Ejemplo n.º 1
function createTestShow($showNumber, $showTime, $duration = "1:00")
    $data = array();
    $strTime = $showTime->format("Y-m-d H:i");
    echo "Adding show: {$strTime}\n";
    $data['add_show_name'] = 'automated show ' . $showNumber;
    $data['add_show_start_date'] = $showTime->format("Y-m-d");
    $data['add_show_start_time'] = $showTime->format("H:i");
    $data['add_show_duration'] = $duration;
    $data['add_show_no_end'] = 0;
    $data['add_show_repeats'] = 0;
    $data['add_show_description'] = 'automated show';
    $data['add_show_url'] = 'http://www.OfirGal.com';
    $data['add_show_color'] = "";
    $data['add_show_genre'] = "Ofir";
    $data['add_show_background_color'] = "";
    $data['add_show_record'] = 0;
    $data['add_show_hosts'] = "";
    $showId = Application_Model_Show::create($data);
    //echo "show created, ID: $showId\n";
    // populating the show with a playlist
    $instances = Application_Model_Show::getShows($showTime, $showTime);
    $instance = array_pop($instances);
    $show = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($instance["instance_id"]);
    //echo "Adding playlist to show instance ".$show->getShowInstanceId()."\n";
    //echo "done\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function SendMessageToShowRecorder($event_type)
     $exchange = 'airtime-pypo';
     $now = new DateTime("@" . time());
     //in UTC timezone
     $end_timestamp = new DateTime("@" . (time() + 3600 * 2));
     //in UTC timezone
     $temp = array();
     $temp['event_type'] = $event_type;
     $temp['server_timezone'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetTimezone();
     if ($event_type == "update_recorder_schedule") {
         $temp['shows'] = Application_Model_Show::getShows($now, $end_timestamp, $onlyRecord = true);
     $data = json_encode($temp);
     self::sendMessage($exchange, $data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns data related to the scheduled items.
  * @param  int  $p_prev
  * @param  int  $p_next
  * @return date
 public static function GetPlayOrderRange($p_prev = 1, $p_next = 1)
     //Everything in this function must be done in UTC. You will get a swift kick in the pants if you mess that up.
     if (!is_int($p_prev) || !is_int($p_next)) {
         //must enter integers to specify ranges
         Logging::info("Invalid range parameters: {$p_prev} or {$p_next}");
         return array();
     $utcNow = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $shows = Application_Model_Show::getPrevCurrentNext($utcNow);
     $previousShowID = count($shows['previousShow']) > 0 ? $shows['previousShow'][0]['instance_id'] : null;
     $currentShowID = count($shows['currentShow']) > 0 ? $shows['currentShow'][0]['instance_id'] : null;
     $nextShowID = count($shows['nextShow']) > 0 ? $shows['nextShow'][0]['instance_id'] : null;
     $results = self::GetPrevCurrentNext($previousShowID, $currentShowID, $nextShowID, $utcNow);
     $range = array("env" => APPLICATION_ENV, "schedulerTime" => $utcNow->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "previous" => $results['previous'] != null ? $results['previous'] : (count($shows['previousShow']) > 0 ? $shows['previousShow'][0] : null), "current" => $results['current'] != null ? $results['current'] : (count($shows['currentShow']) > 0 && $shows['currentShow'][0]['record'] == 1 ? $shows['currentShow'][0] : null), "next" => $results['next'] != null ? $results['next'] : (count($shows['nextShow']) > 0 ? $shows['nextShow'][0] : null), "currentShow" => $shows['currentShow'], "nextShow" => $shows['nextShow']);
     return $range;
 public function switchSourceAction()
     $sourcename = $this->_getParam('sourcename');
     $current_status = $this->_getParam('status');
     $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
     $user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
     $show = Application_Model_Show::getCurrentShow();
     $show_id = isset($show[0]['id']) ? $show[0]['id'] : 0;
     $source_connected = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceStatus($sourcename);
     if ($user->canSchedule($show_id) && ($source_connected || $sourcename == 'scheduled_play' || $current_status == "on")) {
         $change_status_to = "on";
         if (strtolower($current_status) == "on") {
             $change_status_to = "off";
         $data = array("sourcename" => $sourcename, "status" => $change_status_to);
         Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("switch_source", $data);
         if (strtolower($current_status) == "on") {
             Application_Model_Preference::SetSourceSwitchStatus($sourcename, "off");
