Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function poiAction()
     echo "<pre>";
     $filename = "data/lonelyplanet-london-gapdaemon.xml";
     $xml_parser = new Base_Xml_Parser(null, $filename);
     $destinationName = $xml_parser->Data['destination_name'];
     //----insert into continent
     $continent_id = 0;
     $continentM = new Application_Model_Continent();
     $continent = $continentM->fetchRow("name='{$destinationName}'");
     if (false !== $continent) {
         $continent_id = $continent->getId();
     //----insert into country
     $country_id = 0;
     $countryM = new Application_Model_Country();
     $country = $countryM->fetchRow("name='{$destinationName}'");
     if (false !== $country) {
         $country_id = $country->getId();
     ///------insert into city
     $city_id = 0;
     $cityM = new Application_Model_City();
     $city = $cityM->fetchRow("name='{$destinationName}'");
     if (false !== $city) {
         $city_id = $city->getId();
     if ($city_id > 0) {
         //it is city
         $locationType = "city";
         $locationId = $city_id;
     } else {
         if ($country_id > 0) {
             //it is country
             $locationType = "country";
             $locationId = $country_id;
         } else {
             if ($continent_id > 0) {
                 //it is continent
                 $locationType = "continent";
                 $locationId = $continent_id;
             } else {
                 //create a place/city and get the reference id/location id
                 ///------insert into city
                 $city_id = 0;
                 $cityM = new Application_Model_City();
                 $city_id = $cityM->save();
                 $locationType = "other";
                 $locationId = $city_id;
     error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
     foreach ($xml_parser->Data['pois']['poi'] as $poi) {
         $poiM = new Application_Model_Poi();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function xmlAction()
     echo "<pre>";
     $filename = "data/sample - Chiang Mai.xml";
     $xml_parser = new Base_Xml_Parser(null, $filename);
     $continentName = $xml_parser->Data['identification']['geoTag1'];
     $countryName = $xml_parser->Data['identification']['geoTag2'];
     $cityName = $xml_parser->Data['identification']['geoTag3'];
     //----insert into continent
     $continent_id = 0;
     $continentM = new Application_Model_Continent();
     $continent = $continentM->fetchRow("name='{$continentName}'");
     if (false === $continent) {
         $continent_id = $continentM->save();
     } else {
         $continent_id = $continent->getId();
     //----insert into country
     $country_id = 0;
     $countryM = new Application_Model_Country();
     $country = $countryM->fetchRow("name='{$countryName}' and continent_id='{$continent_id}'");
     if (false === $country) {
         $country_id = $countryM->save();
     } else {
         $country_id = $country->getId();
     ///------insert into city
     $city_id = 0;
     $cityM = new Application_Model_City();
     $city = $cityM->fetchRow("name='{$cityName}' and country_id='{$country_id}'");
     if (false === $city) {
         $city_id = $cityM->save();
     } else {
         $city_id = $city->getId();
     if ($continent_id > 0 && $country_id > 0 && $city_id > 0) {
         //it is city
         $locationType = "city";
         $locationId = $city_id;
     } else {
         if ($continent_id > 0 && $country_id > 0) {
             //it is country
             $locationType = "country";
             $locationId = $country_id;
         } else {
             if ($continent_id > 0) {
                 //it is continent
                 $locationType = "continent";
                 $locationId = $continent_id;
     $title = $xml_parser->Data['content']['title'];
     $introduction = $xml_parser->Data['content']['introduction'];
     $destinationM = new Application_Model_Destination();
     $destination_id = $destinationM->save();
     foreach ($xml_parser->Data['content']['experiences'] as $experiences) {
         foreach ($experiences as $_item) {
             $experiencesM = new Application_Model_Experiences();
     foreach ($xml_parser->Data['content']['practicalities'] as $practicalities) {
         foreach ($practicalities as $_item) {
             $practicalitiesM = new Application_Model_Practicalities();
     foreach ($xml_parser->Data['content']['eatSleepDrink'] as $eatsleepdrink) {
         foreach ($eatsleepdrink as $_item) {
             $EatSleepDrinkM = new Application_Model_EatSleepDrink();