Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @abstract	Using junaio with LLA Markers or other references for creating highly accurate indoor experiences
 * 				Learnings:
 * 					- receive encoded lat, long, alt positions from the LLA markers
 * 					- manually override the users positions (deactivate the GPS)
 * 					- switching POIs visible on the fly
require_once '../ARELLibrary/arel_xmlhelper.class.php';
//make sure to provide the lla marker tracking configuration
ArelXMLHelper::start(NULL, "arel/index.html", ArelXMLHelper::TRACKING_LLA_MARKER);
//first arrow
$arrowObject = ArelXMLHelper::createLocationBasedModel3D("arrow1", "Arrow", "resources/arrow.zip", "resources/arrow.png", array(37.783248, -122.403244, 0), array(600, 600, 600), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERRAD, array(1.57, 0, 2.37)));
//set the poi invisible in liveview, mapview/listview and radar
$arrowObject->setVisibility(false, false, false);
//move the arrow a little down
$arrowObject->setTranslation(array(0, 0, -1500));
//second arrow
$arrowObject = ArelXMLHelper::createLocationBasedModel3D("arrow2", "Arrow", "resources/arrow.zip", "resources/arrow.png", array(37.783212, -122.403192, 0), array(600, 600, 600), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERRAD, array(1.57, 0, 2.37)));
//set the poi invisible in liveview, mapview/listview and radar
$arrowObject->setVisibility(false, false, false);
//move the arrow a little down
$arrowObject->setTranslation(array(0, 0, -1500));
//1. Sound POI
$oObject = ArelXMLHelper::createLocationBasedPOI("conf1", "Conference Room 1", array(37.783294, -122.403299, 0), "resources/1.png", "resources/1.png", "This is Conference Room 1 with many interesting sessions going on today.", array());
//set the poi invisible in liveview, mapview/listview and radar
$oObject->setVisibility(false, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * 				Learnings:
 * 					- create two Location Based 3D Models using the Arel XML Helper
 * 					- place the metaio man and the t-rex relative to the user's current position
 * 					- use 1 obj and 1 md2 model
require_once '../ARELLibrary/arel_xmlhelper.class.php';
if (!empty($_GET['l'])) {
    $position = explode(",", $_GET['l']);
} else {
    trigger_error("user position (l) missing. For testing, please provide a 'l' GET parameter with your request. e.g. pois/search/?l=23.34534,11.56734,0");
//calculate the position of T-Rex based on the position of the request. An offset is added to the latitude value.
$tRexLocation = $position;
$tRexLocation[0] += 4.0E-5;
//metaio man location
$metaioManLocation = $position;
$metaioManLocation[1] += 4.0E-5;
//use the Arel Helper to start the output with arel
//start output
ArelXMLHelper::start(NULL, NULL, ArelXMLHelper::TRACKING_GPS);
//T-Rex as static obj
$oObject = ArelXMLHelper::createLocationBasedModel3D("trex", "The T-Rex", "http://dev.junaio.com/publisherDownload/junaio_model_obj.zip", NULL, $tRexLocation, array(5, 5, 5), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, array(0, -90, 0)));
//metiao man md2
$oObject = ArelXMLHelper::createLocationBasedModel3D("metaioMan", "The metaio Man", "http://dev.junaio.com/publisherDownload/tutorial/metaioman.md2", "http://dev.junaio.com/publisherDownload/tutorial/metaioman.png", $metaioManLocation, array(20, 20, 20), new ArelRotation(ArelRotation::ROTATION_EULERDEG, array(0, 0, -90)));
//output the object
//end the output