             $this->view->status = "OFF";
             //Log table updates
             Application_Model_LiveLog::SetEndTime($sourcename == 'scheduled_play' ? 'S' : 'L', new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
         } else {
             Application_Model_Preference::SetSourceSwitchStatus($sourcename, "on");
             $this->view->status = "ON";
             //Log table updates
             Application_Model_LiveLog::SetNewLogTime($sourcename == 'scheduled_play' ? 'S' : 'L', new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
     } else {
         if ($source_connected) {
             $this->view->error = _("You don't have permission to switch source.");
         } else {
             if ($sourcename == 'scheduled_play') {
                 $this->view->error = _("You don't have permission to disconnect source.");
             } else {
                 $this->view->error = _("There is no source connected to this input.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function init()
     // retrieves the length limit for each char field
     // and store to assoc array
     $maxLens = Application_Model_Show::getMaxLengths();
     // Hidden element to indicate whether the show is new or
     // whether we are updating an existing show.
     $this->addElement('hidden', 'add_show_id', array('decorators' => array('ViewHelper')));
     // Hidden element to indicate the instance id of the show
     // being edited.
     $this->addElement('hidden', 'add_show_instance_id', array('decorators' => array('ViewHelper')));
     // Add name element
     $this->addElement('text', 'add_show_name', array('label' => 'Name:', 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => true, 'filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'validators' => array('NotEmpty'), 'value' => 'Untitled Show', 'validators' => array(array('StringLength', false, array(0, $maxLens['name'])))));
     // Add URL element
     $this->addElement('text', 'add_show_url', array('label' => 'URL:', 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => false, 'filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'validators' => array('NotEmpty', array('StringLength', false, array(0, $maxLens['url'])))));
     // Add genre element
     $this->addElement('text', 'add_show_genre', array('label' => 'Genre:', 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => false, 'filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'validators' => array(array('StringLength', false, array(0, $maxLens['genre'])))));
     // Add the description element
     $this->addElement('textarea', 'add_show_description', array('label' => 'Description:', 'required' => false, 'class' => 'input_text_area', 'validators' => array(array('StringLength', false, array(0, $maxLens['description'])))));
     $descText = $this->getElement('add_show_description');
     $descText->setDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/add-show-block.phtml', 'class' => 'block-display'))));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
        $con = Propel::getConnection();
        $hours = $deltaMin / 60;
        $hours = $hours > 0 ? floor($hours) : ceil($hours);
        $mins = abs($deltaMin % 60);
        $today_timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $starts = $this->getShowInstanceStart();
        $ends = $this->getShowInstanceEnd();
        if (strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($starts)) {
            return "can't resize a past show";
        //$sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'";
        $sql = "SELECT timestamp :ends + interval :deltaDays + interval :deltaTime";
        $now_ends = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':ends' => $ends, ':deltaDays' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':deltaTime' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), 'column');
        //only need to check overlap if show increased in size.
        if (strtotime($new_ends) > strtotime($ends)) {
            $utcStartDateTime = new DateTime($ends, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
            $utcEndDateTime = new DateTime($new_ends, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
            $overlap = Application_Model_Show::getShows($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime);
            if (count($overlap) > 0) {
                // TODO : fix ghetto error handling -- RG
                return "Should not overlap shows";
        //with overbooking no longer need to check already scheduled content still fits.
