $offset, $data, $publicfields);
     } else {
         if (is_mysql()) {
             return self::search_user_my($query_string, $limit, $offset, $data, $publicfields);
         } else {
             throw new SQLException('search_user() is not implemented for your database engine (' . get_config('dbtype') . ')');
 * Given a query string and limits, return an array of matching users using the
 * search plugin defined in config.php
 * @param string  The query string
 * @param integer How many results to return
 * @param integer What result to start at (0 == first result)
 * @return array  A data structure containing results looking like ...
 *         $results = array(
 *               count   => integer, // total number of results
 *               limit   => integer, // how many results are returned
 *               offset  => integer, // starting from which result
 *               results => array(   // the result records
 *                   array(
 *                       id            => integer,
 *                       username      => string,
 *                       institution   => string,
 *                       firstname     => string,
 *                       lastname      => string,
 *                       preferredname => string,
 *                       email         => string,
 *                   ),
 *                   array(
 *                       id            => integer,
 *                       username      => string,
 *                       institution   => string,
 *                       firstname     => string,
 *                       lastname      => string,
 *                       preferredname => string,
 *                       email         => string,
 *                   ),
 *                   array(...),
 *               ),
 *           );
function search_user($query_string, $limit, $offset = 0, $data = array())
    $plugin = get_config('searchplugin');
    safe_require('search', $plugin);
    safe_require('artefact', 'internal');
    $publicfields = array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_public_fields());
    if (empty($publicfields)) {
        $publicfields = array('preferredname');
    $fieldlist = "('" . join("','", $publicfields) . "')";
    $results = call_static_method(generate_class_name('search', $plugin), 'search_user', $query_string, $limit, $offset, $data);
    if ($results['data']) {
        $userlist = '(' . join(',', array_map(create_function('$u', 'return (int)$u[\'id\'];'), $results['data'])) . ')';
        $public_fields = get_records_sql_array('
                u.id, a.artefacttype, a.title
                {usr} u
                LEFT JOIN {artefact} a ON u.id=a.owner AND a.artefacttype IN ' . $fieldlist . '
                u.id IN ' . $userlist . '
            ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, u.id, a.artefacttype', array());
        $public_fields_byuser = array();
        if (!empty($public_fields)) {
            foreach ($public_fields as $field) {
                // This will be null if the user does not have a field marked public
                if ($field->artefacttype !== null) {
                    $public_fields_byuser[$field->id][$field->artefacttype] = $field->title;
        foreach ($results['data'] as &$result) {
            $result['name'] = display_name($result);
            if (isset($public_fields_byuser[$result['id']])) {
                foreach ($public_fields_byuser[$result['id']] as $field => $value) {
                    $result[$field] = $value;
            if (isset($result['country'])) {
                $result['country'] = get_string('country.' . $result['country']);
    return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Implement user searching with SQL
  * NOTE: user with ID zero should never be returned
  * @param string  The query string
  * @param integer How many results to return
  * @param integer What result to start at (0 == first result)
  * @param data    Filters the users searched by
  *                can contain:
  *             'group' => integer, // only users in this group
  *             'owner' => boolean  // include the group ownwer (only if group is set)
  *             'exclude'=> int     // excludes a user
  * @return array  A data structure containing results looking like ...
