Ejemplo n.º 1
        // The tutor might not have access to the view any more; send
        // them back to the group page.
$javascript = array('paginator', 'viewmenu', 'author');
$blocktype_js = $view->get_all_blocktype_javascript();
$javascript = array_merge($javascript, $blocktype_js['jsfiles']);
$inlinejs = "addLoadEvent( function() {\n" . join("\n", $blocktype_js['initjs']) . "\n});";
// If the view has comments turned off, tutors can still leave
// comments if the view is submitted to their group.
if (!empty($releaseform) || ($commenttype = $view->user_comments_allowed($USER))) {
    $defaultprivate = !empty($releaseform);
    $moderate = isset($commenttype) && $commenttype === 'private';
    $addfeedbackform = pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::add_comment_form($defaultprivate, $moderate));
if ($USER->is_logged_in()) {
    $objectionform = pieform(objection_form());
    if ($notrudeform = notrude_form()) {
        $notrudeform = pieform($notrudeform);
$viewbeingwatched = (int) record_exists('usr_watchlist_view', 'usr', $USER->get('id'), 'view', $viewid);
$commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options();
$commentoptions->limit = $limit;
$commentoptions->offset = $offset;
$commentoptions->showcomment = $showcomment;
$commentoptions->view = $view;
$feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions);
// Set up theme
Ejemplo n.º 2
        array_unshift($artefactpath, array('url' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'view/artefact.php?artefact=' . $parent . '&view=' . $viewid, 'title' => $parentobj->display_title()));
    $parent = $parentobj->get('parent');
$artefactpath[] = array('url' => '', 'title' => $artefact->display_title());
// Feedback
$feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($limit, $offset, $showcomment, $view, $artefact);
$javascript = <<<EOF
var viewid = {$viewid};
addLoadEvent(function () {
    paginator = {$feedback->pagination_js}
if ($artefact->get('allowcomments')) {
    $anonfeedback = !$USER->is_logged_in() && view_has_token($viewid, get_cookie('viewaccess:' . $viewid));
    $addfeedbackform = pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::add_comment_form(false, $artefact->get('approvecomments')));
$objectionform = pieform(objection_form());
if ($notrudeform = $view->notrude_form()) {
    $notrudeform = pieform($notrudeform);
$viewbeingwatched = (int) record_exists('usr_watchlist_view', 'usr', $USER->get('id'), 'view', $viewid);
$headers = array('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'theme/views.css">');
$hasfeed = false;
$feedlink = '';
// add a link to the ATOM feed in the header if the view is public
if ($artefact->get('artefacttype') == 'blog' && $view->is_public()) {
    $hasfeed = true;
    $feedlink = get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/blog/atom.php?artefact=' . $artefactid . '&view=' . $viewid;
    $headers[] = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="' . $feedlink . '" />';