        //must update length of all rebroadcast instances.
        if ($this->isRecorded()) {
            $sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_instances
SET ends = (ends + interval :deltaDays + interval :interval)
WHERE rebroadcast = 1
  AND instance_id = :instanceId;
            Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':deltaDays' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':instanceId' => $this->_instanceId), 'execute');
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Enter description here ...
 public function makeContextMenu()
     $menu = array();
     $now = time();
     $baseUrl = Application_Common_OsPath::getBaseDir();
     $isAdminOrPM = $this->currentUser->isAdminOrPM();
     $isHostOfShow = $this->currentUser->isHostOfShow($this->ccShow->getDbId());
     //DateTime objects in UTC
     $startDT = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
     $endDT = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbEnds(null);
     $start = $startDT->getTimestamp();
     $end = $endDT->getTimestamp();
     //show has ended
     if ($now > $end) {
         if ($this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
             $ccFile = $this->ccShowInstance->getCcFiles();
             if (!isset($ccFile)) {
                 $menu["error when recording"] = array("name" => _("Record file doesn't exist"), "icon" => "error");
             } else {
                 $menu["view_recorded"] = array("name" => _("View Recorded File Metadata"), "icon" => "overview", "url" => $baseUrl . "library/edit-file-md/id/" . $ccFile->getDbId());
             //recorded show can be uploaded to soundcloud
             if (Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) {
                 $scid = $ccFile->getDbSoundcloudId();
                 if ($scid > 0) {
                     $menu["soundcloud_view"] = array("name" => _("View on Soundcloud"), "icon" => "soundcloud", "url" => $ccFile->getDbSoundcloudLinkToFile());
                 $text = is_null($scid) ? _('Upload to SoundCloud') : _('Re-upload to SoundCloud');
                 $menu["soundcloud_upload"] = array("name" => $text, "icon" => "soundcloud");
         } else {
             $menu["content"] = array("name" => _("Show Content"), "icon" => "overview", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/show-content-dialog");
     } else {
         // Show content can be modified from the calendar if:
         // the user is admin or hosting the show,
         // the show is not recorded
         $currentShow = Application_Model_Show::getCurrentShow();
         $currentShowId = count($currentShow) == 1 ? $currentShow[0]["id"] : null;
         $showIsLinked = $this->ccShow->isLinked();
         if ($now < $end && ($isAdminOrPM || $isHostOfShow) && !$this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
             //if the show is not linked the user can add/remove content
             if (!$showIsLinked) {
                 $menu["schedule"] = array("name" => _("Add / Remove Content"), "icon" => "add-remove-content", "url" => $baseUrl . "showbuilder/builder-dialog/");
                 //if the show is linked and it's not currently playing the user can add/remove content
             } elseif ($showIsLinked && $currentShowId != $this->ccShow->getDbId()) {
                 $menu["schedule"] = array("name" => _("Add / Remove Content"), "icon" => "add-remove-content", "url" => $baseUrl . "showbuilder/builder-dialog/");
         if ($now < $start && ($isAdminOrPM || $isHostOfShow) && !$this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
             $menu["clear"] = array("name" => _("Remove All Content"), "icon" => "remove-all-content", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/clear-show");
         //"Show Content" should be a menu item at all times except when
         //the show is recorded
         if (!$this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
             $menu["content"] = array("name" => _("Show Content"), "icon" => "overview", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/show-content-dialog");
         //show is currently playing and user is admin
         if ($start <= $now && $now < $end && $isAdminOrPM) {
             if ($this->ccShowInstance->isRecorded()) {
                 $menu["cancel_recorded"] = array("name" => _("Cancel Current Show"), "icon" => "delete");
             } else {
                 $menu["cancel"] = array("name" => _("Cancel Current Show"), "icon" => "delete");
         $excludeIds = $this->ccShow->getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds();
         $isRepeating = $this->ccShow->isRepeating();
         $populateInstance = false;
         if ($isRepeating && in_array($this->ccShowInstance->getDbId(), $excludeIds)) {
             $populateInstance = true;
         if (!$this->ccShowInstance->isRebroadcast() && $isAdminOrPM) {
             if ($isRepeating) {
                 if ($populateInstance) {
                     $menu["edit"] = array("name" => _("Edit This Instance"), "icon" => "edit", "url" => $baseUrl . "Schedule/populate-repeating-show-instance-form");
                 } else {
                     $menu["edit"] = array("name" => _("Edit"), "icon" => "edit", "items" => array());