  *         $results = array(
  *               count   => integer, // total number of results
  *               limit   => integer, // how many results are returned
  *               offset  => integer, // starting from which result
  *               data    => array(   // the result records
  *                   array(
  *                       id            => integer,
  *                       username      => string,
  *                       institution   => string,
  *                       firstname     => string,
  *                       lastname      => string,
  *                       preferredname => string,
  *                       email         => string,
  *                   ),
  *                   array(
  *                       id            => integer,
  *                       username      => string,
  *                       institution   => string,
  *                       firstname     => string,
  *                       lastname      => string,
  *                       preferredname => string,
  *                       email         => string,
  *                   ),
  *                   array(...),
  *               ),
  *           );
 public static function search_user($query_string, $limit, $offset = 0, $data = array())
     safe_require('artefact', 'internal');
     $publicfields = array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_public_fields());
     if (empty($publicfields)) {
         $publicfields = array('preferredname');
     $fieldlist = '(' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $publicfields)) . ')';
     $ilike = db_ilike();
     $data = self::prepare_search_user_options($data);
     $sql = '
             COUNT(DISTINCT u.id)
         FROM {artefact} a
             INNER JOIN {usr} u ON u.id = a.owner';
     if (isset($data['group'])) {
         $groupadminsql = '';
         if (isset($data['includeadmins']) and !$data['includeadmins']) {
             $groupadminsql = " AND gm.role != 'admin'";
         $groupjoin = '
             INNER JOIN {group_member} gm ON
                 (gm.member = u.id AND gm.group = ' . (int) $data['group'] . $groupadminsql . ")\n";
         $sql .= $groupjoin;
     $sql .= "\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr_account_preference} h ON (u.id = h.usr AND h.field = 'hiderealname')";
     $querydata = split(' ', preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', strtolower(trim($query_string))));
     $hidenameallowed = get_config('userscanhiderealnames') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
     $searchusernamesallowed = get_config('searchusernames') ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
     $namesql = "(u.preferredname {$ilike} '%' || ? || '%')\n                    OR ((u.preferredname IS NULL OR u.preferredname = '' OR NOT {$hidenameallowed} OR h.value != '1')\n                        AND (u.firstname {$ilike} '%' || ? || '%' OR u.lastname {$ilike} '%' || ? || '%'))\n                    OR ({$searchusernamesallowed} AND u.username {$ilike} '%' || ? || '%')\n                    OR (a.artefacttype IN {$fieldlist}\n                        AND ( a.title {$ilike} '%' || ? || '%'))";
     $namesql = join('
                 OR ', array_fill(0, count($querydata), $namesql));
     $values = array();
     foreach ($querydata as $w) {
         $values = array_pad($values, count($values) + 5, $w);
     $where = '
             u.id <> 0 AND u.active = 1 AND u.deleted = 0
             AND (
                 ' . $namesql . '
             ' . (isset($data['exclude']) ? 'AND u.id != ' . $data['exclude'] : '') . '
     $sql .= $where;
     $count = count_records_sql($sql, $values);
     $result = array('count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'data' => false);
     if ($count < 1) {
         return $result;
     if (is_postgres()) {
         $sql = '
         SELECT DISTINCT ON (' . $data['orderby'] . ')
             u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.preferredname, u.email, u.staff
         FROM {artefact} a
             INNER JOIN {usr} u ON u.id = a.owner';
     } else {
         if (is_mysql()) {
             // @todo This is quite possibly not correct. See the postgres
             // query. It should be DISTINCT ON the fields as specified by the
             // postgres query. There is a workaround by using SELECT * followed
             // by GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, but it's not really valid SQL. The other
             // way is to rewrite the query using a self join on the usr table.
             $sql = '
             u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.preferredname, u.email, u.staff
         FROM {artefact} a
             INNER JOIN {usr} u ON u.id = a.owner';
         } else {
             throw new SQLException('search_user() not implemented for your database engine (' . get_config('dbtype') . ')');
     if (isset($data['group'])) {
         $sql .= $groupjoin;
     $sql .= "\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr_account_preference} h ON (u.id = h.usr AND h.field = 'hiderealname')";
     $sql .= $where . '
         ORDER BY ' . $data['orderby'];
     $result['data'] = get_records_sql_array($sql, $values, $offset, $limit);
     if ($result['data']) {
         foreach ($result['data'] as &$item) {
             $item = (array) $item;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function rebuild_users()
     log_debug('Starting rebuild_users()');
     $users = get_recordset('usr', 'deleted', '0');
     safe_require('artefact', 'internal');
     $publicfields = array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_public_fields());
     while ($user = $users->FetchRow()) {
         if ($user['id'] == 0) {
     log_debug('Completed rebuild_users()');