                     $menu["edit"]["items"]["all"] = array("name" => _("Edit Show"), "icon" => "edit", "url" => $baseUrl . "Schedule/populate-show-form");
                     $menu["edit"]["items"]["instance"] = array("name" => _("Edit This Instance"), "icon" => "edit", "url" => $baseUrl . "Schedule/populate-repeating-show-instance-form");
             } else {
                 $menu["edit"] = array("name" => _("Edit Show"), "icon" => "edit", "_type" => "all", "url" => $baseUrl . "Schedule/populate-show-form");
         //show hasn't started yet and user is admin
         if ($now < $start && $isAdminOrPM) {
             //show is repeating so give user the option to delete all
             //repeating instances or just the one
             if ($isRepeating) {
                 $menu["del"] = array("name" => _("Delete"), "icon" => "delete", "items" => array());
                 $menu["del"]["items"]["single"] = array("name" => _("Delete This Instance"), "icon" => "delete", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/delete-show-instance");
                 $menu["del"]["items"]["following"] = array("name" => _("Delete This Instance and All Following"), "icon" => "delete", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/delete-show");
             } elseif ($populateInstance) {
                 $menu["del"] = array("name" => _("Delete"), "icon" => "delete", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/delete-show-instance");
             } else {
                 $menu["del"] = array("name" => _("Delete"), "icon" => "delete", "url" => $baseUrl . "schedule/delete-show");
     return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function cancelShowAction()
     $user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
     if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) {
         $showInstanceId = $this->_getParam('id');
         try {
             $showInstance = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($showInstanceId);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->view->show_error = true;
             return false;
         $show = new Application_Model_Show($showInstance->getShowId());
         $this->view->show_id = $showInstance->getShowId();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function checkLiveStreamAuthAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $username = $request->getParam('username');
     $password = $request->getParam('password');
     $djtype = $request->getParam('djtype');
     if ($djtype == 'master') {
         //check against master
         if ($username == Application_Model_Preference::GetLiveStreamMasterUsername() && $password == Application_Model_Preference::GetLiveStreamMasterPassword()) {
             $this->view->msg = true;
         } else {
             $this->view->msg = false;
     } elseif ($djtype == "dj") {
         //check against show dj auth
         $showInfo = Application_Model_Show::getCurrentShow();
         // there is current playing show
         if (isset($showInfo[0]['id'])) {
             $current_show_id = $showInfo[0]['id'];
             $CcShow = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($current_show_id);
             // get custom pass info from the show
             $custom_user = $CcShow->getDbLiveStreamUser();
             $custom_pass = $CcShow->getDbLiveStreamPass();
             // get hosts ids
             $show = new Application_Model_Show($current_show_id);
             $hosts_ids = $show->getHostsIds();
             // check against hosts auth
             if ($CcShow->getDbLiveStreamUsingAirtimeAuth()) {
                 foreach ($hosts_ids as $host) {
                     $h = new Application_Model_User($host['subjs_id']);
                     if ($username == $h->getLogin() && md5($password) == $h->getPassword()) {
                         $this->view->msg = true;
             // check against custom auth
             if ($CcShow->getDbLiveStreamUsingCustomAuth()) {
                 if ($username == $custom_user && $password == $custom_pass) {
                     $this->view->msg = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->view->msg = false;
             } else {
                 $this->view->msg = false;
         } else {
             // no show is currently playing
             $this->view->msg = false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function hasBeenUpdatedSince($timestamp, $instances)
     $outdated = false;
     $shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($this->startDT, $this->endDT);
     $include = array();
     if ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
         $include[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
     } elseif ($this->opts["myShows"] === 1) {
         $include = $this->getUsersShows();
     $currentInstances = array();
     foreach ($shows as $show) {
         if (empty($include) || in_array($show["show_id"], $include)) {
             $currentInstances[] = $show["instance_id"];
             if (isset($show["last_scheduled"])) {
                 $dt = new DateTime($show["last_scheduled"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
             } else {
                 $dt = new DateTime($show["created"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
             //check if any of the shows have a more recent timestamp.
             $showTimeStamp = intval($dt->format("U"));
             if ($timestamp < $showTimeStamp) {
                 $outdated = true;
     //see if the displayed show instances have changed. (deleted,
     //empty schedule etc)
     if ($outdated === false && count($instances) !== count($currentInstances)) {
         Logging::debug("show instances have changed.");
         $outdated = true;
     return $outdated;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param DateTime $start
  *          -in UTC time
  * @param DateTime $end
  *          -in UTC time
  * @param boolean $editable
 public static function &getFullCalendarEvents($p_start, $p_end, $p_editable = false)
     $events = array();
     $interval = $p_start->diff($p_end);
     $days = $interval->format('%a');
     $shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($p_start, $p_end);
     $content_count = Application_Model_ShowInstance::getContentCount($p_start, $p_end);
     $isFull = Application_Model_ShowInstance::getIsFull($p_start, $p_end);
     $displayTimezone = new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone());
     $utcTimezone = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
     $now = new DateTime("now", $utcTimezone);
     foreach ($shows as &$show) {
         $options = array();
         //only bother calculating percent for week or day view.
         if (intval($days) <= 7) {
             $options["percent"] = Application_Model_Show::getPercentScheduled($show["starts"], $show["ends"], $show["time_filled"]);
         if (isset($show["parent_starts"])) {
             $parentStartsDT = new DateTime($show["parent_starts"], $utcTimezone);
         $startsDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d G:i:s", $show["starts"], $utcTimezone);
         $endsDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d G:i:s", $show["ends"], $utcTimezone);
         if ($p_editable) {
             if ($show["record"] && $now > $startsDT) {
                 $options["editable"] = false;
             } elseif ($show["rebroadcast"] && $now > $parentStartsDT) {
                 $options["editable"] = false;
             } elseif ($now < $endsDT) {
                 $options["editable"] = true;
         $options["show_empty"] = array_key_exists($show['instance_id'], $content_count) ? 0 : 1;
         if (array_key_exists($show['instance_id'], $isFull)) {
             $options["show_partial_filled"] = !$isFull[$show['instance_id']];
         } else {
             $options["show_partial_filled"] = true;
         $event = array();
         $event["id"] = intval($show["instance_id"]);
         $event["title"] = $show["name"];
         $event["start"] = $startsDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $event["end"] = $endsDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $event["allDay"] = false;
         $event["showId"] = intval($show["show_id"]);
         $event["linked"] = intval($show["linked"]);
         $event["record"] = intval($show["record"]);
         $event["rebroadcast"] = intval($show["rebroadcast"]);
         $event["soundcloud_id"] = is_null($show["soundcloud_id"]) ? -1 : $show["soundcloud_id"];
         //for putting the now playing icon on the show.
         if ($now > $startsDT && $now < $endsDT) {
             $event["nowPlaying"] = true;
         } else {
             $event["nowPlaying"] = false;
         //event colouring
         if ($show["color"] != "") {
             $event["textColor"] = "#" . $show["color"];
         if ($show["background_color"] != "") {
             $event["color"] = "#" . $show["background_color"];
         foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
             $event[$key] = $value;
         $events[] = $event;
     return $events;
 public function getCurrentPlaylistAction()
     $range = Application_Model_Schedule::GetPlayOrderRange();
     $show = Application_Model_Show::getCurrentShow();
     /* Convert all UTC times to localtime before sending back to user. */
     $range["schedulerTime"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["schedulerTime"]);
     if (isset($range["previous"])) {
         $range["previous"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["previous"]["starts"]);
         $range["previous"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["previous"]["ends"]);
     if (isset($range["current"])) {
         $range["current"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["current"]["starts"]);
         $range["current"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["current"]["ends"]);
     if (isset($range["next"])) {
         $range["next"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["next"]["starts"]);
         $range["next"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["next"]["ends"]);
     Application_Common_DateHelper::convertTimestamps($range["currentShow"], array("starts", "ends", "start_timestamp", "end_timestamp"), "user");
     Application_Common_DateHelper::convertTimestamps($range["nextShow"], array("starts", "ends", "start_timestamp", "end_timestamp"), "user");
     //TODO: Add timezone and timezoneOffset back into the ApiController's results.
     $range["timezone"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::getUserTimezoneAbbreviation();
     $range["timezoneOffset"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::getUserTimezoneOffset();
     $source_status = array();
     $switch_status = array();
     $live_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceStatus("live_dj");
     $master_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceStatus("master_dj");
     $scheduled_play_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("scheduled_play");
     $live_dj_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("live_dj");
     $master_dj_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("master_dj");
     //might not be the correct place to implement this but for now let's just do it here
     $source_status['live_dj_source'] = $live_dj;
     $source_status['master_dj_source'] = $master_dj;
     $this->view->source_status = $source_status;
     $switch_status['live_dj_source'] = $live_dj_switch;
     $switch_status['master_dj_source'] = $master_dj_switch;
     $switch_status['scheduled_play'] = $scheduled_play_switch;
     $this->view->switch_status = $switch_status;
     $this->view->entries = $range;
     $this->view->show_name = isset($show[0]) ? $show[0]["name"] : "";
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function addUpdateShow($data, $controller, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate = null, $update = false, $instanceId = null)
     $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
     $user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
     $isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
     $isSaas = Application_Model_Preference::GetPlanLevel() != 'disabled';
     $record = false;
     $formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
     $formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
     $formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
     $formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
     $formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
     $formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
     $what = $formWhat->isValid($data);
     $when = $formWhen->isValid($data);
     $live = $formLive->isValid($data);
     if ($when) {
         $when = $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate, $update, $instanceId);
     //The way the following code works is that is parses the hour and
     //minute from a string with the format "1h 20m" or "2h" or "36m".
     //So we are detecting whether an hour or minute value exists via strpos
     //and then parse appropriately. A better way to do this in the future is
     //actually pass the format from javascript in the format hh:mm so we don't
     //have to do this extra String parsing.
     $hPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'h');
     $mPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'm');
     $hValue = 0;
     $mValue = 0;
     if ($hPos !== false) {
         $hValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], 0, $hPos));
     if ($mPos !== false) {
         $hPos = $hPos === false ? 0 : $hPos + 1;
         $mValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], $hPos, -1));
     $data["add_show_duration"] = $hValue . ":" . $mValue;
     if (!$isSaas) {
         $formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR();
         $formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates();
         $formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates();
         $record = $formRecord->isValid($data);
     if ($data["add_show_repeats"]) {
         $repeats = $formRepeats->isValid($data);
         if ($repeats) {
             $repeats = $formRepeats->checkReliantFields($data);
         if (!$isSaas) {
             //make it valid, results don't matter anyways.
             $rebroadAb = 1;
             if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
                 $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->isValid($data);
                 if ($rebroad) {
                     $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data);
             } else {
                 $rebroad = 1;
     } else {
         $repeats = 1;
         if (!$isSaas) {
             //make it valid, results don't matter anyways.
             $rebroad = 1;
             if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
                 $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->isValid($data);
                 if ($rebroadAb) {
                     $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data);
             } else {
                 $rebroadAb = 1;
     $who = $formWho->isValid($data);
     $style = $formStyle->isValid($data);
     if ($what && $when && $repeats && $who && $style && $live) {
         if (!$isSaas) {
             if ($record && $rebroadAb && $rebroad) {
                 if ($isAdminOrPM) {
                 //send back a new form for the user.
                 //$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $controller->view->what = $formWhat;
                 $controller->view->when = $formWhen;
                 $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
                 $controller->view->who = $formWho;
                 $controller->view->style = $formStyle;
                 $controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
                 $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
                 $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
                 $controller->view->live = $formLive;
                 //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow;
                 //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
                 return false;
         } else {
             if ($isAdminOrPM) {
             //send back a new form for the user.
             //$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
             return true;
     } else {
         $controller->view->what = $formWhat;
         $controller->view->when = $formWhen;
         $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
         $controller->view->who = $formWho;
         $controller->view->style = $formStyle;
         $controller->view->live = $formLive;
         if (!$isSaas) {
             $controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
             $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
             $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
         //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow;
         //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param DateTime $start
  *          -in UTC time
  * @param DateTime $end
  *          -in UTC time
  * @param boolean $editable
 public static function &getFullCalendarEvents($p_start, $p_end, $p_editable = false)
     $events = array();
     $interval = $p_start->diff($p_end);
     $days = $interval->format('%a');
     $shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($p_start, $p_end);
     $nowEpoch = time();
     $content_count = Application_Model_ShowInstance::getContentCount($p_start, $p_end);
     $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     foreach ($shows as $show) {
         $options = array();
         //only bother calculating percent for week or day view.
         if (intval($days) <= 7) {
             $options["percent"] = Application_Model_Show::getPercentScheduled($show["starts"], $show["ends"], $show["time_filled"]);
         $utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
         if (isset($show["parent_starts"])) {
             $parentStartsDT = new DateTime($show["parent_starts"], $utc);
             $parentStartsEpoch = intval($parentStartsDT->format("U"));
         $startsDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d G:i:s", $show["starts"], $utc);
         $endsDT = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d G:i:s", $show["ends"], $utc);
         $startsEpochStr = $startsDT->format("U");
         $endsEpochStr = $endsDT->format("U");
         $startsEpoch = intval($startsEpochStr);
         $endsEpoch = intval($endsEpochStr);
         $startsDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
         $endsDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
         if ($p_editable) {
             if ($show["record"] && $nowEpoch > $startsEpoch) {
                 $options["editable"] = false;
             } elseif ($show["rebroadcast"] && $nowEpoch > $parentStartsEpoch) {
                 $options["editable"] = false;
             } elseif ($nowEpoch < $endsEpoch) {
                 $options["editable"] = true;
         $showInstance = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($show["instance_id"]);
         $options["show_empty"] = array_key_exists($show['instance_id'], $content_count) ? 0 : 1;
         $events[] =& self::makeFullCalendarEvent($show, $options, $startsDT, $endsDT, $startsEpochStr, $endsEpochStr);
     return $events;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function getShowList($startDT, $endDT)
     $user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
     $shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($startDT, $endDT);
     Logging::info($startDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     Logging::info($endDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     //need to filter the list to only their shows
     if ($user->isHost()) {
         $showIds = array();
         foreach ($shows as $show) {
             $showIds[] = $show["show_id"];
         $showIds = array_unique($showIds);
         $hostRecords = CcShowHostsQuery::create()->filterByDbHost($user->getId())->filterByDbShow($showIds)->find($this->con);
         $filteredShowIds = array();
         foreach ($hostRecords as $record) {
             $filteredShowIds[] = $record->getDbShow();
         $filteredShows = array();
         foreach ($shows as $show) {
             if (in_array($show["show_id"], $filteredShowIds)) {
                 $filteredShows[] = $show;
     } else {
         $filteredShows = $shows;
     $timezoneUTC = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
     $timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
     foreach ($filteredShows as &$result) {
         //need to display the results in the station's timezone.
         $dateTime = new DateTime($result["starts"], $timezoneUTC);
         $result["starts"] = $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $dateTime = new DateTime($result["ends"], $timezoneUTC);
         $result["ends"] = $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     return $filteredShows;